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  • How much should I charge for Santa Pictures with copyright?

    I am taking Santa pictures tomorrow and will put all images I get of each child on individual cds. I will enclose a copyright giving parents the freedom to do as they wish with the pictures. (make copy of cd, print pictures online or at photo labs, use for Christmas cards, etc.) I was thinking of charging $10 for the cd (which is NOT bad considering a local photographer charges $25 for ONE 8X10 picture of Santa and you have to order any other prints from him). Is $10 a fair price and how would I charge if people have more than one child and want individual pictures? ($10 for one child, $5 for additional child?) I know with the economy the way it is, people do not have the money to spend a fortune on pictures. I wanted to encourage people to get them done at an affordable price.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • When asked to take pictures, how much should I charge?

    First off.. I am NOT a professional and do not claim to be. I enjoy taking pictures and use it as a stress reliever. However, after seeing a few pics of my kids.. I've had numerous people in my area to ask me to take pictures of their children. I'm confused as to how much to charge (because with 2 kids of my own I can't just stop what I'm doing and take pics at the drop of a hat.. have to line up a sitter.. etc..). I've taken some for a few friends and did not charge them because I felt that because I'm NOT a professional that I couldn't. But since then.. I've had many people tell me they'll pay me to take their children's pictures. I usually take between 100-150 pictures, put them directly on the computer, let them pick out the ones they like, and put them on a cd. Every time I've done this, they have chosen at LEAST 75-100 that they wanted to keep. How much should I charge to take the pics, give them a cd, and a copyright to get them printed? Or should I order prints myself? So confused! :P

    Here are a few..

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Stop Loss for troops now heading to Iraq?

    My husband has been in the National Guard for 9 years. He is currently on active orders as of May 1 and will return to Iraq for the second time around the middle of June. His "time" will be up in January 2010 and he is not signing back up along with MANY others in his brigade. My question is what is the current status on Stop Loss since supposedly a bill was signed putting an end to it. They have been told the following and do not know what to believe:

    1. If they are overseas when their time is "up" they will receive an additional $500 a month until they return home and are no longer on orders.

    2. When their time is "up", they will be given the choice of signing back up again and staying the duration of the tour or they will be sent back home.

    Anyone who has dealings with the military understand how many conflicting stories you get. I'm just wondering if anyone has some personal knowledge and experience concerning it. Thanks!

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Hormone levels went from 100, to 400, to 300, now 900!?

    My sister went to the ER three weeks ago with SEVERE pain. The dr. does blood work and says she has a hormone level of 100 and is pregnant. They do an ultrasound and tell her she has a cyst in her tube and it is an ectopic pregnancy. They gave her a methotrexate shot and told her it had to be done or her tube would rupture. 2 days later she returns with severe vomiting and same severe pain. They check her levels and she was told they were in the 400's and that they would have to do surgery. Right before the scheduled surgery, another dr. decides to do another ultrasound. The tech tells the dr. that it is NOT an ectopic pregnancy.. only a cyst and that with levels as low as hers she could only be about 2 weeks pregnant and nothing would show up on ultrasound yet.

    My sis then goes to her OBGYN in another town and tells him what happened. He was FURIOUS because he said she should have never gotten the shot that early. He does blood work and it shows her levels have dropped to 300. He tells her that the methotrexate shot is suppose to trigger a miscarriage and since her levels were dropping then a miscarriage was pretty inevitable but he wanted her to come back in a week to check levels again. She went yesterday.. and her levels were in the 900's! They did another ultrasound and the cyst was still in her tube but nothing else! Her uterus was "extra thick" and there was a "foggy something" there.. but dr. didn't want to say for sure until he was certain. She goes back tomorrow to check levels and do another ultrasound.

    Has anyone been through this or even heard of levels doing this?? Could it be a vanishing twin maybe? We are clueless!!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Dr. just called back with HCG level results...?

    I posted a question yesterday about not knowing if I was experiencing another miscarriage. The dr.'s office just called and said my HCG level is 68,373. I am 7 weeks along.. and clueless when it comes to HCG levels. They want me to come back Monday to see what the numbers are doing. I'm just curious as to what anyone else's HCG levels are at 7 weeks along.. this number seems kind of high to me... thanks so much!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I in the process of having a miscarriage AGAIN?

    I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. Last Thursday and Friday I had a headache so bad I was seeing half of everything. Sunday afternoon, I noticed that my CM was pink. I only noticed it once when I went to the bathroom and haven't seen it since. However, I'm noticing that my pregnancy symptoms are starting to diminish (not as nauseous.. breasts are not sore...face has cleared up..). I just got back from the Dr.'s office but all they did was bloodwork to determine my hormone level and told me to come back next Monday to test again to compare the results. I am having pains in my back and really just do not even know what to think anymore. I had a miscarriage last July at 13 weeks and experienced some of the same things.. but I'm worried that I'm just being extra paranoid this time around. If ANYONE has been through this and can tell me your personal experience with it please reply.

    Thanks so much...

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My 18 month old cries everytime her grandmother comes around!?

    My mother-in-law and father-in-law see my daughter at least twice a week. She is fine if "Papaw" is with "Nanny".. but if "Nanny" shows up alone.. she freaks out!! Like for instance, one day she was not feeling real well and Nanny offered to watch her. When my husband tried to hand her to my mother-in-law, my daughter started screaming hysterically and would not go to her! Daycare just called me and wanted to make sure it was ok for her to pick her up today because my little one was holding on to the daycare worker and crying saying, "No Go" when Nanny tried to get her today.

    I have never seen or heard my Mother-in-law EVER be ugly to my child.. I just don't know why she would do this. She doesn't do this with anyone else.. (she's a very happy, friendly child.. will smile and talk to anyone..)

    Please give me any suggestions.. especially personal experience. Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Building our first home.. will we need a downpayment.. we are clueless!?

    We have credit scores around 700. We only have about $4,000 to our names but we have 4 acres that we are building on (valued at $25,000). We have already picked out house plans, found a builder,building permits and "perk" tests have been completed, talked to the bank and had the plans appraised (House and land appraised at $195,000.. builder has made a proposal to build it for $134,000). We are clueless about the financing part of it and are suppose to go to the bank Friday. Are we going to have to pay any money down or can we use our land that we own as collateral. Please don't think I'm a complete moron.. we just need advice. Thanks so much for your responses!!!

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I had a miscarriage on July 5th and was 3 months along. I'm just wondering when to expect my period.?

    I am absolutely TERRIFIED of becoming pregnant again (well.. this soon). I told my husband I didn't want to have sex until after my first period. (so that I can keep up with my days and everything.) Anyone been through this???

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Thanks for all of your responses..?

    This really isn't a question.. but more of a "Thank you" for the responses I received a few days ago concerning my pregnancy. For those who don't know.. I was discharging brown, then a lot of clots, then red, then a lot of cramping. The doctor did confirm Thursday that I was having a miscarriage. However, since I was 12 weeks he didn't think I would be able to complete it on my own. However, when I came home that afternoon, I DID end up completing it. Worst experience of my life.. but I'm thankful for the responses that helped me to be prepared when I went to see the doctor. Good luck to all of you in your pregnancies and may God bless.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Preg. with 2nd.. started brown discharge, has turned red, now a lot of clots?

    When I was in labor with my first child, every nurse who checked me asked if I had ever had surgery on my cervix. They never told me why they asked that question.. but 5 different nurses asked me that. Now, I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. 3 days ago I noticed dark brown discharge. It has slowly become a lot more and red with pretty big clots. Going to dr. at 1:15... has anyone else been asked the question about their cervix and could this be the reason I'm bleeding.. I've just started cramping also.. could this really be a miscarriage.. I'm so upset....

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just posted question earlier about brown discharge.. now headache..?

    I've been at work all day today and I appreciate the replies I have received about a little brown discharge I noticed last night. Well.. when I went to bathroom a little while ago.. I noticed it again. However, for the past 2 hours I've had a headache that WILL NOT go away. It's on the left side of my head (right behind my eye..). I don't want to seem obsessed about this.. but I just don't know signs and symptoms of a miscarriage..

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 11 weeks pregnant and saw just a little brown discharge?

    I'm 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my second child. (My first child is 9 months old). Last night, I noticed a little brown discharge when I wiped. It wasn't a lot.. but it was enough for me to notice. Is this normal.. or should I be a little concerned? Didn't do this at all with my first, but this pregnancy has been TOTALLY different from the first.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago