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Lv 1210 points

Ashley Terrent

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Care: Horse Training:

  • Alarm clock anxiety?

    I am naturally a poor sleeper and wake up anywhere from 4-8 times every night. When I wake up I have to check the time or I get really anxious that my alarm is going to go off any second. If the clock is anywhere from a half hour away from my wake up time then I can't go to sleep and I lay in bed thinking about my alarm going off.

    My alarm is soft and plays music so it's not a freaky noise. I just get really anxious and figity before my alarm. I need help figuring how to get rid of that anxiety and be able to go back to sleep when I have a whole hour before my alarm.

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • 5 month Great Dane stopped eating?

    He has never really been a "scarfing food down" kind of dog but he has always eaten his food on schedule. We feed him 3 cups in the morning and 3 at night and he often finished it within half an hour of us putting it down.

    In the last few days however he won t finish his food until noon or so when we put it down around 7am. We started putting his food up about 30 min after we put it down. Saying if you don t eat now you don t eat again until dinner. But even after making him wait till dinner (6pm) he won t finish his 3 cups from morning.

    He still acts like a puppy, sleeping for 3 hours at a time and then being crazy for 3 hours. He drinks lots of water and doesn t seem to be showing signs of illnesses.

    Is this a puppy phase? He chews his toys and bones so his teeth aren t bothering him. He s supposed to get 6 cups a day and he has only been eating about 4. Please help me out:)

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Can I further damage my sprained figure by using it?

    I sprained my figure during color guard but simply cannot afford to sit out for the season or miss any rehearsals.

    If I use my finger it will obviously hurt and take longer to heal but will it get damaged more than it already is?

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • How young can you start potty training your puppy?

    For effective training, what is the youngest age I can start house training my puppy and he will be able to pay attention and remember what I am teaching him

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • When trying something new with my boyfriend?

    So my boyfriend is slightly older than me and more experienced when it comes to foreplay and sexual intercorce.

    The other day we went a little further than normal and he had an orgasm and I didn't know what to do. It was so embarrassing. So what I am suppose to do when he peaks? Keep going with the bj? Switch to kissing him again? I am not that experienced and would like to just please him.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • By Ball Python is having trouble eating?

    Usually he eats very well and can swallow a medium rat within 15 minutes. However, tonight he started eating it from the head and so I felt him alone. 20 or so minutes later I come back to see where he is and he is still biting the head, having made no progress at all.

    He is not squeezing the rat or anything and just lade out, chewing on its head. What's going on?

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • I have a cut in a weird place...?

    So the other day I was going to the bathroom and it hurt really bad. Turns out I have a cut on my anus, like on the hole. I know this is awkward but the cut isn't healing because every time I go the bathroom it reopens. It bleeds and makes going to the bathroom painful. Any idea how I can get it to heal?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • I am lossing weight and never hungry?

    I am never hungry and dropping weight too fast?

    I have a head injury that the doctors are currently diagnosing. I was wondering if your body could be so focused on managing my head (doctors think a tumor) that it has "turned off" my hunger. Like it is shutting down certain parts of the body in an attempt to focus its energy somewhere else.

    Basically, i am dying and was wondering if the thing i just described is even possible? Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • I am never hungry and dropping weight too fast?

    I have a head injury that the doctors are currently diagnosing. I was wondering if your body could be so focused on managing my head (doctors think a tumor) that it has "turned off" my hunger. Like it is shutting down certain parts of the body in an attempt to focus its energy somewhere else.

    Basically, i am dying and was wondering if the thing i just described is even possible? Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • I am losing weight and have brain cancer?

    So in the last month i have dropped about 15 lbs. i never feel hungry or thirsty and when i eat i feel sick, like i am stuffing myself. What mind of foods can i eat that will help me gain weight in a healthy way without getting sick? The doctor just said to eat more but i am having difficulty keeping food down.

    Any help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersCancer7 years ago
  • Alright this is a weird question...?

    So I got a new adult ball python 4 days ago. I went into his cage to change his bedding and he stuck his head out of his hide and was just looking at my hand. The more I messed with the bedding the closet he got to my hand. Was he just being curious, or would he have bitten me? (He ate a full rat about 6 days ago so he isn't hungry). Should I have let him "smell" my hand? I feel like he wanted to but I don't really know him yet and was afraid he would have bitten me.

    Any advice regarding his behavior would be wonderful!

    4 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • I bought a 150w red light for python and...?

    So I have a 40 breeder tank and am wondering if a 150w red light is too hot for the cage? I haven't put it in yet because I don't want the temperature to be changing too much.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Should my snakes temperature change at night?

    I have gotten lots of different opinions and need a solid answer. Should my Ball Pythons cage temp decrease at night? People have told me to just keep a red light on 24/7 because they don't need light. But wouldn't this make the temp the same ALL day? Is that bad?

    Any advice is appreciated.

    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • How long should I wait to handle my Ball Python?

    I bought a new 3' python from a breeder 2 days ago. She said I should wait 2 weeks before handling him. Should I really wait that long? I don't want his good handling temperament to go away due to no handling. Plus I am really excited and want to hold him :)

    Any advice is appreciated.

    4 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • My Ball Python keeps messing with the heat lamp?

    I just got my bp three days ago and I am usually awake around one o'clock, the same time my python is awake. He seems very interested in the mesh screen top and is constantly stretched out toward the light and pushing his nose on it.

    Could it be maybe that his old cage didn't have a light on it and he is just curious or is he liking for heat?

    At night my heat is about 80 degrees on the hot side (which is warm enough). I just don't want him to be trying to get something that he needs or something that bothers him.

    4 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • what is the best time of the day to hold my python?

    I know they are nocturnal so would it be better to hold my bp in the evening instead of "waking" him up in the middle of the day? Or do they not really care?


    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • How big should my Python enclosure be?

    I am getting a Mojave Python on Sunday that is slightly under 3'. I am not new to snakes but am new to Pythons. What aquarium size would be good for him? I have a 30 gallon long that is currently unused. Would that be an ok size?


    4 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Housing Ball Pythons together?

    I am going to buy a Bumble Bee python soon and was considering the idea of getting two. At the pet store they are housed together, so could I do the same at home?

    8 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • How should I set up my Ball Python's enclosure?

    I am using a terrarium and am thinking of turning it on its side. I would get a plexus glass lid with a door for easy access. Would heat pads be enough for heat or do I need to use a heat lamp too? Should I put a heat pad on the side as well as the floor? Also, with the substrate, what bedding would be best so that she can feel to heat from the floor pad?


    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • I am very interested in the Army Calvary?

    I am off to college in a year and have taken an interest in the idea of being a Mounted Officer or even joining the Army"s Calvary. How would I get more info on how to pursue that? Thanks