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Peanut Brittle

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  • Honesty with the guy I like?

    Okay so I like this guy I work with. We both know we like each other but he recently was in a relationship that didn't work out so he wants to take it real slow with me and get to know me as a good friend first. He has already told me pretty personal things about his life and family. He's also very honest with me and tells me about his feelings. Is this normal for a guy to do even if I'm not in a relationship with him yet?

    Thankyou so much for answering! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Ugh I really need help with this guy?

    I know this will probably be a gigantic nuisance but if you're going to help me with this question, you'll have to read my 2nd most recent question on my profile. If you don't, my question will be confusing. Thankyou so much for your time and patience :)

    So this past Sunday Sept 11 2011, my friend Emily and I were walking down one of the grocery isles to go upstairs to the breakroom and at the end of the isle I saw my crush standing there ( I think he was listened to his friend talk or something). From my last question I said he feels guilty about me giving him my number yadda yadda yadda.

    Well, I figured I'd be the better person and say hi so I did and I said it all cool, happy and normal. He however did not respond. From what I could see, his face looked kind of shocked but I could be wrong. Then when we were coming back from the breakroom to go downstairs into the store again, we walk past him but I had no idea what to say so I just smiled at him and I think he smiled back but I'm not postitive.

    Later in the day, Emily and I went back upstairs to the breakroom for our break and were all talking and whatnot then my crush, of coarse, comes upstairs. He and Emily talk so they're kind of good work friends. He asked her what the score of the Steeler game was and said it was bad lol. He did not look at me at all which caused me to not say anything and look down at my phone the whole time. Then Emily said this one obnoxious girl was going to work in the bakery department and I just laughed and I swear my crush did too right after I did. Gosh, I'm so confused.

    Anyway, this was the last time I saw him on Sunday. I was at my register (I'm a cashier in case you didn't catch it in my last question) and I needed to get change from the office. As I'm walking there, my crush is walking toward me because he was done with work at that time. I had no idea what to say again so I just smiled at him and this time he did smile back for sure.

    However, I went onto his facebook profile and one of his friends commented on his relationship status and he commented back saying "yeah bro, I really like her". Which would be obvious if he's dating her lol.

    So inconclusion, I have no idea what is wrong with my crush. He has a girlfriend but before he started dating her, he did like me. Emily told me so. Does he still have feelings for me or is he just messing with my head?

    Thankyou all so very much for answering this. I know I'm asking alot out of you but I just really need some help badly! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is it a bad thing that I've never had a boyfriend?

    This is kind of a random question but is it neccessarily a bad thing that I've never had a boyfriend before? I'm 18 years old. I like guys and all but basically all my life I've been super shy. Plus my mother never really let me hang around guys when I was a little younger. Lately I've been breaking out of my shell and I feel more confident around guys though. Just one thing: Would it freak guys out that I'm almost 19 and still never had a boyfriend? Thankyou so much for answering! :)

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Pleas help, I'm in a weird situation!?

    I must warn you that it a little bit to read and it may be confusing but I tried as best as I can to explain it. Thankyou so much for your time and patience :)

    Okay so I work at a grocery store as a cashier and this other guy also works with me, but as a dairy stocker. I noticed this past week that he was sending me signals that he likes me so after a few days I decided to add him on facebook to see what his interests were just to see if we'd have anything in common. We did and I read his About Me part of his profile which made me like him even more. I do say hi to him everytime I see him at work but we only have time for small talk. Also I found out from my friend Emily at work that also talks to him (only as a friend though) that he does in fact like me back.

    So this past Thursday, my friend told me I should message him my number on facebook so I did. Friday morning at 11:00, I went onto his Facebook and it said that he was in a relationship with another girl. I know of her because she goes to the same school I graduated from. Personally, I don't think they're right for each other or going to last very long but I could be wrong.

    I wasn't that upset that he starting dating a different girl. If I were to date him, I want to become friends and hang out with him first before I get into a relationship. Since I've never had a boyfriend before, I don't want to rush anything. So when I went into work this past Friday (same day I found out on facebook about him dating the other girl) both times I saw him, he kind of avoided me. Personally, I think he feels guilty that the night before I messaged him my number and now he's dating another girl so he feels bad.

    After this all happened, I went back to talk to my friend Emily who also talks to him. She had asked him, "Didn't you like a girl who worked here?" Then she told me that he replied "Well I did but I don't think she liked me back and I wanted her to come to me so I kind of just ruined that." I felt so bad because I took too long to tell him!

    So basically my question is this: When I go into work tomorrow, should I just act real nice and happy and say hi to him? I'm afraid he's still going to avoid me which I obviously don't like at all. So if you're willing, just tell me what I should do in this situation.

    Thankyou so much for taking the time to read all this! I know its alot but I really do appreciate it! :)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Do guys like when girls they admit that they like them?

    So I have this little crush on this guy I work in the same grocery store with. I think he likes me back because I've been noticing some subtle hints about his body language. What I'd like to know is would he get freaked out if I went up to him and told him I liked him or would he actually be less nervous that I was honest and told him? Thankyou for answering!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does this guy like me back?

    So there's this guy that works in the same grocery store as me but different departments. I'm a cashier and he's a dairy stocker. Recently, I've started to develop a little crush on him. Basically everytime I'm in the breakroom talking about something random outloud he always has something to say to me. One time when we were talking, it seemed like he was laughing nervously about what I said. Another time, as I was leaving work, he was stocking this one freezer near the front of the store and he saw me and just smiled over at me. It was pretty adorable. He's really nice though and seems like a total sweetheart. Also. I sent him a friend request on facebook and he accepted it. Then he messaged me this: "i was just thinking of adding you lol :) you beat me... so how about my bday is a 22nd too"

    I don't know if these mean that he kind of likes me or not since I've never dated or had a boyfriend before.

    Also, I'm 18 and he's 21 but does not look it at all. Thanks so much for answering!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Health insurance if you choose not to go to college?

    I just graduating high school this past June. I've thought long and hard about attending college this fall and ive come to the conclusion that it's worth to go for all the debt i'll be in once I graduate. I think I'd rather just work for awhile. My only concern is that I've heard if you are not a full time student, you don't stay on your parent's health insurance. Is this correct? I live in Western Pennsylvania.

  • Is 18+ too old to become a gymnast?

    So I was just curious if its possible to still become a gymnast at such an older age like 18 and older? I used to be pretty flexible in middle school but I'm very deconditioned right now. As long as I I start working out and getting my eating habits on track, is it too late for me to become one?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports10 years ago
  • Which is more difficult?

    Gymnastics or contortion?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports10 years ago
  • Back tattoo question?

    Okay so I'm thinking about getting the quote "A journey of a thousand miles

    must begin with a single step" with a date underneath it on my back. I don't want the letters very big either. The font will be some type of cursive. However, my question is that I'm unsure of how to place it on my back. Like would it look silly if it were straight across my back or would it be better if it was like angled like a rainbow is. It's kind of hard to describe im sorry :/

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Wrist tattoo question?

    So I've been thinking that I'd like to get a tattoo of the words "Sin Miedo" written on each of the inside of my wrists. My question is how badly will it hurt to get it done on my wrists? My main worry is the neddle like hitting my veins or something like that. Thanks!

    8 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Questions for a tattoo idea?

    So I have this idea for a tattoo I'd like to get sometime soon. I'd like to get the phrase "Strive to be different" written in spanish though. If anyone knows how to translate that phrase correctly that would be much appreciated. I'd want to get it on the middle of my back in cursive black font. I'm not sure of the size yet but not super huge. If possible to figure out from the information I've given, how much would a tattoo of this nature cost?

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • My long distance boyfriend has been cheated on before?

    So today me and my long distance boyfriend were talking on the phone and he told me that he has been cheated on before in a past relationship. Is it normal for him to have trust issues because he has dealt with a heartbreak of being cheated on before?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long does out of state mail take to deliver?

    I sent my long distance boyfriend I Valentines Day Card in the mail on Friday right before 2pm. I am wondering how long it will take to deliver to his house? I'm afraid since it was the weekend, it won't get there by Monday. Anyone know for sure? Thanks alot!

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Want to send this necklace by mail?

    Okay so for Valentines day I want to send my boyfriend this necklace that matches with mine. Were in a long distance relationship at the moment so I have no choice but to mail it except Im confused on how to go about doing that. Would i be able to just put the necklace in an envelope with a written letter (I want to write to him too) or would that weigh too much? The necklace probably weigs a few ounces i think but Im really not sure. I dont know what to do, please help me and thankyou!

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Did you hear about the iphone?

    Verizon is getting it on February 10th 2011!

    You can see for yourself their website:

    My question is, do you think At&t is going to lose alot of customers because of this?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Does certain dri take awhile to start working well?

    I have a problem with sweating and it's become to the point where I can only where dark or black colored shirts otherwise my sweat stains will be noticable. I heard about certain dri and alot of people said that it worked well and eventually cured their sweating problems. I bought some of the roll on kind and started using it the night of December 12. It kind of works well but it depends what I wear. If i wear tight long sleeved shirts, I still sweat a fair amount. If i wear hoodies, I don't sweat as much. Am I doing something wrong or has it not fully started working yet? Ever since I started using it, I've applied it every night. Should I start using it every other night instead? Thanks very much!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Will using a broken treadmill cause any injuries?

    Hello, I recently noticed my treadmill will sometimes "slip" or knock me off balance whenever im walking/jogging on it. My brother said that the track/belt has become loose and that's the reason why its causing me to slip up. It is about 10 years old i think so it's definitely not new. I was just curious though if I still use my treadmill, will I cause any injuries to myself? Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Will using a broken treadmill cause any injuries?

    Hello, I recently noticed my treadmill will sometimes "slip" or knock me off balance whenever im walking/jogging on it. My brother said that the track/belt has become loose and that's the reason why its causing me to slip up. It is about 10 years old i think so it's definitely not new. I was just curious though if I still use my treadmill, will I cause any injuries to myself? Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • My dog won't stop begging for food, please help!?

    Okay, so my dog is 10 years old. I think he's a golden and labrador retriever with some other type of dog mix but I'm not entirely sure. My problem is that he has gotten so bad at begging for food whenever we eat be it a tiny little snack or an actual meal. Whenever he does beg and because it gets overly annoying, we just give in and give him a peice of our food. I'm sure this is not what my family and I should be doing. How can I correctly help fix this problem? Thanks so much!

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago