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'Write for yourself, what you want to read, not what others want to read' I'm a 14 year old writer from Scotland. You will only ever really find me in B&A as that's all I know about but I suppose somedays you will find me in P&S other than that, to ask questions in different sections I have another account, you'll never find it though. Random: I may be asking from America but I'm really Scottish I ramble a lot I listen to heavy metal I'm obsessed with zombie stuff I wear guy clothes I'm straight (it's a family joke)

  • |B&A| Present or Past tense?

    I'm not sure if I've stuck by what I decided but as far as I know most of my writing is going to be in present tense.

    What do you prefer to read in?

    What do you prefer to write in? (if that's any different from reading in)

    I just want to know since I've written 12000 words all in present and I want to know what people liked better.

    Also while I'm here can you tell me if you'd find it confusing if two character had basically the same name. Calum (MC) and Callum (not main but kind of important, all the characters are)?

    Would that be confusing, their names are spelt differently and they are both proper ways and it is quite likely if you found a group of people that at least two would have the same name.

    Ok, I think that's it, thanks!

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A So do I carry on and lie to myself or do I quit now? Please help! Quickly.?

    God, this is my own little problem and I don't know what to do. I've mentioned before that my friend writes songs and she says that there is no chance she'll ever get anywhere with it so there's no point. She's working towards something that'll never happen and then she just asked me the question.

    So do I carry on and lie to myself or do I quit now?

    I want her to continue because she is good at it and she does enjoy it but I have no idea what to say to her. Help from the smart people of B&A?

    And to make this legit:

    How is your writing coming along?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: Do you ever delete your old ideas or stories?

    So I was discussing this with my friend as she just deleted her song she was working on because she couldn't be bothered working on it anymore but I don't like deleting work as I believe we will eventually regret it as I did a while back.

    I was reading one this morning and I can see that in the 10 months I've been writing (I was writing out the basic of ideas before that) I have got a lot better. I save everything I do and haven't deleted any of it since that one idea last december that I got rid of and regret because it was decently good. I even have a copy of all my friends songs so she deleted it but I still have it in case she needs it in future.

    Do you ever delete yours?

    18 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: I need a little help with my novel, just a sentence?

    I always have little problems. So I have this one sentence, James just shot Ryan and thinks no one saw him and I wrote.

    'James sit’s back down, innocent as...'

    I need something that isn't innocent at all and fits in.


    BQ: I was just wondering this: Do you watch programs such as Survivor and Amazing Race?

    I love them and find ways to watch them even though as far as I know they aren't played in Britain.

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A Does adding this make my character a mary sue?

    So, I have no idea how this happened but in third person I describe my main character as being 'breakable' and 'pathetic'. But when it's in her POV she is far from it. It's just one of those scenes where those words turn up to describe any girl that isn't some strange steroid boxer. Breakable when a murderer starts a fight and pathetic when she badly tries to protect herself from being shot (she basically just covers her head which really is a pathetic). So because everyone goes on about Bella from Twilight being a mary sue and pathetic I wanted to ask since you lot now best really!

    So does describing her like that (she isn't like that) make her mary sueish or is it alright?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A What to use instead of repeating 'she said' and 'he said'?

    I have this part where for now I've just put (Archie) or (Elizabeth) in front of the speech because I don't know what to put after it without it making it really bad.

    This is the short part (sorry if it's bad)

    \\\(Elizabeth) “Yes, it’s a cute name for her...”

    (Archie) “She will grow up to be old and lonely with a name like that!”

    (Calum) “Leave it Archie, there's no point in starting a fight.”

    (Steve) “No, don’t stop, early conflict is good, it’s makes this all the more interesting. Also, I forgot to mention this earlier but you are already being filmed. Next!”///

    And there are other parts with Steve and Archie again but I don't know because I don't want it to be, said Archie, said Elizabeth, said Calum, said Steve because that just looks bad.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| The Mortal Instruments or Fallen/Torment?

    Which is more worth reading?

    (I've got to pick between the two series to read, I thought both sounded good so I want opinions)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| What do you think of a chapter of dialogue?

    So, I was trying to sleep last night when I started thinking about my book (again) and this kept me up because I want to do something like this but if you think it's wrong I'll make it more suitable.

    When my main character dies, it changes to the point of view of her boyfriend, as she dies and...

    What would you think of a whole chapter of speech?

    It's basically him telling her she can't die and going on about what they said they would do and what they've done, how she can't leave him and all this but obviously she dies halfway through the chapter because she was shot or stabbed or something (I'm not that far yet). But people have something against big chunks of dialogue or if a chapter has too much because people are annoying (no one in particular, I just don't like people, that's me for you).

    What do you say?

    I did ask this before but only one person answered (if you come by, thanks)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| What do you think about doing a chapter in this format?

    (I don't know if the question title is right, I just didn't know what to say so people wouldn't think it was actually a chapter they had to read)

    So, I was trying to sleep last night when I started thinking about my book (again) and this kept me up because I want to do something like this but if you think it's wrong I'll make it more suitable.

    When my main character dies, it changes to the point of view of her boyfriend, as she dies and...

    What would you think of a whole chapter of speech?

    It's basically him telling her she can't die and going on about what they said they would do and what they've done, how she can't leave him and all this but obviously she dies halfway through the chapter because she was shot or stabbed or something (I'm not that far yet). But people have something against big chunks of dialogue or if a chapter has too much because people are annoying (no one in particular, I just don't like people, that's me for you).

    What do you say?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| My friend wrote a song and...?

    Well as I say she wrote lyrics to a song, there is no tune behind it and I'm not the greatest with music. The song she called 'From a Distance I Was Dead' and the chorus is:

    From a distance i was dead

    Must have been something that i said

    What am i gonna do?

    Wait a minute now

    The graves expanding

    Are you coming too?

    And I think 'wait a minute now' or 'the graves expanding' should be taken out or changed but I'm no expert, what do you think?

    And don't say it's all a load of rubbish, this is her first go at writing a proper song and I think in a whole the song is actually alright so don't say nothing bad and don't use this for anything please.


    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: Is this just a stupid thing to say in a book?

    I was writing and because it's the loopy one I just write it, i don't think before writing it even. It gives it more of a loopy feel but then it gets kind of sexist. The last thing I wrote on a paragraph was 'At least I can make a sandwich.' and I'm feeling sexist towards myself. I know this is slightly weird for a question but I need a sentence like that which sums up in a weird way what her rant in her head has just been about. It had to be an 'At least I can...' sentence and without thinking I made the connection between woman and sandwiches.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a damn feminist (equality between men and woman not woman are better).

    I can't believe I'm asking this, do you think it would be seen as stupid? Should I change it?

    BQ: I know not many people are going to answer this part as it's totally random but what would you think if you saw a girl in town, with a shirt, tie and skinny black jeans/trousers on?

    I'm going into town tomorrow and I've always wanted to buy one of those work shirts just for casual wear but my friend said it would be weird. This is no attempt to dress emo! Just a plain white shirt and black tie with skinny black trousers.

    BQ2: Another thing I was wondering about folk, Do you believe in 2012? That the world will end and all that stuff? I half want it to, I don't know why but it would be different, maybe even interesting depending on how we all die. Opinion?

    This all seems really random...

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| Is it a bad thing to write characters older than yourself?

    People have said this before and I thought about it for a long time before starting my book as I write as a 18 year old person when I'm only 14 but lots of people do that don't they? There are only so many storylines you can put a teenager through.

    Is it a bad thing to write like that?

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| My writing feels so damn pathetic recently...?

    I'm attempting to write a scene from my new project further on in the book and it is only the first draft but the whole thing just seems pathetic and stupid. Tell me on a rate of 10 as decent and 1 as utterly pathetic (in a twilight way, I'm feel like hating tonight) how pathetic is this (the start is better but there is no way I'm posting the whole part it's already 1400 words long and obviously we're not allowed that. I'll just post the last few paragraphs. Please don't base my skill on this, I can do better...

    ||| In the room which is a kitchen that reminds me of the one from a book I once read about a cannibal which is ironic as we are being hunted by cannibals! She was called something like Lyosa and she ate children, the kitchen even had the basement door blocked by the table like she did. I wrote that book. It’s based on a place I dreamt about, doesn’t make me psychic, just means I have ace dreams that someone recreated. Maybe it’s all based on my book. Even though it is unpublished doesn’t mean it isn’t on the internet.

    I’d gone into caring mode as it was my fault. I had deliberately hit him because you can’t really say it was an accident when you did really mean to hit them just it wasn’t them you wanted to hit. I meaningfully swung the bat at his head so it was deliberate, not an accident like many would claim.

    I move my hand away and stand up before he attempts to speak, “This looks like your kitchen. The Lyosa thing, remember when we recreated that for you?”

    “Yeah, it does look like it.” I stand at the window, unable to see through the blinds. Obviously, as they need to be shut or outsiders would see us from a mile away, I have the light on low as it is. I move them away slightly to see nothing better than I saw in the blinds, blackness. |||

    She just hit him with a bat so it's kind of that awkward moment when you don't know what to do. If it seems weird it's because it's through the mind of the insane one, this is one of her normal moments as her boyfriend is getting p*ssed with her insanity so she's trying to be normal.

    What do you think of this cr*p I call my writing? (why do I hate myself so much today...? I'm swearing online as well, I really should leave after this or I'm going to take it out on people)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: Have you got any books from when you were younger still on your books shelf?

    I have 'Snow Dragon', I'm not sure what age it's for but I've read it too many times and I kind of know the story off by heart, we just found it again a few months ago and my parents wanted to sell it but I snuck it out. It's signed by the author as well:

    that's the book on a UK Amazon, I've had it since I was 3/4.

    BQ: The question I really wanted to ask but had to make this legit, do you think a black poster would look better on a black wall or on a cream wall?

    My Piccadilly bus poster just arrived and I can't decide where to put it. I only have one black wall and already have a Slipknot poster up there so I wasn't so sure, another option is on a dark brown wardrobe or the door? What do you think?

    that's the poster (I have a thing for linking stuff today...)

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • |B&A| Will guys mind in the book when...?

    it gets...romantic. If that's the right word, I don't think it is. I don't know how to describe it but there are the multi murder moments and then the slow, feeling moments like when they sit in the kitchen and talk about their relationship and then the parts where she starts to care for him. When I get to point in movies where they do that I fast forward and as a girl I have no idea what a guy would think.

    So do you think a guy would get bored at that moments (they don't last long, promise, maybe 1000-2000 words) or if you are a guy (which is becoming quite rare here) would you mind?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A Book suggestions?

    I have 4 weeks to read a book for school. We were in our school library and because most of the books I've read, I took Stephen King, Dead Zone. Now I'm an idiot for that because with him I take 2 minutes to read one page, just one side of a single page in a SK sized book, maybe longer.

    So then I knew I had to change so I decided on Life Of Pi and by the first page of the actual story I was confused. He was rambling about sloths while using a lot of big words.

    So the point is, I need a book to read, it can be Young Adult or Adult I don't really mind. I only have three restrictions:

    It has to have 200 - 250 pages (or less).

    No sexual content (in detail, doesn't matter if it's vague)

    It can't be a vampire romance

    Thanks. It can be anything!

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: Can being insane make your writing more interesting?

    I don't label myself insane, but it's pretty obvious after you get to know me that I'm not all there. Is it possible that it could make writing easier and more interesting, it makes it more interesting for me I know but I just wonder this because most questions being asked right now are really boring, someone has to ask a real B&A question, I'm asking this to entertain myself.

    I'm not sure how many people on here that see this are american but if you have seen the british xfactor today, for some reason I got the urge to give Aiden Grimshaw a spoon (the type you eat food with).

    If you want to see spoon boy ^^

    That has nothing to do with the question, it's just something I had to say before I write people into giving each other spoons. That is just too weird even for what I'm writing.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: Will people think this is through lack of research?

    So it's back to the mental character for me. I'm writing a scene further on as I'm stuck where I am in death. Right but to the question.

    She has just attacked her boyfriend with a baseball bat (not hard enough to do any real damage like) and she is imagining what it would be like if she had shattered his skull and a fragment had gone into his brain. And then he could live his life with his head inside his head.

    She is mad, does it matter if any of that could never happen? Will people think I'm just thick?

    Or can that really happen, most of the time when you get hit hard enough to shatter your skull you would die anyway would you not? I'm not so great on this, and yes I do research and I watch a lot of murder programs which help in making her obsession with death and stuff but I forget a lot of stuff as well. Will people care if it's incorrect as long as I get what is real correct?

    I'm confusing myself.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is it unhealthy to eat paper (serious question)?

    I was eating paper in school (don't ask why, it tasted quite nice) and then this came up. I want to know if it is. It was just part of a blank sheet of A4, no ink or nothing, is that unhealthy? We argued over this...yes, we are very weird!

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with this one answer for my maths, please?

    So I'm doing my maths homework and I've been on this question for over 20 minutes and I just don't get it. The maths is above my level which doesn't help. (if this makes sense to anyone I'm general and the homework is credit) The question is:

    Calculate the following:

    2 1/5 x 3 1/3

    or because I don't know if that's how to type it out right:

    two whole numbers and one fifth times by three whole numbers and one third.

    I used a calculator (I'm not allowed to and need to show all working) and got the answer:

    seven whole numbers and one third

    I did the calculations I could and got:

    six whole numbers and one fifteenth.

    I really don't understand and my math teacher is hopeless (every person in his class last year failed their maths exams) so can you explain the math fully to help me?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago