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  • suggestion required for making charts?

    I need to develop dynamic charts for a web application. Please suggest me which technology should i use to develop such chart.

    Client requirement is that charts should be very interactive so i cant use HTML Tables for developing charts.

    Also if possible, suggest me some websites for that...

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • DateTime comparison , unable to find error?

    m using access as backend and VB.NET as front end

    have 1 row wid (DateTime type) date as 31-1-2008 and 1 row wid date 1-2-2008 in table test1

    i need 2 retrieve the records of date given prior to mentioned date

    query passed= "select * from Test1 where TransactionDate <#" +fromDateTimePicker.Value.Date + "#"


    when i pass date as 1-february-2008, the no of records retrieved are 0 where it should return 1 record

    when i pass date as 2-februrary-2008, the no of records retrieved are 2

    whr am i going wrong?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VB.NET insert into database table issue, cant find error,HELP!!!?

    i wrote this code, which is connecting to the database but not inserting a new row in it...

    please help, its urgent (I'm using VS2008 and MS SQL Server 2005)

    problem is tht its not inserting the row in d database and showing "Share added"


    Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")



    Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter("select Scripts from Shares", con)

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim i As Integer


    For i = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

    If (ShareIdTextBox.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)(0)) Then

    MsgBox("Share with given script already exists")



    Exit Sub

    End If


    Dim str As String = "insert into Shares values(@Scripts,@ShareName,@ShareSymbol)"

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str, con)

    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Scripts", ShareIdTextBox.Text)

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ShareName", ShareNameTextBox.Text)

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ShareSymbol", ShareSymbolTextBox.Text)

    MsgBox("Share added ")





    Catch ex As Exception

    Dim i As MsgBoxResult = MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore, "Exception")

    If i = MsgBoxResult.Abort Then


    ElseIf i = MsgBoxResult.Retry Then






    End If



    End Try

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • THAPAR V/S NITK(surathkal)?

    hey ppl

    i gt a seat in MCA in NIT surathkal and have gt rank 5 in thapar entrance

    where shld i head nw

    m very confused and need serious help as soon as possible coz both are good institutes but like all i;d like to go to the better one.............

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • difference between windows 95 and windows 98 and windows NT server?

    hi ppl

    i couldnt find much abt it on net

    need a hand here......

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • binomial problem?

    Question : The number of integral terms in the expansion of is:

    1. 129

    2. 128

    3. 130

    4. 131

    i knw the answer is 129 but how to get tht no clue.. plz help

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • brief idea: cissp?

    hey ppl..

    i have to make a presentation and i need a brief view of CISSP certification....

    plzz help

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • YES certification by Novell?

    i have to make a presentation but m not able to understand what is it...

    plz i need help

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • How to copy a DVD in Windows Vista?

    earlier i was running Xp and was using nero 7 to copy and burn dvd's

    but Vista is not supporting nero 7

    i dont knw how to copy a dvd using Vista

    help me plz....

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • certifications presentation?

    hey ppl

    i'm supposed to give a presentation in my class for an internal subject on "PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS IN COMPUTER INDUSTRY"

    plz tell me the in certifications and if possible plz give me a link for information abt it.

    my teacher said it should be very informative!!!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • mind and body heart and soul?

    where can i download the song composed by shankar ehsaan and loy for visa power....

    5 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago