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  • Do you think a 13.3 stallion could reach a 16hh mare?

    I am rescuing a stallion that was rescued out of newholland but he is younger then they thought like a yearling comming two and they were told he was a 3 year old. he hasn't drop his testicles (YET) and they were going to return him to hte auction house as he is extreemly studdish. and not the pony they bought. Well i agreed to give them what they paid for him (as stud normally dont find homes around here they go to kill pen) SO hes only 13.3 and i have a 16.0hh mare do you think he could reach her to bred her? Their is only one field right now and i dont want to have to choose who goes out and who stays in. I hate leaving horses locked in stalls. SO you guys think the pony could reach my mare to breed her? He hasn't droped so i dont believe he is fertile also i am not sure if he will drop..

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Colt hasn't dropped yet..?

    I have a 2 year old POA who i got at an auction as a gelding well to find that he was NEVER castrated he just hasnt dropped how long should i wait for him to drop? He acts very studdish like one time he got loose and ran strait to mare field (of course he couldn't get in their but still flirted) Also heard very uncommon for horses not to drop at least one testicle so maybe hes a late bloomer? I got him to resell but if he cant be castrated i might just let him stay with me till we can hopefully safely castrate him. Vet reccomends 3 as he has seen some horses drop after 2 years old. also i always thought they couldn't breed but then i read online a few places that they can?

    2 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Can i get in trouble for taking my daughter out of state?

    My daughter is 9 months old she has seen her dad once at 4 months old. he keeps giving me all kinda excuses as to why he cant see her and i found out today i have 3 months to find a new place to live so i started searching and i found this property out of state thats super cheap, its in nice neighborhood ect. but do i have to notify her father that i am leaving and can i get in trouble if i dont?

    6 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What do i do? New horse and severe issues?

    Ok, So this gelding came to our barn on trial and we rode him and he rears. My trainer called the owner and she said HE NEVER reared thier. He was also on trial for ALOT more money then what we paid for him and he didn't pass vet due to sticky hind stiffle. BUT they did everthing x-rays ect. So i have them showing thiers nothing wrong with him. We called the people who had him on trial they said the first few days he was a little anxious and up. but then he settled in fine. So i called the lady back and said i'll keep him two weeks and see what happens. I mean i've watched about 10 videos online of this horse. he had a little 10 year old girl on him and he w/t with her. ya ya i know the horse coulda been drugged or lunged for hours prior to her riding. but thiers a few other things i am noticing with him. He just seems very scared and hes becoming agressive if that makes sense? hes not bad to handle but hes spooky. They have him on Senitnal Grain (the preformance type) and alfalfa hay and he stoped all that today. maybe hes getting too hot? UGH WHAT DO I DO? i am having a friend come over and ride him tomorrow to see what he does. But first hes getting turned out for a few hours. he hasn't had a chance to go out due to weather.

    Their some videos of him.. Think i can get this horse back with trust, slow work?

    these videos are prior to the lady i am buying him from..

    11 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Must ride but small problem please help?

    So the horse i had been riding was sold. I get a comission off the horses i ride So i got me a project horse hes really thin so cant be ridden but i have a horse show in Virginia in March. I found a backup horse to ride but heres my problem. I fractured my ankle a few days ago. All my fees are paid for the show and not refundable. :( So I HAVE TO RIDE. Anyone know any good way to wrap an ankle so you can ride. MY ankle dont really hurt only when i put weight on the wrong way lol. Thinking about riding with out stirrups.. the down fall is getting off! any suggestions? i go back to doctor next week. I knwo this is kinda a medical question along iwth horse question. any suggestions BESIDES DONT RIDE would be appreciated. We have a huge mounting block for theraputic riders so might try that..

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Any suggestions on feeding emaciated horse?

    I am getting a horse tomorrow. Hes emaciated he is about 16.2-16.3 and i would say probably like 500lbs underweight. hes gross looking the amish owner just threw a blanket on him to cover up the issue. The last week i have gone to check on the horse because my friend showed him to me because he was at a hay dealers she got hay off of. We were told at first the horse wasn't for sale but i said i'd give him 500 as is. he was suspose to get back to me in the next day or two. My trainer/friend is very good at rehabbing horses that are emaciated. but i ahven't had anything this thin. everytime i have gone to check on this horse hes never had hay infront of him we'd go as early as 7am and as late as 8:30pm.. I am so mad about that. So i called owner tonight still no answer. We are going out to the farm. I will be taking a bale of hay with to throw him and two other thoroughbreds out in the feild both of them horses are doing better then this one but still thin. So any suggestions on what to feed this horse once hes in my care? I plan on having his teeth done. and giving him grass hay to start with then work on 50grass/50 alfalfa. I know its going to take a few weeks to work up to alfalfa before starting him on it. But as for grain any suggestions. I will pay what ever it cost to save this horse. I dont think the owner will look away for 500.00 because he said he was going to take it just had to check with the wife.. So i also got Cool Callories witch is 99% fat. :) and also dewormer just to make sure its not worms helping the weight issue. but almost possitive that is just Sheer neglect..

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me more about Polo Ponies?

    I am looking at going to try a thoroughbred gelding he was used for polo hes 16.2hh i think hes like 5-6 he was used as a flat race horse and didn't have it to win so thats why they tried polo. What are polo poines like I have never ridden one trained for polo. I've ridden x-racehorses, hunters and the average lesson horse type. I am going to look at him tomorro and just want a better understanding of how they train them ect.. I have never seen a polo match till i watched one on youtube so.. I know nothing about this horse except hes 16.2 and underweight.. we are going to look at him and two others. I am looking for a hunter to show. i dont mind taking my time to find the right horse have tons to look at but this guy is close and we know the owner as he's our hay guy.. lol

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Would he make a good equitation horse?

    I am looking at this Oldenburg gelding for myself. Hes very nice very quiet and for his size he don't have a huge stride very easy to sit to. He has TONS of dressage training so lateral work is flawless so will be able to leg yield and do the bending in tight turns. I want to some day go to the Maclay as an adult rider.

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Tell me about Hunter Farms in NJ?

    Can people tell me what they like and dislike about hunter farms? I have a 6 year old Oldenburg gelding who i want to start in equitation. I am relocating to Princeton NJ for work so any and all info would be helpful.. :) Thanks Also if you know any other barns that specialize in Equitation please let me know.

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • Anyone know anything about Princetown NJ?

    I am looking to move to Princeton NJ with my 5 month old daughter. Is this a good town to raise a child in? I heard cost of living is high? Any and all info would be helpful. I got offered a job with in my company and want to do research before just moving.


    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses9 years ago
  • Horse so back sore you cant touch him?

    I have a gelding i got on the 2nd i rode him the 2nd and the 4th then due to rain i didnt ride till today well i went to brush him and he seemed kinda sore not bad. well i finished tacking up no other problems! well i went to get on and he about fell down so i hurried up and got off! took all of his tack off and checked his back and it felt hot so took him in barn cold hosed his back by the time i went to put sore no more on him i couldnt even touch him! my saddle does fit it was checked by pro, their is three things were thinking epm (because when checking him when u pull his tail side to side he dont give any resistance and u could push him over) 2nd a fractured rib (he is bad for farrier and one day he pulled a shoe and farrier beat up on him and hit him with hammer i guess in back (i wasnt their needless to say my trainer asked farrier to leave with only one front on and called our back up farrier) 3rd he has severe rain rot ( he had sat in an amish field for 1 yr or more.) has Ne1 heard of this severe?

    5 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Moving farms how do you make it easy?

    I am looking at moving my horse becasue i am moving like 45 mins from my current barn and so i found the facility i want to move to but just with everything how do you make the move smooth??

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Any way to get donations for a horse?

    Tango is a 10 year old TB gelding who is amazing unfortunately last night tradigy struck.

    Tango and William were turned out an acre and a half of grass (they have been turned out for like a year together) and myself and another girl were fixing some fencing so they could not get in the WET areas of our field well we were 3/4 of the way done and tango and William were grazing not even 100 feet away from us and we heard "CRACK" it sounded like a gun shot... :( Tango fell over and started seizing alls I could do was scream for the barn manager and start running to find her. mean while another girl who was out with me tried to get tango to come too by the time i reached the gate the barn OWNER and Manager had saw tango down and came running "me feeling completely helpless at the point just kept screaming he won't get up tango won't get up"

    Mean while a neighbor who had seen everything happen came running over and was telling us what happened considering our backs were turned to both horses. Here William (who is known to kick people he has had 5 occasions including myself) had walked up in front of tango who's head was down grazing and he kicked him for no reason. (also about a month prior a horse that had been introduced to tango and Williams field came in with a puncture wound at not too much lower then tangos so I myself honestly and faithfully believe that William kicked him causing him to get 4 stitches)Tango finally came to even though we all were saying goodbye because he had urinated and defecated and stopped thrashing around. We got him up and William kept coming at tango I honestly believe with all my heart had we not been their we would have been burying tango today.. WE are still NOT IN THE CLEAR. Tango seems to be completely blind, but no signs of seizures or anything like that and it happened around 5:30-6:00 He is eating/drinking his vitals are good the only

    real damage SO FAR has been his sight. We are hoping that with 3 gallons of iv-fulids/DMSO for swelling, Banamine, Dexamethasome and other anti-inflammatory will help him get his sight back.

    Tango is such a cool boy and i would like to earn eneough money to pay his board for a few months and give him a chance. The owner will pay the vet bills but would prefer to put him down JUST BECAUSE HES BLIND.

    The only bad thing is today we noticed he was a little more whobbly today but not bad at all. I think because hes not getting DMSO IV'd in him is why..

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Help Dont wanna switch stables but dont have much option!?

    Well, I am moving about 45 mins away from my current barn. I have been with my instructor for 2 years. I have had my ups and downs with horses. my first horse with her was an OTTB gelding, my second was another ottb gelding (who we put to rest 1-16-10 he had epm when i purchased him) but while having my gelding i rode/leased a paint mare and NOW FINALLY i have the most perfect gelding ever. I mean we have TONS of room to improve but i love my horse.. :)

    Well I am moving to reignholds and really theirs 3 barns that will be close. :) its nice even tho i dont wanna move.. My goal is showing Hunter/Jumpers but im really limited on $$

    Thier is They offer working student program. I have heard their facility is VERY hard to get to in bad weather..

    These are teh two that im very intrested in i have toured both facilities. I am just VERY concerned that I am going to go back with my riding skills instead of go forward.

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • I really like him but how do i get to the next step?

    Ok. So theirs this guy who i really like hes a yr younger then me (not even a full yr.) I really really like him we flirt ALL the time hes been sweet and drove me home a couple times when the roads have been shitty.. (we had like 3-4 snow storms back to back) and its just been CRAZY. But how do i let him know i like him w/o flat out saying it. i've hinted it ect!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my horse Constant refuses a fence should i carry a crop?

    Ok so my gelding has gotten much better about when he stops at a fence but COME ON im tired of him stopping. I am thinking about carrying a crop and cracking him when he starts to back off (he respects the crop well) I've had to use it as reinforcement for my canter transitions my horse is VERY ill do it when i want to.. and im getting frustrated so i talked to my instructor and she believes that i should start carrying a crop and using it when he backs off a fence. Has anyone had any experiance with that?

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • First Rated show March 21st?

    Ok, So i am doing my first rated show with lucky. (WHO IS NOW MINE) i was wondering what should i do to prep him? i know bath, braid mane and tail, clean all tack i have a fancy stitch bridle and martingale. and all that but is their anything i am forgeting. I have a show jacket, tall boots, ect... What makes a Rated show better tehn schooling just higher compition and harder judging?

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think about this idea?

    Well i just got a very depressing phone call at like 1pm The people i was leasing my big warmblood gelding from want him back their picking him up friday.. (IM DEVISTATED) My instructor offered me a 17.0 TB mare who has been off the track for 3 yrs shes (13 yrs old now) the down fall is NO ONE has done anything except breed her.. I mean yea cool she has babies (she actually needs weaned now) i just dont want another horse and another freaking problem w/ getting a horse getting attached then getting screwed and i know my instructor is like my mom but GOD! what do i do??? im really lost i guess im just kinda like NUMB cause my gelding im riding has improved so much.. and now im getting scrwed...

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Working Student Program in Flordia.?

    I am thinking about doing a working student program in Flordia. the position is Live-In :) GREAT considering im from PA.. :) I would be taking my gelding with. but what all consist with the working student program? This is what the ad said..

    Live-in working students. We are looking for motivatied hard workers who want to learn to become a better riders and like working in a great team atmosophere. We are a professional dressage show barn and are looking for students with good basic dressage experience. The job requires general barn duties in exchange for lessons, accomadation and a salary. Please send resume and contact info.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago