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  • I don't want my boyfriend talking to his ex?

    She just always causes problems between us, he's lied to me so he could still talk with her. Even said that she was sleeping around and that he avoids her. Even though I've confronted him about it, he got very upset and he was genuinely sorry. I can't take lies, it ruins relationships and its affected my trust. I can't stop him talking to his ex girlfriend but the way it's affecting me is unreal. I just don't understand how you can be friends with someone you were once intimate with, he broke up with her, she was heartbroken. Now he's threatening our relationship by talking to her.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is he worth keeping after this?

    Me and my boyfriend had an argument last night. For the past few months I thought he was hiding me on Facebook, even though it states he's in a relationship with me, all interaction with me is hidden; like comments/likes on my photo's, status' etc. Anyway we were arguing and he was getting really angry at me, because I noticed it, I suggested that we talk on the phone to talk properly and clear things up, he kept saying no, and saying 'I DON'T WANT TO EXPLAIN', 'if you don't leave me alone I'll break up with you'. I persisted because I wanted him to go through with what he wanted to say, I assured him I would listen to him. I started crying really bad, to the point where I just couldn't breathe, I asked him to ring me so I could calm down. He eventually did and I calmed down, I tried to talk to him about it, he shouted at me, swore at me and told me that the only reason he rang me in the past when we had an argument was because he was a pushover 'doing what I wanted him to', he said that he lost feelings every time we had an argument and he rang me afterwards. I was really upset over this because I thought that talking/communicating is the best way to resolve an argument, it got to a point where he was treating me like dirt on the phone because he was that annoyed, he said he wants to be left alone and that we'll be ok by the morning when he's fully calmed down. I spent the whole night crying my eyes out because I said 'ok I'll leave you alone' when I feel like I haven't done anything wrong, I saw something, I was angry at first, so I confronted him about it. It's 2 in the afternoon now and he still hasn't texted me/called me or anything. We're seeing each other on Friday because we're going to a university open day Saturday and he's coming to stay over my house for a few days. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Really unhappy with him but I'm still in love?

    I'm completely paranoid in this relationship, he lied to me a lot in the past and we both said we'd work on it. It doesn't change that I always feel the urge to go on his facebook page every 5 minutes whenever I'm on there. I've dealt with insecurity all my life and I know I would be like this with anyone I'm with, I have low self esteem due to my past. I know that everyone needs to move on, me and my boyfriend hardly argue anymore and we've been together over a year and a half, my parents have accepted us together now (because they didn't before due to him being Filipino) so that worked out. So the bonuses are is that he used to be unemotional and now he shows me enough emotion, makes me feel loved, includes me in future plans, thinks about me, we argue fairly without trying to score points etc. The one problem; the only problem I'm finding is to trust him, I do love him and I honestly feel bad for looking through his phone, I don't trust anyone, I always expect the worst things to happen because of my negative nature. I know that breaking up with him would send me insanely depressed because I still have fun with him and like those positive points I mentioned earlier. But deep down I always question myself if I'm happy with him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How would you stereotype an 18 year old male?

    Just a general 18 year old, how they act/behave etc.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • I feel like there's no connection anymore, should we break up?

    When me and my boyfriend first met we hit it off straight away, we liked practically everything, same music, clothes, funnily enough had similar childhood memories. We could talk for hours because we were so alike. Now that we've been together for over a year and a half, I just don't feel that emotional connection anymore, he's lied to me a lot in the past and he's not the type to be really affectionate or want to make me feel special. I do have fun with him, I laugh with him and hug him, we still have a great sex life. But there just feels like there's something missing.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can lies ruin a relationship?

    I love my boyfriend very much but he's always felt the need to lie to me, he's told me that he was very conscious of what his girlfriend thought in his past relationship, she got really paranoid when a girl liked him and added her on facebook. I've told him that I just hate lies, I don't mind who he talks to, because I know he wouldn't cheat. Anyway I came back from a shower and walked into his room and he automatically closed down his laptop, I just thought it was suspicious and asked him what he was doing, he said 'nothing', clearly not as I'm not stupid and he was on facebook, I told him to open his messages, I'm not usually like this, but I was scared of what he was up to, he's been talking to his ex even though he told me he's 'avoiding her' because rumours are is that she's been sleeping around, you don't say that about your friend, he lied to me yet again. Eventually he told me that he was sorry for lying and that he knows I'm fine with him talking to his ex or any girl friends. It's just worrying that he feels the need to lie all the while, we've been together for so long now (been together for 1 year and 8 months but have been in love for 2 1/2 years, I know it's not much compared to people who have been together for 10 or more years) and I'm starting to think he's a compulsive liar. I really want to help him with it, not just for us but so that if he meets someone else he can be happy without feeling the need to lie. How do I get him to stop lying to me if it is even possible? :(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Lies but no cheating? help please :(?

    I love my boyfriend very much but he's always felt the need to lie to me, he's told me that he was very conscious of what his girlfriend thought in his past relationship, she got really paranoid when a girl liked him and added her on facebook. I've told him that I just hate lies, I don't mind who he talks to, because I know he wouldn't cheat. Anyway I came back from a shower and walked into his room and he automatically closed down his laptop, I just thought it was suspicious and asked him what he was doing, he said 'nothing', clearly not as I'm not stupid and he was on facebook, I told him to open his messages, I'm not usually like this, but I was scared of what he was up to, he's been talking to his ex even though he told me he's 'avoiding her' because rumours are is that she's been sleeping around, you don't say that about your friend, he lied to me yet again. Eventually he told me that he was sorry for lying and that he knows I'm fine with him talking to his ex or any girl friends. It's just worrying that he feels the need to lie all the while, we've been together for so long now and I'm starting to think he's a compulsive liar. I really want to help him with it, not just for us but so that if he meets someone else he can be happy without feeling the need to lie. How do I get him to stop lying to me if it is even possible? :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My boyfriend gets stressed out over our relationship?

    We literally only have to have one argument and he turns into something else, he becomes unresponsive and when I ask him questions to do with us, it's always 'I don't know' I asked him if he could arrange the meet ups as well as I've been doing them all the time the past year and a half and he turned around and said 'I never feel like I do enough for you' I asked him to do a lot in the past because I wanted to feel more loved by him, I was going through a really depressive phase and I told him that, but he always feels like he's never done enough for me. He doesn't treat me like a princess and tell me how much he loves me everyday or buys me random gifts here and there, so I just accepted the way he is. We had an argument last night about this, literally just me asking him that I want him to plan meet ups as well instead of it being one sided, he turned this little thing into a mountain and basically said he's not serious about us because we argue and conflict. I don't know what to do, should I just shut up and stop talking to him about us from now on, considering this is how he gets?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is there a future for my relationship or should I call it quits?

    I'll try to cut it short. Been together for a year and a half, very much in love, sexually and emotionally. Get along great, also a great friendship, work through problems etc. The problem is that he wants to get married when he's 30, not to me specifically, just in general. I'm 18 in 6 months and he'll be 19 soon, should I wait around for this guy? even though a lot of people don't get married when they're young, they at least talk about future plans, he's future phobic and likes to think in the present. I don't want to lose him, I'm also afraid of being alone.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do you break up with someone you love and have been with for nearly 2 years?

    I feel that the closeness is gone, he never tells me how he feels about me unless I ask and I just feel used, he has no intention on keeping me around for the future and I've had enough. I cry myself to sleep every night because during the day I'm trying to think of how to break up with him; I feel guilty because whenever I'm with him in person he's great, so loving and so affectionate. We have loads of fun together and apart, however when we're apart there's no affection from him at all. With a relationship you still need to have friends and a life outside and he basically said he'd want to see me every weekend, share the same friends etc. I have told him how I feel and he started to be more verbally affectionate, it lasted for a day and then he went back to his old ways, he doesn't appreciate how much I've actually done for him and forgiven him for the things he's done. He broke my trust because he lied to me a lot, he was on a dating website, he was texting another girl; calling her at late hours and he maintains loads of contact with his ex, even though I've told him it's not right to talk to his ex more than me; his own girlfriend. I don't trust him and I don't like how he treats me, yet I love him for who he is and how we get along. If you can give any advice I really would appreciate it, I'm so lost and emotional.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Mom saw me crying last night, how do I give her an excuse?

    Basically me and my boyfriend were arguing on the phone until like 4 in the morning last night, my brother is horrible to me and basically went downstairs to get my mum to have a go at me because I was speaking too loud. She came in my room and saw me flooding with tears, I told her to go because I was a mess and she left me a note this morning saying 'I will talk to you tonight. Love mom xxx' I really don't want to tell her that it was me and my boyfriend arguing because she'll just say 'he shouldn't make you cry like this, break up with him' I need an excuse, she saw me on the phone crying.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • I want to hack facebook?

    Just need to, tell me how. thanks.

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • What does this dream mean?

    I can only remember parts of my dream so sorry if this isn't a detailed enough explanation. Basically I went to one of my local shops and I saw my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend in there, there was an awkward silence since I've never met his ex before (I've seen her pictures) and then I just started crying and ran away from both of them. That was pretty much the end of my first dream, it was weird because my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend live no-where near me and he was in this store in my village. The second dream I had, I was having my teeth out and the dentist tried to rape me, he pushed me onto a nearby bed and started kissing me, as I walked out all bloodied I saw my mum crying her eyes out, my boyfriend was no-where to be seen.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Help me with my situation? please? :(?

    Me and my boyfriend had a really in depth conversation last night, we've been together a year and a half, he's 18, 10 months older than me. We got talking about university and if we could last, I told him that he could meet someone and fall in love with them, he was telling me he doesn't think it's possible because he believes that I'm rare, he said that he is lucky to have met me. I told him that he could find a girl who lives closer to him (we live 80 mile away but still see each other) he said that it would be easier but it doesn't mean he's not satisfied with what he has right now, he said he's happy with me. He said anything could happen to us and listed the possibilities of us ending, like we go to different universities, not being able to spend enough time with each other etc. But he said anything could happen and he believes in fate, he doesn't know if I could be the one for him, he thinks we're still young yet and we need to experience careers, jobs and university life. About a month ago we got talking about marriage and he said he wants to get married when he's about 30. If I'm still with him in 10 years does that mean there's a possibility of us getting married? does he love me from the things I've said? we do love each other a lot and we've been through so much together, so alike and so comfortable with each other. I just need opinions on this because I don't want to lose him, not because I'm 'so in love with him' just that it would be unfortunate to lose someone like him as a boyfriend when what we have currently is so special.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Boyfriend talking to his ex?

    This is going to be long so if you read all of this, thank you. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half now, we met each other online (not a dating site, a gaming one) we hit it off because we were so alike, had loads in common, then he dropped the bombshell of having a girlfriend 2 months down the line of getting to know him. I really fell for him so it was hard for me to just leave him be, he explained to me that he was with her because she has depression. I believed him and waited 7 months for him to leave her, she got out of depression when they broke up and then we finally got together. We've had arguments and nearly had our break up but we got through it eventually and our love for each other came out stronger, we haven't argued once in over a month now. We've been together a year and a half and have maintained a long distance relationship, I see him once a month and stay at his for a week. I've always had an insecurity with myself so I always look at his phone, I've been having counselling but I don't get my next session until I go back to college. I looked at his phone and went through his Facebook chat history with his ex girlfriend (the one I was talking about earlier) they were talking about fetishes, asking each other if their weaknesses have changed, they were talking about it for a while and talking about the sex life they had, joking around basically. But to me it was like flirting, am I just being paranoid about this and they were talking as if they're friends? he told me he tries to avoid her as much as he can because apparently she's been sleeping around, his close friends have told him so he believes it. He tells me he loves me and we're going to an open day to a university in October, both going in the same career direction. This incident has really torn my heart into two but I can't tell him I looked through his phone, I already know that it's bad but I don't want him to use the excuse 'well you don't trust me so we should just break up' when I feel he is in the wrong for talking to his ex. Please help :(

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it ok to ask a university if you can choose your own room and who it's with?

    Me and my boyfriend are starting university next September, there's a high chance we're going to the same university because we both want to be games designers, going for the computer games software development course at Sheffield Hallam uni (it's our first choice university) we're not going there because we want to be with each other so badly but because the opportunity has come along and we feel like going for it. I know universities will have mixed gendered rooms and I have a savings account for my accommodation (currently have £2000) can you choose or is it random?

  • Should I end it due to our past?

    I met this guy on a social network 2 years ago, everything was magical, we were really alike, talked for hours and hours each day and eventually fell in love. We fell in love quite quickly because we felt like we met our clone. 3 months after we met he dropped the bombshell that he had a girlfriend, that's why he wouldn't add me on facebook, I was hurt and completely gobsmacked by it; I had fallen in love and had no idea how to get myself away from him. I listened to his story and he told me that he sacrificed himself to his girlfriend because she had depression, he fell out of love with her before we met online. I supported him and remained a love interest for 7 months, even though it was hurting me, I felt guilty and sorry for his girlfriend. 7 months went by and he finally broke up with her, about a month after we decided to meet up. Ever since then we have been together, we got together last February so we've been together for quite a while now, we've had our ups and downs but considering we're long distanced and only see each other once a month we've come far. He's 18 and I will be too soon. Since our relationship started I had trust issues with him, he was for 'fun' on as banter with his mates, he exchanged pictures with a girl online and called her cute and he doesn't want to talk about the future with me. I know he loves me because of his actions, he always kisses me, compliments me and he always comes to me first when he needs support. But even though our relationship is great now, we haven't argued once in over a month! I hate how we got together and how our relationship came about. Is it possible that we will last? I know we're young and we're both having to face university, careers, meeting new people etc. but I just wanted to ask for your opinion and advice. Thank you for reading this.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My voice changes when I talk to my boyfriend?

    Whenever me and my boyfriend talk on the phone my voice goes really high, he makes me really happy and is always making me smile. It's just odd because generally I think my voice is quite low. My boyfriend thinks my voice is cute and he thinks I'm adorable but I don't want those sort of compliments, I'm not 6 years old. We've been together for over a year. Something wrong with me? I'm not being fake or trying to impress him :(

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Any good online multiplayer games for PS3?

    Me and my friend have a long distanced friendship but enjoy most of our time on the PS3 together, we just completed Borderlands which was a pretty good game; lasted quite a long time as well. Are there any other good games you recommend? preferably co-op.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Should I tell my boyfriend I want to go to the same university as him?

    Me and my boyfriend are heading in the same direction towards our career path, we both want to be in ICT. We've been together for a year and a half and by next year when we're applying for uni I'll be 18 and he'll be 19. I know we're both young and anything could happen whilst we're at university. The reason why I'm asking advice is because me and my boyfriend have been in a long distance relationship the whole time we've been together, we see each other every 3 weeks and I stay at his for over a week. His parents are going to meet mine soon; they haven't yet due to the distance. My mum wants me to be happy and she likes my boyfriend a lot, however my Dad thinks I'm too young; also he's racist and my boyfriend is Filipino. It is MY choice who I go out with and I'm sick and tired of my Dad getting in the way of my life. Me and my boyfriend are really close, we're extremely alike and have so much in common. I love him. So should I tell him about uni or just see what happens?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago