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How does child support work when noncustodial parent is in military?
My kids father is listed as being in active military. Right now he recently came back from out of the country. I have been receiving child support while he was out of the country, however when he came back we went to court and my child support was increased. The increase became effective as of Sept 1, 2013. I usually receive child support payments the first of each month for this case. Due to Labor day holiday I assumed I would receive a payment for this case no later than Wednesday. It is now a couple days later and I still have not received a payment for this case. I contacted the Child Support Agency and to no avail they have not responded back to me. I need to take care of my kids and with the money being delayed or stopped I can't do that. The Judge signed off on the increase to become effective in September. So why haven't I received it yet? Would their father have anything to do with the payment being delayed or stopped?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoCan someone provide info on GA Child Support guidelines?
I can't find any information pertaining to custodial parent getting married accordance with State of Georgia Child Support guidelines. I am planning to get marry within a few months and would like to know by my getting marry, how would this effect my daughters child support? Will there be a decrease in the child support I receive for them when I get marry?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoCHILD SUPPORT QUESTION?
My mom is very upset because she is in the process of trying to get an increase on child support from my dad who's in the U.S. Military. She completed all paperwork before he left, however the child support agency was unable to serve him papers before he left out the country, therefore, the case is on hold until he comes back to the U.S.A. He is married and has told his wife to take papers to child support showing he won't be back until August of this year. However, he left in June or July of last year that makes it one year ago. My mom thinks he is trying to left out the country again in August of this year to avoid going to court so that the increase won't take affect. Also he claimed to have hired a lawyer and states the lawyer will present in court that my mom is an unfit parent and that she waste the money she receives in child support on things not relevant to us. But my mom is the best mom in the world and she take care of us and always put our needs first. He said the lawyer will defame her character in court and make her look like a unfit parent. He is mad because my mom wants in increase in child support and now he doesn't talk to us nor does his wife. My mom is worried and hurt by his actions and can't understand why he is acting this way. He makes about $60,000 a year to my mom $20,000 a year. He thinks it's unfair for her to ask for an increase in child support to take care of me and my sister. She is barely making ends meet and her mom (our grandmother) has to pitch in a lot to help buy us the things we need. What help is out there for my mom? I am really concerned about her, because she seem so sad now and I can tell she has cried over this issue.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoIs he cheating on me?
We used to make love several times a week, but for the last week or so he doesn't seem to be interested in making love. When I tell him I do, he says ok we will, but we never do. He recently goes places without me now and tells me he'll be back shortly but comes back hours later. He used to caress me and touch me all the time, now he doesn't. He still constantly tells me he loves me verbally, but does not show it. I am worrying for nothing or is he cheating on me?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy does it seem people who do wrong to others always come out on top?
I am not talking about the ones who go out and kill people. I am referring to people who treated you like crap in high school and who now seem to have a wonderful life or those who you dated in past are now married, have a great job, and makes lot of cash, living the life of luxury. And the person who was the "victim" life seem to be nothing but hardship and loneliness?
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWhere can I watch recaps of the summer olympics online?
I have tried to find replays of the u.s. women relay team and Gabby Douglas olympic performance but there are no videos online I can watch any suggestions?
3 AnswersOlympics9 years agoDoes anyone know how to fix XBOX 360 game disc?
My sister bumped against the Xbox 360 while I was playing my favorite game disc, now when I play it the loading process is longer and it plays for awhile then get stucks and won't play at all. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem. I paid close to $60 for this game. Thanks
5 AnswersXbox10 years agoWhat are my rights on trying to rent an apartment?
I am currently renting a house and would like to move into an apartment, however the land lord that I rent the house from is the landlord over the aparments. She does not want to rent me and my kids the apartment because I am one of her "good tenants" who also pay on time. Moving into an apartment would also help me to save money to better take care of my children. So she is refusing to rent an apartment to me. Is there any law that prevent her doing what she is doing?
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIs this discrimination?
I am a single parent with 3 children (all girls). I am currently renting a house but due to financial issues we have to move. I applied for a two bedroom apartment and was told by the employee that works over the apartment that I wasn't eligible because I have 3 children and I need a three bedroom apartment. I informed her that the twins would have a bedroom together and my oldest daughter would take the other bedroom and I would sleep on the sofa bed I have. She then told me she would have to check with supervisor. The supervisor is always unavailable and now when I call the person tells me this employee is unavailable and I repeatedly left messages on her voice mail, but no one returns my calls. There aren't any other vacancy in this small town and I do not want to relocate elsewhere in Georgia, what can I do?
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoCan hospital refuse service because of my inability to pay?
I saw my doctor on Monday and she wanted me to take a chest x-ray at the local hospital. However, I do have health insurance, but have not met my deductible yet and was told I had to pay a portion of the money now or I could have the x-rays done. Needless to say I didn't have x-rays done because I am without cash right now. Is there anything I can do or someone I could contact about this matter?
8 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoWhat's wrong with my car?
I owe a 2010 Kia Optima. Had it for 7 mths now. On yesterday after returning from my lunch break I noticed the engine fan under my car hood was still running. I thought nothing of it and walked inside to go to work. However, when it was time for me to go home none of my electronic devices were working to open my doors on my car. I manually opened the car door and tried to start it, but it would turn on. No lights, no horn, nothing worked. Someone tried to give me a jump start, but my car still would not come, but the lights and car alarm did. So I ended up calling for roadside assistance, who towed it in to the nearest Kia dealership. They told me the problem was with the battery. That perhaps I had left the car head lights on and that caused the battery to be drained. My lights do have to be turned on manually, and sometime I do forget to turn them off. However, yesterday I do recall turning them off. Could this have been caused by a weak car battery? I really need to put my mind at rest. Thanks
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhat did I just see? Are my eyes playing treats on me?
Ok, this is a weird one. I was getting out of bed this morning and noticed in the hallway a black image outline of a female full body. The image was all black and the female went into the restroom and came back out. Yes, my hallway was dark, but her silhouette was all black. I could tell it was a female with long flowing hair and she appears youthful from outline features. I don't know what to make of this and wondering does anyone have any idea what I might have seen? I know Halloween is coming up, but only me and my kids who were all asleep are the only one in the house and it was around 6 am in the morning. Thanks
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoHow do I file a complaint against my landlord?
I'm s single mom with two small kids and a teenage daughter. I am currently renting a single home and been renting for a couple of years now. Recently my air conditioner is no longer working and I have placed several work orders to my landlord to have it repaired and he keeps saying someone will be out to repair it but no one has shown up and it's get hot here in Georgia. We have been without cool air in the house for two days now. The office is closed Friday through Sunday. I have paged the repairman several times but he refuses to return any of my calls. I can't afford to take my kids to a motel and stay until it get repaired. Nor can I afford to pay someone to fix it. It seems to me these people do not care and don't want to repair the air conditioner. Looking at the news the next couple of days will be pretty hot here. What can I do?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIs there a site where one can write to oversea servicemen/women?
No one in particular. I just have a need to want to communicate with our service people to let them know how much I appreciate what they do everyday and they are not forgotten.
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoMedia Player on new computer?
I have a new computer and am able to view a dvd on Media Player but there is no sound. Does anyone knows what could be the problem? I have adjusted the volume and it's not on mute, what could the problem be? Thanks
4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoHave anyone ever had these symptoms?
Have anyone ever experience symptoms of being very cold, with chills and being very tired with rapid heart beat?
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoOrdering DVDS online?
Is there another site besides Columiba House where I can purchase dvds online?
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoCan someone answer question about repossession?
My cousin truck was repo in September 2009. He was able to raise enough money a week after the repossession and get the truck back. Now that he has the truck back, how can he remove the negative repossession off his credit report? By the way he lives in Georgia.
6 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoChild Support Question, Can someone answer it please?
My children father has been paying child support since 2002. We are not married, but he is married now, but the woman he married does not have any children by him. He found out he has another child by another woman (this happen before he got married). If this woman decides to get child support for her child, will this situation reduce the child support I get for my children? I live in Georgia.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow do I file a complaint against Georgia Child Support?
This is one in a million shot, but here it goes. Due to an error on Warner Robins Child Support, I am no longer receiving child support for my children. They claim my children father has overpaid me in child support therefore I will not be receiving child support, but they could not tell me how long I would not receive child support, they claim to not know, this makes the second month I did not receive child support for my kids. I am a single mom of three and do work full-time, but that still isn't enough. I depend on child support to help make end meet, and for the last two months things have been very hard and bills are starting to fall behind and less grocery in the house. Is there someone who knows who I can contact besides the Warner Robins Child Support who may be able to help me in getting child support started back. I was also told the overpayment is going back to the children father therefore we get nothing each month. Their father is in the U.S. Military and is a Sgt. While I am sure he is enjoying the money returned to him, I am struggling trying to make end meet. This is a serious issue and prefer readers reply who have serious suggestions or helpful information. Thanks
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago