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Lv 57,492 points

Missile Kid The Pixie Strangler

Favorite Answers11%

Hello. I'm Ray and I like to hang around in Rock & Pop. Feel free to add, I will add you back. I will reciprocate your messages as well. Finally got myself a Last F.M! Add me!

  • Hey Rock & Pop- what's up?

    It's been a while. >:]

    Care to tell me which bands and artists you've really been digging lately? Which upcoming albums are you psyched about and are any of you attending any rad gigs? Or palying any? Tell me everything. >;]

    BQ: Whatcha doin'?

    BQ2: Any of you have Twitter?

    BQ3: True or False: Bear Grylls.

    Have a great day.

    8 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • I'm going to start a fanfic...?

    Uhh, hey.

    I'm thinking about writing a Homestuck fanfic. You know, just for fun I guess- not too serious. But I was wondering if it would still count as I'm:

    1. Not using any of the characters from Homestuck but creating my own.

    2. Not using the plot. At all.

    3. Ripping off some ideas... I was thinking maybe I could make it a little bit like Homestuck.

    4. I guess I'm setting it in the same kind of place, the city that Dave lives in.

    I'm also writing in the same sort of style at the actual Homestuck game EX:

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Hey there, how're you today?

    Yes, I am asking this question. So, how's it going?

    Hey... favorite atmospheric/eerie bands/songs to share? Trying to find some new music.

    One last thing...

    I love LOVE moist towelettes.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Graphic novel for 12-13 year olds about emigration (more info inside)?

    I'm going to illustrate it in Flash (think Eddsworld style artwork), but that's not the point. For me, it has to be relatively funny, maybe with a little bit of slightly mature humor. I don't know what storyline to give it, though. The question is basically "was there more than one reason why people emigrated?"

    Again, it's for younger kids so it needs to be clear and succinct, but wih lots of interesting information.

    Thanks so much for any help- really appreciate it. :)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Ugh, freaked out about a concert. Any help?

    Performing on Saturday. I'm usually fine but the other bands are men in their middle twenties to early thirties. Super scared right now- any tips on keeping my nerves? It's funny because I usually give out the concert advice on here XD

    Oh- how do you feel about an acoustic version of Foo Fighters - My Hero? That's the song we're doing.

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Favorite Swellers Songs?

    If you don't know who they are, check them out on the YouTube machine.

    Now for the daily weather report.

    Highs of 69 in Milwaukee. 69! *dances*

    Diablo III fever has been sweeping the nation as players continue to remove themselves from everyday lives and annoy their girlfriends. Females, you may want to fill up your schedule with something.

    And now, you stay classy, R&P.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Bleached hair care questions...?

    Okay, in a couple of weeks I'm getting my hair bleached for the first time. I've dyed my hair a few times before- but I digress.

    Here's my dilemma. I straighten my hair pretty much every day because otherwise it's crazy because I have shortish layers (unless I'm not going out or it doesn't need it) and I know for a fact that bleach is very damaging- you don't have to tell me that. So I get it- less straightening and blow drying but what else? Any deeply strengthening, repairing, anti-frizz shampoos/conditioners/serums/sprays/ANYTHING that I can use? Any ways of making it a little more straight and keeping it from curling with humidity?

    Oh, and after it’s bleached, it’s going to be dyed bright red (this is all going to be done professionally) so any tips on how to keep the color bright and radiant?

    Any tips you can give me at all will be so helpful and very much appreciated. If it works I’ll email you a very nice thank you note :)

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • R&P: Hey guys! I'm back! Favorite song with...?

    I've been in hospital for a while but I'm back. I realize what an idiot I've been and I just want to say hey to all you guys and I've read somke of the things in my inbox and I'm flattered to be liked so much.

    So MQ: Favorite song with Arrival, Comeback, Century, Pills, Sleep or Banana in the title or lyrics?

    BQ: Knock knock?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Favorite songs by Gorillaz?

    Hey R&P.

    This is hard to say, but I guess I'll just put it out there.

    I don't think it's likely that you'll ever hear from me again because I've decided to kill myself.

    Someone in my life has driven me to do it, and I hope they're happy at what they've done.

    I need to say that you guys have been like my second family- maybe even better and I hope you all have great lives and continue to love music.

    You guys have meant a lot to me- and in thye unlikely event that you do hear from me again, you can all tell me what an idiot I was.


    Ray x

    BQ: Post your favorite song of all time :)

    16 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What do you think of this band name?

    Comeback Of The Year

    I'm trying to think of a name for my melodic hardcore band. Little help?

    Thank you :)

    11 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Good quality video camera and editing software?

    I'm making a new YouTube channel and I need a video camera. I don't trust myself borrowing one from the Animation dept. so I'm going to buy one.

    Something that isn't too expensive, though. Thanks :)

    Any video editing software you'd recommend?

    6 AnswersCamcorders9 years ago
  • New Gorillaz Song and Music Video? Opinions?

    I love it. Gorillaz disappointed me last year with The Fall but this secures them yet again as my favorite band.

    The video is awesome- Murdoc on the stair lift and 2D's bowl of ears XD

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Stuck for a currency name and a new species? More details inside...?

    It's a story with the undead in it.

    There are vampires, ghosts, zombies, shadowlurkers and... I don't know what else.

    What kind of currency shall I use in this story as well? I really can't think of a new one and I don't want to use dollars or pounds or a real currency because it won't be original and it's not set in a country per se.

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Care to share some misheard lyrics?

    Mine? Foo Fighters - The Pretender

    One of the men is not like the other

    One of these men had sex with your mother

    What if I said that you are a bender

    What if I said that I'd never surrender.


    7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Are these good names for characters? (more details inside)?

    I'm writing a non-serious fantasy/comedy/romance story and just want to know your opinions on the character names and descriptions. Feel free to make changes! Oh, there are vampires but they don't sparkle and they're real hardasses. Please note, these are just very brief overviews.

    Alex (main) Name open for changing. I was stuck for a name

    Tall, skinny, black and red emo hair, good-looking, pretty confident, witty, but can be a bit of a sissy sometimes and quite gullible.

    ????? (main) I have no idea what to call her!

    Tall, curvy, black hair with electric orange fringe, large glasses. Alex's girlfriend. Vampire. She's pretty low maintenance and she's a party animal, but terrified of her father.

    Dolly (secondary) I love her name

    Tall, zombie, long, bright green hair with side-cut. Ex-stripper. Well rounded kind of girl, fussy, fashionista but still gutsy. Easily offended.

    That's all I got so far. You can add and edit whatever you want. I'm not really serious about this story so you can have all the fun you want.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Who Is Your Favorite Alternative Metal All Male Band/Male Artist?

    And favorite song by them?

    Mine is Marilyn Manson :D

    Song: Doll-Dagga-Buzz-Buzz-Ziggety-Zag

    BQ: Evanescence: Yay or Nay?

    BQ2: Ruby red lipstick: Yay or Nay? On girls, of course.

    BQ3: Knock knock?

    14 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • I'm buying a new bass... Any ideas?

    I'm an experienced player- nine years- and I really want a new bass. Something that looks awesome and sounds great. Not too expensive, please. Not just because I don't want to spend too much money, but because I can't really afford anything over £500.

    I play hardcore music and my other bass is a Gibson Flying V.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What Do You Think Of The Idea Of A Half-Life Movie?

    There's been some rumors, among which include that Valve are interested in making it themselves and they're experimenting with the idea. They seem to think it would be a generally very well-received.

    Your opinions? Would you see it? I totally would.

    Here are some links, you can read about it here:

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago