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Could someone just tell me if this is all grammatically correct French?
It's for my French final, we have to write a 125 word composition in French and I've found that I do this better if I write it ahead of time, check it over as best as I can and then memorize it for the exam. If anyone who writes and read French very well could tell me how to fix anything that doesn't sound right that would be great!
Jeanne d'Arc est née à Domrémy en Lorraine dans l'année 1412. Jeanne a été très pieuse, et en gardant ses moutons un jour, elle entend les voix de Saint Michel et Sainte Catherine, la patronne des jeunes filles. Ils la ont dit, "Va, Jeanne, va délivrer la France". Jeanne obtient une troupe d'hommes et elle va à Chinon, ou réside le Dauphin. Il a été le fils du défunt roi. Pour éprouver Jeanne, il se cache parmi ses courtisans. Jeanne le trouve sans hésiter, bien que elle ne l'a jamais vu, et lui a dit, "Dieu m'envoie pour délivrer la France". Le Dauphin a accepté de donner une armée au Jeanne, et elle délivre Orléans. Elle conduit le Dauphin à Reims a couronner le roi.
Jeanne a blessé et faite prisonniére par les Anglais, à gardé en prison pendant un an, et a condamné à mort pour sorciére et hérétique, Elle est brûlée vive a Rouen à l'âge de dix-neuf ans, en 1431.
Thanks! :)
1 AnswerLanguages7 years agoWeird vibrating/constricting feeling around heart?
Occasionally (usually during the day, while I'm at school) I get this weird kind of constricting, vibrating feeling around my heart. It's a little hard to explain but it feels a little bit like it does when you burp or pass gas, but on the left side of my chest around where my heart it. It usually happens three or four times in a row and I can hear a noise when it happens that sounds a little bit like a quiet burp.
I'm 18, I'm in pretty much perfect health and I've never had any heart problems. I really have no idea what this is or how to describe it, but it doesn't hurt and I've gotten used to it since this has been happening almost every day or at least 3 or 4 times a week for a while now. Could it be indigestion? My dad's side has carried down a lot of digestive issues, and I've had slight problems there ever since I was little. Around the time this started, I started to have near constant gas that didn't smell at all but was a little louder than I'd like it to be, and since it was usually at school I would have to try my best to hold it in.
I tried not having dairy but that didn't help either issue so I'm not lactose intolerant. Recently I've cut out drinking juice in the morning and drinking water instead and I think that's helped a little bit.
Even though this has gone on for a while I haven't told my mom or my doctor because I haven't know how to describe it and they know I've had certain digestive issues in the past.
Any advice would be appreciated!
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years agoWhat is the best iPhone 5c case?
I'm getting an iPhone 5c in a few days (a free upgrade from my non-smartphone) and I want to get a really good case for it. I've had two iPod Touches before (I'm now on my third, which is my brother's old one and the first model ever released, but it seems to be much stronger because I've dropped it too) and I always manage to drop it so that it falls on just the right spot and completely shatters the screen.
I'd really like for that not to happen with my new phone because like I said this is a free upgrade and there would be no way I could afford it otherwise. I definitely wouldn't have enough money to replace it and I'd really like to keep my phone from getting a nasty crack within a few weeks.
Does anyone know of a really good case (one of those that covers the screen, preferably) that would keep it from getting smashed? I'd rather that it wasn't incredibly bulky and if it came in clear that would be nice. I'd be willing to spend up to about $30 but less would definitely be nice.
Thank you! :) If you have a link to where I could order it online that would increase your chances of getting best answer.
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years agoWhat would you name my family?
I saw one like this and I thought it was fun so I'll see what you guys can come up with. :)
Come up with your own first and middle name (a lot of middles are missing, so you can add in your own if you like or just leave it) for my real family's initials. They are all listed as their relationship to me, not like Mom, son but Mom, brother, etc. so sorry if that makes it a little bit confusing.
Grandmere- JM
Da- JB
Grandma A- A
Grandpa E- E
Uncle 1- J
Aunt 1- MA
Cousin 1 (Male)- J
Cousin 2 (Female)- G
Cousin 3 (Female)- K
Uncle 2- S
Aunt 2- NN
Cousin 1 (F)- JN
Cousin 2 (M)- T
Cousin 3 (F)- S
Cousin 4 (F)- PD
Uncle 3- T
Aunt 3- K
Cousin 1 (M)- TJ
Cousin 2 (F)- K
Cousin 3 (M) - S
Cousin 4 (M) - K
Aunt 4- MB
Uncle 4- M
Mom: JM
Dad: GPH (two middle names)
Brother 3: PT
Daughter 1 (myself): NM
(First two siblings listed below as they've already started families of their own)
Brother 1: PS
Sister in law: J
Niece: IP
Brother 2: JS
Sister in law: P
Niece: AM
10 AnswersBaby Names7 years agoWhat should I get for my friend for Christmas?
She's 17 and she's kind of geeky--she hates 'girly' stuff.
She likes Harry Potter, Breaking Bad, Star Trek, Avengers, Game of Thrones, Supernatural...
She still plays with Legos too. :P
She watches a lot of movies and TV, mostly stereotypically guy/nerdy stuff.
She does like to read but I wouldn't even know where to start with that--she has all the HP books and is reading the GoT ones now.
I was thinking of getting her one of those Funko pop figure things (either Castiel or someone from Game of Thrones) but if someone were to suggest something really awesome that was a little cheaper that would be great. This is for a (not really secret) secret Santa my group of friends are doing and the girl that has me already told me that she's just getting me chocolate. We're all kind of broke. :/
Thank you so much!
1 AnswerFriends7 years agoWhy won't iTunes open?
Recently when I plug my iPod (Touch) into my laptop, iTunes won't open, neither automatically nor when I click on the icon.
Tried another charger to see if that was the problem (my cat had been biting on it a little and I thought that that might be part of the problem), and another newer one just to make sure, but nothing is working. I've restarted my computer but it still didn't open, and I'm pretty sure the problem isn't happening with any of my other programs when I try to open them.
This has never happened before and it's getting a little annoying. Has this ever happened to anyone? :/
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoHard to manage hair--help!?
I used to have nice, soft, not frizzy hair but since I entered the teen years it's gotten difficult to deal with...It's wavy and some people think it's pretty, but I never wear it down anymore because I hate how out of control it gets.
Dandruff, weird frizzy hairs a little over my ears, and I can't even wash it more than once a week because if I let it air-dry, it dries all wavy and kinky and won't straighten.
(If I blow-dry it, it gets extremely frizzy.)
I've tried conditioners and hair straighteners and even that Brazilian sealant thing (not sure what it's called) last year, but it only worked for a few days.
It's getting on my nerves and I'm seriously considering cutting it very short, even though everyone I've suggested this to says my face "isn't the right shape" for short hair and it would get even wavier.
What do I do?
Note: I'm fifteen so not getting out of the teen years anytime soon (hoping it's just teen hormones) and I have medium brown hair.
5 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhy is my sound not working?
I have an HP Pavilion Entertainment Notebook PC that's about four years old, and the sound isn't working like it usually does. You can only hear sound if you wear headphones and hold them against your ear, and even then it's pretty hard to hear.
This is the second time it's happened in four months and the last time it fixed itself after about a week. I wouldn't mind waiting to see if that happens again, but it seems like this is going to be a consistent problem and it's getting to be inconvenient and annoying.
I checked the sound on the control panel and everything was on. The 'balance' section was only halfway and I raised it to full (Start-> Run -> SndVol32-> Balance), but this didn't change anything and I'm not sure if it was supposed to be how it was.
The last time this happened I asked on here and was told to "buy a new sound driver". Since the problem went away the next day and I didn't know what this was, I didn't, and I don't want to do this now as I don't want to spend money for no reason. Any way to solve this without buying one of those?
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoFriend ignoring me--what should I do?
In the beginning of October my best friend (let's call her M.) and I had an argument that was mainly my fault. Over the next few weeks I felt absolutely miserable, as I had just started high school and didn't really have too many other friends, and realized that one of my other close friends (who was a mutual friend of M., he's S.) had been ignoring me. I tried to contact him several times over the next two months but I never got a response. During this time M. agreed that she and I could try to fix things but then the next day said it was impossible, and deliberately hurt my feelings several times around Christmas. She also told me that S. wasn't going to contact me and he had taken her side on the argument. I'm pretty sure he never heard about the incidents around Christmas and I haven't contacted him since before they happened.
I've moved on from M. but still miss S. very much and have been dreaming about him recently (a few years ago we liked each other and remained close friends after that fizzled out, I'm not even sure if I ever really stopped liking him). I never really got closure with him and haven't seen him since October and I really need that right now, even though it's been quite a while.
What should I do? Should I contact him again and try to fix things or just leave it alone and eventually forget about him? M. and S. live a few blocks away from each other and their younger sisters are best friends, so I know they see each other a lot even though they don't have very much in common. I'm a little afraid M. will tell me again that S. is still completely set on ignoring me if I try to contact him, to be honest, as that upset me a little the first time it happened.
Any advice?
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agoHow do I get rid of this callus?
I got a callus on the middle finger of my right hand about six years ago when I was being taught to write script and it's never gone away. I'm starting to get a little self conscious of it and want to make it go away, but most of the things I've found on the internet either have to do with foot calluses or involve rare-sounding creams or the like.
Does anyone know a way that I can get rid of it that's a little easier to get my hands on?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoWhy is my sound not working?
I have an HP Pavilion Entertainment Notebook PC (Windows). It's only about four years old, but this has happened before and usually just rebooting works. This time you can hear, but it isn't even close to as loud as it should be, and the sound is on max. You can't hear at all unless you wear headphones and press them against your ear.
Can't afford to get a new computer/repairs right now and I really need this one. Could someone help?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhat would be a good military non-fiction book for a fourteen/fifteen year old boy?
It's for my brother, for Christmas. :)
He's obsessed with air combat type stuff and wants to be a fighter pilot when he gets older. He mostly reads WWII non-fiction books but has recently gotten into the (American) Civil War too. So suggestions of well-written books on either of those wars would be appreciated.
Oh--and no really expensive encyopedia type books or anything like that, I am on a budget.
Thank you!
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat are some good books for a fourteen year old girl?
I'm what some people could call an obsessive reader, and although I have a list of books to read (over 100 on it, would be at around two hundred but I lost the old one. :P ). And before I go on--yes, I am a bit of a geek. I'm admitting it. So no weird comments....
Some books I've read and liked--
~Harry Potter series
~Twilight series
~Hunger Games
~North of Beautiful
~A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Not interested in any other vampire type novels like House of Night or whatever, sorry. Have tried to read some and they just weren't my thing. Other paranormal or paranormal romances are fine, though. Pretty much any type of romance, actually. :) I'm a teenage girl, what can I say.
I also don't like many fantasy books, like Lord of the Rings, and I'm not too much into classics. Anything else is fine. :)
Thanks for answering!
7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoIsn't buying/selling buffalo meat illegal?
My mom just came home with 'buffalo burgers' from Trader Joe's. I thought this was illegal, as they are endangered....?
We live in New York, if that affects any law....
7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWere Roman (slave) oarsmen considered to have a high-paying job?
I know it sounds a little stupid, as of course slaves of any kind in all of history don't receive wages. But my family and I were just watching the rowing scene of Ben-Hur, and it started a bit of an arugment between my brother and mom, as my brother considers himself an 'expert' with war, ships, plane, etc. He's fourteen, by the way. My mother went to a brilliant high school and graduated from a good college.
I take my mom's side, but I just want to settle this anyway. If anyone starts to say anything about Greek oarsmen being paid, don't. Please. I'm getting an earful of that from my brother right now.
6 AnswersHistory1 decade agoHow long do you cook bagel bites in the microwave?
Before anyone says 'Check the box', my mom accidentally threw out the box last night. If anyone has them in their freezer, please go check for me for the exact instructions for microwave because we don't want to have someone guess and end up with undercooked Bagel Bites and a broken microwave.
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade agoMing-Ming Wonder Pets costume!!?
Okay, so for Halloween my friend and I are being two of the Wonder Pets (we're 13, just to let you know). She's being the turtle, Tuck, and I'm being the duck, Ming-Ming. Does anyone know where I can find parts for my costume?
-Duck mask
-orange toe socks (no designs or anything, just plain orange)
-green ribbon (for my cape lol)
Etc. If you can think of any other things I could put on it to make it more Ming Ming-y (I already have orange tshirt, pants, and pilot's hat), please tell me. Maybe a dollar store would have them, I'm not sure though. Thanks! :)
4 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoTotal Drama Action question....?
Ok, so I just saw the newest episode last night (the crime movie one). My question is- Why the heck was Gwen throwing the challenges (like Trent in the last episode)??? Trent's team was acting like she owed them something, and I think it was they were threatening to tell her team about Trent cheating if she didn't let them win, but that doesn't really make sense,does it?
Boo Justin
4 AnswersDrama1 decade agoThere's going to be an Avatar MOVIE??????
Yesterday I went to watch Ice Age in IMAX. AS I was waiting for the movie to start, it had a preview for a movie of Avatar: The Last Airbender (to be directed by M. Night Shyalaman sp?) I'm confused. I was a big fan of the cartoon, and Shylaman (sp?) usually does scary movies. All it showed in the commercial was Aang airbending in a circle of candles. Can anyone tell me a little more info on the movie?
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoSomething weird happened in Harvest Moon Ds Cute...?
I went to open my fridge, and it had that cutscene where it shows your eyes. Then someone said "Ouch!" Then I tried to open the fridge again, and it was just normal. What happened???
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago