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  • How to purchase a hunting rifle in Massachusetts?

    I'm currently taking the hunting course required to get my hunting license, after that's complete, and I have my license, I'm under the impression I'm able to USE a weapon in hunting, but can I PURCHASE them? And if so, how? Do I just present my license?

    1 AnswerHunting8 years ago
  • Help with trig, please?

    My problem is cos3x = 4cos^3 - 3cosx Can someone please explain to me how to do this? I don't just want the answer, because I do have more problems that I need to be able to do. Please, someone?

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Would I get into a 4 year college?

    I have a low gpa (1.75), but pretty decent SAT scores (Reading-590 Math-670 Writing-540). I'm interested in Salem State University. Would I get in as is? (I'm applying for transfer, for next Fall, I've completed one year of community college)

  • Old healed tattoo still itching?

    It's a small tattoo on my left wrist, it's itched since I got it. I was told it would stop after it healed, I got it in February, it must be healed completely by now, so why is it still so itchy? And is there anything I can do about it? It itches like crazyy.

    2 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Is this just normal anxiety?

    When I get overly worried or anxious I shiver, not because I'm cold, it just happens, my jaw shakes, I shake a little even, and I move around a lott quicker (like I walk quicker, and move my arms around quickly), and my stomach bothers me. These things make it impossible to sleep when I'm nervous or anxious. Is this at all normal, or?

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Help with a philosophy paper please?

    I had to read an article and find the main 3 points of it, and then tie it into a complete different set of circumstances. I feel my articles 3 main points were

    1-The value of actions varies from people of different times.

    2-Life is all about power.

    3-Morals are relative.

    Those are the things the author discussed most and went the furthest into. Can someone please give me something random that I could somehow tie into those?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • About the London riots?

    What exactly started them? It says that the rioters are protesting someone's death, or something like that, but it doesn't say who's or why..? So does anyone know more?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Can ANYONE think of this movie?

    Okay, I couldn't find this movie on google even, so I really hope you can think of it. It's a horror movie, A really weird looking guy, I don't remember specifics, but I remember he was creepy looking, kidnapped a bunch of people and kept them in cages, and gave them piercings and stuff.. I think he might have tricked the people into coming over while talking to them in a chat room or something? I've only seen it once, and it was soo long ago, so I can't remember more. Do you know what movie I might be thinking of?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • How do I get rid of my irrational fears?

    I'm clearly the most paranoid person in the world. It's 6:30am, I've officially been awake for 48hrs, because of my ridiculous paranoia. I'm terrified to go to sleep because I keep having nightmares..(Also, my dreams don't exactly END the second I wake up..I lay there for a minute with my eyes open and I still see some of it, IN MY ROOM. Idk how to explain it, but I had a dream that some guy was trying to kill me, and then I woke up and still saw him walking towards me, but the setting had changed to my bedroom, and then a second later he vanished as I woke up a little further.) I'm terrified to GO TO THE BATHROOM, OR SHOWER, because reflective surfaces freak me out, I'm afraid that I'm going to see something reflected in them besides for just myself.. I keep seeing things moving in the corner of my eye, and OF COURSE, I assume it's some..creature..Like something out of the grudge.. Every little noise I hear makes me jump. The thing is, I know I'm being ridiculous, but I really can't help it. I feel like the lack of sleep is making me worse, honestly, but I don't think I can. I guess my final question is, What exactly is wrong with me, and how can I fix it?

    3 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Do other people imaginary shop?

    lol I know this sounds like a weird question, but I enjoy going on websites and adding everything I'd want or need in a random scenario, like let's say I won the lottery for example. :P It's silly, but fun. I recently learned my bestfriend does the same thing, but we're like one person, so that's not too surprising. Does anyone else actually do this? Or is it just us? lol

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Pottermore, I registered, got my email, now when can I something?

    Again, I'm already registered and my account has been activated, and I logged in, but there's nothing there yet. When will there be? Does anyone know?

    4 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Are hallucinations upon waking normal?

    Sometimes I wake up, and in my still half-asleep state, I see things. Normally it's bugs.. I'll see a bunch of spiders crawling on my ceiling, and then when I jump up, and wake up a little further, they disappear. This has happened to me since I was a little kid.. Would this be considered 'normal'?

    4 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • How young can you teach a child to drive?

    I don't mean legally, I mean at what age would they be capable? My parents taught my brother and I at age 8 strictly for emergency purposes. Would a child be able to learn any younger than that, or would they not be big enough to reach the pedals or something? This is just a hypothetical question of course.

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • How long do colleges keep things on file?

    I applied to a community college a while back, they sent me a letter saying that I needed to fill out a couple more forms and send them in. They have rolling admissions so I didn't bother doing it right away. They accept everyone anyways, so why bother rushing? Eitherway, I feel like I waited muchh too long. Would they still have the things I sent in before? Or should I resubmit everything?

  • Can I take an extra year of high school?

    I'm currently a senior in highschool and I really would like to take an extra year, as in be a senior again next year, for several reasons really, but the point is, this is what I want, so can I make this happen without failing anything? If I asked my guidance councilor would they go for it? I'd rather not ask because if I can't do this by choice, I will fail everything. On purpose. So I'm guaranteed another year. But I'd rather not do that and mess up my gpa. That's one of my reasons actually.. To up my gpa a bit.. So help?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Wearing our clothes Europe?

    Me and a friends are going to europe on a class trip and we tend to dress..funly :) We tend to wear kinda skimpy skirts or shorts with neon leggings under them and tiaras and tutus and we just dress a bit eccentricly. But that's what we have fun wearing. It just occured to me that we're going to be going into like cathedrals and fancy resteraunts for our tours. They're not gonna like NOT allow us in because of our attire will they? Because we ARE covered. You don't see skin it's just lots of bright colours.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Electrical adapters and voltage converters?

    I'm going to be taking a trip to Europe (a couple days in England, a couple in France) they use different power outlets there obviously. I keep looking at adapters and they say "you'll need to buy a voltage converter to use our plug adapters" but I don't know what kind I need? Is there one product that does both? Converts the voltage and makes it able to plug in?

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • How to lose water weight?

    I read all sorts of articles online saying that to lose water weight I should drink MORE water. That kinda made sense, like my bodys holding onto the extra water because I'm not drinking enough so it's keeping it just in case. Like when people starve themselves and end up gaining weight. Well was I wrong to believe this was true? Because I've been drinking 8-10 BOTTLES of water daily and I'm gaining weight. I only eat 1000-1300 calories a day and I excercise. I shouldn't be gaining weight. But I've noticed I don't pee nearly as much as I drink. So should I drink less or what? Because this HAS to be water weight I'm gaining. Helpp please?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Characters from Rocko's Modern Life?

    Anyone remember their names? I can't find them anywhere!

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago