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Long hair on guys, Good or Bad?
42 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo you ever get annoyed when someone gives a 'best answer' to someone whose answered the Q wrong?
In the case of a question is fact and not an opinion based one?
35 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoSimpsons Characters?
I'm trying to find a list of characters from The Simpsons with how many episodes they've appeared in, can anyone point me in the right direction please?
13 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoBoys in Guiding?
Does anyone know why if girls can join the Scouts then boys join the Guides?
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoThe right person or just any person?
Whilst watching Notting Hill last night I found myself unintentionally egging Hugh Grant on to go get Julia Roberts. I may just be an idealistic or an old romantic, but that is how I think things should be, two people who are just meant to be and totally comfortable around each other.
However I have also been told that I'm not a typical male because of this and I should just go sleep with people to get me up and running. I know I won't but this is what the majority of people (both male and female are telling me) and I just think that is not for me, maybe I'm terribly abnormal so I just wanted to ask the following:
What is more important to you, the right person, or just any person?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf you got this e-mail through MySpace, what would you think/do?
A bit of background, this girl works in a shop I used to pop into, I'd asked her out several months before but she said she was sorry but was unavailable at the time. The next time I went in she apologised and said she felt bad, I just smiled and said basically 'well if you're taken then that's a pretty fair excuse'
I sent her a msg through MySpace, this was the main part:
First of all I asked you out as you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, straight up, it can totally light up a room. Couple that with the fact that you seem like a genuinely nice person then it seemed like a no brainer. Secondly, what you said to me the next time I came into the shop, honestly that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, you showed yourself to be an extremely nice person and having read your MySpace you seem to think that you are ugly, well no bs but you are far from ugly, no-one with that smile and that face could be regarded as ugly in any way, shape or form.
19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhich charity shop to volunteer in?
I have worked for Scope and have to say it was an interesting experience to say the least. Are some charity shops better than the rest, if so, what are the pros/cons of the ones people have experience of?
6 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago