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  • Spanish streaming video?

    I have an extremely unique situation! I live in a really small town that has a chinese restaurant. They have hired a young hispanic man who does not speak any english and the owners only speak chinese and broken english. I don't have a clue how they met or how they even communicate lol Anyways, the owners use to watch streaming shows in english with chinese subtitles as well as regular shows from China. Is there such a thing for the spanish speaking community? What about any other web sites that may give him some things to watch? (They do not have cable or a satellite dish. . .)

    Thank you in advance for your helpful answers!

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Are there any free spammers/hackers? lol?

    Has someone every made you so mad you'd love for people to load up their inbox/facebook/myspace with annoying mail or someone to have fun hacking it?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Do you call random people?

    Who put their cell phone numbers up on myspace?

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • Recently diagnosed with HPV~ How does life change?

    I was recently diagnosed with HPV. I went back to see my Gyno and he told me that the test came back positive. He told me that nothing would change between me and my fiance as far as having sex and having children would not be an issue. I just am wondering: for others diagnosed with HPV, did your life change? Are there certain precautions I need to take to prevent spread? I mean, other than having sex with someone, can say sharing a towel or a drink (saying someone had oral hpv)?

    And, please, dont take it that I have slept around with numerous guys. I have only been with 2 men: my ex of 3 years and my fiance. Unfortunately, my fiance didnt know he was infected and gave it to me. He has been extremely supportive :)

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • My lips are swollen- What to do?

    I have some small bumps on my lip that I am afraid are warts. So I decided to use a wart medication on my lip. When I did, it started to burn so I rinsed it off. Now my upper lip is swollen terribly! What can I do to reduce the swelling? I go to work in 6 hours!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • HPV on lips and treament?

    I was wondering, how does HPV on the lips look as it is getting started? I have very small white bumps under the skin of my lips (you can only see them when I stretch my lips). I noticed them in the beginning of August when my lips began to tingle and then burn as if they were chapped. They "peeled" and I began using Burt's Bees chapstick religiously. They have not improved and look as if they could be possibly spreading to my bottom lip. Am I being overly concerned or should I be worried? I did ask my DR about them right after I first noticed them and he said that they were just from chapped lips- even after I have voiced what my concern was.

    For those who have been diagnosed with HPV on the lips, what steps were taken to remove them? I was prescriped Condylox gel for what I believed was a wart in my lower region. Could I place a dab of that on a spot and see? What do you think?

    (Please answer if youve dealt with this! And yes, I've already gone to the DR about it but dont believe I am getting good information. Rural healthcare sucks!!!)

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • So I know I have Oral Warts. . .?

    Thanks to my fiance, I not only have genital and anal warts but I also have oral warts. I went to the dr about 2 weeks ago and saw a nurse practitioner and explained to her that I am confident I have genital and anal warts and noticed spots in my throat. She did a throat swab and assured me that HPV woulf show up as well as gave me a Rocephin shot and gave me a prescription to pick up Gardasil (since I am over 18, I have to pick it up myslef and bring it in to be injected). I also recieved a round of Doxycycline. I went in to see about my results and she said nothing came back and that my throat looked better. (I did not but thought maybe becuase I was checking it at night and couldnt notice the difference.) Anyways, so this past week I noticed tingling/burning in my lips and now am noticing some white spots that look like warts starting to come. I am frustrated and angry because I feel like my nurse practitioner did not listen to me.

    I am going back to my drs office Monday to see my actual Dr.

    I'm scared, hurt and depressed over the whole ordeal. I could deal with the warts below and in my throat- but my lips?! I work as a teller so people are going to notice.

    Has anyone else dealt with warts on the lips and what did you do to get rid of them? What medications were you given by the doctor or what treatments did you recieve?

    I would really like to hear from those who have dealt with this personally.

    6 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • HPV, warts- how do I prevent them spreading to other areas?

    I am awaiting my throat swab to come back from my doctors office. I randomly checked my throat the other day and noticed some abnormal areas and went to the DR the next day to check it out. She treated me for possible Chlymadia with Doxycycline and Gonnorhea with a shot of Rocephin. Because I am over 18, I was able to get a prescription for Gardasil to have the shot the next morning. I had prior recieved a blood test for the basic STDs. They all came back negative but the DR wanted to go ahead and treat me for other things- just in case.

    My question is, if I have warts in my throat- how can I be careful that they wont spread to the rest of my mouth?

    Sad part is, I got it from my Fiance because he made me believe that the little spot he has was a skin tag. I know, I should have known better but I believed him.

    What can I do to prevent it spreading?

    5 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • HPV/Wart? How do you know?

    How can people tell they have HPV/throat warts? I'm just wondering. . . I mean the obvious answer is "see your doctor" but I was wondering if there was another way you could tell. I can't even find what the texture of a throat normally is.

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • No period while on birthcontrol?

    I take my birthcontrol at the same time every day on the dot. This month, I am on my inactive pills and about to start a new pack tomorrow but didn't really have a period. I had maybe the tip of a tampon used the whole time and that was is. I have the annoying cramping, pooping (Am I the only one who gets that?) and irritability. I took two EPTs and they are both negative.

    Because I recently restarted birth control - like in February- would it just be the change in my body? SHould I be worried?

    I noticed all the mucus discharge that happens right before your period but nothing else really. . .

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I'm asking for my boyfriend?

    My boyfriend has told me that he feels like he never totally empties his bladder and is constantly going to the bathroom! He also complains of a prinkly pain that comes once every blue moon. I know this is abnormal but was wondering if anyone might know what it was. Please be as blunt and open as possible. I'm honestly worried and he doesnt have the money or insurance to get into a DRs office.

    (And no, go see a doctor doesn't qualify as an answer lol)

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Whe to use back up on birth control?

    I understand if you mess up on your birthcontrol how to catch up and such but should you use back up any other time? Like when you start your new pack or when you're ending it? Is this even anything of concern?

    I appreciate everyones answers, especially those who take the time to expand upon their answers (those are most likely to get 10 points lol)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What does my sign say about me?

    I am a Leo, born in '86 (does that make a difference? lol) What does my sign say about me? I've always wondered and you guys seemed lke a great group to ask?

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • I'm on birthcontrol, used foam and douche the next morning?

    I had sex last night for the first time without a condom. I have been on birthcontrol for 3 months and take my pill EVERY night at 10 PM. I bought a spermicidal foam just because I am such a worrier about stuff. I used it just like the box said and then douched this morning just to "clean up." Is what I did fine? Do you think I could have possibly gotten pregnant? I know anything is possible but I was wondering if the foam and then douching later lowered my chances of pregnancy...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I'm on birthcontrol, used foam and douched the next morning?

    I had sex last night for the first time without a condom. I have been on birthcontrol for 3 months and take my pill EVERY night at 10 PM. I bought a spermicidal foam just because I am such a worrier about stuff. I used it just like the box said and then douched this morning just to "clean up." Is what I did fine? Do you think I could have possibly gotten pregnant? I know anything is possible but I was wondering if the foam and then douching later lowered my chances of pregnancy...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do you do after sex?

    I am 22 years old and have never had sex without a condom. I have been on birthcontrol for 3 months and think I am ready for the jump. Yes, this is a jump for me!!

    My question is: Is there any kind of cleaning ( like in your vaginal area)you must do after sex? I know its kind of dumb but I honestly don't know. Also, while taking birthcontrol are there certain times I should use a condom just to be sure? I know while on your period its best if you are going to. . . but besides then?

    I appreciate everyones honest answers!!

    11 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Vaginal discharge changes?

    I was wondering what normal vaginal discharge looks like. I hope I dont go into too much detail for anyone. I know what I have read that says discharge is normally clear or milky in color. My question is: is it normal for the color to change with arousal? Like when I wipe, its normally clear but there are times when I notice dried whitish spots on my panties when I use the bathroom or whitish colored liquid on my vibrator. Is the color change due to arousal?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Some weird stuff! Women issues.?

    I was recently tested to see why my periods are so far apart or non-existant. I have had my period since I was 10 and was on birth control since i was 15 til I was 20 due to periods that would go from 2 to 3 months apart with no pattern. I got off my birth control because I couldnt afford it. Anyways, when my blood work was done, I was shown to have high testosterone but otherwise there was nothing else to worry about. I heard it could be PCOS. Have women with these issues had problems with trying to have children?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleeding?

    By the time you have implantation bleeding, shouldnt your HPT be positive?

    Also, should you have any symptoms of pregnancy by the time this happens?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Messed up birthcontrol?

    I started my birth control in mid-January and took it just like I should for two weeks. When it came for the third week (right before the inactive pills), I took Sunday and then totally forgot like a dork. By the time I realized, it was Wednesday and figured my period would just come early. I didnt have anything so just started taking my new pack Sunday as if I had. I didnt see anything until Monday and it was brown blood. Since then, its been kinda spotty pink and brown (kinda like when your periods ending). Has anyone else did this? Its getting kind of annoying because it wasnt a full on period but more of just you have to wear a pad so you wont discolor your panties. . . I was sexually active but we used condoms everytime so I dont think its anything else but I'm wondering if I'm the only person who has ever experienced this annoyance lol

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago