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did nebraska ban the beaties boys and what reasons for it?
i was talking to a friend who lives in nebraska and he was telling me they were banned. but he didn't know the reason. if any one knows will they tell me?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoflash help...?
ok... i have a youtube account and the flash drive i was using was working perfectly fine but when my friend came over and i wanted to show him a video. it wouldn't let. it said my javascipt was either shut off or i needed to down load and install a newer version of adobe flash. my javascript is on and the screen says that the newer flash is completely installed but i still can't watch any of my playlist.
does anyone know a way i can find out what's wrong?
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agofriend help?
we had been best friends pratically since the day we met but recently she's been a jerk to all her old friends, like me, JJ, and Lee, and a complete and total suck up to a few new ones. she's changed and not in a good way. she hurts Lee daily and no matter how many times i tell him he won't help her if he continues to talk like everything's normal to her. and it's not helping him either.
she'll ignore us for days unless she wants something. she talks about us behind our backs. and, we're basically tired of it.
i say it would be best to cut off ties with her, but Lee is forever saying "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.
i'm afriad he'll be hurt. is there anything i can do to help him m ove past our old friend like i had done.
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agonames that mean child of heaven?
well, i'm a writer and i want to name a character a name that means 'child of heaven'. i found leilani on one sight, but i really want it in japenese and chinese. if anyone knows any, will you help me?
9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agothe song Lipgloss???artist?
my sister wants to put this song on her myspace put doesn't know the artist's name. The song is called Lipgloss but she doesn't know the artist's name and she can't find it otherwise. Does anyone know?
15 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoTsubasa Chronicles Online?
i watched episodes 1-21, but i can't find 22 anywhere, does anyone know where i can find it without downloading, because it is not on YOUTUBE! so i don't want answers telling me to look there.
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoA Japenese question, please answer?
What do the digfferent honory title in japenese mean and what are all of them
I know some, but not what they mean
i'm always watching shows in japenese with english subtitles or reading the manga and i can't quite grasp the meanings
i would appreciate it if someone would tell me and any others i don't know
6 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoSnow White!?
there was this movie that i watched when i was little, it was a snow white movie, but the adult version. Does anyone know the name of it?
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agowhat is the hloliday Dasara?
i do know it's a holiday, but what I want ot know is who it's celebrated by, when, what happens during, and how long it goes on.
4 AnswersDasara1 decade agoadditional details?
i want to add more details to a question, but how do i do that.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agowhere can i get free Naruto episodes online?
i love naruto and i hate waiting till saturdays to see new episodes and my mom doesn't like us to download
9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago