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  • Did Dale Jr attend the wedding of Taylor Earnhardt?

    Anyone know if he was there or was invited?

    3 AnswersNASCAR8 years ago
  • Is Paul Sr of Orange County Choppers ill? He doesn't look well ?

    I read he is quietly selling off his auto and bike collection,

    4 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • GH fans, how will Elizabeth leave Port Charles?

    Could she just actually leave town? I hope she just packs up and leaves with her boys!

    But I imagine it will be messy. If her character is killed, will the boys also be killed? I'd almost rather it be that way than Lucky or Sam ending up with her precious children. I hope there are no scenes of Lucky or Nicholas or Jason lamenting her doom, as they all treated her shabbily!!

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH, Is it transition or just confusion?

    Sarah Brown's arrival never lived up to the hype and I was so disappointed the writers never gave Claudia something better and her departure could have been better.

    Carly, a strong character, will now, saddled with a baby take a backseat from any good story lines.

    Jason makes me cringe every time he goes on one of his rants about how Michael and Carly's safety is his job--too bad he doesn't have the same emotional conviction about his own child!

    We have an old Michael and a young Lucky-weird. Lucky's "interrogation" of Jason was comical. It was like a kid with a BB gun against a man with an assault rifle!

    Honestly are we suppose to believe Elizabeth really has a decision to make between this boy Lucky and Nicholas?

    And what is up with Olivia? Why can't she just tell Sonny? They have strung this on forever.

    The show used to have such good characters but now they are all so wishy washy. I keep thinking the show is just changing and will finally settle on something or someone to save it but I'm also thinking it is just utter confusion. Any thoughts?

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, who sees the Carly/Jax marriage imploding?

    Never really cared for the coupling but isn't it silly that once again Jax thinks he'll ever get the best of Sonny? And he waited so long to be a father! You just know Carly will not take the side of her husband!

    Does anyone know if the character of Jax is leaving? I know he wanted to before. I still think he's hiding another secret about his involvement in Michael's shooting.

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans since Sarah Brown is leaving how will Claudia?

    depart from Port Charles? Dead or alive? If Sonny is such a mob boss can he just let her leave unpunished? Can Jason?

    Oh I know, she'll just walk. They really never punish anyone! They have to be the weakest mobsters ever!

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, do you ever find it funny/strange...?

    that Robin adored Frisco and Felicia when she was a little girl but it seem to cause no problems between her and Maxie? Or that

    Frisco and Felicia were such a popular,beloved couple yet the writers turned them into such god awful parents? That Maxie and Georgie grew up in Port Charles all those years with no legal parent?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GL fans, how did you feel about the last couple of shows?

    I thought Alan dying was a bit hammy. Then the entire show was focused on that. Was it something about the "bad" guy finally getting his at the end?

    The last day I thought was too hectic, too much crammed into a short time. All these last minute get togethers and weddings were a bit much.

    I would have really preferred flashbacks of the best moments and best characters.

    Josh and Reva really didn't marry, just drove off together

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, Jax, do you trust him?

    I don't trust him at all! Why does Michael keep remember him saying "I" let it go to far? Shouldn't he have said he let Jerry go too far? Why did he keep visiting Michael when he was convinced he wasn't going to wake up? Guilt? I think Jax wanted Sonny dead because he blamed him for Carly losing the baby. He was the one who wanted Carly to get Sonny and Jason out of her life.

    I think it would be a great twist on this storyline that we think we know! Finally the writers would rewrite history interestingly

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, what do you see in your crystal ball?

    I see Nicholas falling for Rebecca.

    I see that Jax did have something to do with Michael's shooting! Interesting since he has seemed to be a good guy. (the writers have re written so much, at least this would be interesting!)

    I see Kate and Olivia going back to New York or wherever after the Dante fallout.

    Johnny and Claudia will follow, having also been exposed in the shooting by Jerry.

    Sonny and Carly--part 8?

    Marriage for Jason and Sam! But not Maxie and Spinnelli.

    After Jax is disgraced, Jerry seems-well not so bad-he and Alexis are a go again.

    Lucky will finally get lucky in love with a new female partner.

    Liz will die by murder or by her own hand and little Jake will go to his father and new mommy.

    The Q's will accept the new Rebecca-reformed and now Emily will just be a warm memory to all who loved her.

    The vision is dimming--what do you see?

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, wow it just doesn't seem fair!?

    Isn't it funny how Sam ends up getting everything she wants? She has been forgiven of all her sins. Has her relationship with Jason and Alexis and her sisters back. She'll be back to the living in the penthouse, no job but no worries about money. She'll have back the danger and adventure and you know soon--the miracle little Jasam!

    All Elizabeth gets is being married to a man she doesn't love because she has to always make the "right" "safe" decisions for her boys. She'll marry Lucky because he's guilting her into it,pressuring her. She'll continue to work as a nurse, him a cop and struggle now to support two children whereas the first time they couldn't support one!

    She'll do everything she supposed to to keep everyone happy and safe except herself. When she desires can't be suppressed any longer and she goes to Nicholas--she'll be the bad one!!

    19 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, don't you think viewers should have the respect of the writers?

    No one understood my question yesterday. I never knew viewers here were so serious and stern.

    Anyone remember years ago on DOOL Tom Horton's voice overs saying "These are the days of our lives"? That's the why I always viewed my soap. A continuing storyline. I knew all my characters. Who they loved, hated, were related to and how. Of course there would be surprises but usually explainable(somewhat) But I think it's wrong for the fan when the writers just bring a storyline out of the blue or just change facts around. I laughingly ask yesterday if Sam would have been old enough to have the baby that saved Kristina. Everyone was every huffy, saying yes Sam is 33-she could have well had a baby at 17. True but we were there and Sonny didn't get her pregnant at 17! Sonny and Carly were always my favorites but I always knew and remembered Lily. And I could somewhat accept Kate as his "schooldays" love because that Sonny I didn't know. But now he fathered a child with yet another--Olivia and I'm thinking it's just too much!

    Shouldn't the writers keep the fans in mind as they write. Because we were there. We remember how and when it happened--even if they tell us it didn't!!

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Soap fans, ever wonder how many couples a bad casting director has killed?

    I was just thinking the other day how many couples I used to adore until a casting person put the completely wrong person in the role! Ever happen to your couple? I thought I would always love Sonny/Carly on GH but Laura Wright could never really be Sonny's Carly.

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, doesn't Liz deserve a Prince?

    She has been treated so badly doesn't she deserve something?

    I concede that maybe Zander was a mistake. She was lonely and he still loved Emily but since he was shot and killed, who knows how he would have felt about fatherhood,

    I do believe Rick loved her but given his evil nature it was just a matter of time before she became part of the fallout of his plot against Sonny.

    Lucky and Liz were sweet but that was many Luckys ago! Lucky now has hurt her over and over. Sara,Maxie,Sam.......

    I never felt Jason was a mistake--in the beginning. They had a romantic history and always continued having good respect for each other and at a time of pain, turned to each other. But in the end, he was like the others and when it was a question of commitment, threw her under the bus and jumped back into bed with Sam.

    I know Nicholas has a score to settle with Rebecca and it's supposed to turn him into the dark Cassadine but they said that would happen when Emily died too. I love Elizabeth's sweetness but wouldn't mind a little "bad" Cassadine rubbing against her!

    Come on writers, make her something other than a doormat!!

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, Elizabeth upstaged again!?

    I realize the writers and many fans wanted and got Jason and Sam back together and though I don't care for them, I can live with it.But I had waited and waited and then barely caught Liz and Nic kissing and then Jason spied them. That I didn't mind either! I don't know if Liz already knows about Jasam 2 but just loved seeing him finally taken by surprise. But my whole 30 seconds were over and it became a Jasam session bashing Liz! Why do there scenes always have to be connected?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, Jason a canary?

    Wow, he can be pushed by mobsters and never say a word so why did he spill everything to Sam? The moment he jumped back into bed with Sam, he gave up any judgments against Liz! And to tell Sam of all people!

    And what was all the gibberish about Jake's custody? Lucky and Liz aren't married so she free to commit to anyone she chooses.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, Kate and Olivia?

    I can't stand to watch much anymore but did the writers ever explain about Kate or rather Connie's past? So Connie and Olivia are cousins and Sonny cheated on the love of his life Connie with Olivia who is the love of his life and had a child. But what about the rest of Connie's family? Do they assume she dead? And how did Olivia know Connie was now Kate Howard?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Was it the best two minutes of GH?

    Nic and Liz were great! I kept thinking Emily who! Pack your bags, Natalia/Rebecca and leave PC! All those wasted years, the heat was right there! It was the best two minutes I'd seen on GH in months then they cut to the old rehash of Jasam and I turned it off but great while it lasted.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, so who will tell Liz?

    Will Jason actually tell her? I kinda doubt it.

    Will she just walk up on them somewhere and get stabbed in the heart again?

    Or will sweet Sam get the honor of flaunting it. You know Liz, I had Jake taken back off. Jason doesn't care, because he chose me!!

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago