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  • boyfriend cheating, but now?

    Okay, so I've been dating my boyfriend for seven months, he's the sweetest guy ever and I thought we were perfect. He's 17 and I'm 16. Anyways about a week ago I found some messages between him and another girl, talking about how they loved eachother, there were some dirty messages and etc. but I know for a fact he has never met her in person (they met on social media). So I immediately broke up with him mortified and heartbroken. So he's been begging me to take him back all week, and finally we got to hangout tonight. Basically he ended up balling his eyes out begging me to give him another chance, telling me he doesn't deserve me but can't live without me and how much he loves me, etc. So basically I really need some advice, do you think I should give him another chance? Does he mean it? What does it mean when boys cry? IM SORRY ITS SO LONG, I REALLY NEED HELP. Thank you so much!!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Confused about relationship?

    So I have a boyfriend who I've been dating for 7 months and honestly it's completely perfect, I still feel the exact same way about him as the day I fell in love with him, but I'm a 16 year old girl, and sometimes I just feel like I want to be free and want to be able to talk to guys without feeling guilty, I wanna be able to have a fun night with my friends and just flirt with random guys.. But in the end he's what truly makes me happy, I would never do anything to hurt him. I'm so confused as to what I want:( can anyone give me advise? Why do I feel so strongly for him but still want to talk to other guys, I'm naturally really flirty an outgoing so it's hard for me to not be myself around other people? Idk what to do:( thanks for anyone who reads/helps

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What to get him for Christmas! Please help?

    my boyfriend is 17 and I'm 16, we've been together for five months (almost 6) but it feels like it's really meant to be. So it's Christmas time and I have no clue what to get him, like I feel like he literally has no interests that are present worthy for a girlfriend to give him, like pretty much the only thing I know he likes is football. For his birthday in october I got him really nice nike jogging pants and NFL shirt, so I'd like to try and get a little more creative than just clothes (which worst comes to worst is what ill end up getting him a sweater or something). I saw him today and he gave me my Christmas gift, he got me a pandora bracelet with two expensive charms that meant so much to me, because of a snow storm my town had I'm not giving him his present for a few days because I wasn't able to leave the house to get anything. I have about a 100$ budget, could possibly go a little higher but not too much, please help me with some ideas! Thank you so so much for those you take their time to read !

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Will weed still be in my body?

    I'm a 15 year old girl, last Saturday (8 days ago) I was with some friends and I smoked aloooooot of weed, like a lot (I know this is bad please don't tell me) anyways this Tuesday I have a doctors appointment, it's a checkup so they look at everything including taking my blood, my question is will they see that there is marijuana in my blood? If they do will they say anything? My mom will be there I don't want them to tell her? Please help (btw my dr's apt. Would be 10days after I smoked)

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • My boyfriend texts another girl?

    Okay so my boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months, but we live 30minutes away so only see eachother like once a week, and go to different schools and stuff (he's 17 I'm 16) anyways, he's always told me that he doesn't talk to any girls really and everything, but there was this one girl that always commented on his photos and tweeted him and stuff, but now her profile is private I cannot see these tweets and comments. She's always texting and snapchatting him and I couldn't help but notice that he doesn't delete her texts either, like I have no clue who this girl is besides the fact that she's always talking to him, I'm pretty sure they dated before I even knew him (over a year ago) but should I be worried? Like I trust him more than anything and I know he loves me just I feel so insecure and I'm worried

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help with relationship?

    Hi I'm in a relationship, he's 16 I'm 15, and I couldn't describe the feeling I have for him and he says he has the same for me, he makes me feel like I'm perfect, I wake up to "good morning my beautiful girl<3" and then we text 24/7, but he doesn't live around me, like 30minutes away. He tells me he doesn't even talk to other girls.. But I know he snapchats a lot:$ and recently on his Instagram pictures girls have been commenting "awe:*" and "cutie<3" and okay. I try not to be that girlfriend, all paranoid, I'm aware my boyfriend is really cute, so I'd assume other girls would be aware of that too, but I look for the comments the next day And they're randomly deleted? He deletes the comment? .. Does he not want me to see? Should I ask him? Or say something? Thank you

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Boyfriends birthday gift?

    Okay so my boyfriends birthday is coming up, we've been dating for about 2 and a half months, I've been having trouble trying to think what to get him, he's a football player and big into sports, he's also really sweet too. I was thinking about getting him tickets to go see a game or something together, but the problem is he's turning 17 and I'm 15 so only he has his license, what If I get these tickets then he's busy? Or can't drive? I wanted it to be a surprise, but should I just tell him I'm getting them? Like just arrange the date then pay(for tickets/dinner)? What are some other gift options? Thanks so much :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I send him pics?

    I've been texting this guy for about 3months now, and were sort of in a long distance relationship, we also Skype all the time and he's the best. He's constantly telling me how much he loves me and how beautiful I am, and ill wake up to long paragraphs about how perfect I am. He trusts me a lot, and I trust him. Yes we have kind of 'sexted' before but nothing really graphic, he's asked for a bikini pic and I told him I wasn't comfortable and he was fine with that, however this was about a month ago. Recently we've gotten alot closer and he sent me a picture of his penis, (I said yeah but told him before he sent it to not expect anything in return- he asked me if he could send it) anyways he's sent me another one, and is now asking for a picture in my underwear like just my bum covered though. Should I send it? I don't want him to think I don't trust him? He's sent me 2nude photos this is just one with panties on, so isn't it the same as like a bathing suit? Please help. Should I send it? Btw I'm 15 he's 16

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • He wants a picture? Should I send him it?

    First of all im 15 girl (if your gonna hate please go away)So there's this guy(he's sixteen) I've been talking to every single day for like, 4months (we met through a friend). He's the cutest nicest boy I've ever known and he likes me a lot and I like him, we're sort of dating but haven't met yet so I don't want to be his girlfriend officially but really, it's like my boyfriend we get somewhat sexual through text&hed never hurt me and always says the nicest things. Anyways Today we were talking about swimming and he asked me to send him a photo in my bikini? Should I send him one? It's just my bikini, everyone sees it in summer anyways? He says "he wouldn't show anyone &he doesn't want any other boy seeing his baby" should I just do it? He says he'd send any photo of himself back (voluntarily like nudes) ?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Fat girl summer clothing? Ugh please help.?

    I am 15 female, about 5foot9 and around 170 pounds. Yes I am over weight, but I don't look that big and all my body is proportioned well. I am so insecure for summer to come its ridiculous.. Does anyone have any tips in what bathing suit style to look at? I was thinking of trying dresses, so dress style/shorts style? I'm so tired of being that uncomfortable odd one out that's wearing pants and a sweater in the hot summer, I'm not so insecure looking at myself but then as soon as I compare myself to other girls I just want to cry. Ugh especially because of my height. My stomach isn't that big, it's more my back fat I'm worried about& my muscular cafes. Would somebody please give me advise on how to dress and which styles would look good on me?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • I'm like incredibly awkward around guys?!?

    I'm 15 year old girl, and I'm so outgoing and loud..around girls. Once I talk to boys even if I don't like them I get so nervous I can't even talk! ESPECIALLY if I like them, If I like them I can't even be around them, I'd die! Ahh. There are certain boys I can talk to (ones I'm close with or am comfortable with) but idk. I can talk to them on social websites or text and then in person or even on the phone I just stutter and blush and stutter some more! I hate it so much. Please tell me what's wrong with me?! Ugh can anyone give me advise on how to get over this? I like boys so much I wish I could talk and flirt with them! Ty!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • This guy used to like me?

    This guy used to like me, like a lot. We're both fifteen and he liked me last year, he asked me out multiple times but I always rejected, after a while he gave up. We were friends however but we hardly talk anymore. Once in a blue moon he'll walk up and say hi to me. The thing is, I've realized I really like him now! Why did I figure this out after my chance has past? Would he be over me now, it's been like a year? How can I start talking to him again?! I think he's so adorable. Please help, ug! Ty!! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • He texts me while playing video games?

    So I text to the this guy alot, I consider him a friend we both know that he likes me alot more then a friend, but I keep telling him just friends, he's ok with that. Anyways he always texts me when he's playing playstation and I know most girls are like "awh he paused the game for me" but really? Like stop texting me and enjoy the game :$ I tell him ill talk to him later when he says he's playing but he says he wants to talk.. Like really I don't care! How do I make the point that I really don't care an am not just saying it, he should just play and enjoy. Any thoughts?! Btw, I'm 15 he's 16 Ty!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • after first cigarette?

    so i smoked for the first time, is it possible to actually feel like you want to do it again? its been about 2 hours since. lol i don't know if im just like making this feeling up or if im actually craving it ? i know cigarettes are addicting. I really didn't like that taste when i did it, and don't plan on it again but now i feel like i reeeaaalllly want to? is this normal? i didnt think you'd get addicted after one? can someone help? haha ty! -please no hate. i realise smoking kills.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • First cigarette help?

    Im fifteen/female, I tried smoking for the first time today, I shared a cigarette with my friend (yes I'm underage, just trying. Not planning on doing it again ever) anyways, I held the smoke in my mouth for a really long time and it kinda burnt is this normal? I didn't cough alot just a little but my throat also really burnt an felt scratchy? My chest kinda hurts now, not really concerned about that though. Is this all ok? Please no hate I know it's bad and like I said I'm not doing it again. Thanks!

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why don't guys like me?!?

    I am 15 y/o girl and I've never had a boyfriend or even my first kiss! I'd say I'm pretty, probably over average looking (people tell me I am pretty too, not self centered) long brown hair (past my boobs) blue/green eyes, tan skin& 5 foot 7. I have a really good personality and always make sure everyone is happy. I'm not rude or mean and I'm friends with everyone. A few guys have been interested in me, but nothing went anywhere. Nobody's interested in me now, that I know of. Why don't guys like me?! Will I ever have a boyfriend? I'm not desperate but I'm tired of seeing all the cute relationships, that I've never had :-( Ty for any answers!! Xo

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this ok? Stretches?

    I'm pretty flexible (I can put my palms on the ground with my legs straight without trouble[like touchin my toes]), and in gym class yesterday we were doing a vary of tests- anyway one of the tests we had to stand on a stool and see how far past our toes we could reach. I really pushed myself and went way past anyone in the class. Now today my legs hurt bad, and I can't even touch my toes? It's like I can't if I wanted to, beside the pain, it feels like something's stopping me in the back of my legs. Can someone tell me if this will go away? Is this ok? Ty!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • my bestfriend copies me, to her family? -.-?

    my bestfriend is honestly, the best. I adore her, but she constanly copies me? its like i say something or do something and she kinda tells me its stupid. Then she goes home and does it to her family! like ill say something like "shut up shut up shut up!!!" and she'll be like "you sound dumb ;p"and then the next day at her house her little sister will say "oh do that thing you do its so funny!" (referring to the thing i do, but telling my friend to doit).. and she like tells her older sister jokes that we find funny that are kinda inside jokes, and make them an inside joke with her. She also wants whatever i get, and gets it. She dyed herhair the same color as mine.. lHow doi get her to stop copying me?! i honestly dont wanna be friends anymore its so annoying -.-

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • please help me with this guy -.-?

    theres this guy that ive been talking for awhile via text. ive never met him, but we live close but in different towns, anyways so we've only seen pics of eachother (although alot because he has my instagram and fb and twitter lol) ANYWAYs, he keeps telling me how much he likes me, and how beautiful i am, and cute and all these things. He really wants to meet in person, but im kinda scaredd, i really dont think hes gonna like me AT ALL when he actually see's me, honestly im pretty, but im rather bigger than most girls :( so its kinda hard to tell that in pictures (im not huge er anything, but im also very tall) i dont want him to feel awkward cause he doesnt think im as pretty in person! what doi do? should i be worried?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do i get out there? friends and boyfriend PLEASE help me!?

    I'm a freshman in high school in a small town, so everybody knows everyone. Everyone has groups of friends.I only really 2 friends, we're always together and everyone knows it. Im pretty attractive and all through middle school i was kinda that kid that could talk and hangout with everybody (very popular or very not) now it just kinda akward talking to anyone but my 2 friends! I really wanna just break out of this like shell, and make alot of friends and actually talk to boys! lol I really want a bf, (no im not that type of girl that cares so much) but i just wanna start my life, ya kno? anyone have any advice on what i can do to start talking to other people? like i said it might be awkward cause everyone already knows everyone. please help me! tysm xox

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago