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Lv 2361 points

Disco Swifty

Favorite Answers13%
  • Can anyone suggest some good academic sources for the psychology of transnationalism and acculturation?

    I am writing a paper on these things and I am having difficulty finding interesting sources that aren't written by Berry or based on his four types of acculturation.

    Thank you!

  • How to distract myself from my hypochondria?

    So I’ve been a hypochondriac for my entire life, but lately I haven’t been showing any symptoms or freaking out on webMD....until now. I had surgery a few days ago due to a chronic bone condition and since I was discharged, I have been freaking out about everything from infection to dangerous side effects from the meds I’m on. I even stopped taking painkillers because of it. Now I did a real stupid that I know I shouldn’t have and read the side effects on the meds and now I am panicking even though I seriously doubt I have any of them. Please help!

    5 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Best way to cover a surgical wound to shower??

    So i had surgery two days ago on my rib and knee. This isn’t my first surgical rodeo, but it is my first time having a wound that isn’t on a limb. My doctor said that with the bandages I have now, I should be able to wash normally. I don’t trust that and so i covered my knee with plastic wrap and tried the same with the rib, fine on knee not so much on rib. Does anyone have a better way of covering a surgical wound in a place that unavoidably will get wet when I shower?

    2 AnswersInjuries2 years ago
  • How to get rid of anxiety nausea ASAP?

    So I have severe anxiety issues and something really great happened the other day...I had my first kiss (ever) with a guy I really like. The problem is that ever since, I've had such severe anxiety about it that it has literally made me sick to my stomach. This has been going on for the past 4 days and I need it to stop. I have no reason to be anxious because the guy I'm with is the perfect gentleman and if I tell him I need to go slower I know that he will understand.

    Any suggestions as to what I can do to stop this nonsense? Thank you!

    2 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Any tricks to stop obsessing?

    So I have OCD—not the neat freak kind that people colloquially call themselves. I have the kind where my mind locks on something and I just keep going over it again and again in my head and the more I obsess about it, the more panicked I get. And I can t stop obsessing. Usually, my trick is to talk over whatever I m obsessing about with my best friend and she can convince me that I am freaking out over nothing (which I already know, but she calms me down) and distracts me from whatever I am thinking about.

    This time, though, I am obsessing about something and crying and I really can t seem to calm myself and I can t get a hold of anyone who could calm me down.

    Does anyone else know how I feel and could give some pointers as to what I should do to stop?

    1 AnswerMental Health2 years ago
  • How to lower my anxiety when I talk to my crush?

    So I have severe social anxiety, which usually results in me coming across as awkward, uninterested, and stand-offish. And do to that fact, I ve never had a boyfriend (even though I have had guys that I was interested in and were interested in me).

    I just really like this guy and we have so much in common...I really don t want him to think that I am not interested. But I get so much anxiety every time I text him that I want to vomit. And then I overanalyze every good conversation we have and turn it into something awkward in my head.

    ....I know that doesn t make much sense, but that s kind of how I feel. Is there anyone else that knows how I m feeling/how to deal with this? Thank you!

    1 AnswerMental Health2 years ago
  • How to lower my anxiety when I talk to my crush??

    So I have severe social anxiety, which usually results in me coming across as awkward, uninterested, and stand-offish. And do to that fact, I ve never had a boyfriend (even though I have had guys that I was interested in and were interested in me).

    I just really like this guy and we have so much in common...I really don t want him to think that I am not interested. But I get so much anxiety every time I text him that I want to vomit. And then I overanalyze every good conversation we have and turn it into something awkward in my head.

    ....I know that doesn t make much sense, but that s kind of how I feel. Is there anyone else that knows how I m feeling/how to deal with this? Thank you!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • So I can hear fine, but for some reason, I can’t understand what people are saying and it s driving me crazy?

    This has always been a problem and I am not sure if its that people don’t annunciate their words or if its my hearing. It’s just that I usually make people repeat things over and over again before I eventually just nod and hope that they weren’t asking a question. It happens on a daily basis and Its really embarrassing, because I think it makes people think I’m stupid or something. What’s going on?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • How do I move my the bars further away from the y-axis in a bar graph on excel?

    I'm making a bar graph on Excel 2016 on a Mac. For some reason, the first bar on my graph is up against the y-axis, making my graph look asymmetrical and unprofessional. I tried adjusting the x-axis, the y-axis, and the bar settings, but to no avail.

    Please help, I'm borderline ready to chuck my computer out the window.

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • What are some eco-friendly Roundup (Monsanto) alternatives that you use on your lawn/garden?

    I'm conducting a study and I would like to see what people are using.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Informative (preferably scientific) books on pesticides/herbicides?

    I need some information regarding Roundup as well as natural, environmentally-safe alternative herbicides for general weeds. Home gardening books are good, but scientific articles/books/journals are better.

    If you have any good recommendations on books/literature on "weeds", specifically weed biology/reproduction/etc., or any good related links, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    I ve exhausted two databases already and can t seem to find what I m looking for.

    Thank you for your help!

    1 AnswerGreen Living3 years ago
  • Informative (preferably scientific) books on pesticides/herbicides?

    I need some information regarding Roundup as well as natural, environmentally-safe alternative herbicides for general weeds. Home gardening books are good, but scientific articles/books/journals are better.

    If you have any good recommendations on books/literature on "weeds", specifically weed biology/reproduction/etc., or any good related links, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    I ve exhausted two databases already and can t seem to find what I m looking for.

    Thank you for your help!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Informative (preferably scientific) books on pesticides/herbicides?

    I need some information regarding Roundup as well as natural, environmentally-safe alternative herbicides for general weeds. Home gardening books are good, but scientific articles/books/journals are better.

    If you have any good recommendations on books/literature on "weeds", specifically weed biology/reproduction/etc., or any good related links, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    I ve exhausted two databases already and can t seem to find what I m looking for.

    Thank you for your help!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Informative (preferably scientific) books on pesticides/herbicides?

    I need some information regarding Roundup as well as natural, environmentally-safe alternative herbicides for general weeds. Home gardening books are good, but scientific articles/books/journals are better.

    If you have any good recommendations on books/literature on "weeds", specifically weed biology/reproduction/etc., or any good related links, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    I've exhausted two databases already and can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

    Thank you for your help!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Quick conceptual physics question?

    So an object is suspended form theroof of an elevator. When the elevator moves downward at an increasing speed, does the tension of the rope increase, decrease, or stay the same? What about at decreasing speed?

    Can someone please explain this to me? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPhysics4 years ago
  • Why do I smile at inappropriate times?

    I tend to smile at the MOST inappropriate times. Even when I don't feel emotionally connected to it. And it's always been this way. Ever since I was a kid. Friend's grandma Someone got I get Its almost like an impulse. I don't want to smile. I dont feel happy or euphoric at these things. Actually I usually feel like crying bc I'm really overly empathetic. Like I tend to make ither people's pain my own to a fault. I just don't understand.

    I suffer from generalized anxiety and ocd...I don't know if that's important to note or totally irrelevant..

    Am I the only one that feels this way? If not how do you deal with this? Its really becoming a problem for me.

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • What to eat when you really don't feel like eating?

    I have only had a piece of bread today and I'm nearing dinnertimw and i have to work late tonight. I really dont feel hungry at all, but i also know that i need to eat...any recommendations?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • How do I shut my brain off?

    I was recently diagnosed with OCD and anxiety, but I've probably been dealing with it since I was 10. Sometimes, I'll read something and it'll get me worrying and obsessing about something even though I know that its ridiculous. It's kinda happening now, and I was just wondering if anyone has any tricks. Thank you.

    6 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Can a thesis be in the second paragraph?

    I m writing a paper in MLA format on plastic pollution. My first paragraph introduces the history of plastic production. and my second paragraph explains the globalization of plastic for mass consumption. I t think that my thesis would be best suited for the second paragraph, I m just not sure if it s allowed....

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago