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I feel sick and I have to stretch?
I feel really sick right now. I have to keep stretching I can't stop should I go to the doctor I also might have a fever I don't know but I feel really achy and can stop stretching I'm 18 male
1 AnswerOther - Health7 years agoProgramming a watch display?
I'm not asking for step by step instructions of code or anything. Instead I'm asking for where can I get the materials (circuit boards, LEDs, and other parts) to make a simple watch. No I'm not trying to make a smart watch. It's for a school project. I need to program the clock function and add a timer or stopwatch function. I also have to program the display using a LED display which I have to wire. I know that it's difficult but I have about six months to complete it. Like I said I only need to know where I can get instructions and a circuit board. If someone could point me into the right direction for buying LEDs that'd be nice too! Thanks!
1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years agoYet Another Person Asking About Acne?
So I have like mild acne outbreaks and quite a few acne scars.
The scars are smooth when i run my finger over them, but they are very visible
And the acne usually looks like this more or less
Right now, i wash my face 2x a day (though sometimes more) and put "erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide topical gel" on my face in the morning and the night (well every night and most mornings).
I've been doing it for about a month now and well the acne has really improved.
And recently ive put neutrogena lotion on my skin
And some nights i put toothpaste paste over the red areas to reduce redness(though idk if it works 0_0)
My questions are
1) how do i make those like scar like dips go away (as seen in the first photo)
2) How do i make the redness go away
3) How do i stop zits from popping up?
If anyone has any natrual home solutions that work (and i dont care if it takes a month for results) PLEASE ShARE!!!!!
i am really embarrassed to go out in public, especially to places where there are girls, or when i see other guys with smooth skin (im not gay tho lol). And I know that my gf doesnt care too much about acne at all (she has a very little non noticeable bit) but i am ashamed to let her see my face ;(
So yeah any thing that you do would be extremely helpful!!!!
oh and ive scoured the internet for what to do but like the remedies dont seem to be applicable or they involve going out and buying special creams (which ill do if i have to). i was just hoping that there were some simple remedies.
Oh and how do you perform at home dermabrasion or microdermabrasion or whatever its called; when you remove the top layer of skin?
2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years agoGoing ice skating for the first time with a girl i like?
Hey I am going ice skating with a girl who's like pretty much my girlfriend now and I first off:
Dont know how to skate
And i dont know what to say while skating (i dont even mean like flirting{thats easy} just what to say while grasping onto the railing :) )like just conversation starters...
2 AnswersIce Skating8 years agoNew Phone Question (Sprint Users)?
So my school (a small private boarding school) now requires the students to get a non-smartphone from Sprint (or any phone that Kajeet).
The only problem is is that I don't want to get some crappy flip-phone. I want to get a touchscreen phone with slideout keyboard. And I HATE resistive touchscreens!!!
So if anyone knows any phone from Sprint that is
-Tocushcreen (capacitive NOT RESISTIVE)
-Slideout Keyboard
then please put a link to a review!!
Btw i dont care if it breaks easily...i only need it for one more year of highschool then im getting an android again!
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years agoAny baseball player should know hopefully?
So i went to the store today and bought a pie crust and some whipped cream. The guy at the checkout asked me if i played baseball (im 18). i said no. then he was chuckled and then said "but u know what i mean?". i nodded and kinda laughed as if i understood (ok ok i lied ;) ). the girl putting the things i bought in a bag siad,"what?even i dont understand that". then the cashier said something like,"if u played baseball u would understand."
after reasearching on the web, all i could find was maybe he thought i was going to put a pie in the face of someone???is that totally off or is that wat the cashier maybe meant?i live in southern california if that helps baseball wise
5 AnswersBaseball8 years agoKitchen Drain Stuck(Deep)?
The kitchen sink in my house is plugged.
(This image kinda shows wat it looks like )
The water will flow and drain properly for about 7-12 seconds.
Then you can hear the noise of it passing down the drain stop.
Then on the right side, you can see/hear the water coming up into the basin. Then about 2 seconds later you can see the water come up in left basin.
The U-pipe is clean. The water that comes up is clean. There is barely any smell.
So I thought that sink must be be clogged down the line some.
So I snaked the sink (I think like 25 ft.)
I came upon three corners (i think, at least after i turned the snake it went up smoothly)
and when i took the snake out it was clean. Nothing vile came out either. So for about 25 feet to the sewer its clean. You would think that if the water can get that far, not only would it take longer for the water to back up, but also that that amount of water should break through the clogged area.
One last detail...This happened about 2-3 months ago (maybe more) and my mom called the plumber and he snaked it i think (I was at school at the time) and it fixed the sink...sooo
If you need any more detials please ask!!!
5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years agoHow far back can a file be traced?
I accidentally put a file (R- rated movie) on my flash drive and then left it plugged in to a computer at my school. One of the deans found it and (long story goes here but ill skip it) said he is going to have a IT guy look at it to see what he can find out about the movie file. If the IT guy traces it to my computer as the origin then i probs suspended/expelled( screwed up boarding school i know lol). How the file was a torrent and it was modified and then it was accidently put on my flash drive so i wouldnt think that they could trace back to my computer could they? and what info could they get from it besides the date modified?
oh and i know quite a bit about computers: its just this has nvr happened and ive nvr looked into file tracing or watevr it wuld be called.
2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWhat is the best motion tracking software avaible?
Ive used blender for like almost 7 years now and i like the internal mo-cap but i was wondering if there were any other programs
ive used (and not liked)
adobe autodesk
3ds max
so whats the best motion capture/tracking software on the market
(PRICE IS NOT AN ISSUE so dont put crappy free things plez unless its reallly good)
2 AnswersSoftware8 years agoJames Holmes is false!!!?
Why is was his hair red during the massacre according to the police, black when interviewed(got his mugshot, remember he had no criminal background) then red again at the court hearing?????
do the prisons have free cosmetics??!!!
the question statement is only to catch your eye srry!
6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoMy friend is trying to go to jail!!!HELP?
My friend has been on the deep web using TOR and onion websites for several months
he keeps on saying bout how he is so secure and how police cant track anything on tor
well recently he says he stumbled on some child porn and asked if i wanted to see it
obviously i said no and then said that the police are gonna knock on his door
but he said that he cant be tracked on the deepweb
hes 16 and pretty good with computers but im afraid hes gonna end up in jail
ps ive used the deepweb just to see wat it was a couple times but didnt really do anything
5 AnswersOther - Internet9 years agowhats the matter with me?
So i went to my old swim teams ( ) practice pool today. i havent been there for 2 years but when i went i loved it!(now i go to a boarding school).
So, coincidentally today there was a meet at the regular training pool. I saw a few people i knew from back then, but obviously they didnt remember me(and i didnt expect them to). And all the same coaches were also there. I waited till the swim meet was over and then said hi to the main coach, who remember me(i was and wasnt suprised idk y).
i almost said hi to a girl who wouldnt remember me though i love her and always think about her(she doesnt know obviously)
well when i came home i started to lose focus of whatever i was doing.While playing some video games ,though, i had focus. but at one point i was sorting some stuff alphabetically and just couldn't keep concentrated to put them in the right order. then later ,and right now, i have a weird feeling in my stomach.
I just dont know why i feel this way.
the only other time i feel like that(and sometimes to the point of crying) is when see a show(play, dance by kids between ages 5 and 18). this might be b/c my older sisters danced for like 18 years and i cant forget the memories associated with the shows(like i was young and "innocent")
another thing is i dont cry in public, never unless i get really mad.
but i NEVER have cried over someones death(even ppl who were VERY closely related) though i for some reason i just dont have guts to say anything about it .
So why do i feel wierd? is it b/c of the girl who i liked or the memories? and what should i do?
i was thinking about joining the team next year(ill be 17)
im srry if this is confusing!!but plezzz help me!i feel so disoriented and ditstracted!!!!!!
1 AnswerMental Health9 years agoDo i have stalker, im a guy?
Ok so like a year ago i was on a swim team and knew this girl(lets called her Sally) like barely.
i think she and her friend talked about me sometimes. that was 2010
Now in 2011, i was biking down the bike path on the beach and saw the girl, Sally, and her friend.
So like after 5 minutes of biking in circles i went and asked them a simple question that in essence would let me know if they really were the ppl i had known. Trust me THEY BOTH LOOKED EXACTLY the same as before, just older.
The next day i saw them again riding there bikes towards me and looking at me.
Now this is the weird part
about a week or two later, 4 girls in a 4 person car were driving and saw me and pulled towards me as i was riding my bike again(i luv my bike).
They pulled out squirt guns and got me wet. no big deal. % minutes later after cutting through a neighborhood they found me and squirted me again, with their squirt guns of course ;) lol
and during the movie one of sally friends looked at me for a time after the it got really bright from the movie!!!
im not afraid its just weird
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoWhich episode does Hannah Montana tell everyone who she is?
Hey i was just wondering which episode Miley Cyrus/Stewart tells all of her schoolmates that she is really Hannah Montana?
I wanna see it on youtube so a link would be fine also
5 AnswersComedy10 years ago"i think about you i think about me i think about us together" whats that song?
it has a "duh duh do,duh duh dI" beat and its awesome ;)
plez answer
2 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoWhats the pro life game where you can control the woman during a crisis pregnancy?
Its an online flash game where you control the teen girl as she goes through a crisis pregnancy???
I need to find it again
1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoHot Pursiut Wii Question PLEASE ANSWER?
In NFS Hot Pursuit (Wii Version) i heard that you can free roam. But i have been playing for a couple of days (or about 5 hours in all and unlocked about 7 cars and almost 16 races) yet i still havent unlocked free roam
So is free roam available and if so how do you unlock it
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agohow fast exactly is fiber optics when it come to internet speed?
we have a wireless and wired connetion and i was wondering,for like youtube for instance,how much faster are optics wires(cables?)
plez dont use too techy of lingo though i wont mind if a moderate some lingo
4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago