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  • Question about Insanity??? Not sure if I'm improving or staying the same?

    So I've done insanity in the past but have never got past week 2. However I found new motivation & I'm now in week 4 day 5 and I'm really proud of that accomplishment. And I know that you are suppose to improve over time. But what I'm confused about is that during the first 2 weeks of the program I was doing really well with squat related workouts like Power Jacks but my cardio still needed work. Now I am in week 4 and my cardio got better like with hurdle jumps, suicide drills...etc. But now I feel like I'm not doing as many squats as before or that I'm slower doing them. For example if hurdle jumps is first (I'm better than before) but then the next exercise is like ski jumps or power squats my legs feel tighter more quickly than before. I can feel my muscles harden more & I feel like I do less reps b/c I take a break if it feels like too much. And I'm not sure if that is normal. Another problem is that during the first weeks I was fine with jumping and doing squats but now when I'm doing them the bottom of my feet feel like they heat up & it hurts but the pain subsides after the warm up & stretch I think that also might have to do with why I can't do as many jumps but I'm not sure. I use soft gels cushions and they've helped but I'm also looking to buy a different pair of cross trainers to see if that may help b/c sometimes they hurt a bit during some workouts. If anyone knows the answer I'd appreciate the help :D

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Why do look and feel bloated even though I've been eating right?


    I've been eating healthy for a little more than two weeks & I'm really proud of that as I have done diets before & it's hard to stay clean during the first few weeks but I have. I've eaten nothing but fruits, vegetables, chicken & occasionally fish b/c seafood has become very expensive so I'm working with a budget. I also drink a lot of water & I have cut out sodas and sugary products. So my diet has been clean. But I feel & look bloated. There are certain days that I can see myself thinning out but then other times it doesn't look like a change & sometimes I look bigger yet idk why. Taken that I haven't exercised vigorously but I do go to college & I have to walk to & from school & classes & it's about a 10-15 min walk to school & then back to my place & in between classes is about the same amount of time. I even dance often b/c I enjoy that it's a work out w/o it feeling like is a workout (I've danced merengue, Cumbias, reggaeton, pop just a variety of different music that requires body movement). So I am getting some exercise but I don't understand the bloating. I have been feeling gassy so maybe that could be it but idk & I'll be honest I'm beginning to feel discourage that my work won't pay off. I know it's only been a couple of weeks & I have to be patient but does anyone know the reason why I feel & looked bloated? Should I exercise more (as I plan on) or could it be retaining water or is it just too early to tell? I'm also 5'3 & 155 lbs at the moment.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • how many bags concrete would I need?

    Hello I'm planning on doing some work on the side of my house but I don't know how many bags of concrete I would need. I have about 8 90lb bags of concrete and I'm sure I need way more I'm just not sure how much. So can someone please tell me how many bags I would need and if it isn't too much trouble can someone show me how to calculate the exact amount of bags since I might work on some other parts of my house that will require me to break up the concrete and put new cement.

    The length is 29ft & 9 in., the width is 4 ft & 1 inch, the depth 2 in.

    I thank you very much in advance and will give 10 points to the best answer :)

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • What kind of blu ray should I buy??

    Okay so I want to by a blu ray disc player but I have a lot of DVDs too and I'm not sure if a blu ray disc player will play my DVDs. So does anyone know maybe what kind of blu ray disc would play DVDs and possibly give a recommendation about it? If blu ray discs won't for DVDs please let me know I'd appreciate it and give 10 points to the best answers :D

    8 AnswersHome Theater7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Stats question?

    Can someone please explain to me how you can solve part b? I'm actually confused on how you find sigma/standard deviation for both a and b. I know the mu is the sample size but how in the world did my book arrive at the other answers. I've been stuck on this example so if someone could please explain it would be much appreciated.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Question about the UK's Parliamentary Democracy?

    There is something that I am super confused on and would like to know if someone could please clear up my confusion in regards to the UK. Okay so I get that the UK is a parliamentary democracy and that they have a bicameral system, But what I want to know is if the House of Commons is the executive branch? Or is it both legislative and executive? I know that the House of Lords is the judicial branch and not powerful but who is who? Is the Prime Minister and his Cabinet government the executive? I guess my question is simply who is who in the UK? Who is in charge of the executive branch and who is in charge of the legislative branch? I would really appreciate it if someone could clear this up for me and I'd give 10 points to the best answer. Thanks :D

    1 AnswerGovernment7 years ago
  • What are bureaucracies?

    So I'm kind of confused on what a bureaucracy is, is it like agencies or departments within the executive branch? Or are there bureaucracies outside the executive branch?? I'm sorry I'm just very confused on the concept of bureaucracy and wondered if someone could explain it too me. I know that they implement the law (say how the law will work) but what is the bureaucracy exactly? I will give 10 points to the best answer :D

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Question about Discrimination in Classical Conditioning? 10 points to the best answer!?

    Okay I have a question about discrimination when you want your organism to learn the difference between the actual CS (conditioned stimulus) and different stimuli you do not present the US (unconditioned stimulus) unless it's with the actual conditioned stimulus correct? Well I guess I'm confused on how that fits in with generalization? When an organism generalize the actual CS with other stimuli (like different tones) is the US still given when they have a CR (conditioned response)? Or do the organisms just confuse the tone but receive no US? If they don't receive the US during generalization then is it safe to say discrimination already occurs during generalization? Or am I confusing the situation? Also is the more different the stimuli is from the CS the more weak the CR becomes and the more similar the different stimuli is to the CS the stronger the CR will be? And will the US always be need with the CS to keep the CR or is there a point where the US will no longer be needed without the possibility of extinction? I hope I was clear and I apologize for the multiple questions I just want to make sure that I got this right. Thank you very much in advance :D

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Zumba Total Body Transformation system question?

    So I'm looking to lose weight before my birthday comes which is about a little more than 2 months. I'm doing a mixture of exercises and eating healthy and I stumbled upon the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation system and from what I can see it does give people results but I had a question. Does anyone have the full schedule for the workout that way I can see what to expect from it? Also is it a repeat routine? Like once you finish you can do it over and over again until you get to your goal? I think from what I read it's only 10 days long for toning and 7 days for a beginner so I'm curious as if you can keep doing the program over and over again? And if you do, do you have to do the program in different order. Like you switch up the discs and change up the order to still get results? I would really appreciate if someone would please answer this and I will gladly give 10 points to the best answer :D

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Question regarding filibusters?

    So I'm going through my lecture slides and there was something that I didn't understand and I was wondering if someone could explain what was meant by the sentence below because I'm confused about it:

    "In fact senators don't have to filibuster to "filibuster" and it wouldn't really matter"

    So what I'm confused about is what exactly is a filibuster and is it saying that the threat of a filibuster is still pretty powerful without actually doing so? If that is the case can someone also explain why the filibuster threat is in fact threatening/powerful? Best answer will get 10 points. Thanks :D

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • JFK decided not to make civil rights a top priority early in his presidency. All of the following are EXCEPT..?

    So I've been asked this question and these were the following answers

    a) He wanted to focus on foreign policy (Cuba, Soviet Union, etc.).

    b) He wanted LBJ to lobby lawmakers before involving himself.

    c) He wanted to avoid dividing Democrats until necessary.

    d) He wanted Congress to pass his economic plans first.

    e) All of these are Reasons JFK Waited to Push Civil Rights Legislation

    And I wanted to know if someone can check my answer. I ultimately choose B because from what I learned I don't remember JFK discussing LBJ lobbying lawmakers before his involvement. I do know that foreign policy, economic plans and avoidance was apart of JFK's plan so will someone please let me know if I'm right? 10 points to the best answer :)

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Question about political science terms?

    Okay so I just added a political science course and I'm going over what my professor has already discussed but I'm still confused on three terms in particular and was wondering if anyone can help? The terms are Collective Action Problem, Coordination Problem & Prisoner's Dilemma? Also are both Coordination Problem & the Prisoner's Dilemma two types of Collective Action Problem?? Also can you please add in examples for each term so I can get a clearer image? I would really appreciate the feedback and thank you very much in advance :) 10 points to the best answer :D

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Question about losing weight, inches and dieting?


    I'm about 5'3 almost 5'4 (I'm a medium frame or small frame) and I weigh between 150-160 and I'm 20 years old. This summer I pretty much let myself go and I'm not proud of it. This is the most I've ever weighed usually my weight is maintained at around 145. So with my weight gain I want to get healthy and fit. I've been on diets before and have worked out before and got my weight down to 130 but I could never go lower which is a bummer because I do want a flat stomach and just plain out look fit. Anyways my question is simply this, does anyone have any recommendations on a diet plan and a work out plan? I'm looking to get my weight down to 120 or 115 and hopefully before Christmas comes along. Also are their particular exercises that I can do to help me lose inches? I know that it's better to lose inches because it's fat that you are losing but I also want to drop weight in the process? How many days would you recommend that I'd work out and do you have any advice for a diet while on a budget? I really do want to get into shape and stay that way but would appreciate advice from others that have done something similar to myself? 10 points to the best answer and thanks in advance :)

    17 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What type of jobs/careers can I get with a Psychology and Social Behavior major?

    I'm curious because I see what type of careers you can get with a Psychology major by itself so I was wondering is PSB gets the same type of careers/jobs that a Psychology major or are their difference in jobs/careers? I would really appreciate someones feed back because at UCI there are two types of Psychology majors and I took the one under Social Ecology which is PSB so I wonder what type of job/career could I expect from a PSB? Also is it true that your degree really doesn't have anything to do with what type of job or career you want to pursue? I don't think that would be the case for career but I'm not sure about job so I'm curious if anyone knows. I will gladly give 10 points to the best answer :)

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Question for Great Gatsby fans?

    Okay I'm a huge fan of The Great Gatsby and I loved the 2013 version of the Great Gatsby even though I think it would have been perfect without the input of modern music turned Jazz. Anyways I love Gatsby and Daisy as a couple (I loved their affair reunion although in reality I don't approve of cheating) but I do end up hating Daisy at the end. But whenever I read the book I always love both characters until the ending where I end up thinking to myself "Daisy you are an idiot" and saying "Gatsby deserves much better." Anyways my question is am I the only one who wanted an alternative ending where Daisy chose Gatsby and they got to have the life they've always wanted? Just curious because I don't think I've read many people who have wanted that type of ending or agreed with that sort of ending. 10 points to the best answer :D

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Film editing question? Please answer!?

    So I was curious about something that came across my mind. Can you edit music in a movie that has already been produced? Like let's say that the movie already has music at certain points, but the music doesn't necessarily go with it is it possible to switch up the music? The reason that I ask is because I just got finished watching the Great Gatsby movie 2013. Being a fan of the book I loved the movie but hated the modern music that was thrown in by Jay-Z...etc. it didn't fit the Jazz era. So I kind of wondered why the director wouldn't use Jazz music in the movie as a substitution for the modern music played in certain scenes? So then I kind of started to wonder is it because you would have to re-shoot scenes? Or is music added after the movie scenes have been shot? I've seen on Youtube that people have substituted their own music to replace certain music that appears in a scene of a movie that I've seen in theaters. So I was thinking is it possible to change music in a movie that has already been produced or is that not possible because the scenes would need to be re-shot? If not how is it that some people are able to do so on Youtube?

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Question about editing a movie with different music?

    So I was curious about something that came across my mind. Can you edit music in a movie that has already been produced? Like let's say that the movie already has music at certain points, but the music doesn't necessarily go with it is it possible to switch up the music? The reason that I ask is because I just got finished watching the Great Gatsby movie 2013. Being a fan of the book I loved the movie but hated the modern music that was thrown in by Jay-Z...etc. it didn't fit the Jazz era. So I kind of wondered why the director wouldn't use Jazz music in the movie as a substitution for the modern music played in certain scenes? So then I kind of started to wonder is it because you would have to re-shoot scenes? Or is music added after the movie scenes have been shot? I've seen on Youtube that people have substituted their own music to replace certain music that appears in a scene of a movie that I've seen in theaters. So I was thinking is it possible to change music in a movie that has already been produced or is that not possible because the scenes would need to be re-shot? If not how is it that some people are able to do so on Youtube?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Question about Amazon selling?

    So I want to sell some textbooks that I have on Amazon because selling them anywhere else will not give me a decent price for the books I have. But before I do it, I want to sell my books as an individual and what I don't understand is this part "You plan to sell fewer than 40 items a month

    $0.99 per sale + other selling fees"

    Is it saying that it will take off $0.99 from each purchase and what about the other selling fees? I don't understand the last part because I'm not sure how much it will be and if I sale one of my books for I don't know $10. I would like to know how much money will be charged for those other selling fees. So does anyone have an idea of what both statements mean especially the last one and how much I may be charged? I would appreciate the help and thank you very much in advance :)

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • Problem with Excel 2007 and 2013?

    So I have an assignment to do and I keep having problem with the result of sums or prorating. I'm doing everything correctly and I've checked my numbers so many times and there is nothing wrong with them but for some reason my answer is not coming out like it is in the books. I continue to get different numbers even though it's the same numbers and I've even put parenthesis to make sure it follows PEMDAS and I've wrote the function exactly like the book instructs but I still get a different result. And when I follow the instructions to copy the range B8:B to the range C8:H15 but blanks (With this symbol (-) ) come out and ### signs. I'm not sure what I am doing that is wrong and I've tried on both 2007 Excel and 2013 but something always goes wrong with either one. Is this just a glitch or something and is there a way I can fix it? Here is the Link of what I'm suppose to do for my homework and it begins on 214 I have to do all 3 parts of Lab 2:

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Computer Information Systems question?

    Which of the following is a set of phases that developers use to build an information system?

    information system production process

    information systems synthesis

    system development life cycle

    system development production process

    I have system development production process as my answer but I am unsure. Does anyone happen to know what the answer maybe?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago