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  • Why are Conservatives happier than Liberals?

    The article (poll) points to lifestyle differences (marriage and faith). Agree?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Democrats, is this really what you want for our Country?

    Fascism: A governmental system led by a dictator (Obama ?) having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism (Fox News, talk radio), regimenting all industry (banks, autos, health care), commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism (elementary school students taught pro-Obama songs) and often racism (Rev Wright, Jones...).

    Maybe, WE the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should ALL unite, drop party affiliations and do what is best for our future!

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this article....agree or disagree?

    "American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper"

    "It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people."

    Read the whole article before you answer.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why isn't Pelosi, Reid or the mainstream media calling the G20?

    trashcan rolling, rock throwing protesters, an unpatriotic, unruly mob?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How can any informed American trust our government to run?

    or even set policies for America's health care system?

    The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 - they've had 234 years to get it right; it is broke, and even though heavily subsidized, it can't compete with private sector FedEx and UPS services.

    Social Security was established in 1935 - they've had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.

    Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - they've had 71 years to get it right; it is broke. Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it right; it is broke. Together Fannie and Freddie have now led the entire world into the worst economic collapse in 80 years.

    The War on Poverty was started in 1964 - they've had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our hard earned money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.

    Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - they've had 44 years to get it right; they are both broke; and now our government dares to mention them as models for all US health care.

    AMTRAK was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it right; last year they bailed it out as it continues to run at a loss!

    This year, a trillion dollars was committed in the massive political payoff called the Stimulus Bill of 2009; it shows NO sign of working; it's been used to increase the size of governments across America, and raise government salaries while the rest of us suffer from economic hardships. It has yet to create a single new private sector job. Our national debt projections (approaching $10 trillion) have increased 400% in the last six months.

    So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that each and every "service" shoved down our throats by an over-reaching government turns into disaster, how could any informed American trust our government to run or even set policies for America's health care system?

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

    -- Thomas Jefferson

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does this help you to understand what is going on in Washington and Obama's agenda?

    A summary of comments by Charles Krauthammer:

    1. Mr. Obama is a very intellectual, charming individual. He is not to be underestimated. He is a 'cool customer' who doesn't show his emotions. It's very hard to know what's 'behind the mask'. Taking down the Clinton dynasty from a political neophyte was an amazing accomplishment. The Clintons still do not understand what hit them. Obama was in the perfect place at the perfect time.

    2. Obama has political skills comparable to Reagan and Clinton. He has a way of making you think he's on your side, agreeing with your position, while doing the opposite. Pay no attention to what he SAYS; rather, watch what he DOES!

    3. Obama has a ruthless quest for power. He did not come to Washington to make something out of himself, but rather to change everything, including dismantling capitalism. He can't be straightforward on his ambitions, as the public would not go along. He has a heavy hand, and wants to 'level the playing field' with income redistribution and punishment to the achievers of society. He would like to model the USA to Great Britain or Canada.

    4. His three main goals are to control ENERGY, PUBLIC EDUCATION, & NATIONAL HEALTH CARE by the Federal government. He doesn't care about the auto or financial services industries, but got them as an early bonus. The cap and trade will add costs to everything and stifle growth. Paying for FREE college education is his goal. Most scary is his health care program, because if you make it FREE and add 46,000,000 people to a Medicare-type single-payer system, the costs will go through the roof. The only way to control costs is with massive RATIONING of services, like in Canada. God forbid.

    5. He's surrounded himself with mostly far-left academic types. No one around him has ever even run a candy store. But they're going to try and run the auto, financial, banking and other industries. This obviously can't work in the long run. Obama's not a socialist; rather he's a far-left secular progressive bent on nothing short of revolution. He ran as a moderate, but will govern from the hard left. Again, watch what he does, not what he says.

    6. Obama doesn't really see himself as President of the United States, but more as a ruler over the world. He sees himself above it all, trying to orchestrate & coordinate various countries and their agendas. He sees moral equivalency in all cultures. His apology tour in Germany and England was a prime example of how he sees America, as an imperialist nation that has been arrogant, rather than a great noble nation that has at times made errors. is This the first President ever who has chastised our allies and appeased our enemies!

    7. He's now handing out goodies. He hopes that the bill (and pain) will not 'come due' until after he's reelected in 2012. He'd like to blame all problems on Bush from the past, and hopefully his successor in the future. He has a huge ego, and Mr. Krauthammer believes he is a narcissist.

    8. Republicans are in the wilderness for a while, but will emerge strong. We're 'pining' for another Reagan, but there'll never be another like him. Krauthammer believes Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty & Bobby Jindahl (except for his terrible speech in February) are the future of the party. Newt Gingrich is brilliant, but has baggage. Sarah Palin is sincere and intelligent, but needs to really be seriously boning up on facts and info if she's to be a serious candidate in the future. We need to return to the party of lower taxes, smaller government, personal responsibility, strong national defense, and states' rights.

    9. The current level of spending is irresponsible and outrageous. We're spending trillions that we don't have. This could lead to hyper inflation, depression or worse. No country has ever spent themselves into prosperity. The media is giving Obama, Reid and Pelosi a pass because they love their agenda. But eventually the bill will come due and people will realize the huge bailouts didn't work, nor will the stimulus package. These were trillion-dollar payoffs to Obama's allies, unions and the Congress to placate the left, so he can get support for #4 above.

    10. The election was over in mid-September when Lehman brothers failed, fear and panic swept in, we had an unpopular President, and the war was grinding on indefinitely without a clear outcome. The people are in pain, and the mantra of 'change' caused people to act emotionally. Any Dem would have won this election; it was surprising it was as close as it was.

    11. In 2012, if the unemployment rate is over 10%, Republicans will be swept back into power. If it's under 8%, the Dems continue to roll. If it's between 8-10%, it'll be a dogfight. It'll all be about the economy.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • This has been around for awhile but we need reminding that life is ultimately about choice, agree or disagree?

    The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

    Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. CBS, NBC and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

    America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can it be that, in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

    Then a representative of the NAAGB (National Association of Green Bugs) shows up on Nightline and charges the ant with "green bias", and makes the case that the grasshopper is the victim of 30 million years of greenism.

    Barack and Michelle Obama make a special guest appearance on the ABC Evening News to tell a concerned Anchor that they will do everything they can for the grasshopper who has been denied the prosperity he deserves by those who benefited unfairly during the Bush summers, or as Barack refers to it, the "Temperatures of the Millennium."

    Nancy Pelosi exclaims in an interview with Chris Matthews that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his "fair share."

    Finally, the EEOC drafts the "Economic Equity and Anti-Greenism Act" retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

    Michelle gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Obama has appointed. The ant loses the case.

    The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he's in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him since he doesn't know how to maintain it.

    The ant has died; his body disappears in the snow. And on the TV, which the grasshopper bought by selling most of the ant's food, they are showing Barack Obama standing before a wildly applauding group of Democrats announcing that a new era of "fairness" has dawned in America.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How businesses can escape an Obama tax hike..?

    As suggested by Neal Boortz .... Does this sound like a viable plan?

    There is one way around several of these headaches that are sure to come with an ObamaNation. Temporary staffing agencies. Don't hire your employees. Use a temporary staffing company instead. Temporary doesn't necessarily mean temporary. When it comes to clerical help and many administrative duties in your workplace, as well as people like warehouse workers, machinery operators and others, you can find a temporary staffing company near you who can provide the workers (not employees, workers) you need.

    Here's the advantage. These people don't work for you. They work for the staffing agency. You don't pay them. You pay the staffing agency. You don't have to provide them with benefits like health insurance. That's up to the staffing agency. They can't unionize your workplace. You simply change staffing agencies. When a worker becomes a problem you don't have to jump through all sorts of legal hoops to fire them. Just tell the staffing agency to send someone else. The problem worker works for the staffing agency, not you. When your taxes go up you can simply tell the staffing agency that increased costs are going to lead to cuts, either in the number of their people working for you, or in the amount they're charging you for these people.

    So, there's your step one. As soon as Barack Obama becomes president-elect start talking to staffing firms in your area. Reach an arrangement with them and you can start cutting jobs – and headaches. Don't feel bad about those you let go. Chances are they voted for Barack Obama and they're just getting what they so richly deserve anyway.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Redistribution of Wealth...A Fair Analogy?

    Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.

    Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" button, again I laughed--just imagine the coincidence.

    When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

    I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

    At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient needed the money too.

    I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

    OR IS IT.........REDISTRIBUTION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S WEALTH IS A GREAT IDEA..............or is it just a fools political game?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is America ready for Communism?

    "Many believed that their country was in the midst of a gradual revolution. Political and economic upheaval and social rebellion had become commonplace and expected throughout society. Most viewed this process as disruptive, but nonetheless necessary if it was ever to attain constitutionality and honest government. Among those was a young lawyer just entering practice. Having earned an early reputation as a champion of the oppressed and underprivileged, he was anxious to use his political skills to harness and guide the revolutionary spirit….."

    Remotely similar? This was Cuba in the 1950’s…. young lawyer – Fidel Castro

    VOTE responsibly!

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why so much bias......?

    "A study shows the Kings of Late Night are not equal-opportunity destroyers this year when it comes to telling jokes about the candidates for president and vice president -- they're hammering Republicans a stunning seven times more often than they skewer Democrats.

    The Center for Media and Public Affairs, a media analysis group, kept a tally of jokes told about the presidential contenders on the "Late Show" and "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" in the five weeks after McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate and vaulted the little-known Alaska governor into the national spotlight."

    The total: Republicans, 286. Democrats, 42.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • With 74% of CEOs fearing Obama.....?

    do you believe an Obama presidency will have a negative or positive effect on your income?

    You may wish to punish CEOs but lest you forget they are job creators!

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much class envy in our Country?

    We have come to the point in this nation where we believe distribution of wealth is acceptable. We do not have a caste system. Everyone in this country is entitled to a free education and many to a free higher education. We all have the opportunity to succeed. We all choose our paths, therefore we are all RESPONSIBLE for our own successes and failures. You are NOT entitled to someone else's hard work!!!! This is what helped bring us to the financial brink we now face. To become healthy again, we as nation must overcome class envy.

    7 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • Have I Got This Right…….?

    Obama supporters, you have NO problem with Obama's ties to ACORN (the voter fraud group), his ties to Bill Ayers (an American terrorist), his ties to Rezko (corrupt businessman) or his ties to Reverend Wright (Racist minister) yet you have a problem with John McCain’s negative ads? Have I got this correct?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • James Carville hints at race riots if.......?

    Obama does not win the election. Do you think this will happen? Also, Is Carville insinuating that Black people riot when things don't go their way?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago