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Favorite Answers24%
  • Can I force my printer to print closer to the bottom edge?

    I m trying to print something as big as possible on A4 paper. I ve tried with both MS Word and Open office and I get the same issue: The image (which I ve imported into the word document) is supposed to take up the whole page but it gets cut off near the edges. 3mm from the top, left and right edges and 16mm from the bottom. I m fine with the 3mm on the top and sides but the bottom is a problem. Why does it get cut off so far from the edge? Can I do anything about this?

    5 AnswersSoftware2 years ago
  • Dating apps/sites that are less about pictures and more about bios?

    Of the few I've come across it seems to be all about seeing a picture, maybe a blurb and then deciding whether you want to chat with this person. What are some sites or apps that focus more on the person's interests, values, preferences etc and less about their profile picture?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What kind of paint can you use over existing paint?

    I have a metal door frame (steel probably, I'm not sure though) and it's been painted a certain color. I want to paint it another color. The paint isn't chipping off or anything, it seems to be holding just fine so I wasn't gonna bother stripping it off. My question is whether I should look for paint that's specifically designed for metal or not and whether primer would be a good idea.


    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling2 years ago
  • Would this be trademark or copyright infringement?

    If you were to develop and market a cola drink that tastes exactly like coca-cola, could you market it as tasting "just like it?" Or would using your competitor's name in your marketing be infringement?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Can you spray-paint paper?

    Specifically card stock (~200 gsm.) I want to make a model out of paper and paint it. I'm worried about the paint soaking in and warping the model, interacting negatively with the PVA glue somehow or not drying properly and just creating some weird sticky mess.

    Also what about primers? Can you coat the paper in something else first and then paint that?I saw a video of a guy coating his paper model in wood glue to stiffen it up but he didn't end up painting it... Anything like that?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts2 years ago
  • How do I tell if inkjet printers will work with only black ink?

    I'm thinking of buying one but they have a reputation (perhaps I'm misinformed though) for stopping you from printing in black and white if your colored ink is low/missing. I have no intention of printing in color and just want the cheapest option available to print something in black and white every once in a while. How do I know, before buying it and trying it out, whether it will work with just a black ink cartridge installed?

    3 AnswersPrinters2 years ago
  • What s wrong with eating meat that s "spoiled" but then cooked thoroughly?

    Like bacon, for example. If I cook it all the way through I kill any bacteria or mold that s on it, right? So what s the problem with eating it after that?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 years ago
  • Are "Ghost Nation" (from Westworld) modeled after a real tribe?

    I'm asking specifically about the body paint.

    4 AnswersHistory3 years ago
  • What's the name of this song?

    It's somewhat popular right now, I heard it a couple of times on the radio. I'm pretty sure there is a line early in the song that goes something like "I think she's letting me know." It's sung by a man and it's about a woman, I think. In the chorus he calls her something like dangerous or seductive or something to that effect but not those words exactly.

    1 AnswerLyrics3 years ago
  • Is this an exercise? Does it have a name?

    The thing I have in mind is like a one handed dumbbell jerk but without the lower body movement. So you start with the dumbbell in your hand by your shoulder and you push it up above your head then bring it back down.

    Is this a thing, and it is a good exercise or a waste of time, or worse yet something dangerous?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Is 15W significant when it comes to a PSU?

    I'm thinking of buying a GPU and the one I want says in the description that a 400W PSU is required/recommended (different sites say different things.) My PSU says "Max Power" is 460W but "output" is 385W. I used to run a 64W card and this new one is 65W. Should I risk it, or play it safe and get something that needs less power?

    4 AnswersAdd-ons4 years ago
  • Can I find out what version of PCI Express I have?

    I used to run a Radeon HD 5670, but it broke and I've since been using integrated graphics. I've tried downloading and running CPU-Z but it just tells me I'm running intel graphics. I can't put my old card back in since it won't work... I looked on my motherboard and it says: PCI-EX16_1

    The card itself uses PCIe 2.1 x16... That probably means the slot is as well, right? And any new card I buy is going to have to be 2.1 or earlier, right?

    2 AnswersAdd-ons4 years ago
  • Name of canyon that was formed in hours?

    Years ago I remember watching something on TV showing some kind of canyon or something similar and the narrator was saying that it was formed by some huge flow of water in a matter of hours. It could have been minutes or days, I'm not sure but I remember it being mindblowingly fast. Does anyone know the location of this canyon? I think it was in North America but I could be wrong.

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology4 years ago
  • Why is my improvement (cardio and strength) so slow?

    It's taken me well over a year to run 1km without stopping. I've been doing push ups for almost 2 years and I can't do more than 20. I started at like 8 and slowly improved to 20 but since then I've seen no improvement. I tried doing it more often and less often. I've tried less reps more sets, I've even tried putting on a backpach with like 30lb, of stuff and doing that. When I go back to see how many I can do before exhaustion it's the same story: about 20.

    My running for over a year was the same except about two months ago, out of nowhere I managed to do more than 1km for once. A couple weeks I was up to like 2.5 and now I've been able to do 3.4km. I think the issue there was me having weak legs rather than bad cardio.

    But none of this makes much sense to me...

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • How often should I run?

    I started running/jogging a year ago. I could only go 500m until I had to stop, and walk for at least 30 seconds before I could run again. Right now I can go a little more than 1km before stopping. It's not my cardio that stops me, it's my legs. My ankles and shins specifically. They start hurting at about 600m and then slowly hurt more and more before I decide I should probably stop for fear of injuring myself. I could push on for a couple hundred meters more but I'd rather not.

    I run 2-3 times a week, never two days in a row and I also do some cycling and body weight exercises at home. Usually I'll go as slow as possible at first to see how long/far I can go then I walk to rest for 30-90 seconds depending on how I'm feeling, then go again at a similar pace. I do this "run then walk then run again" 5-10 times for a total distance of 2-4km (again depending on how I'm feeling that day.) Every other time I go running I throw in a sprint to add some variety.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is progress supposed to be this slow? Should I be more regular, should I run more often, should I rest my legs for longer before going running again?

    2 AnswersRunning5 years ago
  • Would this be considered a firearm?

    What if you made an exact copy of a particular firearm, a 1911 pistol for example, in a material that could not handle the pressure of the cartridge being fired, would that be considered a firearm? If you made every single piece of it out of some kind of plastic to where it worked in every other way, including the ability to feed a live round, chamber it, cock the hammer and hit the firing pin, but once that firing pin hit the primer the whole thing blew up in your hands... what would that be classified as?

    I imagine the answer varies by country but I just though of this and wanted to see if this question has an answer.

    15 AnswersHunting5 years ago
  • Push up plateau, what am I doing wrong?

    For probably a year or so now I've been doing push ups fairly regularly. I started only being able to do 7-8 in one set. It didn't take long to double that and get to 15. I stayed around there for a couple months but eventually made it to 20. I've been stuck there for over 6 months.

    I do three sets every other day. My first set is to exhaustion, usually 20, some days 15-19. The second and third set are sometimes to exhaustion sometimes to just 10-12 depending on how lazy I'm feeling. I tend to rest between sets for a minute or so.

    I try to have good form. Sometimes my back is a little curved but I consciously try to maintain a straight line from the back of my neck down to my feet. My hands are shoulder length apart and I try to keep my elbows pretty tight to my body. I go down until my chest touches the ground, or if I'm looking down for some reason my nose tends to touch the ground first.

    What am I doing wrong?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Is a statement made under oath during one trial admissible as evidence in another?

    For example if a witness who testified in one trial is himself charged with a crime later on, could his testimony in the first trial be used against him as evidence in the second?

    Another way to ask this is: can you make two statements in two different trials, under oath, that are contradictory without it being perjury?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Does this count as exposure therapy for anxiety?

    I've been watching compilation videos of car crashes on youtube and it makes me feel more or less the same symptoms I do when I get legitimately anxious for mostly the same reason: dreading that something bad is going to happen.

    Is it a good idea to be doing this? Is it likely to make my condition worse or better?

    I've been seeing a psychiatrist and she probably has diagnosed me with something but I haven't really bothered to pay attention to what it is specifically, let's just assume it's some combination of generalized or social anxiety disorder and depression.

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Procedural difference between an abortion and induced labour/c-section?

    Let's say you're 24 weeks into pregnancy and you no longer want a fetus inside your body. Putting aside legality and ethics, what would be the difference between getting an abortion and trying to deliver the baby either by inducing labour or by c-section.

    I want to know whether it would make sense to abort a fetus this late or whether or not you'd just try to deliver it and hope it can survive.

    Again, please don't bring ethics into this, I'm asking specifically about the procedures themselves and their impact on the would-be mother and whether there are any unique risks involved in one procedure but not the other.

    I'm not thinking about getting an abortion, I'm not pregnant, in fact I'm not even a woman so please don't mistake this for something it isn't.


    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago