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Lv 730,276 points

♦Dalmatian Appreciation♦

Favorite Answers13%

***Please email me before you add me as a contact, as I would like to know before you do or you will be blocked*** Australian and proud of it!! I have 2 male Dalmatians: Domino who is 6 years old and Dice who is 9. I love the Dalmatian breed. I am getting a male show pup at the end of the year to enter conformation shows and lure coursing. BSL is stupid - blame the deed not the breed! I also have a 15 year old Appaloosa mare. 8 chickens: 2 Light Sussex, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Araucana, 2 Welsummers and 1 Dorking I do not accept trolls trying to add me as a contact. You will be blocked!! You'll mostly find me in the Dog, Zoology and Horse Racing sections on Y!A. Thank you and have a nice day...

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