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  • My boyfriend has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.?

    I don't know what to do. I found out today that my schizophrenic boyfriend also has acute bipolar disorder. I knew something was wrong with him, I just thought he was pretending to take his medication again. I had no idea that he was bipolar. I found out when his therapist asked me if he was taking the new meds that were prescribed to him a month ago. I only knew about the three he took everyday for his schizophrenia. His delusions and hallucinations were not as bad, I just thought that his random crying and laughter was because of his schizophrenia because that is also a symptom of it. I'm a little sad he didn't tell me this before. We've been together for almost two years. He said he thought I would get mad at him if he told me because he thinks I hate bipolar people since my dad was bipolar and he walked out on us. But that's not true, I don't hate anyone. I'm reading things on bipolar disorder but not finding much on it. Bipolar symptoms are similar to schizophrenia symptoms. Is there any thing I should know?? Please help. Thanks.

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Is my boyfriend showing signs of possessiveness?

    This is a lot, I apologize.

    I feel like my boyfriend loves me very much. But I have a feeling he's getting possessive. Just to let you know, He has schizophrenia. So, I was wearing an undershirt once at my house and I had some friends over (two boys and a girl) -we were working on a project- he stopped by and everything was fine, but when one of my guy friends opened the door being stupid or whatever, all of a sudden he noticed my shirt and told me I was trying to flaunt for people.. Then, I had a tube dress that went passed my knees that i was wearing to one of my guy friends birthday party and he said I was looking too ho-ish. He deleted all my contacts except his when I was asleep. But I got them back. He always has to know who I'm talking to on the phone. Sometimes he listens to my phone conversations. When I'm not aware of course. But he says that he just really loves me and doesn't want anyone to break us up. He does act like he loves me most of the time. Because of his schizophrenia he can act a little rude towards me. But I make sure he takes his pills every single day. He makes me feel like I'm the most special girl in the world most of the time. He made friends his first year of college, but now he doesn't like them for some reason because after going through my messages before deleting my contacts, he apparently saw messages that our friends were sending to me about breaking us up. But there were none of course. I'm so confused..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How can I lose this weight? :(?

    Diets don't work for me and I don't want to take any pills or anything like that because I'm afraid it'll harm my body. I tried eating healthy foods, but there are so many temptations around me. I've been trying to lose weight for seven years but nothing seems to work.

    I can do the working out part cuz i actually like going outside and playing around as long as it's not just plain running, it has to be enjoyable, you know? It's really just the eating that's the worst part.

    So I guess my question is how can I lose a little weight without just eating salad all the time and vegetables? I need foods that I'll really enjoy so it can motivate me to go on.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Please help me?

    I really need some advice. My boyfriend of one and a half years has schizophrenia and today he did something... What's the word?... Uncalled for I guess? That's an understatement but I can't think right at the moment. Ok lemme get to the story.

    We were planning to have a relaxing evening together, but I had to go to my friends place for a second to pick something up. So I leave his apartment (which I kind of stay at a lot now) and do what I have to do. I come back and he's over here crushing up something and I soon find out that it's his NEW REFILL OF HIS PILL BOTTLES! He got a refill three days ago for three of his pill bottles. He told me it was sugar at first and put yellow paint inside and mixed it up and I was like "why would you waste all that sugar and paint?" then all of a sudden he bursts into tears saying that it's his pills and shows me the three empty bottles.. I called the doctor already and she said he can't get another refill for a week and a half or two weeks because they're low on Zoloft and the other ones he has. This is absurd. What do I do now? He can't go even four days without his medicine. Last time that happened he ran away and we couldn't find him for two days.

    What am I suppose to do for the next week? I'm scared for him

    Please no rude comments

    Thank you ^.^

    Aditional Info:

    ~his parents can't really do much about it because they're very preoccupied in their "work".. I guess. Basically they don't care.

    ~I'm 18 and he's 19

    ~we're both in college

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • My boyfriend cries A LOT?

    I'm not really sure that this behavior is necessary. I get it. Everyone cries. It's apart of life. But I'm just saying. He's 19 years old and cries about literally everything we argue about. Like once I told him that I really wanted to meet his parents (which he refuses to take me to for some reason) and I'm like "when am I ever gonna be able to met your parents?" And he's like "never" so I'm like "really? Are you serious?" And immediately he started to cry and says "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you gonna leave me?" He's always doing some extra stuff like getting down on his knees and begging for me not to leave him when I never said I was going to. I don't know what his problem is. He cries when I don't come back at 11:00p.m. the time HE wants me to come back from my friends house, he cries when he thinks I'm mad at him, he cries when we can't see each other all day, he cries when I don't answer his calls and texts on time, he cried when i confronted him about reading through my messages on my phone, he cried when I fell down on the sidewalk when we were arguing one time, he cried uncontrollably when I yelled at him. Like what the heck? What do you think? Is that normal behavior for a college sophomore to be acting like? What's his problem? Why does he cry so much?

    Any advice?

    Thank you for reading. I know it was pretty lengthy. :p

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My boyfriend play fights too roughly.?

    Some times out of the random on normal, relaxing days my boyfriend and I play fight and it's fun at first... But then after a while he starts to go too rough and takes things too far to the point where it's not normal and relaxing and fun, it's painful. He takes it too far and after about five minutes it's like he's fighting for his life only with a smile while doing so. He thinks it's funny and that I'm having fun too but I'm NOT. No matter how much I scream at him when he's literally trying to rip my hair off my scalp, he doesn't listen at all. And I told him plenty of times that it's not funny and he needs to stop being so rough and he's like "Okay I'm sorry sweetheart" then, next thing I know, I'm in the same situation again. He's never punched, slapped, or like beat me up or anything. Usually he just hair pulls, squeezes my wrists, bends my fingers back and grabs.

    Trust me, I've TRIED talking to him assertively, but nothing seems to get to him.

    Btw, he has schizophrenia... If that helps.

    I'm 18 and he's 19.

    I want to have these enjoyable moments with him, but that can never happen if he doesn't stop. I don't think he does this to actually hurt me, I just think he doesn't know his own strength sometimes... Maybe? I don't know, I'm really confused on what to do here.

    Any advice would be much appreciated

    No rude comments please :)

    Thanks so much

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What should I do about my schizophrenic ex?

    My ex boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now and I've known he's had schizophrenia for a while. Here's the problem, he refuses to take his medication. We broke up because he lied to me about a lot of things for the second time. I know that schizophrenia being left untreated is seriously dangerous and I should most likely bolt but I cant. I told him that if he can get his act together and take his meds then we can work on getting back together soon but he just DOESNT want to do that and I don't know why. The thing is that he hasn't really done anything crazy yet, you know? But I'm scared that one day I'll say something he doesn't like then he'll just go crazy and start beating me up or something. He's never hit me before. I just don't know exactly what to do. I can't force the pills in his mouth or anything. He has issues with his parents and they live in a different state while he's here. He has his own apartment to himself. I can't talk to his parents about anything cuz he refuses to take me to see them for the first time (we were planning to do that this summer until we broke up.) I know I shouldnt be worrying about this since we aren't dating but it FEELS like we still are because he keeps showing up at my house and somehow he got a copy of my house key... And he acts like nothing ever happened. Like calling me sweetheart and honey and stuff. I guess the only reason I havent told him to back off yet is cuz I'm afraid of what he'll do..

    Any advice?

    Thank you :)

    5 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I need major advice!! What should I do?

    Ok so yesterday my boyfriend and I got into an arugment and I thought it wasn't gonna be that major but it kinda was. He has schizophrenia and so I'm a little use to most of his actions. We were arguing because he doesn't like any of my friends and he said that they're trying to take me from him or whatever. So we were arguing and he was teary eyed then one of my guy friends called me during the argument then he took my phone and said "if you don't tell him to leave you along then I will." And I'm like trying to take my phone from him. Then he SMASHES it on the floor purposely and laughed. Then AFTER that he tells me that he hasn't been taking his medication for a month, he's been skipping school to basically stalk me at my school, and he went through my phone and read everything even though I have a LOCK on it. Ugh, I was so angry. So I left and he's been calling my house phone and leaving messages on the answering machine saying "I'm seriously going to kill myself. This is it. I'm done. I can't live without you. I need you. I love you. Why won't you talk to me?! I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so SO sorry! Please forgive me!" Idk what to do anymore!

    I love him so much but he's never been THIS bad! This all happened the day after my eighteenth birthday. We were suppose to go somewhere special for my birthday weekend but it was canceled obviously.

    I need serious answers please and thank you so much! I'm really confused on what to do. Im not sure I wanna leave him perminately. :(

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My boyfriend has schizophrenia?

    So my boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now and I've known that he has had schizophrenia for a long while now. We get along great and he's super sweet and really attractive and has a really awesome personality. But on some days he can act really different towards me. In the beginning of our relationship, he showed only minor symptoms but in the last five months it's been really bad.

    He hallucinates a lot and his delusions are kind of starting get me worried. He says he has long lost twin brother named "Jordan" and "Jordan" has a girlfriend, too named "Jade" and he says that "Jade" is MY twin that I've never known about. Whenever I tell him that I don't have another sister besides my little sister that I actually have, he gets upset and says I'm being rude to my twin sister. He also says that "Jordan" is some reincarnated God and "Jade" use to be Athena in a past life so now he thinks that we're both part God and Goddess.

    I'm just confused because he knows that he hallucinates sometimes but I guess these are just too real in his head. He goes out with "Jordan" some places after school and I'm worried that he's doing something bad. He tells me to say sorry to them when I "hurt their feelings". He is on medication and he takes it everyday (I make sure I'm there when he does). It just feels to me like our relationship is now a party of four. :( idk what I should do about it.

    Any advice?

    (Btw I've tried talk to him about it a lot but he refuses to believe otherwise)

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago