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  • Being sued by insurance for accident which had no fault?

    My father was in an accident a few years ago, and slightly damaged the side of a car. The people got $30,000 from his insurance, even though they never showed up to court and the case was dismissed. Now we have been sued by the insurance company to pay for the amount they mistakenly paid out when they didnt have to. After all, my father was not found at fault.

    The court sent us a notice, and we replied that there was never a judgement and that we were not legally responsible. The court says this is an invalid argument and awarded the insurance company the full amount.

    How can I challenge this judgement, and can I file charges against the company for suing me for something which my dad had no legal responsibility? This really seems absurd to me, as we have absolutely nothing to do with how insurance pays out.

    Can they really come after us for what they paid out, when we were not at fault?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Someone who thinks they are great, but are in fact horrible?

    Is there a world for someone who believes they are a very nice person, but in fact are very self centered and have no sympathy at all?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Transparent lens like skin growth and possible poisoning?

    Im trying to research some severe medical problems I have been having the majority of my life, which I am beginning to think may have been some sort of poisoning. One of the things which really stand out, was that I had some growths on my hands and feet which appeared exactly like the lens in an eyeball. You could literally see into my foot on the largest one. They were totally solid, and would turn black and fall out leaving cavities behind.

    I also had red sores on my hands and feet, discolored finger tips and toes, the inability to heal, as I had a big toe which would not heal for about four years. I do not have diabetes, my blood sugar reads 90 regardless of if fasting or not.

    I also had a period with explosive nosebleeds, which my brother had as well. I also had horizontal growth marks on my nails, and my hair would not grow very much for years. Sometimes It would only grow a few inches in an entire year.

    Ive also experienced extremely bad diarrhea, some sort of inflammation or fluid in my stomach which would keep me from being able to eat much at all. I also had to go to the bathroom about 10 times a day, and had an uncontrollable urge to urinate even if I could not.

    I also had extreme weight loss, my vision would black out when I would stand up, and I was tired all the time. I would also see stars, have blurred or double vision, and severe confusion.

    I have not ever been able to get a diagnosis, due to doctors ignoring anything I say, most likely because I was a very young man at the time.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Are the Russians poor, or just dont they care?

    When looking at pictures from the conflict in Georgia, I see that many of the Russian tanks have "fences" installed, which are rods of steel attached a few inches away from the armor and are supposed to help defeat RPG's, but only on certain high end models like the T-64 and T-80. They do not have this extremely inexpensive technology on any of their APCs, so do they just not care, dont have the money, or are they so out of the loop that they havent even realized they should have them? Or maybe they are so overly confident in themselves that they dont believe they need them, which is a typical Russian trait (My best friend is Russian, so I get to hear all about Russian "superiority" all the time)

    What reason could they possibly have to send out their troops in such death traps? Their own troops refuse to ride inside of them because they are so unsafe (Or at least one Russian general has said that is the case)!

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think that...

    The majority of the people in the center are more excepting and honest about the reality of things?

    When I look at answers from people on the far edges, It seems like people's answers are alot like "I am right, because I believe I am right" and many of them never give any sources. (Not that some of you dont give excellent, honest reasons)

    Does anybody else find the sources and reasons they all give as unlikely and unbelievable? Even when I support something, I see all these bogus sources and reasons from others, things that arent based on truth at all!

    Does anybody else think that these people are not actually Liberal or conservative, seeing that liberals are supposed to be people who forward human rights and acceptance in society, and conservatives are supposed to be people who are trying to preserve the good things in life. Both sides are inherently good, but it seems like they have been overrun by ignorance.

    What do you think about all of this, and if you agree, what do you think could be done to help forward truth and acceptance of reality?

    Does anybody else think that maybe if we didnt rip into each other so hard and use every little reason to hurt each other, that each side would need to constantly lie and mislead to protect themselves?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • GA aircraft takeoff power assistance

    I havent come across many GA aircraft that have any form of power assist on takeoff, actually none (besides those with temporary power ratings). Anybody know any interesting systems that have ever been used. I havent even heard of NOX being used. I know fighters have had some interesting systems, but what about GA aircraft?

    I think if I was going to choose some sort of power assist, it would actually be some sort of hydrogen peroxide motor, due to their extremely high horsepower for their size (you can hold a 2000 hp motor in one hand), immense horsepower potential (some are over 50k hp), and dense fuel (but still competitive weight wise, its just much more concentrated). Pure hydrogen peroxide is also cheaper than avgas ( relative to the amount of power) and can be combined with sugar to create an even more powerful reaction. They use hydrogen peroxide to power the turbopumps on the soyuz rockets because they are immensely powerful for their size and very reliable.

    I dont think it would be unreasonable to equip a system that puts out and extra 100 or 150 hp for a few minutes. The engine itself would only add a few pounds to the empty weight. Anybody have any other interesting ideas?

    6 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Im interested in becoming a police officer, but?

    I was wrongfully baker act'd, which is being put in an insane asylum for those of you who dont know, by a very disgruntled deputy. I had a non violent argument with someone and they left. Before I knew it they were in my house and I was handcuffed. I tried to explain calmly but the deputies were more interested in calling me names and trying to intimidate me into a false confession.

    I was released immediately after having an evaluation because I had nothing wrong with me, but it cannot be removed from my record according to what they told me, and otherwise I have a completely clean background. I have had two other encounters with police officers where they have treated me extremely poorly and Im really sick of it. I am a law abiding person, and I do my best to follow the law.

    I am educated, and I am in good physical shape (5 minute mile), So I am positive I could complete the schooling. If I would like to become a police officer, would my record allow it?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Helicopter payloads?

    What are the rules on utility helicopter payloads? Do they have increased gross weight or do they have to be restricted to normal gross weight even though they can lift significantly more?

    For instance, when they lift lumber.

    6 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • What are the different ATC grades?

    I came across something about ATC "grades", but I cant find anything about it online, what exactly are they? Just for pay or are they job related, or a mix? Examples would be great.

    3 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Leaked Pentagon Documents?

    I was just reading some documents that show that we are not allowed to attack any target with a chance of hurting more than 30 civilians without the approval of the secretary of defense, and the people who released the documents want to use it as "proof" of war crimes. How do you get that from this? Intentionally avoiding civilian casualties is a crime? Since when?

    The enemy intentionally kills hundreds of people on purpose, but for some reason we get in trouble for trying to kill psychopathic murderers without accidentally killing someone innocent? I dont even know what to say. What do you guys think of this? Dont give me any of that we shouldnt be there crap because this proves we are more civil and caring than any other side in this region.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Explain this Mopar exhaust to me?

    Check out this model, it has some sort of finned expansion chamber on first and last cylinder. Whats this for? I imagine its partially to keep the manifold from cracking on the jeep 4.0, which is notorious but no real biggy.

    Just as a side note, This one time I attached a 3 inch muffle to a 2 inch exhaust and for some reason it increased my performance more than having none at all, I figured it was due to the expansion and cooling, but who knows.

    2 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Jeep U-joint to CV joint.?

    Ive got U joints on my 99 cherokee, and Im wondering if I can switch them to CV joints.

    Besides better turning in 4x4, what are the benifits?

    7 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • High performance Jeep exhaust?

    What would be the effect of attaching a very short exhaust that just manages to get the exhaust away from the vehicle? Im talking about like 2 or 3 feel long but still blowing it out the underside, but away from the body.

    3 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Jeep cherokee chip for higher octane?

    Anybody know where to get a chip to change the timing of a Jeep Cherokee so that it gets the benefits of 90+ octane?

    3 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • What do you believe about democrats?

    Im a republican, and Im sick of our candidates. I feel like for the first time in my life I am left with no credible choices. I havent seen Republicans this untrustworthy ever. At least you could give president Bush the benifit of the doubt, but there is simply no overlooking the history of these guys.

    People keep telling me I shouldnt vote democrat because they stand for everything we hate. I fail to see evidence of this, only differences in how they approach situations such as health care, abortion, and government. Either way will work, Other countries do what they do and some are better than us and others are worse.

    Wouldnt you rather have a trustworthy democrat, or a untrustworthy republican? Would you rather have a Republican born into his faith who takes advantage of it and does unchristian things constantly (Huckabee and McCain are reprehensible) or would you want a democrat who was born into a aetheist household and found God himself, and incorporates it into his life?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have the child protection agencies cleaned up their acts?

    When I was a kid, I remember a whole bunch of my friends were taken away from their parents and disappeared, only to find out years later that they had been put into the homes of child rapers and drug addicts and it ruined their lives.

    It was a pretty common phenomenon, The stats were very high as I remember from an article I read a few years back.

    Anybody know what the current situation is? Has the government come to its senses yet?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Any other republicans voting for Obama?

    After McCain and Huckabee threw away 2/3 of the votes of our party by being partisan hacks, I decided I couldnt vote for someone who would do that to his own kind. I started to look at which Democrat Im gonna vote for and Ive been much more impressed by Obama than I am from any other candidate short of Romney (I lived in mass and he did a awesome job, A+). He really seems to have a level head and is without a doubt his own person. I really like the guy now that Ive actually opened my eyes. This is the first time in a long long time I feel like I would be content with a democrat in office. Anybody else feel this way?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Jeep Axle ratios?

    Im interested in going with a lower axle ratio for my jeep, but I have some questions.

    How do I go about changing the ratio of the front wheels, and how do I adjust the speedometer to read correctly with the new gears?

    4 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Mitt Romney Vs McCain?

    How is it that people are calling John McCain the front runner when he has only a measly 38 delegates to Mitt Romney's 72?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Dropouts and their effects on us all?

    One third of our kids drop out of school now, and many of these people require government assistance to feed their families.

    I worked as a cashier while going through school, and I saw a huge huge amount of people receiving government assistance, including every person that worked with me.

    What do you think of this, and what do you think we should do to improve the situation? Should we increase the amount we spend on education to the level we spend on financial assistance? Throw your Ideas out there for me.

    5 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago