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  • why has my female dog become aggressive with other dogs?

    My girl is just three and a terrific pet absolutely brilliant with people and dogs she knows also most dogs she doesn't know but recently she has had three fights

    each time the other dog made the first move i.e growling or snappng at her but no more than that and she has just gone bonkers and tipped them over on their backs and stood over them dropping her weight down on to them. There is never any blood but the other dogs usually yelp a lot in fear of her. She is a big girl 40k crossbreed and as I said before usually very soft hearted and gentle. This is so upsetting because I like her to socialise.


    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Any ideas why my dog is sick?

    My two year old rotti girl is being sick about every other day. everything else seems normal she is pooing and peeing fine.

    It started two weeks ago she ate some bulrush roots from her swimming spot. I took her to the vet who said she might have upset tummy gave her injection and told me to keep her on chicken and rice. she wasn't sick for two days then was again twice. since then she has been sick once every other day. She is going back to the vet again tomorrow. Her appetite is fine, Her gums are pink she has been wormed her vaccinations are up to date she isn't loosing weight and she has loads of energy.

    She is never left alone for more than an hour.

    She is happy in all aspects.

    There is no pattern to the sickness it doesn't seem to be after meals or exercise.

    She has two good walks a day

    She is a chewer, ... help

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help lesson plan needed for tomorrow on adolescent needs practical and fun?

    I have been asked to step in at the last moment to teach a group of 12 year ten's the needs of adolescents the lesson has to be practical and fun and will last two hours hellllllllllllp

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Incisional rupture after spaying?

    I had my dog spayed last friday everything seemed to go well. Today I have noticed that there seems to be a swelling around one side of the incision. There seems to be no sign of infection and she dosn't seem unwell. Of course I have made an appointment with the vet for this afternoon but being the overprotective pet owner I wonderd if anyone has any information to put my mind at rest before then. A friend of mine has mentioned incisional rupture and I am now worried is this possible in dogs in particular large dogs? Any information would be greatly appriciated thankyou.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Good excuse for holiday any ideas?

    I have just started a new job but forgot to tell them that I have a holiday booked in June. They have enrolled me on a training course and told me I can't take any time off until August. I have to go on this holiday as it is a whole family reunion thing to celebrate my Birthday any good excuses would be really gratefully received.

    9 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Why does my house trained dog pee on the floor occasionally?

    My year old dog is fully house trained and knows how to ask to go out. On the odd occaision she pee's on the floor. It is always when we are in the house but we never actually catch her doing it. She just did it a minute ago I was a the table eating dinner and she did it not three feet away from me.

    She is usually a very good clean girland usually wants to please. She seems surprised that I am disapointed in her. I didn't punish her because I didn't see her do it.

    She is very well loved and is not in the least bit scared of us. there seems to be no reason at all for this behaviour, any ideas?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help with wording for an advert please?

    I am hoping to start a new service in my area.

    I want to let peoples dogs who are left home alone out for a pee and a poo.

    I have an enhanced police check and references.

    I just cannot come up with the right words to describe the service I want to offer without it sounding strange.

    I have done my research and there is no one else in the area who offers this service.

    I would also feedcats if the owners were away.

    I already have several people who want to take advantage of it.

    I need to get the Ad in by Wednesday so it is in the local paper next weekend.

    I would clear up after the dog, feed it and refresh its water if required..

    Any suggestions for wording of the Ad and Name of my new business would be really gratefully received also what insurance would I need to take out?

    Thanks you for your help.

    10 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Help with wording for an advert please?

    I am hoping to start a new service in my area.

    I want to let peoples dogs who are left home alone out for a pee and a poo.

    I have an enhanced police check and references.

    I just cannot come up with the right words to describe the service I want to offer without it sounding strange.

    I have done my research and there is no one else in the area who offers this service.

    I would also feedcats if the owners were away.

    I already have several people who want to take advantage of it.

    I need to get the Ad in by Wednesday so it is in the local paper next weekend.

    I would clear up after the dog, feed it and refresh its water if required..

    Any suggestions for wording of the Ad and Name of my new business would be really gratefully received also what insurance would I need to take out?

    Thanks you for your help.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is Jade getting all the stick what about Danielle?

    I agree Jade Jo and Danielle are picking on Shilpa but why is Jade getting the label of ring leader. Danielle is the two faced one at least Jade has the guts to say what she thinks to Shilpas face.Danielle is a vicious little cow as well as being very two faced.

    Jade bless her is too thick to be a gang leadershe just says it as it seems to her at that moment in time.

    She shouts because she is frustrated at not having the vocabulary to articulate what she wants to say.

    Danielle just sits there laughing and sniping behind Shilpas back and then to her face is all sweet and innocent. I am very very against waving the old racist card but if anyone in that house is being racist it is Danielle closely followed by Jermaine.

    Jade being mixed race is hardly likely to be racist.

    12 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people insist on correcting spelling or grammar rather than answer the questions asked.?

    It really annoys me when people have to pick others up on their use of English. Their spelling or the wrong (to them) use of words. One example in dogs some people ask about molting every doggy person in the world it seems has to correct this to shedding before answering the question but to use the word molt is100% accurate if you don't believe me check a dictionary.

    The other day someone else wanted to get their dog casterated. The doggie police said you get dogs neutered not castrated but to remove testicles is to castrate again 100% accurate excuse my rant but it gets me going.

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Thinking of starting a dog letting out for loo business - do you think it might work?

    I want to start a business where I offer a service to let peoples dogs out for a pee and poo during the day do you think it could work we have dog walking businesses in the area but these are very expensive. I was thinking of charging between £2 and £3 per visit. any ideas or tips please

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • can indian and african elephants mate and what would be the result.?

    My daughter is a teaching assistant, today they were talking about the differences between indian and african elephant. One of the children asked if the two species can mate and if they did would they have medium sized ears. She was unable to answer the question can anyone help?

    10 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • why do you have to wait 12 weeks after heat before getting dog spayed?

    I have just had my dog spayed but I wondered why the vet made me wait until 12 weeks after she came on heat I 100% knew she was not pregnant because I didn't allow hernear any other dogs for the full 3 weeks

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Trying to find out history of my dog any ideas? Don't wish to Judge anyone just want to help my dog adjust

    I adopted my Rotti from Battersea dogs home in November. She is between 9 months and about a year old.

    Before anyone starts ranting it was not because I wanted a dangerous dog it was because I wanted to stop someone who did want a dangerous dog getting their hands on her.

    She is very sweet and gentle natured. She had absolutely no training whatsoever In fact she didn't seem to understand English, she didn't even know what sit meant.

    She was apparently found tied up and abandoned outside a police station somewhere in the London area. She was abandoned a couple of days after the baby was killed by two Rotti's.

    She was a nervous wreck when we first bought her home although she is settling very well now. She has a few bizarre habits and I would really like to trace her previous owners.

    I have no wish to judge them

    She is spooked out by pushchairs and washing baskets and anything in a big jar

    Does anyone know anyone who had a Rotti puppy who later didn't. Did she belong to you?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What benefit do the points on this site give you?

    I am new to this site and I don't understand the point system.

    Surely as long as you have enough to ask a question that is good enough

    I do realise that level two gives you the ability to vote but what do the other levels do

    18 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can I help my dog with pain after spaying?

    I am having my female dog spayed on Monday. I am concerned she will be in a lot of pain after the op because my last dog was.

    When my last dog was spayed she was very sleepy for the first few hours after we bought her home. Then she woke up an staggered out into the garden to relieve herself. After that she was in obvious pain for the rest of the night. She was whistling and panting all night long.

    I really do not want this dog to suffer in the same way.

    I know she is an animal and they deal with pain differently but I hate to see any animal suffering.

    Does any one know of any ways I can minimise her discomfort.

    Also stupidly forgot to ask how much it is going to cost me it was 12 years ago when I had Cleo done and it was £100 - any ideas.

    She is a big dog 40kg

    She is 1 year old.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is a homecoming queen?

    I am from England and always hearing the term homecoming queen.

    What is homecoming is it at the start of a school year or what?

    Who choses the homecoming queen?

    Thank you

    9 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • I am also owed money by my employer how can I get it.?

    My employer failed to pay me my wages I worked in an independant school I didn't get paid for July or August then he contacted me apologised and asked me to go back in September he promised to pay what he owed as soon as the funding came through.

    In September guess what I didn't get paid. He said the bank took all of his money to cover his overdraft. He said as much as he would like to pay us he can't give us what he doesn't have. He then had the cheek to ask us to work on a voluntary basis until he can get himself straight.

    He and his wife are still driving around in their Jeep's and he has started a new business which I believe is thriving.

    He said if we try to take him to court he will put the company into liquidation and we will get nothing.

    Also he isn't giving out any references to prospective employers.

    I really don't know how to deal with this. I have got another job but I want the money he owes me it is after all 3 months wages and I can't afford to lose that.

    7 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My dog has dandruff but hates to be bathed is there any way of sorting it out quickly?

    I have tried giving her cod liver oil and have changed her food to one with veg and herbs but she is still covered in it. It isn't bothering her at all it just looks horrible.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago