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Am 18 and live in Hampshire UK but originally from Blackpool.

  • Which is most harmful smoking skunk, wacky backy cigs without drugs or getting very drunk on alcohol?

    With all this about the "Nutty" professor getting sacked I am very confused, and just want to know the truth, particularly from those with personal experience of effects of them.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Are pp on minimum wage "lacking in skills overpaid, slothful and lazy".?

    This comment is made in another yahoo answer yesterday by GissimO who says we ppl on minimum wage R all lacking in skills and lazy & therefore overpayd & thats why it should be abolished. I did very poorly at school coz i got excluded. But after leeving school I got a job on minimum wage doing things like cleering up other ppl's puke in a pub-restraunt until I got to 18. Then coz of minimum wage laws my employer found an excuse to sack me for "laziness in my work performance" and took on a 17 yeer old pole insted of me. Since then I have been on job seekers allowance desprately trying to find work and wood willingly take any job on well below minimum wage if anybody wood give me one. But the only work refrence I can get wood describe me as "lazy" and "thickl" so no employer is likely to want me.i wood like cameron to say when he becomes PM he will scrap the minimum wage to helpt brits like me keep our jobs insted of going on dole?.Will he & shud he?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • should all Brits boycott British Telecomm for there ant-Brit policies?

    In a question i answered earlier yahoo member Wamibo complayns it is impossible to get sumbody to talk to who speeks proper English at BT and also how he has been told lies and conned by foreign bt staff about costs of calling mobiles and so been ripped off by over 500%.

    Others answering give examples of how ignorant foreign BT staff are like one saying there was no such plaice as York in Britain did she meand New York as that was in the USA! And another who asked for the number of Mamnchester United football team was answered by a BT Indian employer "the onley football team in Manchester is called Manchester City is that what you mean?.

    I am fuming coz ive been truying to get a job for 6 months after losing my last one & payeing me my JSA is costing uk taxpayers huge sums just to keep me idle for rest of my life. I wud willingly work for bt to get a job even oif it meant getting below minimum wage. another member answering that question points out BT's revenue over past quarter was £527 Billion and they made profit of £200 million by this deception of the british ppl using there services! But Gordon Brown has stated that the reezon foreigners get all the jobs is coz there better qualified than ppl like me & cos Brit ppl like me are lazy and wont work. It seems Cameron's lot have same policies as Brown's lot and they too say iemploying migrants ts good for uk economy. the trades unions support them too coz they get more members so higher bonuses for union officials? Ok i may be too thick to go to uni or do jobs needing brains or being able to spell, , but i am sure i cud do the kings of jobs done by these foreigns working for Bt far better and less dishonestly than they can>. so is only way to stop these racist policies by employers like BT in refuzing to employ british workers & only employing non brits (so uk ppl having to pay higher taxes to keep ppl like me unemployed) is by everibody in UK using only British companies for there fone call services that employ Brits?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How likely am I to get into British army or RAF after failing at school and now unemployed 18 year old.?

    Ive been reading about all these deaths of Brit soldiers in Afghanistam but am considering having a go at joining forces as feel being killed out there is better than being jobless in uk forever. Coz Ive have lost my first and only job which was working in pub restraunt wtitch got at age of 17. But I was sacked for disciplinary reazons (insubordination and laziness) soon after becoming 18 since when Ive tried and tried get another job without success. I did very poorley at school after being excluded for fighting, but think ive grown out of that . So Im thinking of trying join army or RAF. But not sure if Im up to required standard coz of my problems.. Im also a bit scruffy , but my health is good and I think Im quite fit as go running and gym Anybody know wot prospects are for someone like me getting into army or RAF & if I get in will I be a failure in that too?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is Daily Telegraph or Shahid Malik misleading us over who spends most taxpayers money on his 2nd Home?

    The Daily Telegraph has singled out Shahid Malik MP for Dewsbury for claiming "more than any other MP in Commons" over recent years on his second home. But in a long interview on Sky News and on BBC News this morning Mr Malik says about 500 MPs have claimed as much as him over past 3 years and he alleges that the Daily "Torygraph" as he called it is deliberately misleading public opinion because he sais Tory leader David Cameron has claimed a higher figure than him in some years "on expenses on his £1.2 Million luxury second home in Oxford", He infers that the Daily Telegraph is hiding that fact. I just want to know the truth. I am asking Yahoo members to give us the true figures please!

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Double Summer Time be brought back?

    From today I have to get out of bed one hour earlier every morning because of today's clock change. When I complained my granddad.told me this is done to combat laziness among uk working population, particularly to make idle sods like me more productive! He says in WW2 we had a two hour clock advance instead of just the one hour we had last night, and that was how we defeated Hitler and Nazi-ism. So I should consider myself lucky. Would a return to Double Summer Time really be good for us all in 21st century?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If the UK government got rid of the minimum wage would unemployment in UK be lower during recession?

    According to an answer one reazon why jobs are disapearing in Britain is because profitable companies like Cadbury are closing down their factory in the UK and moving it to Poland. Cadbury say Poles are less lazy than Brits but also they dont have to pay the minimum wage to Polish workers in Poland. If Brown scrapped the minimum wage would there be more jobs in Britain during recession.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why can't TV Licence be abolished and BBC financed instead like Sky and Setanta are?

    Like very many in UK at present I am finding it extremely difficult to pay my bills being on minimum wage during present financial crisis. Hence I can not understand the justification of having to pay the extortionate BBC licence fee, so that prats like Jonathan Ross get paid £6 Million per year I do not want to watch him so why the hell must I pay for his wages. I do like watching Sky but have to pay for that. I would like also to watch the Adult Channel, Setanta Sports and the Racing Channel but cant afford that so have to do without. Now we are all having to go Digital, Is there any technical reason why the grossly overstaffed and over paid BBC personnel can not have its costs paid for in the same way as the others TV organisations' personnel, with every viewer having freedom to pay for those channels or not watch those channels?

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are you proud or ashamed of being lazy.?

    There seem to be many who say in answers they are lazy & take great pride in telling everibody this. .But I got sum very nasty comments on YA when I asked a question about going on unemployment benefit, as ppl seemed to think that my laziness was disgraceful, and disgusting & an inexcusable way of life that shud never be tolerated in a civilised society. Wot do U think about it?

  • Does my needing 10 or more hours sleep per nite mean I am lazier or healthier than most YA members? ?

    Somebody else on yahoo asked "how long do you sleep each night". Of over 45 YA answers I find I gave highest coz I seem to need 10 or more hours in bed on avrage nitely.My flatmate only needs 7 per nite and sez Im just extreemly lazy. Is he right? I am 17 and my job means I have to work till 1AM most nites doing nasty work.When I get home exausted I stay in my bed most days till after midday as feel so tired. Is there sumthing medically wrong with me needing so much sleep & should I force myself get up earlier even if feel very tired?

    8 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • when will my uk minimum wage go up above £3-40 per hour, and wha will new rate be?

    Couldnt get a job after left school due no gcses after exclusion from school. I eventually got this.horrible job waiting, cleaning up puke, scubbing kitchen etc.. I am payd £3-40 per hour worked for working 5 or 6 nites per week. Job center sed that was my legal wage when i got this job & so far havent bin sacked but think they may want get rid of me if they have to pay me more. .Others on yahoo said to my last question if I leave this job I get no dole money for 6 months. If I get sacked I get bad reference so wont stand chance of getting better job.with anybody else & as looks like l cant get another job anywhere else coz Im so thick looks like im stuck on this wage. I am struggeling to pay my rent and live on such low wage as my father threw me out so having to share a flat.I dont get home till 1or 2am or later each nite.I am on a course day time with Learn Direct to try improve my spelling & english to try get a better job but think I have a lot to learn I am 18 on 25th Jan 2009. Wot will my new minimum wage be & and when does it start. Any advice please?

    5 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Why am I called a parasite on society if I go back on JSA yet poll shows most disagree David Blunket?

    Answeres to my previous questions call me "a parasite on society", "A disgusting layabout" & "a drain on national resources" for being on Job Seekers Allowance for 6 months. I finally got a terrible job kleening up ppl's puke etc. in bizzy pub restraunt for just £3-40 per hour coz Im under 18. It seems ppl on YA say if I leeve work & go back on JSA or get fired they wud complayn so getting my benefit stpt coz Im so lazy & "a drain on national resources". So seems Ive got to carry on doing this awful job or starve & become homeless. Yet today a poll in Daily Express indicates most ppl think David Blunket is wrong coz its unfair for ppl to have "to work till they drop". They seem to think it rite for taxpayers pay for themself to become a workshy layabout insted of continuing to hav a job . My flatmate is still, working 80 hours per week shifts at age of 70 & is just as capable of working az me. If he stopz working taxpayers hav to pay 3 times as much for him to be idle to wot I cost taxpayers if I become idle. If he stays working he gets at leest minimum wage I dont due age difference. Iz this not unfair & ridiculous?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wot wil UK minimum wage be in Jan when I reach 18.Shud I get back on JSA till then or stay working in hell.?

    In my last questions Yahoo ppl complayned about my laziness coz had bin unemployed 6 months since left school with no GCEs. So accepted job wrg in bizzy pub restraunt 6 evenings per week. Job is terribull as hav to kleen up messes left by drunks, scrub spew and excretia in toilets and get bollocked twice hourly for maiking mistakes & all 4 half wot staff over 18 get payd. Wiv prospects of another job wivout GCEs looking grim, do U think Im better off leaving this job or trying stick it out till Im over 18 & get minimum wage.Also if I leave this job or get sacked can I get back on JSA orwill I be refuzed/.

    8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I take job offered in bizzy restaurant kitchen for just £108 per week or stay on JSA?

    Been on JSA most of passed 6 months after got sacked from only previous job for being allways late due difficultey getting out of my bed in early morning. Bean unable get job since. In my last YA question everybody answring seemed say i am disgustingly lazy and my JSA should be stopt. But this job pays only just above JSA and meanz i have to work very hard 5 evenings everyr week till midnite or later including work every weekend. Also discovered previous workers have left it coz condishions are so unplesant. If you were in my situation wood U take this job or wood U tell job center NO till sumthing better came up?

    5 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • Is reezon I am still on JSA 6 months after leaving school coz I am just lazy or are their other reasons?

    My father said on fone to me today I am a disgusting layabout. He sais I am myself entirely 2 blame for still being unemployed 6 months after leaving school coz figs in papers show there has been a rise of 20,000 in numbers employed in UK over past month. This proves he sais the reezon I have failed to get into work must be coz I was 2 lazy to get any GCEs at school and coz I'm now too lazy to get off my ****.

    and do some hardwork.I have tried and tried to get a job but no success. Is my father's opinion correct? Please be truthful?

    9 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • If my landlord/flatmate leaves shared accom area untidy should I withhold rent payment till he corrects this?

    I left school at 17 but cant get job in Lancs. So moved to Berks where work prospects far better. But found accom costs mostly £700+ per week which cant afford on my Job Seekers. But when desperate for somewhere to stay, found this old guy who lets me share his flat if share rent. He moved out of only bedroom (25ft by 25Ft) so it is now all mine.He now sleeps usually day time in broom cupboard only just big enough for his single mattress. Coz he has job working 14 hour nite shifts 5 on 3 off, he agreed I only need pay £100 per month and he pays remaining £300 of monthly rent to Housing Assn. Most evenings & nites I have whole flat to myself including sat TV when he is at work He OK except he is disgustingly untidy and a bit whiffy. He does not always kleen bath or loo after using, also kitchen floor is filthy & living room likea tip. So I am kleening up his mess. If I refuzed to pay 50% of my share of rent until he improoves cud he as landlord evict me?

    16 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago