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Lv 2832 points


Favorite Answers7%
  • Horsey story help? (20 characters)?

    Ok so i love writing and horses so i tried mixing them together and wrote a story about horse riding! Would you want to read on after this part of my story?


    Jasper plodded merrily around the small, dusty outdoor arena. Fir tree equestrian center was so tiny and minute. The ridding standereds where low and even though there was a plaque in the main office saying "Quallified riding instructors!" You could have sworn it expired in 1990!

    "CANTER!" Shouted Zara the teenage daughter of Fir trees owner. Jasper instantly left of pulling Emz out of the saddle! She stayed on and redeemed her balance! Jasper's canter was smooth and relaxing unlike the usual Fir tree ponies who all acted the same meaning you never fell off! Jasper was too good for fir tree, He always tried his best, and even though it was only Emz first time riding him she could tell he had wasted potential.

    The riders turned into the center, their horses dripping with sweat. They dismounted! Emz ran up her stirrups and tied her reins. Jasper stood patiently waiting...

    So what do you think please NO harsh comments its not that great as im only 11 and wrote this at 11 at night! There is another part if you want that to be able to tell


    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • what to do (20 characters arrrgggg)?

    Ok so in my riding lesson there is this girl who is nice to talk to but to ride with is a nightmare. As soon as you go into canter she cuts infront of you so she can canter. She gets so close i have actually fallen off because of her! How you ask? I was trotting and my instructor says if your to close to someone YOU circle away (her job to move) but she didnt even though she was told to go. so her horse bit my horse and my horse bucked almost kicking her horse. I ended up on the floor! I just dont know what to do any advice? No mean comments!

    Also she thinks she is the best as a girl in my lesson who is fifteen and been riding scince she was 3 was putting her horse away and she went your doing it all wrong your leading from the wrong side (she was leading from the wrong in fact) then she said im better then you becase ive been riding longer when she has only been riding 2 years but thinks the other girl is youngrer as she is very short. she is a nightmare! HELP!

    if you want any more info just ask

    no mean comments

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Jods, fame and whips quiz (fun quiz)?


    When is the Thoroughbred's official birthday?

    What is the name of the first mare to win the Hickstead Derby?

    Which brush should be used on a pony's mane and tail?

    Most grey's are born back or brown, True or False?

    What is a gag?

    How would you describe a Trakehener?

    All ponies should be fed imedietly before being ridden, True or False?

    How many inches in a hand?

    The poll is found on which part of the ponies body?

    Name three types of common bits?

    Is ragwort a poisonous plant?

    What side should you lead a horse or pony from?

    What does HOYS stand for?

    Zara phillips top horse is called?

    How much do you know, test it here!

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse Photo Comp (20 characters)?

    Ok so im holding a horse photo comp for FUN and anyone can enter!!!

    ok so i will be judging you on

    Prettiest mare

    Handsomest gelding

    Funniest picture

    Cutest eyes

    Best action shot

    Best young horse 1 day to 6 years (tell me horses age)

    Best edited horse picture

    Best bond picture

    (coz its near christmas) Best christmas horsey photo

    you dont have to enter all of these catogreys but dont add your own catogreys you can enter as much as you want ext.

    please no photos of google images i want your pics and horses/riding school ponies

    i will except photo comp videos with some of theese cats in as long as the videos are yours!

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Am i ready for a horse...? (please help me)?

    Ok so i have grown up into a family where mostly everyone likes horses on my mums side. My grandad used to own horses and my uncle rode at experienced level.

    My mum always says if we had the money you could have a horse, but my dad who hates horses says no because you wont look after it.

    So i turn to you good people who know... do you think im ready for a horse?

    I can walk, trot, canter, jump, gallop ext

    I have ridden buckers, rearers and runners ext

    I have a next door nabour who as agreed to care for the horse in the mornings as i already get up at 6:00 to go to school and even then im rushing (she has horses hersfelf so is expirienced)

    I can groom, muck out, hay up, sweep the yard ext

    I can recognise colic, sweetitch, lameness and more.

    I can ride indoor, outside, hack and ride in feilds.

    I no how to emergancy dismount ext

    I dont complain which horse i ride 10hh - 20hh it doesnt bother me!

    I think im ready if you want anymore info say and i will add it.

    Please no rude coments or any insults

    I want to loan a pony before i buy and want to start asking today so please hurry and answer


    11 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Fun question: Can you guess my riding school ponies...?

    ... breed, age, colour and guess her name

    Name clues

    it is a type of yellow food which is eaten after dinner

    it starts with c and ends with d

    it has 2 vowels

    she is chestnuty palamino

    pics(i no ther not that good):::::

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • youtube horse video contest(for fun)?

    Ok so i want you to go on youtube and send me a link of either a horse video.

    If the video was made by you:

    you can send me a video link of you and your horse/s bonding.

    you can send me just a fun video

    you can send me a video of your best acheivements

    you can send me a video of a sad story that has happened your horse or old horse (Dead or sole if dead R.I.P)

    If the video was not made by you:

    A youtube horsey fun video

    A competition entry (please tell me the name of the compatition they entered)

    your fave you tube horse video

    a join up video

    a video with a bit of everything


    spook training/trainging

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • horsey riddle first one to get right answer wins!!!?

    ok soo here goes

    A man rides on a horse into town on sunday he stays one night then leaves on sunday! how is this possible?


    16 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse photo contest entry Please enter (just a fun question)?

    I want to do a compatition for fun!

    I want you to go on google images, upload your own photos or go on youtube

    I want to see your pics for the:

    Handsomest gelding/stallion

    prettiest mare

    most funny horse pic

    best horse action shot

    Best action figure by breyer/scheilch or another horse model maker

    pony most like its owner

    they can be personal pics, found pics, or a you tube video ready made but unless it is your own youtube video made especially points will be deducted

    please enter this comp

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Im going to pony club...?

    im going to pony club and was wondering if you could give me any info or tips

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What is your fave horse like fun question?

    A bit of a fun question :):):)

    I want to know what your horse is like and what you think the cutes part of it is.

    Horses name:

    Horses show name:

    Horses age:

    Horses best friend:

    Horses talent:

    Horses cutest habbits:

    Horses naughty behaviour (bucking ext):

    Horses colour:

    Horses cutes body part and why you think it is the best:

    How long have you owned your horse:

    How long has it been broken in for:



    When answering plz copy and paste this to save me going up and down to see your answers!

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • pony club helps ( 20 characters ?)?

    I am an 11 year old girl and am wanting to compete in a show for christmas. My parnts agreed. The only problem is that i will have full responsibility of plaiting the main and tail i now how to do the mane but dont no how to do the tail. Do you think pony club MIGHT help as they do shows there.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago

    So i love horses and i think that the owners no their horse better then anyone so post your pictures of your horse telling me your horses main feature your only allowed one tell me why too the best feature wins you must post a picture or it does not count!!!

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • do yo think this pony is pretty?

    I recently rode this pony at my riding school i think she is beautiful but what do you think you need a facebook account to see

    im aware the pics arent great


    what about theese



    Custard is a welsh X around 14hh

    Brownie is a ????? stands around 14.1hh

    Snowy is a connemara X welsh is 14hh

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • voluntree horse jobs in england?

    i live in manchester england and am willing to travel to cadished, irlam, croft and cadished moss does anyone now of anywhere to get a voluntree job/ riding schools ext

    1 AnswerHorses1 decade ago
  • do you think im ready to...?

    i just want to no if you think im ready to own a horse

    i have been riding for 4 years nearly 5

    i have worked after my lessons and can tack up/untack i can groom ater hey up ext

    i now how to leed a horse to the feild

    i fing it easy to ride with no stirups

    I ride english by the way

    i can walk trot canter jump 1 meter and gallop.

    i have ridden a 5 year old and 4 year old horse.

    i seem to have unbrakable bonds with horses

    i am in my first year of high school but my next door nabour who has owned horses fo 10 years said she will help me

    i have been told i have a good seet

    what do yhou think

    17 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • horse stories feel like a bad rider plz!?

    well i just hada terrible ride i was bucked twice managing to stay on and the horses canter was so unbalancing i fell like im a bad rider now. have any of you ever felt like this. why?

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • just wanna no so i can see wht type of horse is ok for me?



    type of build, heavy, leight (leight = 1-5 stone heavy 6-30st +):

    riding ability (what can you do):

    how long have you been riding:



    show name:

    temperment (1-10):





    pic links:


    have you ever been bitten:

    have you ever been kicked:

    have you ever been bucked/reared:

    where did you buy your horse:


    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • is there any horses you no for sale?

    so i am looking for a horse from 15hh - 16.2hh around 8-10 years old as it is a first horse and good for an 11years old girl who can walk trot canter gallop and jump. must be a friendly horse i want your articals for horses for sale to get my horse

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago