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  • Can you get pregnant when you are on the dummy pills?

    Ive been stressed out a lot over the past few months, and my last pack of birth control, I started my period at least a week early. I was on the third week of the pack for the active pills when I had my period. during the time I should have been on the dummy pills of the birth control pack, I had no period, and had sex. Since then, Ive started a new birth control pack. and went all three weeks (almost... only one day left in the active pills... til I am back on the dummy pills again of this pack) without any bleeding like I had the month prior when I started a week earlier. So Im trying to figure out if it was possible to get pregnant on the dummy pills when I had my period a week prior to that when I was on the active pills.... am I covered still? Or should I worry... ????

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • what to do when a guy uses exscuses when calling him?

    So there is this guy who when I call, he doesn't answer. Three times now, he lets it ring and goes to voice mail. I don't deal with guys who plays games with me. I will not go for that crap. But anytime I do call, and then check my emails, he has said sorry, my phone was on the charger... Or.... the last time didn't respond at all. When asked if his phone was again on the charger, he said no, he was on the other line. Sorry.

    Im done. I think its sad when guys out there don't have the guts to just be up front with a woman.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • No period on dummy pills, but then bleeding on day 14?

    For two months now. my period has been "off". Since being put on the birth control pill in April 2012, my period has always come on the second day of the dummy pills. But in April 2012 and now this month, May 2012, my periods have been "off". On cycle day 13/14, of April I had a small amount of spotting, just when wiping. Then when the dummy pills came up, no period at all! The next pack of pills I start, and on day 13, I start to spot again, but this time its been for a light flow of bleeding on day 14. I dont know why the change. I did contact my drs office and spoke with a nurse. She recommended I take a pregnancy test. Ive been pregnant three times before, and never had bleeding with any of them. I just wanted to see if anyone else has had any experience like this before? What was the outcome?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Spotting mid cycle and no period on dummy pills for two months?

    I have a question in regards to Birth Control and Periods. For two months now, Ive had my cycle off so to say. Mid Cycle, around day 13/14, in april I had very light spotting. so light it was only when I wiped. Then a week later when I started the dummy pills, there was no period at all. I then started a new pack of Birth Control Pills, and this time on day 13 I had a very light spotting, which then turned into a light flow. Today being day 14, I called my dr just to be sure what exacly is going on. They recommended I take a pregnancy test! How can a person be pregnant and bleed though? Has anyone else had this with this outcome?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is it normal to have light spotting on day 12 of Microgestin Fe 1/20?

    In april 2012, I was put on a birth control pill to help with acne. Ive been taking it since, this being my 7 month on it. Im on day 12 of a packet, and noticed today Im having slight spotting. Not red, just brownish in color. When I wipe and alittle on the panty liner. I put one on this morning just incase something "did" start. If I recall right, my last period began around 10/12, the second day on the dummy pills of my last pack. On 10/17 I started a new pack of birth control pills. Ive never had any spotting happen like this since starting the birth control pills.

    Im on Microgestin Fe 1/20, a generic for Lestrin Fe 1/20

    Just wanted to see if any of this was normal?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Expired License Plates, and Citations for Vehicle? Can they tow it?

    I have a neighbor who has a vehicle which has expired license plates by 2 years. Its been parked on the side of the home, does not run, and they now have three citations for the vehicle. I can look them up online by entering the lisence plate number, which I see they still are there.

    My question is....

    Since they have to pay for the license plates that has not been renewed for the last two years, can they pay for that, and not the citations, and not have the car get towed?

    Or do they have to pay for the citations and the renewal of the license plates in order for the car not to be towed? Its on their property which is a rental home, and the last I heard, the parking enforecment was going to contact the landlords if nothing was done about the car being removed by the tenants.

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • A car parked on purpose to block a vehicle from being towed?

    I have a question and dont know what would happen....

    There is a vehicle that has three citations, and it states its subject to tow. These people's vehicle is dead and the vehicle they are driving, they are parking it behind the car really close to it. My question is, what if the city wants to tow the car, but the other vehicle is in the way? Can they have the owners move that car to tow the one that has the citations? Or do they not do anything since its being blocked? The first citation was about five weeks ago. Since then, they have had a total of 3 citations since then. I just wondered if anything was going to get done or how this was going to be handled?

  • How to remove or change a Kiosk user account?

    My mom purchased a display laptop from walmart. When we got it home, it started up fine, and we installed a virus software, and she wanted to have a password on it so no one could get on it but her. So I went to the area to store her new user id and password. We set that and restart it to see if it worked. When the computer restarted, up came this Kiosk user account. This wasnt on it the first time we started it. Its asking for a password and we have no clue what it is. Next to it says other user. I tried to type her user id and password into that one and it wont go.

    We called walmart to tell them this, even took it back to the store, and the person there working couldnt get the right password to come up to unlock the computer. They said the guy that had the passwords was gone for the weekend and wont be back in til monday! So here we are sitting with a laptop we purchased and are locked out!

    Is there anyway we can get this off the computer? We just want to be able to use a laptop we bought.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Can a sinus infection cause tooth pain?

    The last couple of days Ive had alot of bad coughing, lots of crap coming up (yellow and white looking mucus from the back of my throat) my left ear has been killing me today and yesterday. Today I noticed when I chew on my left side, I get an ache feeling in my lower and upper back tooth area. I had some fillings done a couple of months ago in that area, and had no problems after that.

    I didnt know if this coughing, and ear ache I recently just got could cause a tooth ache?

    Its my left ear that hurts the worst, and the aching is coming from the bottom and upper back tooth area.

    5 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Should I be concerned with this type of pain?

    Ive been to the ER twice now, both times they have done a EKG and says my heart comes back fine and normal. The pain Im having is in the center of my chest, and goes up to my left shoulder, collar bone area. Its just an achy feeling. The first time I went to the ER, they did a EKG, took blood, and gave me some white stuff to drink. Which numbed my esophugus. It took some of the pain away. The ER dr said I had GERD. Gave me some generic prescription meds, and I had a follow up with my dr. I was prescribed 40 mg tablets of generic prilosec. It worked, and a couple of months later, I tried to get off of it. Went for two days with no pain, then the pain came back. Since then, ive been having the pain in the center of my chest, under my left breast area, and my shoulder and collar bone area. Im scheduled for a stress test next week. But I just wondered since all my tests came back normal, could GERD cause pain in my shoulder area? Right now, im not taking anything for it. I didnt have a good reaction to the medication after getting back on it, and felt like I needed to get off of it and try taking over the counter pain relievers.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • How long does it take to get rid of acute bronchitis?

    Around the 24th of October, I was told by the dr I had acute bronchitis. They gave me the medication, Z-pack. Took that for five days, which its suppose to be in your body for 10 days. The chest pain felt better, the coughing got better, I went for a few days feeling ok, but then the tightness in my chest started to get worse again. To the point where Im having to sit up in bed to sleep at night, and Im having a constant tightness in my left side, around my breast area, in the middle of my chest, and sometimes will go to my right side. It feels so bad. Back in August I went to the ER because of chest pain, and was told given medication for acid reflex. So once the chest pain started up, it was in the middle, but then went to my left side and alittle on my right. I first thought it was something to do with acid reflex. But now Im wondering if its something to do with the acute bronchitis the drs told me I had in October. If the medication didnt do the trick, and take care of it, could this be getting worse and could it cause chronic bronchitis? It hurts to cough, and the chest pain feels like tightness. Its all over in my chest area. mostly on my left side though. It just hurts so much. I do not smoke, nor drink. Im a 30 year old female. any help would be greatly appreciated. I will be making an appointment with my dr on monday, for sure!

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • GERD Symptoms and Location?

    To let you know alittle more about what Ive been experiencing... In august of this year I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack! They did a ECG and said my heart looked good. No abnormalities. They gave me some white stuff to drink, which numbed my esophagus and took some of the pain away. The ER dr gave me 20mg pills of the prescription generic prilosec, called Omeprazole, which Ive been taking since, and still am today. It helped alittle. but not enough to take the pain all away. I had a follow up appointment with my primary care dr, and he gave me 40mg tablets of the Omeprazole. I took those for almost two months, and the pain got better. Even went away for alittle bit. Thinking maybe it was gone and I didnt need the pills, I quit them and had two good days of no pain. Then on the third day, the pain came back like it did the day I went to the ER. I thought I was dying. I then came down with acute bronchitis. That was around october 24th. I was given medication for that. Even some hydroco liquid medication to help with the pain. Now, Im experiencing center chest pain, where the stomach and esophagus would be, and it goes over to my left side, under my breast and on the top of my breast area, to my collar bone and shoulder area. Not a stabbing pain, but just a pain in my chest. I cant lay down straight, I need to be sitting up at night to sleep. Last night I got hardly any sleep at all due to the amount of pain. Im in the same pain. Its not bad during the day, but gets worse in the evening and into the night time.

    Any ideas on how to treat this? I just dont want to waiste more money going into the ER to be told the same thing again. I have a appointment with a GI specialist, but not til 12-15-11, they said that was the earlier they could see me. I did call my primary care dr today, to leave a message about possibly getting referred to a specialist there? To see if they can get me in anytime sooner. Ive had my gallbladder removed in May 2006. Its mostly the pain in my left side of my chest that Im concerned about.

    Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • Breast Discomfort or Pain in Upper Left Breast Area?

    To start off... Back in august I had some pain in my middle of my chest area, that went into my left cheast area. I went to the ER, they did a EKG, all came back fine. I was prescribed some medication for heartburn. I took that and things got better. Just about a week ago, after taking the medication for almost a couple of months, I felt much better and wanted to see how things would go without taking it.

    I went for two days feeling fine, on the third day I felt alittle tender in the middle area, and my left side.

    By the fourth day without medication, i was feeling a discomfort in my upper left breast area, that would go down to the middle area and under my breast line.

    I called the dr today, concerned about it. They refilled my prescription, and said if it doesnt help, to make an appointment to come in and get checked.

    does this type of pain sound familiar with Heartburn related issues?

    I feel it more when Im laying down. Last night I went to bed with a ton of pillows. I felt like I was sitting straight up the entire night. Ive tried taking tums, which kind of helps, but doesnt take it completely away.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • can going from one seizure medication to another in short period of time cause emotional issues?

    Ive been on two different seizure medications since March. First I was taken off both seizure medications in the beginning of march, Cold Turkey. I was off for 4 days, then put back on one. Since then, Ive tried another medication, which was added to the first one, that didnt work. So I was taken off of that. I went for days with only being on one medication, and then put on another one. I was seeing my emotional state was really going downhill. Besides having allergic reactions to both the new medications, My emotions were all over the place. Crying, angry spells. Not caring no longer, frustration, etc.

    Now its been a week since I was taken off the medication and I am now only on 1 anti-seizure medication. Keppra. All the emotions I was experiencing before are gone. I feel like a completely different person. My dr told me it was from the keppra, "kepprage" with the emotions. But since only being on the Keppra for the past week, its gotten better. I would have thought it would be getting worse,

    Has anyone else been on different new medications and gone through emotional changes? Im just trying to figure out if it was from the kepprage, why its gotten better since coming off the two other new seizure medications my dr tried me on, (vimpat & lamictal)


    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • Question about Simple Partial Seizures not showing up on VEEG?

    Last week I was admited for a Video EEG, for five days as a inpatient in the hospital.

    I was taken off my medications Cold Turkey, and about 40 hours after my last medication dose, I started having seizures where I was consious through out them.

    Ive had epilepsy since I was an infant. Since then, Ive had complex partial seizures and grand mal seizures. My last grand mal seizure was in 2000. Since then, Ive been on Keppra and Carbotral. Last week, I was taken off all my medications and had seizures. But they were not like the ones I had before. The seizures started out with a feeling of numbness and tingling sensations in my hands and feet, I had a terriable "sick to my stomach" feel before the seizure took place, and I had a aura, the feeling like I wasnt all there. Then I started to jerk all over my body. Through out the seizure, my face would get really numb, and the numbness I experienced in my hands and feet before the seizure would start would get worse through out the seizure. I could hear people talking to me through out the seizure, I just couldnt get the jerking to stop. These lasted for a couple of minutes, then it would stop and I would be my old self again.

    I was off my medications for 3 1/2 days, and my dr said he saw areas of where the epilepsy is at, but he feels that Ive outgrown my grand mal seizures, and said that these seizures I experienced were not epileptic seizures. But after being put back on the Keppra XR, I have had no more seizures. He put me back on the Keppra XR due to the areas of epilepsy he saw on the VEEG.

    He told us that these seizures I was having were stress related. What I cant figure out is that if they were stress related, why didnt they occur before this VEEG and before I was taken off my medications cold turkey? And why did they stop after I was put back on the Keppra XR?

    My dr set me up a appointment with a psych dr tomorrow, but I really dont think these are stress related seizures.

    Anyone have any experience with these kind of seizures and them not showing up on a VEEG?


    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here had a bad experience with H & R Block?

    I ask this because this was our 4th year going to them. We never had any problems with them til this year. We filed our taxes on February 7th, and was suppose to recieve my state and federal refunds by February 18th. I paid $32.95 for them to be directly deposited into our bank account.

    That day came and nothing was in our account. So, we called them up and were told that there was an error on my social security number. The lady had us read the social security number back to her and she said it was the same on her papers. She didnt know why they were saying it was an error.

    We contacted the manager and what we found out is that she had the wrong social security number on her papers, just said it was right when we told her the number again over the phone. She lied, tried to change it and got caught by the manager. We paid almost $300 for them to do our taxes. The manager had to resumbit the taxes again and we finally today, got them back, almost a month after having them filed. I asked for our refund fee of almost $300 back, and we got that back after alot of talking back and fourth over the phone.

    Because we had such good years before with H & R Block, I referred my sister to them too. She paid almost $400 for her taxes to get done, and had her's done on February 9th. Way before we even had problems with them. Her taxes were never given to her too. She was told it would be a $32.95 charge to deposit her federal taxes into her bank account, and an additional $12 for her state. Something we were never charged for. She went to the same lady too. Then she finds out that her bank account number was entered wrong, and had to have that fixed, along with H & R Block changing her state taxes, after they printed off a copy for my sister. Instead of getting over $800, it only came to $713. The manager tried to say it was because she had a baby in September?! How in the world that makes sense is beyond me. He also asked if she came back to make changes or called to make changes and she didnt do any of that.

    I swear, after all this trouble H & R block has caused my family this year, I will never step foot into their business again!

    Anyone else have a bad experience with them?

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • I was 8 days late for my period, then had 2 days of bleeding?

    If youre a woman who always has cycles that are 28-29 days apart, and lasts for 5 days, would it be normal to have a period that was 8 days late and only lasting for 2 days followed with some brown discharge?

    I ask this because I had a normal period in January, but then in February it was 8 days late. I woke up to some spotting which turned into a light to medium bleeding. Dark Red in color. But it only lasted two days, then it went to brownish discharge for a day. Nothing since then.

    The last time we had sex was January 17th, two days prior to me getting my period in January.

    Whats weird is that about 7-10 days after my period in January, I started to get sore breasts, which became fuller, and bigger. Then I started to have headaches, and become tired. I also had some acne that was on my face, which I never get.

    Is it possible to get pregnant when you had sex two days prior to getting a regular period, then the next months period is late and short?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to have a late period, then bleed for only two days?

    I was 8 days late for my period this month. Due on February 15th, and it came on the 23rd. Started out light, went to a medium flow, and now today its barely there. Ive been wearing a maxi pad, and there is nothing on it. Ive noticed my breasts have still been hurting too. I do get really emotional before a period and my breasts do hurt, up til when I start, then it all goes away. This time, my breasts continued to hurt, and the period was only two days long.

    is this normal? My periods always last 4-5 days, Start out light, go a medium to heavy flow til the 3rd day and then become light til its done by the 5th day.

    I did take a pregnancy test on the 21st, two days before I started the two day period and it was negative.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can Having Puenmonia make you miss a period?

    Im just wondering if having pneumonia will make you miss a period?

    I was seen in the ER on January 25th and told I had pneumonia. My last period was January 19th. I was due for one February 15th. But so far nothing has come.

    I always experience the usual bloating, and being all emotional the first few days before I start my period. But this month, I havnt had any of that at all.

    I just wondered if it could be from being sick? Could it not cause me to have a period this month then?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can mono symptoms come and go?

    I was told on December 29, 2010 that I had mono. It was during that time I felt the worst. I was in bed for 4-5 days sleeping and feeling all worn down, and achy feeling. The day I got tested for mono, December 28, 2010, the dr had given me some antibiotics. He didnt know at the time I had mono, since it didnt come back til the day after. But I got the prescription filled and took them anyways. Its been about a week now since I had taken all the medication, and now I have a stuffy nose, my lymph nodes behind my ears and alittle bit below them are swollen and hurting. I have a runny nose, Im feeling dead tired again, and my head is throbbing.

    So my question is, could mono symptoms come and go for awhile? I know doing some research that they can mono can last for months. I just dont know if the symptoms can come and go during then too... like get better and then get worse again?

    I dont want whatever I have now to just let it go, if its not the mono.


    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago