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hi. im pirate. beware.

  • Help me MC. How can I introduce a band named "Brown Sound"?

    Hey guys, so my school is having a little battle of the bands this friday and I'm an MC. Me and a friend just kinda tried out for laughs but then we actually made it and now have to be funny, charming and cute...

    So anyways, we cant think of a way to introduce the Band Brown Sound. Its a band made of all Indian people.

    Things to keep in mind:

    --Our school is pretty diverse, so keep the race-centered humor on the downlow.

    --there are 6 MCs total for whatever idea you may have

    --we have 4-5 mins to work with.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can someone translate a lightbulb joke into french?

    "How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?"

    and if you wanna know the answer..its "a fish" haha. "un poisson"


    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • French Help: If i want to say "Mona Lisa by Da Vinci" do i use "par"?

    hey guys, me and a friend are working on a french project...

    and we're citing works of art so do we use the word "par" to mean "by"??

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • for the san francisco trolly hop, do i need reservations or can i just show up at one of the stops?

    that site told me i should get reservations 48 hours before but in my situation thats not relly possible...

    7 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my ipod?

    so i have an ipod nano 3rd generation was low on battery last so i turned it off and put it on hold...when i finally connected it to my computer to get charged, it turned itself on like normal but then it was frozen...when i took it of the hold button the lil lock sign was still next to the pause button up at the top right corner.

    since it obviously wasnt charging, i just took it off of charging and right now im waiting for it to run out of battery completely so i can re-charge it and "start new"

    will that work?

    is there a faster way?

    thanks =]

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • In french, do you replace comas with points and vice versa?

    ok so i have a powerpoint presentation in french tmrw and of course i left it off till the last min. and i was wondering if the commas in like 1,000, 000 will be replaced with points or omitte completely?

    and similarly, if i were saying 5.6%, does that become 5,6 percent? and how would i SAY that. like in english, you just say five POINT six percent. what do you replace the point with? cinq _?___ six pourcent?


    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Editing VCR format video on an apple to create a DVD?

    is that possible?

    this is a project for school and we filmed our thing on a camercorder which saves it in a VCR tape thing.

    we NEED to do some major editing because we filmed it in different parts. the camercorder can be connected to a USB cable but its not getting detected on the there a software that i need to download? also the final video needs to be in a DVD format. the iVideo format is ok too. or iDVD...whtver its called!

    we dont HAVE to use a mac but the thing is that we have an video editing software on there and it would be easier...but if you have suggestions for a regular microsoft computer, hit me with em too....the only thing with that is that we dont have any video editing software on the ur gonna have to link me to a site to download that too.

    so any ideas of how to go about doing this...?

    thanks in advance.

    <3 =)

    3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Hey you, out there in the coldm Getting lonely, getting old, Can you feel me?

    so not my most creative question ever...but im bored.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How to be more confident while giving a speech?

    alright... so. im in this club at school in which we get 30 mins to prepare a 6 min speech.... but thats not the part im worried about. i can usually have my speech outlined in 20 and have 10 mins to prep. and i know my stuff by the time i have to get up there...

    yet, when i get up there, im shaking internally, i kinda stumble over the voice shakes...its just bad. my coach person has said that i have potential but i just need to be more confident...

    but how the hell do i do that?! any ideas?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • anyone feel wierd looking a pic of a dead person (not dead in pic)? think to urself: "wow, this person 'living' in the pic, is not alive anymore...yet i can see them...but i wont ever see then again"

    gah. i cant put it to words...but its something like that.

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • how awkward is it when you go lingerie shopping and as u go to pay for them all the cashier people are guys?

    on a scale of one to ten.

    one being: pshaw, i dont care. its his job!!!

    ten being: OMFG, if i were white, i would turn red...or if you really are white, u turn red. (not being racist folks...see things in the right perspective)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • ok i feel really stupid for asking this question but i cant figure this out...?

    ive drawn like a billion diagrams to model this situation but it still doesnt help. and NO, this not hw. it IS in my math textbook but im doing it as practice and not to get good grades...and hopefully you all believe me.


    two miles upstream from his starting point, a canoeist passed a log floating in the rivers current. After paddling upstream for one more hour, he finally paddled back and reached his starting point just as the log arrived. Find the speed of the current.

    the part i get screwed up at is when i have to take into consideration the guy going "upsteam" so against the current which will obviously affect his speed. and downstream which will make him go faster.

    oh and please show me how to solve it STEP BY STEP so i acutally KNOW how to do it.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • i realize this might be what is called a "stupid" question...but hey, an easy 10 points for someone!?

    ok. so most of my music is on Real player and i burn my CDs using real player.

    however, all that music is mp3 and ends up not working on Stereos that dont take mp3 things...

    how do i get it to be in "regular" format.?

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • whats that movie where....?

    there are three kids and they skip school. its an old movie..kinda a "classic" i guess...sorta...

    anyways, they skip school, go to a parade, and a museum, an expensive resteraunt where they hide from one of their parents, and their is a red convertible....and oh yea the one guy leaves a recorded message that plays on the intercom whenever someone rings the doorbell....

    arrrgh, its bothering me that i cant think of the name of the me out here!!!

    oh yea...its set in new york i think and around the time of the macy's thanksgiving day parade...and OH YEA! the main guy sings a song and everyone dances and...yea...

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • pistachios or almonds?

    since this is an "opinion" question, whoever sucks up to me the most, gets best answer. lol. im only joking. dont suck'll only make me hate you. although some flattery is allowed. gah! im probably not making any sense...i'll shut up now.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are you a supafly person?

    i like to think i am. but maybe. just maybe. im not. and that makes me sad.

    so are YOU a supafly person?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Guacamole chips: yay! or nay!!?

    i say yay! maybe even woohoo! dont make my breath smell too great but as im not talking to anyone in person its no a big deal.


    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have the guts to admit that you farted?

    pfft i do.

    but maybe not in front of that cute guy sitting right over there.

    hehehe. =P

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago