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Lv 2791 points

Mom of 3 girls!!!

Favorite Answers12%
  • Moving to Anchorage, Alaska... Cellphone provider?

    Does anyone know how well AT&T works out there?? Is there another service provider that is cheaper and has better signal?? Thanks!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Cell phones in Anchorage, AK?

    We're moving to Anchorage, Alaska in a few months. Can anyone recommend a cell phone provider to get? We want to get one that has really good signal there..

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • aperture/shutter speed question?

    I'm a photography student and I try to practice daily to take pictures. I am a stay at home mom so most of my pictures are of my children in our home. I have no issues with shutter speed and aperture when I'm outside but my house is really dark (even with lights on it doesn't get very bright) so I struggle to get it just right. If I set the aperture and shutter speed to where they need to be to get the lighting right my children would have to hold completely still which NEVER happens so all my pictures are always really blurry.. I need help... Any advice? I try to only shoot in one of the manual modes but it seems like to capture and good inside pictures of them I need to be able to use the flash.. HELP!!!

    5 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • 7 weeks and meausring a little bit bigger?

    Had my first appt today. I'm almost 7 weeks but measuring a little bit bigger. I know exactly when I ovulated so I know I'm not further along. This is my 2nd baby. Could that be why? Has anyone else measured big this early on and still one just one baby? What are my chances of being pregnant with twins?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • nursing question... will I know?

    My daughter breastfed every 2 hours up until she was about 9 months old and then she got herself down to only nursing at naps and before bed when she was like 11 months old. By a year old she was down to nursing only once a day and it was right before bed. So my milk supply has gone down slowly and I never have to worry about engorgement anymore. But now like almost 2 weeks ago my daughter self weaned and I'm wondering how will I know when my milk has completely dried up. Will I know? It's not like I can squeeze my breast and see if milk comes out because I don't produce enough. Is it possible I dried up a long time ago and didn't realize it? In the past two weeks it kinda feels like they're a little tender so does that mean they'll eventually fill up and get engorged? Any help will be great.. Thanks ladies

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Positive hpt faded...what that mean?

    If you get a SUPER faint positive but it fades within 5-10 mins does that mean it's not a positive? Even the -- line got lighter and the I line totally faded away. It was an equate pink dye test. Thanks!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • positive hpt that faded?

    I'm 8-9dpo and I decided to test for the heck of it. Within like 2 minutes I got a really faint line and went back 5 minutes later but it had faded.. So that means it was an evap line right? I plan on testing again on Friday (july 2nd) but I hate that I got all excited for nothing.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • AF question.. tmi warning!?

    Okay so I got AF (my period) like 5 days earlier then expected. This period was a lot runnier then normal. Like normally I have thicker like blood but this one was more like a nose bleed type. And it was light red with brown. Sorry tmi! Well anyway the first day was normal medium type flow. The 2nd day though was really heavy or maybe it was just because it was more liquidy so it seemed heavier.. The whole day I was having pretty bad backpain. But I was changing my tampon like 2-3 times an hour. I also had lil tiny blood bubbles (not clots/they didn't look like tissue like normal) and then later in the day I got one big clot that was like the size of the tampon. After that it got light and was mainly just brown. I was light for the rest of the days except the last day (yesterday) i mainly just spotted. And then it stopped. For the past like week and a half I've been really nauseous too! But today around 4:30pm I wiped and had pinkish tan mucus discharge. Anyone else experience this? I have a dr appt on the 28th and will bring it up then.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • period question? Please answer!?

    We just started ttc in April and this month I wasn't expecting AF til June 9th but it came 5 days early. It isn't bright red but it is pretty heavy. Has a lot of brown in it too. Normally my periods are thicker but this is almost like water. What could cause this? I'm having not horrible cramps but enough to make uncomfortablele. I've never gone through this before. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Will the banana bread turn out okay if?

    I had really brown bananas but then I waited to long after defrosting them so had to throw them away. Now I have yellow/brown bananas with a few brown areas. If I go ahead and make banana bread out of these bananas will they turn out okay and yummy? If not I can wait but I've been craving banana bread for weeks! Thanks!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • A baby book for toddlers? Please answer!?

    I am looking for a book that you can fill out for toddlers. Our daughters baby book only went up to 12 months and I still want to fill out information/milestones. Is there such a book for toddlers? Thanks!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • USPS Priority Mail shipping time frame?

    We ordered AT&T phones and they are going from Memphis, TN and are coming to Pittsburgh, PA. It was shipped USPS Priority Mail. They left Memphis on May 11th When should we expect it? Thanks

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Shipping time from Memphis, TN to Pittsburgh, PA?

    We ordered AT&T phones and they just left Memphis, TN and are coming to Pittsburgh, PA. It was shipped USPS. When should we expect it? Thanks

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How many more days you think?

    I don't know how long my cycles are because I haven't had a period for the past almost two years because of breastfeeding. I got my first period last month and now I'm on CD 31. How many more days do you all think it'll be before I get AF? I know no one knows for sure but just asking opinions! I have no signs of AF coming anytime soon. Was having cramping pretty bad there a few days before I expected it to come but ever since I thought I'd get it I haven't had any pms symptoms! Thanks!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What do you think my chances are?

    Okay so my last period was April 6th. Well I'm due for my period today. I usually wake up and start but nothing today. April 6th was my first period since June 2008 because I got pregnant and breastfed so I didn't have it for almost 2 years. So this would be my second period. We just started ttc #2 as well. How likely is it that I'm pregnant? For the past almost week and a half I've had sensitive nipples, bloating, headaches, backache, occasionally nausea, cramping, and creamy cervical mucus! What you all think?

    (I'm going to wait til the weekend to test if I don't start by then)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • sore nipples before period?

    How many days before your period should your nipples start to become sore? Would it happen 4 days after ovulation? Or could it be pregnancy? thanks!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Sore nipples...please read..?

    I've had sore nipples from 4dpo and I still have them (12dpo). I plan on taking a pregnancy test if I miss my period which is due on the 4th. We just started ttc #2 and the only symptom I had for the first month and a half with my daughter was sore nipples. I don't want to get all worked up. I want to know what other things can cause sore nipples? My breasts are also a little sore. I still nurse my daughter but only once a day and my nipples and breasts haven't hurt in over two months. My breasts feel like they're starting to get engorged but they are still pretty much empty... Any ideas?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What can cause sore nipples?

    I've had sore nipples from 4dpo and I still have them (12dpo). I plan on taking a pregnancy test if I miss my period which is due on the 4th. We just started ttc #2 and the only symptom I had for the first month and a half with my daughter was sore nipples. I don't want to get all worked up. I want to know what other things can cause sore nipples? My breasts are also a little sore. I still nurse my daughter but only once a day and my nipples and breasts haven't hurt in over two months. My breasts feel like they're starting to get engorged but they are still pretty much empty... Any ideas?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 12 or 13 dpo? Symptoms?

    Okay so I ovulated on April 19th or 20th (based on cp and cm). Well anyway since 5dpo I've been cramping. And for a few days I was nauseous, having headaches, back pain, right side ovary pain, extremely bloated, sore nipples, cp was high-semi-soft-closed, runny nose, and having heavy cm. Well now I'm 12 or 13dpo and all I'm experiencing is cramping, sore nipples, bloating, and my cp has seemed to lower a little bit. Does this mean that I'm probably not pregnant? Thanks!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago