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  • How can I reset my facebook acct?

    When I first made the account, I used a certain e-mail and password. I changed it later and now can't remember the one I used to sign in to facebook. I get the invalid msg when trying to log in. How can I start all over and create an acct? I don't have a home PC, if that makes a difference, I'm using my android phone. Thanks

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • The goo goo dolls sang the song, "sway". Is christina aguilara singing with them?

    It sounds like christina just in the middle of the song , just durimg the higjest notes. Is that her or one of the dolls? Thanks.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • can you give your opinion which color I should choose for replacing my carpet?

    My hubby wants to go with dark brown, rust, or dark blue. But we already have dark blue and I want some change! A new color that would brighten not only the house but our moods as well. I want a tranquil and calming color. We have 3 blue lazyboyz in the family room . Everthing else is of the brown color, as in our entertainmet center, end tables, and our computor, What do you all think of the color "Gold", or a light "Peach"

    Thank you for your input, I appreciate it so much. Thanks.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What can I use to get this off my car?

    I live in Austin Tx where there are many pecan trees. Sometimes I have no choice and must park my car under a pecan tree, where sap from the trees get on my car and it's really hard to remove it.

    It doesn't feel sticky but is more flat and light brown in color. I'm assuming it's sap. Does anybody know what substance will remove it? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know a good restaurant/bar in austin?

    Me and a co-worker want to go have a few drinks and some appetizers. I'd like to meet at a place like Bennigans (they've closed down). We'd like to sit at a booth, maybe have some potato skins and cheese sticks. I'm big on ambience. I like the seating to be a bit spaced out if possible, reasonably quiet with no loud music and a decor like Bennigans. I live in Austin, Tx. I'd like a place either in south austin or central but NOT downtown around 6th, that's too crowded. Thanks!

    1 AnswerAustin1 decade ago
  • my does my new puppies ears have a bad odor?

    She's a 3 and a half month old maltese pup. When I sniff close to her ears, it smells bad. I looked inside them and the hair in there looks dark and greasy. If she just needs a regular cleaning, what do I use to do them? A q tip dipped in sudsy water? Please advice, thanks.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How can I make sure I don't unknowingly buy a puppy from a puppy mill?

    I want to adopt a puppy. On line and in the local newspaper, every person who has an ad that I've contacted lives at least two hours away. But they're willing to meet me half way and bring a few puppies with them that I might be interested in buying. How can I avoid buying a pup that came from a mill. I would have more confidence if I could actually go to someone's house to buy one but I don't want to drive that far. How does a person know if a pup comes from a mill or not? Thanks

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Could I do this with a cymbal?

    I like to keep the rhythm to music in my car by hitting my steering wheel and surrounding areas with my drumstick. Right now, I'm pretending my little tree car deodorizer is my "cymbal". I just make a crash cymbal noise when I hit it. lol. Not quite good enough, I'd like to buy a very small crash cymbal to hang from my rear view mirror, maybe a 5 or 6 inches. Would it be too heavy to hang from the mirror. Also, I'm thinking of drilling two holes on either side of the existing hole they come with in order to thread some yarn or thin rope through it. That's the only way I can think to hang it. So, a few questions...... would even a small one be too heavy for the mirror and could the metal be drilled through easily and without compromizing the sound? Thanks.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is the following just cause to file a law suit?

    My friend is filing a lawsuit against the company we work for. We are both home health aides. She went in one day to pick up her check and was so tired, she was slurring her words a bit and kind of lost her balance. She's 64. She's worked for the company for 12 years and is straight as an arrow. But anyway, because of the slurring of her words they sent her down to a pro-med clinic but didn't tell her what for. Once she got down there, the nurse told her it was to test her for drugs and alcohol. Her blood pressure shot up because she became so angry over it that she had to go to the hospital. She had a mini stroke and stayed in the hospital 5 days. Now the Doc told her she can only work 10 hours a week. She's going to file for disability as well and sue our company for harrassment. Personally, I don't think she'd win. Doesn't any employer have a right to piss test someone if they are acting like they are drunk even if they aren't? How are they supposed to know it's because she's really tired. What do you think are her chances of winning? Also, her lawyer said she can continue to work the 10 hours a week the Doctor approved while trying to get disability but I've always heard you can be working at all while filing for it. She's also going to try to get reimbursed the money she would of made while in the hospital the 5 days AND future earnings she would of made before all this happened, which would be alot, she was working 60 hours a week! What do you think?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you approve of the health care reform bill Obama's trying to pass?

    If you agree or disagree with the bill, why? What do you think it will do for America or do think it will cripple us financially? Thanks for your opinion.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where online can a go to watch," The curious case of benjamin button" for free?

    I tried a few at youtube but they turn into trailers on how the movie was made or they direct me to another site that wants to sign me up for a membership, at a cost, in order to watch videos. Is there a place to really watch it for free in perhaps quality HD? Or at least a video that's not choppy? Thanks

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How does the movie "Pearl Harbor" end?

    Hi, I was wondering how this movie ends? It was on the other night and I fell asleep and missed the last half hour or so. I know she first fell for Ben Affleck, then fell in love with his buddy when she thought Ben was dead. Then Ben comes back and she tells him she's in love with his friend. Then the 2 guys go fight the pearl harbor attack. At the end, does she stay with the friend or does she realize she really loves Ben more? (I say Ben because I can't remember the character names). Also, she threw up once before I fell asleep. Was she pregnant with Ben's baby? Or the other guy? Any info is much appreciated. Thanks.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me why I got this IRS form?

    Hi, I got a statement from the IRS. In one of the boxes, it says, "Statement for Recipients of Interest Income" and then it states the calender year and my ss# in 2 of the other boxes. The fourth box says, "Total Interest Paid or Credited" then lists a money amount. Below that it states:

    "The amount of interest paid or credited to you in the calender year shown is on an overpayment of federal tax. This amount may represent interest on an overpayment for more than one year, or more than one kind of tax. It may have been paid with your tax refund or by separate check; or part or all may have been applied against other taxes you owed. If you are required to file a tax return, report this interest as income on your return.

    I know at least to include the amount listed as income when I file this year. I just want to know why I got this. What is the amount (under 400.00) interest ON? I did file bankruptcy about 8 months ago, does it have anything to do with that? Or the credit cards I had? Thanks

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • How do I fix my whipping cream?

    Hi, I'm making some whipping cream to use on a jello fruit salad. I wanted to make it sweet so I added some sugar right before it stiffened up to semi-soft peaks. But now it's gritty. I don't want to keep beating it, it will get too stiff. If I were to stir it to let the air out, would it turn into a glue consistency? And then if I re-beat it, would it once again peak up? Then the sugar would dissolve, hopefully. Please advise! Thanks.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me what's wrong with my dog, please?

    Hi, my dog is having some symptoms, which are: excessive thirst, hunger and urination. Her stools are loose, too. She seems more tired than usual. My mom took her to her usual vet place because I had to work but a different vet saw my dog. The vet does complete blood work on her, which showed everything was normal. The vet tells my mom that it's probably caused by a fairly recent steroid shot she got. She gets these shots about every 3 or 4 months because she's allergic to flea bites and they work wonders. The shot she got before that one was a year ago so the vet tells my mom that her symptoms are caused because there was a longer time span between shots so it's like she's having a first time reaction to the steroid. But she's never had a reaction of any kind to any steroid shot she's received for the last five years! By the way, my dog is 7 years old. She's been having this hunger, urination etc... for the last two weeks but didn't develop it until two months after her allergy shot! Could this be the case? She once had a liver infection and her symptoms were exactly like this. I'm just stumped because her blood work was normal. The vet told my mom that my dog's symptoms should go away in a few days. Could someone tell me whether the vet is probably right or not? Can a dog ever have a liver infection or another infection yet the blood work shows normal? Do you think her symptoms could be caused by the allergy (steroid) shot? Please help, thank you!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would you breast feed your husband's dead mistress' baby?

    You caught him cheating and he gets this woman pregnant. He was even there to help her through labor. The woman dies during childbirth so the husband wants to bring the baby home for you and he to raise as your own. You just had an infant of your own so you're breastfeeding. Would your angry feelings get in the way if your husband asked you to breast feed this baby he had with another woman? Or would you accept the baby, feed it, clothe it, adopt it.....essentially raising he or she as your own?

    5 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Could the type of condom a man uses cause numbness in the vagina?

    Gee, I hate asking but my daughter is having a problem. Her boyfriend uses Trojan latex lubricated condoms but not the extended pleasure kind, from what she tells me. Generally, she has allergies to many latex products but the reaction is more of a blistering/skin irritation. But in this case, she just is not feeling anything except numbness. Could either the latex or lubricant of the condom cause this? Thanks.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Could I have a rotator cuff injury?

    Hi everyone. I have fibromyalgia (extreme sensitive muscles). Anyway, a week ago my uncle died and my mom and I were cleaning up his place. I scrubbed vigorously his bathtub and the tiled wall. I used alot of pressure for a long time. Ever since, my shoulder has been very painful. If I rest my arm and don't move my shoulder much, the pain lessons a little. But today I was vacuuming and doing the mirrors and the pain started to get worse again. It's so sore I can't even sleep on my right side. Too much pressure on my shoulder makes the pain worse. Does this sound like a rotator cuff injury to you? Thanks

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago