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Lv 2501 points

Sophia May

Favorite Answers27%
  • If someone gets a severe concussion, do they have to rest for a few days afterwards?

    Writing a book, and a man is punched, hard, in the face. His lip is torn and he suffers a bad concussion, then about a day or so afterwards, he is resting and is sleeping a lot with a huge headache. Is that possible?

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Why were the Rosenbergs executed?

    I know that they were convicted of stealing atomic weaponry information and giving it to the Soviet Union but why weren't others who was in with their plan executed? They only got sixteen years or more in prison. Why were the Rosenbergs executed?

    4 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • What would you do if your country became a dictatorship?

    And you are not allowed to say that you would move to another country. The dictator has destroyed all means of long distance travel or sneaking, or anything like that.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • What Is The Weirdest Book You've Ever Read?

    Mine is a book I read when I was younger called 100 Cupboards. It was about a boy named Harry who lives with his aunt and uncle because his parents were kidnapped while biking through a different country and he apparently finds these cupboards that are portals to different worlds...Really weird.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • If Numbers Were People...?

    , What would they be like? What would their personalities be? I'm talking about like 1 2 3...(etc.)

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • The American Media...>:(?

    We are attacked on 9/11/12, four Americans die, the President finally admits it was a terrorist attack...We went over our debt limit, our taxes are rising...And what does the news cover? Where Obama got his lunch that day or what outfit his wife wears. Not a single thing about the stuff that really matters. Why?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • If I have 75 pages in word document format, is that 75 pages in book pages?

    Or is it longer, is it shorter? I am keeping a story I'm writing on my Google Docs and am wondering if, when I finish, will I have the amount of pages in book page format that is in my Google Docs?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • A Question on Writing?

    I want to surprise my readers by making someone do something shocking but I am laying hints in the pages so that he doesn't suddenly does what he does and makes the story unrealistic. Should I? Or is it ruining the surprise?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Found this question on Yahoo Answers about race that hurts me...?

    I am white, and I am not evil! I believe this is racist. I am not evil. I am a good person who believes in the goodness of people. Why hate me because of the color of my skin? Look, every race is equally evil, no race doesn't have some person or a group of people who were evil. Those evils they did in the past (sometimes even in the present) doesn't make someone the same color of them evil.

    (Please do not think of me racist for saying this.)

    Do you believe this? Is my race truly the root of all evil?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why do people deny Catholics were prosecuted in WWII?

    About forty-two million Catholic/Christians died in WWII yet all my teachers always deny that they were. They say that Catholics helped the Nazi which I find hard to believe. They prosecuted the; Jewish, Gypsy, disabled, Polish, Slavic, Christian, Catholic, (Ect.) But all my teachers always deny it, as a Catholic and also of Slavic heritage, I find it angering. Also, nobody even mentioned them killing the disabled, which were the first victims of Nazi slaughtering! Why?

    4 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

    In case you do not know: An Introvert generally likes alone time, and HATE small talk. But they are passionate about in depth conversations and find themselves love to do something in the arts along with reading. They get their energy by being alone, they contemplate things before doing it, and think a lot. Always in their heads.

    An extrovert loves talking, partying, and does things without thinking it over. They are 'go with the flow' and find they're energy around people other than by themselves.

    6 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • My heart feels weird...? Help?

    It started about last year, or sometime before that; my heart started to flutter but only lasted for a few seconds. It would happen once or twice a month. I shrugged it off, and didn't tell anyone in my family. Then, it began to beat fast but once again only happened once or twice a month so I once again shrugged it off. One day, while sitting down on the couch, my heart suddenly began to beat slow and hard, it lasted up to a few seconds and I began to worry slightly. I told my family and they shrugged it off, saying that maybe I could go see a doctor about it.

    The weird heart beats continued only once or twice a month, then it became three or four times a month and then it became once or twice a week. Now it is three or four times a week and the weird heartbeats have began to last longer. A few days ago I was sitting watching TV (nothing was on that would make my heart race at all) and suddenly the head beating sensation began again, then changed into a weird fluttering sensation and odd heart beats. It lasted up almost to a minute this time. I walked to my mom, and asked her to feel my pulse, at this time my heart was settling back down but she did admit that it seemed harder than before.

    Last night, I was half-asleep and the weird heartbeats started again, this time it was hard and fast, then changed into odd beats. Ever since then, I've been trying to see if it was something I saw, or did to make it happen, but nothing could reproduce that same feeling in my heart.

    My grandfather died of a heart-attack, my aunt has a heart problem, and my uncles both had irregular heartbeats when they were babies but grew out of it.

    I am a healthy, fourteen year old girl, I workout everyday (but not too hard), eat very healthy foods with the exception of a sweet now and then. And this has never happened up until now. HELP?

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Can a story be too dark?

    In my book, my main character is attacked by a wolf and kills it in the first chapter. In the fourth someone finds a village that has been slaughtered by a Demon, because he is looking for the main character and killed them because he doesn't know where she is. Then in another chapter, someone goes insane. Then in the chapter after that, someone turns to dust from using too much magic to cast a curse on the Main character. There is a lot of journeying after that, and then the main character's lover is actually a Demon (Don't ask) and her father dies. Then in the end, her sister dies. And there might be more death while their traveling too. Is it too dark? Should I lighten it up? Or leave it?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Could someone black out from hitting their funny bone really hard?

    I was running up the steps the other day and slammed my elbow against the railing really hard. I couldn't speak because of the pain and when my mom was talking to me from down the steps it was like she was talking from far away. Black dots, like the ones you get from staring at a bright light, was in my vision. I did not faint, and was fine the next day (even though my elbow hurt every time I put pressure on it) and I was wondering if it is even possible to faint from hitting your funny bone.

    2 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • How would I get a publisher?

    I am in the middle of writing a book: (Can check it out on Wattpad, it is called Ridgin Series Book 1: Cinder) I am not done yet and need to edit it of course. But I know that once I'm done I will want to publish it. I do not trust random websites that say they'll publish it and self-publishing isn't an option for me. I just want to know ahead of time, how can I send my book in to get published by a real publisher? Also, when I'm finished I'm taking it off of Wattpad, I just want to see how the general public views my story. Anyways, thanks. :)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Do you like it when books do this?

    Grow old and have kids, then the kids are the main characters? Or do you like it when, in doing another series, they have new characters that are not tied to the old characters but in the same world taking place after the old series? Or do you like it when there is just one series, that's it?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What is your biggest pet-peeve?

    Mine (and this sounds geeky) is when people use four dots (....) or, like, eight dots (..........) or a hundred (............................................................................) instead of three (...) Also, my second pet-peeve is when I ask a question and the person just stares at me, not saying anything, just stares. Ugh! That is so annoying! But anyways, what's yours?

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago