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Child support supsended due to Child services investigation.?
I was just told that my ex-sister in law who has primary custody of my nephew had her child support suspended because there was an investigation going on by the department of children's services (not sure what it's called in FL). I have never heard of this before. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this and another question I have is if it is a serious situation enough to warrant taking away her child support why is my nephew still living with her?
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoAnswering a child support summons, FL?
I am trying to help my brother find out info on answering a child support summons, sorry if this is lengthy. Him and his wife are separated, not divorced, no papers have been filed. She applied for medicaid for their son and the office told her she could not receive it until she petitioned the court for child support. ( THis is according to her) He received a summons with the complaint: stating that she is suing him for child support, retroactive child support for the past 24 months ( the child is 3) the cost of health insurance (even though she wants to use state paid medicaid) The cost of all out of pocket expenses related to medical care. He paid her $500 a month for the first year of separation until he was laid off, after that he has given her half of all money he has received for odd jobs and that was given to him, obviously this was cash. He has no problem paying support but does not want to pay retroactive support and wants shared custody and regular visitation, she has had her phone turned off and he can not get a hold of her most times, she will also not allow him to keep their son during the day while she is at work, no reason other than she doesn't want him too. What needs to be in the answer and should he include all of the visitation stuff and that she won't file divorce papers only because she doesn't want to share custody. Or only to put monetary issues in there. THank you in advance.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoFeeding dogs a raw diet, how much food?
I have decided to switch my dogs to a raw diet. (They have allergies to many things in commercial foods) I would like to know what ratio some experienced raw feeders use. I have read different methods using calories (which I can't find an accurate count for raw foods) and also % of weight which for all 3 of my dogs would be between 15 and 20 lbs a day. I have also not found a clear outline other than the % of meat and organ meat that should be in their diet. -- I am not posting this question as a debate of whether or not commercial food is better, for my dogs it's not.
9 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow to fix a laptop keyboard after spill?
I was given a laptop that had something spilled on it and now half the keyboard and the touchpad doesn't work. It was free so I wanted to try to fix it myself because it's older and not worth the money to replace parts. I also don't know how to get logged into windows as there are user accounts on there and no one knows the passwords and there is no guest accounts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoRoaches everywhere please help!!!!!?
Over the past week we have noticed those nasty little things in our house, we keep our house pretty clean and have never had a problem in the 3 yrs we have lived in this house and then all of a sudden they are everywhere, I just went oustside and there were about 10 running under my car (from the light), The other day I went to put clothes in the dryer and what did I see 3 roaches on top of my freshly washed clothes, Our house is on a zero lot line can we be getting these from our neighbors they just had their house sprayed and before then we didn't have a problems,. We are moving in 3 weeks and I want to make sure we don't take any with us what can I do until then?
9 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago38 weeks legs swollen but not feet? Anyone else?
I am 38 weeks and my legs from knee to ankle are swollen but not my ankles or feet. Anyone else have this usually at the end of my pregnancy I am just one big water balloon but this time just the lower part of my legs. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen? I already know to lay on my left side, drink plenty of water and watch my sodium intake, just wanted to know if anyone else has only had their legs swell.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPETA's new commercial that got rejected?
I was reading through some articles of news and stupid news and came across a story on PETA's new commercial, the "veggie porn", as a mother of 2 young children I would be appalled if this was allowed to air during prime time television, my kids might see it, I wouldn't care so much if it was at night. I do not agree with PETA's "mission" but generally don't care what they are doing as long as it is not taking place at my child's school or in front of my home? Do you think PETA saves more animals that any other county funded shelter? or do you think like me they are a bunch of extremist who have nothing to be upset about? Personally if it came down to it and my family was starving we would eat our dog before we let our kids starve.
3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoMy toilet clogs at least once a day!?
Almost every day our downstairs toilet clogs and my husband has to fix it, he can plunge it and it will work a couple of times and then it's clogged again. We are on a sewer system and not a septic tank any suggestions to help with this problem? Can I use Drano or something like that to prevent this from happening so much?
6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoCan I have the car blocking my driveway towed at the owners expense?
Our neighbors have "get togethers" at least once a week we have been really nice about asking them to have their visitors stop parking in front of our driveway it blocks our cars in and usually my husband or I have to go to work. We are always polite about asking, well this time they have parked a car in front of the driveway blocking the empty space and my husband is coming home from work with no way to park in front of our house and we are just tired of being nice and asking, we shouldn't have to we live here, we pay the mortgage not them.
9 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoDoes anyone with Cricket Broadband know if it will work on an airplane?
I looked on their website no answer, if so has anyone actually used it on an airplane? (Obviously I mean while you are in flight)
2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoGiving consent for emergency Care for my minor child when staying with grandparents.?
My daughter is staying with her grandparents for a couple of weeks this summer in a nother state, I want to give them permission to authorize emergency care if necesary what kind of form do I need? and does it have to be notarized.
7 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHillary always refer to Bill why?
I do not avidly watch campaign stuffs on tv but when I do I noticed that Hillary always refers back to "what Bill did when he was in office" I think was good so let's go back to that. Do you think this shows that she lacks the capacity to handle the job as president? Or do you think her idea of being co-president with your spouse benefits the country?
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoDo I invite them?
I am having a birthday party for my daughter turning 5, I am trying to keep it small and am just having close family and a few of my daughters friends over. The question: I am inviting my grandma and grandpa, they care for my cousin who lives there (all 3 are invited) My uncle also lives there do I have to invite him too? If so would it be unfair to not invite my other uncles (his bros.) who do not live there? This is an ongoing question that me and my mother have. We just aren't sure where to draw the line. I want to keep the party small to keep the cost of feeding every one reasonable and my daughter really wants her great grandparents and older cousin to come, what is the correct (maybe not the nice) thing to do?
10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoCars I can fit car seats in and buckle the seat belts?
We currenlty have a 99 Jeep Cherokee Classic. I have 2 children in car seats one in a no back booster and one in a convertible car seat rear facing, our ongoing problem is that no matter how we arrange the car seats we cannot make it so our oldest (in the booster) can buckle her own seatbelt, and it is hard and time consuming for us as it kinda falls under the other carseat, if we move one to each side the convertible car seat sits too close to the front seat which it isn't supposed too. I watch my niece during the week who is also in a car seat (high back booster) and by the grace of God we have not had to load all 3 kids up yet. We also plan on adding another little one to our family in the future. Any suggestions on what cars I can get to accomidate carseats and buckle the seat belts without "magic" I am looking for alternatives to the mini-van.
4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoDoggie Day Care?
Does anyone own a doggie day care, Iwant to start one and don't know what kind of training I should have and if there is health code for it. I am in NV
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoCeleb Fit Club, Dustin Diamond Scam ARtist?
I watch celeb fit club and I was wondering other peoples opinions on DD he seems to take everything as a way to get money or publicity. He made a very crappy deal w/his house and everyone bought shirts to pay for his house. Hello he signed the papers. Does he have a job? The most recent on the show he got called out for being a slacker prick and he immediatly is threatening to call a lawyer. I do not agree w/ Harvey's choice of words but come on. Your opinions?
5 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoMigraine meds for people who use them pls?
I have migraines about 1x per week on average they are severe to debilitating. OTC doesn't touch them even if I feel it coming on. Imitrex takes the edge off Zomig is a lil better, Fiorcet doesn nothing. I took Inderol and it helped very little. I basically stay in bed the entire day. My migraines are hereditary and any medicine I start to take will not work after about 3-6 mos because I build up a tolerance. I am not depressed, not dehydrated, I have a headach diary and they are very rarely caused by food triggers. I have an appt to talk to a doct I was wondering if anyone who has taken preventative drugs for severe to debilitating migraines could tell me what they used and their side effects. Jut trying to be informed when I go to the doc.
4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoCrafts w/ baby food jars?
I have tons of baby food jars and I am looking for ideas to make crafts w/ my daughter and neice other than snowglobes and silk flower "gardens". Does anyone know if there is a flower that can be planted inside of them and live?
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoDoes anyone know if there are neg. side effects from using Head-On?
I used Head-On today for a headache and didn't see any side effects listed, other then the feeling of vicks vapor rub on my forehead from the menthol stuff in it. I was wondering if there are any side effects to using this on a regular basis.
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoIf I am born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer how do I know which one?
I was born June 21 1982, if I read a daily horoscope one day its cancer one day it's gemini, if anyone knows please tell me.
5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago