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  • Taking care of a toddler after having a c-section.?

    My son is 15 months old, I am having a repeat c-section on the 18th(my first c/s was very hard on me), the baby has a large cyst in her stomach which could rupture so a c-section is safest. My son is very clingy, I am a stay at home mom and never been away from him for more then an hour at a time. My mom is coming into town to help but she lives far and my son isnt to familiar with her. The new baby is going to be taken to a specialty hospital right after birth, my husband will be going with her, my mom will have my son.

    I know I am going to be an emotional wreak because of my baby being taken from me right after birth and worrying about her condition (I cannot go with her to the childrens hospital). My son will be brought to the hospital after my c-section but he will not be able to be on me like usual because Ill be recovering from surgury. I dont want him to feel like Im mad at him or anything, is there anything I can do to make this easier on him and me.

    How did you deal with your toddler when having a c-section? How long did it take you to get on your feet agian after c-section #2?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breast feeding question ?

    My baby has a large cyst and is going to have to be transfered to a Childrens Specialty Hospital after birth, I amhaving a c-section so she will be transfered and I will not be able to go with her. Also they dont know if the cyst has affected her stomach so I most likely will not be allowed to feed her at all before they transfer her. I breastfeed my son for 7 months and really want to do the same for this baby, but Im worried because I will be away from her for her first 2-4 days of life. They said I can pump in the hospital and send it to her (once they give the ok for her to eat instead of IV nutrition) but is it possible to pump before your milk comes in? Do you think that she will still take my breast once we are together or because she had the bottle for the first few days will I end up having to pump and bottle feed the whole time?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did anyone have their baby taken to a specialty hospital after birth?

    My baby is going to be delievered April 18 via repeat c-section. She has a 4.3 cm cyst, they are not sure if it is attached to the ovary, stomach or bladder, and will not be able to tell until after the baby is born. They do not know yet if the baby will need surgery or if it has the possibility of going down on its own.

    I am being told that after delivery they will most likly send her across town to Childrens Hospital so they can do the proper testing to figure out what is going on and how to treat it. I will not be able to go with her because I will berecovering from the c-section and they have no adult beds, my husband will go though. I so scared about how I am going to deal with them taking my baby and not being able to go, My son is 15 months and we have never been apart, I dont know how I can deal with being away from my newborn. How did you deal with this.Also I want to breastfeed, I will have to pump and send it to her, but I know my milk will not be in for a couple days, can you pump even before the milk comes in? What is the chance of her taking my breast if she is away from me for a couple days?

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 36 wks pregnant, baby has possible cyst?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant, had a ultrasound yesterday and doctor called me a couple hours later.The baby has what looks like it may be a cyst, but she nor the other doctors at the office are sure she says they havnt seen anything quite like it before, which makes me worry even more because cysts in babies dont seem to be that rare.

    It is in the lower left stomach or possibly the overies, they couldnt pinpoint it I guess on thier ultrasound machine. I have an appointment Tuesday with the high risk doctor they have a stronger ultrasound machine and hopfully will be able to tell me more.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did you have these syptoms before labor?

    I am 36 weeks along, but my doctor said Ive been measureing a week and a half ahead, and I had my son only 14 months ago so I have been expecting this baby to be a little early bc of how close the pregnancies are.

    Yesterday I have had some contractions nothing very consistent, but feeling pressure and the baby has dropped (2 days ago). Have lost a little mucus but not very much, but Ive been feeling fine other then the last few days Im going to the bathroon a lot, and now last night i started throwing up for no reason, and feel overall pretty yucky. Feeling a lot of downward pressure, I am getting checked Friday but as of now I have no idea if I have dialated at all yet.

    Did you have flu like syptoms before labor?? If so how long before? I had a c-section with my son so I dont really know what labor feels like, Im ready for this baby to get here!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did you have a VBAC and did it happen before 40 weeks?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant, I have a 14 month old son that I delieved by c-section due to an unsucessful induction (I would not dialate). The doctor does not want to induce me this time because I handled the pitocin so poorly last time. She said she would start stripping my membranes to help me along when I hit 37 weeks but if I get to my due date we will do a repeat c-section. I am hoping because this is my second pregnancy in a short period of time that labour will come naturally before 40 weeks.

    Did you have a VBAC? And did your second child come before 40 weeks? I really do not want another c-section!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • baby is measuring big?

    I am 34 weeks based on my due date. My entire pregnancy I have been telling the doctors that I think the due date is wrong (I know when I concieved because there is only one possibility that month, but they dont believe me). Ultrasounds have been agreeing with the due date...until last week I was at the doctors and she measured me and he was measuring 35 weeks (when they said I was 33 weeks). Should I continue to go by my due date or do you think he will come early, anyone else have a baby who measured big in the 3rd trimester and go into labor early or did you still have your bab ynear your due date?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I make a court house wedding more romantic?

    I am looking for ideas on how to make a court house wedding more romantic. Weddings are held at 11am and we will most likly both go into work at 1 the same day, but I really want it to still be as special as possible.

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Dehydration causing early contractions! Please Read!?

    I am 28 weeks with my first adn I think I am staying pretty healthy. Monday I woke up and my stomach was feeling so tight and I started having cramps every 5-10 minutes this went on for several hours and I just thought it was something I ate, but finally when it didnt stop I called the doctor and they sent me to the hospital.

    As it turned out I was very dehydrated, I guess I was just feeling bad all day and didnt think to drink much. Doctor said the dehydration was making my body sick and it was trying to get the baby out so it wouldnt have to share the nutriants and liquid with my baby! I feel so stupid for making such a terrible mistake, luckly I was not dialated yet and once I got rehydrated the contractions stopped. So just a reminder to all, even if you dont feel thirsty your body still needs water, make sure you drink your 8 glasses a day!

    Has anyone else experienced anythign like this?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Took Glucose test this morning now feeling...?

    I had my glucose test this mornign drank the liquid at 10 am and had blood drawn at 11. now its 3:30 I feel crapy... is it normal, I dont know if it is just a sugar crash or what. but I feel tired, my stomach is upset and just plain bad all around.

    Is this noraml or should I be worried?

    My doctor is out of town and the other doctor at the office is out sick so a nurse gave me the test, so I will not be able to actually call adn speak to a doctor until tomorrow most likley.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why is my baby so far down (only 27 weeks)?

    About 2 weeks ago all of a sudden my baby shifted down a lot.. I used to feel him moving just below my belly button and now he is so low he is causing pressure on my vagina and I feel movement only rigth above my public area and thats about it. also just moving is so uncomfortable because he is so low I can bend at all and it is hard for me to get up and down.

    I am only 27 weeks, I didnt think he would move down so quickly is this normal? has it happened to anyone else, did you end up delievering early ?

    I will be seeing the doctor Thursday but just curious. Thanks

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My sister and I both came early whats the chance my baby will too?

    My sister was born 6 weeks early and I was born 4 weeks early, no medical reason and nothing was wrong with us we were both 5lbs and healthy. most my other relatives have also delivered early on my moms side (Im not sure about my fathers side). Does this mean there is a good chance my son will come early, just wondering I plan on being prepared just in case anyway.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I get him to move, I'm very uncomfortable!?

    I am 24 weeks pregnant and my little boy has been head up for the last several weeks (I could tell because his kicks which are very strong were low ) but yesterday he started to wiggle around and now seems to laying across my stomach he is kicking me so hard on my left side, I think maybe he was trying to go head down and got stuck or something. Since last night he has been in this position and it is very painful for me not only does his kicks seem to hurt more because they are more to the side there is so much pressure in general on my sides because I think he has himself pushed so far agianst the sides of the womb.

    Is there anything I can do to get him to reposition? Would walking or something like that help? I am in so much pain!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • gallstones during pregnancy ?

    I am 20 weeks pregnant and about 6 weeks ago the doctor found a small gallstone. It hasnt caused any discomfort until about 2 weeks ago, I have been waking up almost every night with pain (where the gallbladder is) It lasts for about 10 minutes and then passes.

    Right now it isnt too bad but I think the stone m ust be growing or something because before I couldnt feel it at all. I called the doctor but she is out until tomorrow.

    Did anyone else have gallstones during pregnancy? What did you have to do, special diet or did they remove your gallbladder? Did the pain increase?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I think I've Decided on a name, What do you girls think?

    Broderick Konrad, Brody for short.

    What do you think??

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 19 week scan placenta question?

    I am 19 weeks and had a scan yesterday. My placenta has been over my cervix my who pregnacy and is still low and partly covering it. Has anyone this happen and then had theres move and still be able to give birth naturally? Anyone have their's not move and need a c-section?

    I really dont want to have a c-section the doctor has been saying sometimes they will just move really slow but still get out of the way in time, but Im still concerned.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Its a boy, I have so many questions!?

    We foudn out this morning it is a boy!! I am so excited. But, I have absolutly no experience with baby boys, Ive never been around a newborn boy, i have no brothers and there are very few boys in my family!

    so, Mothers of boys:

    -When do they get circumsized (right after birth or later)

    -What are some different challenges with boys then girls (as babies not as older children and teenages)

    -Is it pretty easy to find clothes or do you notice most places have a larger selection of boys clothes then girls?

    -Is potty training harder because you dont have experience going like a male does (my husband is around but he doesnt really have any experience with babies either)

    Thanks everyone!!

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • It's a boy, so much I dont know!!?

    We foudn out this morning it is a boy!! I am so excited. But, I have absolutly no experience with baby boys, Ive never been around a newborn boy, i have no brothers and there are very few boys in my family!

    so, Mothers of boys:

    -When do they get circumsized (right after birth or later)

    -What are some different challenges with boys then girls (as babies not as older children and teenages)

    -Is it pretty easy to find clothes or do you notice most places have a larger selection of boys clothes then girls?

    -Is potty training harder because you dont have experience going like a male does (my husband is around but he doesnt really have any experience with babies either)

    Thanks everyone!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Diaper Sizes? Shower registry?

    I am making a registry for our shower and we are going to register for some diapers but I am very confused abttu the sizes I dont want to ask for too many to small or not enough larger sizes. How many size one diapers do I need? Also I have several huggies coupons that expire before the baby comes so we are planning on buying some diapers on our own as well just to make sure we are stocked up, This is our first baby so it is all a little confusing!!


    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I havnt felt the baby move in a couple days..?

    I am 16 weeks pragnant and I have been feeling the baby move a lot for almost 2 weeks but the last two days, nothing.

    I know I am not very far a long and some days you will feel it more then others, bit is it normal to feel nothing?? I have a sinus infection and feeling crapy it would bring my spirits up to feel the babay moving around in there.

    Has this happened to anyone else? was everything ok?


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago