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Favorite Answers21%
  • Divorcees: how long did you date before you got engaged?

    I want to see if there is a connection between how fast the engagement is to the chance of getting divorced.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Divorcees: how long did you date before you got engaged?

    I want to see if there is any connection..

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Contraceptive implant- is this normal?

    I had the Nexplanon implant inserted a month ago (whilst I was on my period) and it has lasted an entire month. I was told by the doctor that it can make periods irregular but this is long! It seems light but is continuous. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Is it normal to not enjoy feeding your baby?

    My partner says it's not normal and that I should enjoy feeding him..

    (My son is 3 months old and bottle fed) but he eats every 2 hours and takes an hour each time to feed him.. I love my baby but sometimes I feel like I spend the entire day with a bottle in my bottle in my hand

    My partner wouldn't really know because he's never had to do every single feed in a day..

    I love playing with him and cuddling him and getting him to sleep and talking to him as he cold back.. Just feeding feels like a chore because I do it so often

    Is this weird?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • What do you wish you knew before having kids..?

    Mine is... That single childless friends will NEVER understand..

    The amount of times I have told every person I know that my little one's snaps are 10-11 am and 4-5pm (he is 3 months)

    Yet have had phone calls and Skype calls and friends 'popping round' pretty much every nap time.. Waking the poor lad up. Because they NEED to tell me URGENTLY that 'so and so with the big nose has broken up with the weird guy with ginger hair and the nice car over TEXT' or whatever...

    (They are all in their early 20's also so this mundane crap is apparently still appealing gossip)

    What do you wish you knew?

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • How do you deal with a negative person?

    My boyfriend is incredibly negative a lot of the time, at the moment. I am an extremely positive person but he brings me down...

    For example, I was looking up various countries minimum wages on Wikipedia.. And telling him that we are so lucky to live in a country with such a good high minimum wage.. Even our poor areas are nothing compared to other countries and we should be grateful for where we are because we could have been born in a slum into poverty and disease..

    He replied to this by listing what is wrong with our society and how even though we are three people we still sleep in one room because we can't afford a two bedroom house..

    I went on to say that we should still be grateful as there is a roof over our heads, money to our name and food on our plates so we should be happy. Stop being negative we could have been worse off

    He continued to moan saying he was just being 'realistic' and stop acting like we are living a high life when we are not.

    He wasn't always like this.. I think it's a phase but how do I deal with such negativity?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What is an easy hair bleach to use?

    I just tried to bleach my hair, and it failed miserably...

    What is a really easy one that can bleach quite pale. My hair is chestnut brown and I want it literally white.. I have toners just not the bleach

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Survey: what do you think stay at home mothers do all day?

    Do you think the work would be hard, easy, would they be busy, or just watch TV? How does the number of children and age affect your opinion?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Questions for people who live in America?

    1. What are twinkies?

    2. What fast food restaurants are around?

    3. Do you call it America, the states, or USA? Or the US?

    4. If I went into a shop, and wanted a chocolate or 'candy' bar what choice would I have?

    5. What age people would I find in a club?

    6. What age do you finish school?

    7. Where in America are you from?

    8. What beers would I find in a bar?

    9. What is your impression of England?

    20. You're on a night out... How many and what drinks would you have?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • what would you reccomend i buy my baby?

    Apart from basics... Clothes, cot, bottles, travel system, toys etc.

    Some family members gave me some money to buy something useful for the baby. He's 6 weeks old.

    What should I get him?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Wouldn't this stop admins deleting questions for no reason?

    If they HAD to put what guideline it was violating..

    And a reason why.

    I just put a question asking what shape my eyes are.. And a picture of my face (so you can see my eyes)

    It was in health and beauty category

    I can't find a problem..

    I feel that if they had to put a reason then it wouldn't have been deleted as there isn't one really..

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why is my partner to push the boundaries? What can I do?

    It's like he's deliberately trying to p*ss me off.

    He's so stubborn.

    He's just point blank refused to change our sons nappy (which is only wet) he said 'no you're going to do it' and I explained that I don't feel it's fair I change every single nappy (he has changed 2 since our son was born, he's now 6 weeks old)

    I asked why he can't change it.. He said 'because I said so, (what is he, 4 years old or something!?)

    There are lots of instances like this.

    He goes through random periods of time where he is really nice and respectful then he has periods of time where he will be a total dick, normally if something big in our lives has changed. I.e the birth of our son. These 'bad' periods of time normally last a couple of months

    I understand that it's probably caused a little stress but and I do cut him some slack but I find it unacceptable for him to treat me like a doormat and be some submissive little b*tch that he knows I'm NOT. We both stand our ground and can argue for days.

    I know people might say 'break up with him' but it's not that simple.. I want to work at this as I know he can be the best person in the world when he's in a 'nice period'

    I just want him to stop being a complete sh*thead and consider my feelings rather than treating me like crap.

    What do I do?

    We can't afford couples counselling or anything like that..

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • What did you eat today?

    Literally everything..

    Breakfast lunch dinner and snacks (:

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Would you be annoyed if your partner invited round guests without letting you know?

    While you were both in the house?

    What about if they weren't there.. And expected you to entertain people you didn't know and had no idea were coming?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • teens... what are the main things on your mind right now?

    And how old are you..?

    When I was a teen I just thought about friends and school and boys..

    What do teens these days think about?

    22 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • the RANDOM survey to end all surveys! :D?

    1. What's for dinner?

    2. Tell me a random interesting fact about yourself...

    3. What is the 'best age' to have children?

    4. What's your vice?

    5. Tell me one thing that annoys you... Go on.. Have a rant.

    6. If I gave you a million pounds to invest.. (You can't just spend it willy nilly it's impossible) what would you invest it in?

    7. what is a good idea for a new invention?

    8. Tell me a life hack (if you don't know what it means.. Google it! But don't use the life hacks off the Internet! Tell me your own)

    9. What's the best meme at the moment?

    10. I'm so hungry ): what should I eat?

    Go forth and spread your answers below..

    Do not forget to pray to the patron saint of pancakes for assistance in this great endeavor.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • my month old cries and strains when he poos?

    He does pass poo, and it's not like pellets, it varies between the consistency of purée and clay

    He always strains and cries and makes his little face go red ): if he's drinking his bottle sometimes he gets so worked up be makes himself sick.

    What do I do?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • do you sleep talk? Or know anyone who does?

    My boyfriend does. One night he woke up shouting WHY IS IT? Other times he talks in another language.. And asking me questions in the language and I'm sat there like "what?"

    I once sang take that songs in my sleep :/

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • bleeding 4 weeks after giving birth?

    I thought it was a period at first but then it became insanely heavy (a sanitary pad doesn't even last me half an hour now) and I am passing huge blood clots all the time (I'm talking the volume of a Ping pong ball and there's like 10 an hour)

    I'm worried it's an infection as I have birth four weeks ago and have heard of women with similar symptoms ending up needing to go into hospital for antibiotics and stuff.

    I rang the NHS advice line, and they passed me on to a nurse who told me that because I don't have pain and fever, it's just a period.

    But this doesn't seem right to me.. I'm passing WAY too much blood to be normal. If I don't change the pad every half hour I end up sitting in a puddle of blood.

    I'm having some discomfort in my tummy but not pain..

    What do I do? Could this be an infection? Should I go see a doctor?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago