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danny's mom

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  • How do I convince my husband that I DO NOT want to go back to work?

    My son is 15 months old, and my husband is pressurizing me to go back to work. I recently got a job but I didn't accept it because it entailed living my son in a daycare for 12-13 hrs everyday. Plus there are no good daycare around where I live. My family lives in a different state so they cannot help and my MIL stays with her daughter to look after her kids. How do I convince my hubby that I am not being lazy! i keep the house clean, I cook and I look after my son plus my hubby's 82 year old granny and 12 year brother. I had a great career and I hope to go back to it one day. My life is far from easy.

    As far as finances are concerned, it is tight. but not something we cannot manage. we have done okay till now.

    sorry for the rant.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Would you tell some one their baby isn't cute?

    My husband's relative just told me that D is not really cute. For me he is the cutest, most beautiful baby in the world obviously. But even if a baby was ugly, would you tell that to a mother?

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 14 baby reading a newspaper?

    Just found this REALLY funny and cute so wanted to share :)

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How many hours does your baby spend in daycare, everyday?

    IF I take the job I have been offered, I will have to drop D at around 8.30 am, and pick him up around 8pm, and not reach home before 9pm. I think that's too much! Dh is away from 9am to 11pm. Dh thinks it will be Okay, but then he is the one putting subtle hints that I should go back to work. Going off the tangent - This is the only offer I have got in the last 3 months of job search (I quit my jo when I got pregnant). DH keeps asking when I will start working and when I get upset he says he is joking. I don't think one keeps joking about the same thing again and again, unless you mean it. I feel worthless, and guilty.

    PS: Danny is 14 months old.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 12 year old boy bed wetting?

    My 12 year old brother in law wets his bed everyday. We are taking medication for it right now. He stays with us, and does not wet the bed when he is staying with his mom. Any solutions?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Did I handle the situation wrong?

    Okay, so we had a small family occasion at home yesterday (In my family small means 30 people!). The guest list included a family with a two year old toddler. Okay so they arrive and immediately this kiddo starts trying to pick up my 14 month old. I gently tell him not too. All this time the parents are just busy talking to others. Danny then brings out one of his toys and immediately this 2 year old grabs it and starts playing. Danny obviously wants his toy back. I did what I thought would be the best plan of action to quell any temper tantrums from either kids. I bring another toy and give it to Danny. Again the 2 year old grabs it. I then sat down with them and told them to play together. The mother just sat their and kept saying my son is so naughty. The 2 year old finally took Danny's toy and sat alone playing with it. So grabbed D, took out his favorite book..and well D got distracted and didn't create a scene..I planted a kiss on his forehead and said 'Good boy'..and this other lady? She gave me DAGGER looks..and another family member said that by telling D that he was a good boy I was actually saying the other is not! I mean is that wacko or something?

    Then later, I was teaching D to count (he says one when I ask him to count..cute!!!) and this kids father tell another member (within my earshot) that first I need to learn to count (my husband's family speak a different language). I finally lost it, turned towards him...and counted till 10, in their language...What should I have done different?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did I handle the situation wrong?

    Okay, so we had a small family occasion at home yesterday (In my family small means 30 people!). The guest list included a family with a two year old toddler. Okay so they arrive and immediately this kiddo starts trying to pick up my 14 month old. I gently tell him not too. All this time the parents are just busy talking to others. Danny then brings out one of his toys and immediately this 2 year old grabs it and starts playing. Danny obviously wants his toy back. I did what I thought would be the best plan of action to quell any temper tantrums from either kids. I bring another toy and give it to Danny. Again the 2 year old grabs it. I then sat down with them and told them to play together. The mother just sat their and kept saying my son is so naughty. The 2 year old finally took Danny's toy and sat alone playing with it. So grabbed D, took out his favorite book..and well D got distracted and didn't create a scene..I planted a kiss on his forehead and said 'Good boy'..and this other lady? She gave me DAGGER looks..and another family member said that by telling D that he was a good boy I was actually saying the other is not! I mean is that wacko or something?

    Then later, I was teaching D to count (he says one when I ask him to count..cute!!!) and this kids father tell another member (within my earshot) that first I need to learn to count (my husband's family speak a different language). I finally lost it, turned towards him...and counted till 10, in their language...What should I have done different?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Should I post baby pictures on FB?

    I suffered fro unexplained infertility for more then 2 years. I now have a beautiful 1 year old son. I have a been a part of several TTC boards and know how tough it is. I never posted any pregnancy related stuff on FB but after Danny was born I started updating people on FB. I post his pics regularly.. All my friends and family live very far from me and I cannot visit them more then once a year or less. But I feel guilty thinking that there might be girls on my list struggling with TTC and my posts might be painful for them. Should continue to post his pics?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • 13 month old baby not sleeping through the night?

    Now D has two naps during the day. He goes to bed between 6-7pm. waking up twice at night before he wakes up for good at around 6am. I have 2 questions: am I putting him to bed too early? everyone around me says so. But this is D's schedule, he picked it himself.

    Should I feed him at night? I have read that kids his age don't need night feeds, but the problem is that D is a very BAD eater. He has a week when he eats like a champ, then 2 weeks go by before he eats anything substantial (other then milk).

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Exclusively breastfed baby not gaining weight?

    My friend's almost 10 month old son weighs 13lbs. Her ped is worried. He is EBF. My friend has been trying to formula feed him since he was 2 months but he refuses to take the bottle. He doesn't take any solid either. He eats every 15-30 mins and my friend is at her wits end. From what I have learned from here, it is normal for babies to not take solids and that breast milk is the most important stuff for the first 12 months. I told her the same, but we are all worried about his lack of weight gain. Any suggestions? His birth weight was 6lbs, and his parents are a little over wight.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Nanny or Daycare for son?

    I am going back to work in a couple of months when my son turns 1. I left my job in feb 2009 when I got pregnant. I would love to stay at home but I was the primary earner and without my pay, things are a little rough. Anyways, I need your suggestion. Should I get a nanny to stay at home 9 hours a day, with DH's granny (who stays with us) supervising? or should I put Danny in a daycare, where he will be with babies his age?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Letting 9 month old feed himself?

    My almost 9 month DS refuses to eat solids...on a good day, he finishes his food. but these 'good' days are very very rare. DS is a small baby - a little over 15lbs but then his birth weight was a little over 5 lbs. His ped wants me to decrease his formula feeds. Am definitely not doing that, but I do want DS to be healthy. Will letting him feed himself help? BTW he has no teeth!

    Also, how do I encourage him to hold his own bottle during feeds? He can do that but refuses to!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Five and a half month old baby not rolling to his side?

    My bf's son will be 6 months early next months. He still does not roll or move to his sides, forget about rolling over. He was recently diagnosed with hypotonia (spl?) in one arm. My bf took him to the doctor after I noticed his arm in pictures on FB (she lives in a different state). Am I over reacting? should I tell her about it? Her ped is mad..he suggested she start feeding her son cow's milk and solids when he was 3 months old. Idon'tt want to worry her without reason...

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Leg braces for 8month old?

    Danny has recently been diagnosed with mild contracture in the right leg. Apart from physiotherapy he needs to sleelp in full length leg braces at night. But he refuses to sleep with the braces on! I have tried to put on the braces when he is asleep but after a couple of hours he wakes up crying. .I am at my wits end. I am so worried that without thiese braces he may never walk. Any suggestion. tips will be really appreciated...

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mother's with thin babies?

    My 7mo son is thin. He was born a little over 5lbs and is now a little over 14lbs. His doctor is not worried but people around me keep commenting on how this he is! and how chubby babies look cuter. They behave as if I am starving my baby, mainly when they realize that I started giving him solids at around 6 months. I am getting tired of telling everyone that my LO is absolutely fine. What do I do if he is a small eater? ( never drinks more then 4oz at a time, he is bf as well formula fed). Do you face similar problems? How can I feed Danny more then 4oz?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do you miss the time when your baby was a newborn?

    Today I was looking at my now 7mo son, playing happily, and I just started missing those early days. I wish I could go back in time and ENJOY those days. time is flying. Do you miss your newborn? feel like becoming preggo again just to relive those early days lol.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 7 month old boy not bearing weight on legs?

    My son is 7 months and have met all his milestones. he started rolling over at 31/2 months, sat without support at 5 months..and right now he is trying to crawl. but he still does not bear weight on his legs! he seems to prefer one leg and does put it down while the curling up the toe of the other leg..nobody at home was taking it seriously but i finally am taking him to the ped today. any ideas whats happening?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Post Partum Depression?

    My DS will be 7 months this 16th. For the last month or so, i have been feeling really really low. nothing like i have ever felt before. I have no patience..i shout at at everybody..husband, BIL, husbands granny....even my friends....I cry for no reason, cant sleep (DS is sleeping through the night now)..but the worst is when I get so angry that I feel like hitting my son (i have never done that, but am so scared). I love him so damn a days am even afraid of being alone with this PPD? or am I just not a good mother?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding and losing weight?

    My son is 6 months old and am BF (i do top it up with a little formula, funnily enough, only ONE breast produces milk). My pregnancy weight was 107 lbs, and i gained 20lb during pregnancy. now my weight is down to 98lbs. (i gained like 4lbs in 10 days when i was visiting my mother though). my partner wants me to start weaning. I also suffered from SPD during pregnancy (bad bad pelvic pubic pain), and unfortunately it did not correct itself after DS's birth. Doc suggested a medicine which would have stopped my milk production, so I declined. DH wants me to take that treatment now. But I don't want to!! I can live with the pain for a few more months, and I think if i eat more I will gain the weight back. But the pressure is intense...everyone around me wants me to stop BF (except DS's ped). Am so depressed. i know there is no question here but I just want to know if I can breastfeeding is making me lose all this weight?

    24 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago