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  • Whiplash claim?

    I was a car accident and did not seek medical attention I now believe I suffered from minor whiplash during the incident . I recorded the conversation me and the at fault driver and at the end she asks me if I’m okay and I reply no I have a horrible migraine. If this enough for the claim? Can I tell their insurance to add a whiplash claim or do I have to sue for that? She was also already determined to be at fault FYI. Another worry is that they will total out my car and not give me enough to replace it with a car since my current car value was low since it’s old. 

    10 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 day ago
  • Minecraft with Xray mod won't work properly on Mac.?

    I downloaded Minecraft X-ray mod onto my 1.13.2 profile how ever when I load it everything works fine except for none of my keys work including my escape key. the only thing that works is my mouse controls. im on a Macbook pro and it runs fine on all other versions such as my optifine version just this one X-ray version. I will go and try to bind my xray keys and all I can do is left and right click on that menu only as well.

  • Booster vs vaccination in dogs?

    Im not sure if my dog had its puppy vaccinations. But he has had boosters. Is he at risk for Parvo if he hasn't had puppy vac but gets boosters?

    7 AnswersDogs3 years ago