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  • what if we were to answer YES to all the "OMG am i pregnant?" questions, would they stop?

    Seriously, go buy a test before asking questions on a forum full of strangers. PLUS, we aren't fortune tellers, we have no idea if you're pregnant.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • HELP! Breastfed baby won't take bottle!?

    I have 4 month old twins, my son takes a bottle just fine but my daughter refuses! I went back to work last week and i've been pumping for them, I knew she was having troubles transitioning to bottle, we try every day but she just keeps refusing! I currently go to daycare 3 times a day to feed her but this isn't something I can do until she's 1, I NEED HELP! We've tried regular bottles, orthodontic nipples, drop ins, and now this new bottle for breast fed babies and she's refused them all. I've tried feeding her with breast first, laying down, standing up, standing on my head, nothing seems to work. She just cries until she gets the boob, i'm not willing to "starve" her either, she has a heart problem so please don't suggest that. Does anyone have any tricks or tips to help her transition?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • when did you get taken off work with twin pregnancy?

    I just had my 24 week appointment with my midwife and she said that we would start to discuss me being off work around 28-30 weeks. Is this just to help prolong pregnancy? i've had zero complications and I work in an office so it's not much physical activity. Just wondering if this is a standard thing for twin pregnancy.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • names for my twins!!!!?

    I am having twins due April 29th and i'm at a loss for names. I like earthy more original (but not crazy and weird) names. My 2.5 year old is named Leif and I know one of the twins is a boy, the other was hiding.

    I think we've already decided on Amelia if one is a girl so I need 2 boy names just in case! Middle names aren't an issue because we are using family names.

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Do you like the name Amelia June?

    I'm having twins and my BF and I had such a hard time choosing a name for our older son we decided to start early on the twins names (i'm 13 weeks). We both like the name (YES!!!), how about the general public? We don't know the gender of the twins yet so we're picking 2 girls and 2 boys names.

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 2nd pregnancy and it's TWINS! would it be weird to have another baby shower?

    I always thought it was weird to have a baby shower for your 2nd baby, (shouldn't people save the things from the 1st baby?) but now that i'm having twins i'm wondering if it would be ok to have a shower.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how soon did you start to show with your 2nd pregnancy?

    During my first pregnancy i didn't show until i was about 15 weeks, i'm 5 weeks with my second and I already have a little belly! I'm excited and all I just wasn't expecting to be wearing maternity clothes in the next few weeks! I'm very fit so it's not a chubby belly, it's for sure baby belly. I know a women shows earlier with their second so when did you show with your 2nd child? Is this strange that i'm showing already?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • + hpt today!!! YAY!!! How far along am i?

    the first day of my last period was July 23rd, and i got a positive reading from an ovulation tester on 8/6 and a positive hpt today, 8/17. I calculated my due date using my period and it was april 29th, but if you count backwards from then that would make me 4 weeks which can't be right. So which is it???

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When do YOU ovulate, ttc 13 months and VERY frustrated!?

    TTC 13 months, 1 miscarriage in December and i've tried clomid and the ovulation strips. I do have a 2 year old so i know i can do it it's just taking a long time! I use the ovulation testing strips every month and i'm not sure if i'm doing it wrong but when i ovulate fluctuates. My cycle is between 28-30 days. When do YOU ovulate?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • any tips to help a 2 year old ride in the grocery cart?

    My 2 year old is a GREAT kid, just very VERY active. When we go shopping he doesn't want to be confined and ride in the cart, he wants to help mommy push the cart, pick out grocerys etc. If i don't have anywhere to be i don't mind spending an hour in the store but when i just want to get in and out it's hard! If i try to put him in the cart he stiffens up like a board and starts screaming bloody murder. Any suggestions on getting him in and keeping him happy? We've tried suckers, food, and toys, nothing helps.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Clomid users: Did it screw up your cycle?

    I finished my first round of Clomid and i'm anxiously awaiting an answer. My periods are like clockwork, literally, i know what time of day they will come and I was supposed to get it yesterday morning. I've heard that it can really mess with your cycle so i'm wondering WHEN DO I TEST IF I DON"T KNOW WHEN MY PERIOD WILL BE??? I tested Saturday morning and it was negative. I feel a bit icky down there (crampy and bloated) so it feels like i may get my period. I've been prego twice btw.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Post miscarriage question?

    I miscarried on Monday and I was almost 6 weeks along. How long am i going to bleed for? My normal period lasts 7 days but starts to taper off around day 5. It's been 5 days now and it's not showing signs of slowing down. I'm not soaking pads or anything but it's a pretty heavy flow.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fun ideas on how to tell my parents i'm expecting for Christmas?

    Hi All! I just found out i'm prego with my 2nd child and want a fun way to tell my parents during Christmas! Because this is my second I don't think giving them a "i love my grandma and grandpa" shirt or bib would work because they may not realize it's for a new baby. Any fun ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • 18 month old with sensitive tummy, help!!!?

    My 18 month old was throwing up and pooping from Friday of last week until Monday of this week. He's still got poops but it's getting better. During those four days all he ate was banana, crackers, oatmeal, applesauce, and pedialyte (sp?). We've been trying to wean him back to regular foods since Tuesday and he either won't eat them or he'll eat them and throw up (spaghetti was last night and it all came back up hours after eating it). He's fine as long as we feed him the bland foods. How do I get him back to eating a regular diet??? He wasn't very sick either, no fever or crankiness just random bouts of pooping and puking.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • closing costs on good faith estimate doesn't seem right?

    I was approved for 90K loan w/ a minimum of 5K down payment (which I have) Assuming that I make an offer that is accepted at 90K, my loan would be for 85K. On my GFE my closing costs are estimate at $855. Does this sound correct? I know it's a buyers market, is the bank lowering closing costs to make home buying more affordable or will I end up with a $3,000 surprise on closing day?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Lunch/dinner ideas for 9 month old?

    My 9 month old is starting table foods. I've already given him the no brainers like mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, and mac and cheese. I need some easy lunch and dinner ideas. My BF watches him during the day while i'm at work (we work opposite shifts) and he's not much of a cook so I need things that are REALLY easy but also nutritious especially for lunch. I also don't cook much because it's just me and the baby home for dinner, but I do know how to cook. He's eating cheerios and gerber puffs just fine also. We've got breakfast covered, he could live off oatmeal and applesauce but as far as lunch and dinner i'm stumped!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • pregnancy humor- share your stories!?

    What do you find funny and/or ironic about pregnancy? I had my baby 3 months ago, looking back now i can laugh but at the time it was horrible! Just looking for some humor to help people through the last trimester, and in my opinion the worst!

    my humor- every time i went to the doc the last trimester i was asked to pee in a cup. well i was so big i couldn't see what i was doing down there so i would end up with pee all over my hands. not to mention they give you a thimble sized cup to pee in! I would just hold the cup down there and try to catch whatever i could!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how do i politely tell relatives not to buy my kid cheap plastic toys?

    I am due May 26th with my first child. I have a niece and nephew and for christmas and birthdays my relatives buy them TONS of plastic toys. Here are my issues:

    1. with all the toy recalls going on you have NO IDEA what is safe and what is not, all the cheap plastic toys seem to have lead or some other type of harmful chemicals.

    2. my sister is fed up with the clutter of all the toys in her house, when i say a ton of toys i mean a whole car load of stuff for christmas and birthdays, they don't have room in their house anymore!

    3. the kids don't even play with most of the stuff they get!

    I would like to keep the toys down to a minimum, the toys he does have i would like to make sure they are non toxic and made with more natural ingredients (like wooden toys dyed with vegetable based dyes instead of paint or colored plastics)How do i politely tell people not to buy my kid toys for every event?I don't mind one toy a year from each relative but they go WAY overboard!

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Probability of birth defects? Professionals and people with experience please answer~!?

    I Started Seanonale birth control in the middle of September, and found out that i was pregnant a week ago. I don't know if i was pregnant before i started or if it it happend sometime after but i drank a couple times a week up until a few weeks ago (i didn't have the stomach for it, i should have guessed right then i was pregnant) and took Tylenol PM once or twice a week to combat hangovers. I had some spotting during my first month of taking seasonale but it went away. So i may be 6-12 weeks pregnant, i have an ultrasound tomorrow. Can anyone tell me the chances of my baby having birth defects? Between the birth control, drinking, and sleeping meds i'm not feeling very sure. I'm not sure i should go through with the pregnancy if there will be complications, no judgement please! i feel guilty enough as is.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago