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Lv 31,323 points

Viola H

Favorite Answers9%

HI. I'm Viola. I'm 22 years old and live in Missouri.

  • Is this malpractice and or negligence?

    In January I gave birth to a baby girl. She passed away 4 hours later from a condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Her case was severe, most of her organs were in her chest cavity and her liver was the size of a fist. I had multiple ultrasounds during my pregnancies, at least 6, because I'm a type 1 diabetic. This condition is usually diagnosed during pregnancy and I'm wondering how this wasn't seen? Seeing as it was such a severe case, her organs were in the wrong area, and her liver was so huge. I kept being told she looked "perfect" I even elected to have my tubes tied and while they were tying my tubes they called my husband back to tell him something was wrong with our daughter. Now I can't have children again unless I try a tubal reversal, if it even works. Not to mention that there is a surgery that can be performed while pregnant that might have saved my daughters life. Is this something I should pursue? Thoughts?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Everest Online free laptop?

    I'm enrolled in Everest Online, I was told I would be recieving a laptop computer and if I graduate its their gift to me. This all sounds great, but I've also heard stuff online back and forth about this. Someone said they never got theirs...Can anyone comment on this? Have you recieved yours?

  • We settled our claim, now we need to sign a release form, how long will this take?

    Ok the insurance company is State Farm, we settled our case, accepted the offer and they said their sending a release form for us to sign(this happened today). How long from now will it take before we get the check? Do they send it out immediatly after we sign and send back the release? Or do they send someone out(I know they send someone out for car damage settlement) but this is medical bills, pain, and suffering. Does anyone know? This was just a simple claim, other person admitted fault, etc.

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula? is it right?

    if found this online and we are in the middle of negotiations with an insurance adjuster for our auto accident claim. Should I use this? Is this a good way to start? Or is it totally useless?

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • how much does it cost to replace a thermostate in a '98 chevy cavalier?

    we need to get ours replaced, i do understand in most cases its cheaper to do it yourself but im deathly afraid of screwing it up. I know that its usually around 65 an hour for a mechanic but i need to know if this will be difficult in this car and how many hours it will take and how much the thermostat costs. any help would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Pain and, husband, and child...whats fair?

    we had a car accident, the other persons fault, the car damages were already figured and they cut us a check for that already but we're still working on the pain and suffering. me and our 10 month old son were ok, no injuries, but my husband had to go to the E.R. and turned out to be he had something pinched in his spinal cord. we havnt gotten the bill in yet but i heard it should be at least double of what his bill will be, but what im wondering is if my son and i will get pain and suffering? does anyone know? im in oklahoma and its under state farm.

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • 10 weeks pregnant groin this normal?

    I'm 10 weeks pregnant and thus im in my first trimester. Every once and a while I get a shart pain in my groin. Is this normal? I know it says that round ligament pains come in the second trimester so I don't know.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • foul smelling discharge during pregnancy?

    Ok im about 9 weeks along and im having more discharge and it smells. is this normal?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • does soonercare in oklahoma cover the insulin pump?

    I'm a type 1 pregnant diabetic

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • diabetic before pregnancy?

    Ive been diabetic since I was thirteen, so for ten years now, my blood sugar has not been good until recently.(somewhat) anyway Im on my own with this for at least three weeks, I have insulin and needles Im just looking for some good advice for taking it right now. I know they dont want us taking it all day after its gone up because it needs to be prevented not just treated and was wondering if anyone knows of a good sliding scale for morning and night treatment to prevent my sugar from going up and down all day long.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any moms to be hate their doctors?

    I know im a diabetic and thus a high risk, but it just seems to me my doctor could be a little more on the nicer side. I dont respond well to threats and anger. So I was wondering if any other mommies to be had issues with their own doctors?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • character codes into objects (like a butterfly)?

    Im wanting it for my myspace title. Ive seen butterflies and all sorts of things. Does anyone know where I can find these? Its like the hearts symble exept its several characters to make these. help?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • what is the national quit smoking day?

    Does anyone on here know what date the quit smoking day is? I think it might be called Smoke Out. Not sure.

    11 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Should I be mad?

    Ok so I'm 22 and my boyfriend is 18, which is new for me because I'm used to dating guys that much older than me, not younger. So when I got into this relationship I understood this. He's not immature at all and between the two of us their isnt a problem at all. Its his mother. She's only met me once and it had gone well...I thought. She was polite to me and we seemed to have gotten along well. Then he comes to me very upset telling me that his mom said he either had to break up with me or move out in 4 weeks. He chose to move out. But when hes over here she calls constantly. She has even given him a curfew while hes still living there and I don't know why she hates me so much. Any advice? Should I be as mad as I am?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • shy about talking?

    I love my boyfriend. Hes the most amazing man in the world. But i have a problem. He likes to talk about our feelings, asks me what im thinking, and I know most girls would kill for that in a guy but I'm shy about talking. I don't know why but its so hard for me to open up and just talk like that. Does anyone know anything I could do to get over this?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • free divorces?

    I need a divorce, I've been sepearted for about 3 years now and I don't have alot of money. Does anyone know of any resources I could find for this?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Missouri Pelt Prices?

    Id like some average prices ranges for selling Coon, Mink, Bobcat, Opossum, and Otter pelts

    1 AnswerHunting1 decade ago
  • how to make a kingdom hearts organization 13 cloak?

    does anyone have any patterns, or know were I can find any. I want to make my boyfriend one for chirstmas.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • are there any cheats for popularity on big fat awesome house party?

    and if so please give me a detailed answer, thanx so much!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago