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  • Should I call her tonight to make plans for tomorrow? Or just wait?

    I met this cute interesting girl on thursday, we chatted for a little while and I wound up getting her number, saying we should get tea sometime.

    It's my understanding that you typically wait like, two days? I could call her this evening to propose plans for tomorrow (I work nights), or does that seem strange? Redundant? I could just call her to do tea tomorrow afternoon, but if I call her then I might catch her off guard, and even if it's super simple, I don't want to make it too short noticed.

    It's a silly problem, I know, but what would you do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Dating Advice? Please, please help!?

    Alright, so I just started seeing this new girl. We seem to be a good match so far. We click really well, we have lots of similar interests. We've only been on two dates and I can already tell that there's something there. At least potentially, but I'm not optimistic, namely because in two and a half months she's going to be leaving for 4-6 months on this huge backpacking trip. And then after that she's considering moving far away for a job offer (not sure how serious she is on this one).

    I know this is pretty silly foreshadowing but, well, is it worth it to stick around? Should I enjoy her company while she's around, or should I not waste my time?

    Part of me says I should just jump ship while I can and avoid getting inevitably hurt. Every girl I allow myself to get close to winds up leaving me within a few months. Never because of me, they were all very interested, I'm just consistently a victim of circumstance. If I keep going with this, it's just going to be the same old song and dance. I'll be happy for a couple of months, then I'll be alone all over again, due to no fault of my own, and there's nothing I'd be able to do about it.

    On the other hand, I'm young (22), and I feel like I ought to just live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts...which really would be nice. At the same time, I REALLY just want to be young and happy with somebody, to be able to let myself fall in love.

    I know I'm reading WAY too far into this, but I could really use some insight and advice.

    Thanks a ton!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Dating advice, do I stay or do I go? Is it worth it? Please help!?

    Alright, so I just started seeing this new girl. We seem to be a good match so far. We click really well, we have lots of similar interests. We've only been on two dates and I can already tell that there's something there. At least potentially, but I'm not optimistic, namely because in two and a half months she's going to be leaving for 4-6 months on this huge backpacking trip. And then after that she's considering moving far away for a job offer (not sure how serious she is on this one).

    I know this is pretty silly foreshadowing but, well, is it worth it to stick around? Should I enjoy her company while she's around, or should I not waste my time?

    Part of me says I should just jump ship while I can and avoid getting inevitably hurt. Every girl I allow myself to get close to winds up leaving me within a few months. Never because of me, they were all very interested, I'm just consistently a victim of circumstance. If I keep going with this, it's just going to be the same old song and dance. I'll be happy for a couple of months, then I'll be alone all over again, due to no fault of my own, and there's nothing I'd be able to do about it.

    On the other hand, I'm young (22), and I feel like I ought to just live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts...which really would be nice. At the same time, I REALLY just want to be young and happy with somebody, to be able to let myself fall in love.

    I know I'm reading WAY too far into this, but I could really use some insight and advice.

    Thanks a ton!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How long does it take to get over a break up?

    I was technically "dumped," it wasn't entirely mutual, but we didn't necessarily leave on bad wasn't anyone's fault, she just couldn't be with me.

    We were together for 5 months, for me it's the only true "relationship" I've been in (kinda pathetic at 22, but...). It's been a week now.

    I just want to know when it will stop hurting.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do you think of this? Will a break in the relationship work? Please please help!?

    Alright, I'll try to keep this as prompt as possible.

    My girlfriend and I are splitting up or taking a break we aren't sure yet. Neither of us want it to end but there are some factors to consider. She was with her ex fiancé for a whopping 8 years before dating me (for reference I'm 22 and she's 26). It was an awful relationship and she was glad it ended but she told herself she'd be alone for one year to re assess her life and learn to be herself again. From what I gather she was miserable and three months into it she met me. Our relationship has been fast and strong, she didn't push me away because she was crazy about me and I about her.

    It was night and day between me and her ex, I'm amazing to her, she set a low bar for expectations when it comes to guys. But the bar I set for myself as a boyfriend is incredibly much so that it caught her off guard, made her fall for me, yet made her feel guilty at the same time. She's convinced that I deserve better than her, especially because she isn't emotionally ready to go all in on the relationship (we're 5 months in). I told her I'm patient and I've tried hard to help her in working thru these issues and offered to give her space but its never enough.

    So it's come down to either breaking up or at least taking a break. Neither of us want it to happen, but she needs some kind of time and space alone and she feels that she needs it. I'll wait for her. I'd like a 3 month closed break, dating nobody else, but I'm afraid she may feel too pressured to figure herself out in that timeline...

    Is there any hope for us? Thoughts or advice? How do I keep her from slipping thru my fingers?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Occasional Heart Pain/Spasms...why is this happening?

    I've had some heart problems lately. Sometimes without warning I'll feel my heart seize up, like someone's squeezing it, usually when standing up after sitting for more than a few moments, I'll also get dizzy and nearly fall over...this doesn't seem to have any direct link to what I'd been eating or doing (exercising or physical labor) that day, it's inconsistent, and usually goes away after 10-15 minutes.

    It's starting to worry me. This shouldn't be happening to me! I was obese throughout all of high school and early college, but I've turned that around completely and I'm in BY FAR the best shape of my life: I'm 22, 6'7", 215 lbs (I lost 120 pounds, then build some muscle), I'm in as good of physical shape as Michael Phelps, I lift weights and can benchpress my own body weight.

    I mean, this would make sense if I were older I suppose, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this happened when I was still obese and sedentary. What could be causing this? I thought I was healthy as a horse now?

    (Yes I will be seeing a doctor, but I'd like some advice and insight if any of you are kind enough to oblige).

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Does this relationship stand a chance? I really need help!?

    I'm pretty concerned with the relationship I have with my girlfriend right now.

    We haven't been together for long, a little over three months now, and on the surface things seem to be great. I'm crazy about her and she's crazy about me, we're really sweet and giving to one another - more so than either of us have experienced before in a relationship, but there's one big, glaring issue that constantly stresses me out.

    Her ex-boyfriend (who was eventually her ex-fiance) was together with her for EIGHT years. She was left in a pretty bad place after that relationship but she burned bridges with him. She'd only been single for five months when we started seeing each other. I feel like she really needed more time to recover and just be single.

    The fact that they lived together in her house doesn't help much, nor does the fact that I can't really relate being that I'm younger than her and have never been in a relationship longer than a few months before.

    I don't know, her previous relationship was horrible, he was a selfish dick, and a moocher. I on the other hand am the complete opposite - really sweet, nice, considerate, I take her out, and am a gentleman (these are her words, not mine). So I have this going for me...but I really feel as if she needed to being single for a full year before meeting me and that I need to be a couple years older and more experienced for this relationship to stand a chance (I'm 22, she's 26).

    Again, on the surface things seem to be going well, I've nice plans for valentine's day set up, and I was even going to drop the love-bomb, but the more I think about it, the worse of an idea it seems like.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I didn't date anyone until I was 20 years old, did I miss out?

    This seems like a dumb question, I know, but I didn't date, flirt, or do ANYthing with girls until I was 20 (22) now. I was a virgin until 21 and I've since dated a handful of girls and am in my second actual relationship.

    But I just can't shake this feeling, especially when my girlfriend talks about all the experiences she had with guys in middle school, high school, and college (she isn't at ALL a slut, she's a couple years older than me, she just has had a more "normal" experience), this feeling that I missed out on something.

    I'll never know what it's like to flirt with a cute classmate in the hallway, dance with your "girlfriend" at prom, or goof off and fool around with a girl knowing that the only thing to worry about in your lives is making it to the bus stop on monday morning.

    I missed my chance and I feel like I've been desperately trying to compensate. I was a huge, lumbering, obese dork with a babyface in my teen years...girls avoided me like the plague, if some did get to know me, they immediately liked me but only ever as a friend. I was a late bloomer it seems, I lost 100 pounds, grew to be VERY tall, began lifting weights, and lost my babyface. I get TONS of attention from girls now without even trying, including from those girls that friendzoned me in high school (usually they don't recognize me, hardly anybody does), and it hasn't helped one bit. I'm no womanizer, I'm still an awkward dork...just in the body of a male model. It should bother me but it does. Did I really miss out?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girls in your 20s, who would you rather date?

    These kinds of questions are silly but I think I have an interesting one.

    Guy A:

    -A few years younger than you (as in 3 or 4)

    -Hasn't started his career, still in college, but works a decent part time job (not a Mcjob, but not a career).

    -Is independent, has his own place with one roommate, his own car, makes ends meet and supports himself, but is by no means wealthy at this point.

    -Very attractive, very tall, strong athletic physique. Does some modeling work.

    -Nerdy hobbies.

    -Sweet, clever, kind of silly, earnest.

    Guy 2:

    -A few years older than you (again, 3 or 4)

    -Out of college, works a well paying white collar 9-5 job (not six figures but good money)

    -Recently a homeowner, drives a new car, has money to play around with, could support you right now if the need arises.

    -Fairly attractive, cute, a little taller than you, body isn't anything impressive but you'd say he's above average in looks.

    -Hobbies are sports-related

    -Cocky, proud of his achievements, but a good guy at heart.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Hey, I'm a recently signed model, my first shoot is today, any tips?

    I'm a male model, very tall, 21, we're doing more of a chic, classic look, not a younger more teen-oriented one. This is my first photoshoot, I've already done some research, and I'd like a few extra tips as to what to do once I'm in front of the camera. Thanks a ton!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Been on a few dates, how do you know if she's disinterested, or just shy?

    Our first went well, the second very well, but we got together last night and it just seemed a little off. Maybe we're both a bit awkward...we kissed (though it wasn't the first time), and she wasn't distant, but she seemed more withdrawn, more quiet at the end.

    I dunno, I'm used to a girl either not dating me at all, or totally falling for me, it seems like she's holding back or something. I keep second guessing myself because she's *really* beautiful and I'm a little more nervous around her than other girls, maybe she's having the same effect - I'm *very* tall, good looking (recently a model, actually), but that seems like wishful thinking.

    We're taking it slow, things are going pretty well but she's not totally falling into my arms, which is a kind of validation I'm accustomed to.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Job interview tips? Bartending.?

    I have an interview tomorrow for a bartending position. I've worked there for a year already as a bouncer so it's actually about a promotion.

    Any tips? How can I make this a good interview?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • I have an interview for a bartending position coming up, how do I nail this interview?

    It's more of a promotion than a new job, since I've worked as a bouncer/barback at this bar for a little over a year now, but becoming a bartender is kinda a big deal. I wrote a strong cover letter and I already have most of the relevant experience, qualifications, and certifications under my belt (hands on experience, too, but only in small amounts)...but that doesn't make for a great interview.

    How do I really nail this interview? I really want this job, how do I further convince my superiors that I'm the best pick for the job?

  • Why are bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Sublime still popular, but nobody listens to Fishbone?

    Fishbone and the Chili Peppers played on the same level for a decade, and Sublime wouldn't even *exist* if it weren't for Fishbone (neither would No Doubt, for that matter).

    Why does everyone look so confused when I bring up Fishbone in conversation anyway? In terms of influence Fishbone is HUGE.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Would a girl ignore a guy's calls if he called way too late? What do I make of this?

    Basically, I ran into a girl I went to HS with a few nights ago. We hit it off pretty well, she even asked for my number before I got a chance to ask for hers, though we didn't talk for too long.

    Anyway, I called her last night and we agreed to hang out today, we were both free this afternoon and I told her I'd get ahold of her then. Then everything fell apart, my phone stopped working at 3, when I was about to call her. After driving all over town trying to get my phone fixed (my car battery even died and I had to deal with that, too!) I finally was able to call her at 6:30.

    She didn't pick up.

    So I left her a brief message. I tried her again 30 minutes later, still no answer, so I left another short message explaining the situation, telling her to get ahold of me and that I'll probably just get in touch in a few days.

    Eh, she did a pretty good job infactuating me, I'm trying not to show it, I don't really have anything to worry about, do I?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are the most interesting dates you've been on?

    Good or bad? Any neat stories?

    BQ: Any date ideas/suggestions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are the most interesting dates you've been on?

    Where did you go, what was it like?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I got this girl's number Friday night, is it too soon to call her tonight?

    I'm planning on asking her to hang out tomorrow, or sometime this week.

    We went to high school together but didn't know each other well, it took her a minute to recognize me (I'd really kicked myself into shape, went from fat to fit). Though we didn't chat for too long, we seemed to hit it off pretty well, she asked for my number before I got a chance to ask for hers. I usually don't worry about this kind of thing but this girl really knocked me off my feet, and I don't wanna goof it up, ya know?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Girls, I'm 6'7", is that a good thing, or just plain too tall?

    I'm not gangly, nor am I a huge bear either. I'm muscular and toned, but not bulked up or anything; I'm slim, but not skinny. So if I'm athletic and proportional, is the height still awkward?

    Sometimes I can't tell if girls are shy, scared, or turned off, so I'm just curious I guess.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Would any girls go for a guy that's younger and less wealthy and them?

    Take a young woman in in her mid-20s, she's a young professional on her own and makes a decent enough living. These kinds of girls are usually looking for wealthier career driven men that are at least a few years older. Would they ever consider dating a guy in his early 20s, still in college, that's relatively poor, but still works enough to support himself/attend college?

    I ask this because pretty much the only dating opportunities I get are at my night job, a hip bar/venue that's popular among the yuppie crowd (for lack of a better word). I meet plenty of interesting/attractive women but I always get cold feet because I feel that once they find out I'm:

    a) About 5 years younger than them

    b) Still an undergrad

    c) I earn maybe a third of what they make

    Am I worrying over nothing, or is it really out of the question, since I'm not 30 and don't have a white collar job? I wouldn't mind going for girls closer to my age but this bar/venue is only popular among young adults, not college kids, and I'm ALWAYS working whenever there's a party/social function I'd otherwise be able to attend.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago