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  • Opinions on choosing a Baby Entertainer?

    My baby is 3 mos. or will be 14 weeks tomorrow. He's able to hold his head up really well and has a tendency to want to be up. I'll carry him around in a carrier or let him sit in his little bouncer that converts into a toddler rocking chair. But now it seems like he just wants to stand all the time. He's 15lbs. and he tires me out, so I'm considering getting a little entertainer.

    Since he can't sit up by himself yet, I'm holding off because I'm aware that a lot of those little play sets require them to sit up. I'm hoping to know what kinds or brands have entertainers that are suitable for a young baby or just to know what's a good one.

    So opinions, please? Thank you!

    Newborn & Baby9 years ago
  • BREASTFEEDING & Pumping concerns?

    I'm a first time mama and my baby is now 11 weeks. and I've been exclusively giving him breast milk since day one. When my milk had just came in, I was overproducing. It was partly my fault because I was pumping but it felt like it was necessary, since I needed relief. The first 8 weeks, I had the usual problems of having too much milk: constantly spraying my baby in the face, frustrated baby bc he couldn't keep up, and baby spitting up often bc he was gulping too much too fast (He doesn't have reflux).

    Nursing was just fine, despite the overproduction, and he gained weight really well & had enough dirty diapers. I continued pumping more to store milk, since I plan to go back to work during the first week of October. But I stopped pumping for about 3 weeks now to stop the overstimulation so my son wouldn't be so frustrated because there's too many moments where he stops to cough and gets so mad.

    Now I feel like my milk has now been established, my body has adjusted, and is only giving what baby needs.. which is a good thing. However, I'm concerned because I'm not sure if my stored milk will be enough once I start working. I probably have enough for about a month or two worth depending on how many hours I'll be working. I started pumping again and now it takes me 20 minutes to get 1-1.5oz when it use to just take me 10 minutes to get 3oz. Before I pump, I massage the breast, try to relax, and have my baby near by and I still don't get as much as before.

    My baby drinks around 3oz every 2 hours (the "milk calculator" says a little above 2.5 on average and 3oz @ a max.) and since I'll be going back to work in a little over a month, I'm trying to stock as much up. Luckily, my job is allowing me to pump at work but with the rate that I'm going, it seems like it'll take forever just to pump an ounce or 2 and my breaks are only 10min or a 30min if I get a lunch. I'm sure work will be a bit lenient to giving me a little bit more time but I know there will be moments where giving me more than 10min. is not possible.

    Right now, I've been stimulating for a few days with a pump in the mornings where supposedly that's when breasts are more full and the flow is faster. I'll also be working in the evenings so I figure if I stimulate more during a certain time of day, my body will produce more milk then.

    I don't want to supplement with cereal or any solids until 6mos.or so because I want my son to have all the needed nutrtients from breast milk. (Just thought I'd throw this in, in case someone suggests it since my son will be 4mos. when I go back to work)

    Okay, so the questions:

    Am I even going about this the right way?

    If I continue to pump and allow the pump's stimulation in between feedings, will that help with building up a bigger milk supply? If so, what's generally the average time frame when milk supply changes?

    I'm using a manual pump by Avent. I figured a manual pump is better bc I can control it but is there a better pump? Could electric be better?

    I'll continue to be putting baby at the breast when I'm home but will my milk supply lessen since I'll be unable to always put him at the breast for 5 to up to 8 hours a day?

    Once I introduce solids, will my baby stop eating every 2 hours? Will his stomach be full longer?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who answers. I hope to hear some serious answers.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 6 week old spitting up through nose!?

    My son is 6 weeks old and has been spitting up through his nose! He'll sometimes have phlem/spit up that seems to be stuck in his throat and in his nose. I usually will suction his nose and the inside of his mouth but barely get much and he seems to still be gurgling. I'll usually hold him and burp him until the gurgling ends. It seems like it's too deep to suck out myself because it sounds like it's more in the middle of his throat.

    I was told it's normal and will soon pass when he learns to control my milk flow. I'm breast feeding exclusively and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have GERD or Acid Reflux because he's pretty content. When he does cry, he cries for a reason (hungry, sleepy, bored, etc.) not bc of discomfort. Also when he spits up, he's usually more relieved and calms down. He's also gaining weight as he should, pottys normally (both pee & poop), and is a pretty content baby.

    I think the reason why is because I have a strong let down or my milk supply is still too much for him right now. I've tried to express my milk before feeding him, which isn't always convenient especially in the middle of the night. I'm also nursing by demand and he lost his eating pattern. It use to be like clock work but since his growth spurt has passed it's not consistent, so I don't reallyy have an idea when it's time to express. He's very impatient when he's hungry, so I don't have the time to wait for the flow to weaken. I've also tried nursing laying down, reclined, and would hold him upright for a bit after. It's harder at night because I'm tired and I have no one to help to even at least hold him. Like I said earlier, he doesn't have a consistent pattern either so I wake up to him fussing for food in the evening.

    What I'm asking is if anyone can give me advice for other ways to avoid him spitting up, especially through the nose. It scares me mainly at night because I fear I may not catch it and he'll start to choke. Oh, and if it's possible if someone can tell me how to suck up the phlem in his throat. Thanks!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 1 month postpartum with a DARK BELLY! :[?

    I am 5 weeks postpartum. I'm 5'0 and was 110lbs. pre-pregnancy, 146lbs. was my final weight during pregnancy, and now 120-something. I had an 8lb 1oz beautiful baby boy, so there was A LOT OF STRETCHING. I'm also Filipina so I'm "naturally tanned" or in other words, have darker toned skin.

    The inside of my belly button is black and so is the surrounding skin around it with a dark belly. I started to use St. Ive's brand lotion that helps firm up skin in hopes it'll do something. ($4 something @ Wal Mart ;] ) I guess it did something because my belly button skin seemed to start peeling but I was wondering if there was anything to help with the discoloration.

    My armpits also got really dark and I started to use DOVE's skin renewal deodarant or w.e. and I've seen an improvement.. so was wondering if there might be anything to help the belly area. I got all the other mommy battle scars, as well -- the flabby tummy & stretch marks but right now I just want my stomach to not be BLACK! D; I know it's only been a month but dammit, it's so ugly!!

    I'm also breastfeeding so if someone suggests bleaching or any kind of bleaching agent, I doubt that would be safe unless there happens to be something of the sort that would be safe then ok :]

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • My mp3 player's stuck on "SANSA 240 1.0GB" some one help, please!!!?

    I just got mine for Christmas and was barely playing with it yesterday and once I figured how it worked, it was great. But when I just added 2-3 songs into it the mp3 player it said it was updating the library but it was taking awhile and I was in a hurry so before I had to leave, I just took the USB port out and I guess from there it messed up?

    When I turn the mp3 player on it says it's initializing but it remains on "SANSA 240 1.0GB" and doesn't allow me to use any of it's functions/menu button and won't even turn off, so I'd have to take the battery out to do so. And when I plug it into the computer the mp3 player also goes to "SANSA 240 1.0GB" and my computer doesn't even detect a USB was connected.

    I don't have a reciept, don't know where my uncle got it, and whatever it came in had already been thrown out so I was wondering if it's possible to fix it without having to return it/go through all that...

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago