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  • Does blizzard have Diablo 2 available for download? Need help please?

    Well im buying my friends laptop and the disc drive is broken, but I was wondering if you can download it online from blizzard or whoever and just pay for it there? I was going to buy the whole set ( expansions and all ) for like 30 at walmart.

    But im wondering if they have a website i can download the game to my computer and play it without a CD drive. Of course i want this done legally and I do want to pay for it, but like i said my cd drive is busted and i dont want to replace it...yet.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain some stuff for me? Mass Effect 2 xbox360?

    1- My friend was gonna let me borrow his game, but he thinks it might not work. He said the game was linked to his gamertag or something. So does this mean that wont work on my xbox with my profile? I couldnt start a new game, on my profile on my xbox? Or what does that mean exactly.

    2- whats the best class in your opionon. Or can you help me more understand what classes are better suited for which play style?

    3- Do i really need to play the first one? Im sure i wont get alot of things but will this hurt the story for me? I like at least somewhat understanding the story for a game... but i really dont want to play the first one unless i have too.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me find the right laptop for slight gaming?

    I need a laptop that would run stuff like WoW, possible sims 3, and a few others decently. Im starting off playing Diablo 2 then going to others.

    Its mainly for just surfing the web and playing small games. ( Mostly Diablo, but i want it to be able to run WoW at least on medium settings.

    My price range is 400-800$. Preferably. Willing to go higher if needed.

    If someone can help me find the right one i'd appreciate it. I dont know all the stuff i need ( ie Ram, graphics card etc ) so i really need some usefull help.

    Links provided will be even more helpfull.

    My main concerns are having HD ( 720 is fine w/ me ) and being able to load big pages ( some youtube videos, etc ) no problem.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Who wants a Free 1month of Xbox live?

    All you have to do is guess what number im thinkin of between 1 and 100.

    Only 1 answer per person.

    If you dont think i will just give one away... put a number down anyway. You get 2 points and if you do win bam.

    15 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Who wants to win a free month of xbox live?

    All you gotta do is guess what number im thinking of.


    Only one answer per person. Who ever guesses it right gets it?

    Even if you dont think i'll give one out, just guess a number. Cant hurt right?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is there a website to just listen and/or watch music or music videos w/out paying?

    Other than like youtube, but I was wondering if there was a website that had Artists all there albums and songs, where you can listen to for free? Just scroll down to the next one ect.

    I mean i could go find ALL the songs and albums online and search them on youtube, but im too lazy and dont exactly have time to do that everytime.

    I dont listen to music alot, so I dont know exactly all of a artists songs or anything like that. I'd like to just browse through and listen to them all or whatever to see if I like anymore. I dont want download songs or anything, just streamin music...

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Anyone play Stubbs the Zombie on original xbox?

    I was thinking of buying it off of the 360 market, but i wanted to get some outside opinions. So tell me what you liked or didn't like and whether or not i should get it.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Questions about Diablo 2? also can someone explain computer games and CD Keys to me?

    Well i dont usually play computer games, but i want to get one ( Diablo 2 ) and had some questions about other stuff.

    Well i was wondering how does Diablo 2 play?

    Is it like runescape or WoW? Or how would you describe it?

    Also are there people that still play? Whats the % on hackers?

    And last what does the CD key do?

    If i get this game ( Diablo ) and install it on my computer, then later when i get a laptop, will i have any problems re-downloading the game to the laptop?

    I here people all the time asking for CD Keys ( im guessing they pirate? ) but if you give someone a CD key, doesnt that make it not work on the computer it was first downloaded on?

    Or how does this work?

    Lol as you can tell i dont play much computer games

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Difference between Dragonball Z, DBZ uncut, DBZ kai, etc?

    Whats the differences between Dragonball Z, Dragonball Z uncut, Dragonball Z Kai, and any others i might not remember?

    I used to watch ( well still do ) DBZ all the time when i was a kid, but now they have all this different versions out.

    I remember the regular version ( by the way im in the US.. dont know if it matters ) and i just saw this DBZ Kai thing on Nick... but the Openening theme was changed ( which i didnt like ) and i was wondering what other changes there were to that and the others.

    If someone can list them all or give some sites that have them it'd really help...I REALLY wanna know so when i buy DVD's... i know which one to get.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Zelda fans! What do you think of the new info they gave out for the next Zelda wii?

    Seriously have you read it?

    Go to ( i'd give a link, but im at work and games are blocked by websense.. ) its one of the first pages.

    They're going to be making zelda EASIER!!! Like i get this for kids or something, but for us veterans, well idk bout you but that makes me kinda worried! They all ready said there changing the whole formula. As he said, Twilight Princess will be the last zelda game that you know to be the same ( ie, explore field, conquer dungeon, rinse-repeat ) and that made me wonder.

    So do you guys think that zelda will go down hill? What if all this new stuff there doing ruins it? What are they thinking over there at Nintendo?

    Lol read the article at ( and this one if you've missed out ) and tell me what you think about all this non sense... I dont want to hate zelda... but im trusting you Nintendo... you better not screw up!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Halo Reach Beta players! anyone who's even logged in 1 match?

    So what do you guys think of the game so far?

    What should/nt be changed?

    How do you feel bout the Elites vs Spartans?

    New weapons?

    I've logged in a good couple days and have my thoughts, but im wondering how everyone else feels.

    Also let it be noted that i loved halo up untill 3, then it got boring... but im still debating if Reach will pull me back into the series.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What happened to cheats in video games? ( ie konami code etc )?

    Idk but i've been thinking... almost all games prior to the gamecube/xbox/ps3 era have had in game cheats.

    I do know that some ( like saints row, gta etc ) still do have them... but theres just a very small handfull.

    I remember stuff like banjo kazooie, contra, sonic, and other old games that had codes in them! Like do a button combination and bam.. you got them.. or collect these or put in this code on the cheats menu in the game.

    Now none have them... I like how Saints Row 2 you can unlock them buy actually beating the mini games etc.

    Why do you think they stopped this?

    Do you guys want it back?

    I understand stuff like MW2 and other online dont need them.. but i like being able to input cheats when i want for fun.

    Well what do you's think?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • For pokemon HG/SS when trading pokemon?

    How many items can you give a pokemon when trading?

    Is it just 1?

    Or can you give x amount... say like 4 ultra balls etc...

    whats the limit?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Borderlands DLC, need opionons?

    Ok im planning on getting the DLC.

    First the one that increases the level cap and story.

    Then ether Zombie or The Mad Moxi.


    How long is the DLC that increases the story? Do you think I ( or did you ) hit level 61 without a second play through on the normal game? Or do you think i should do a second play through then continue the DLC story?

    Whats your thoughts on the DLC and leveling etc.?

    Best answer for most detailed response!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Borderlands questions... what level where you when, etc?

    You finished the game ( first time of course )?

    You got your first alien gun?

    Also you keep your level when you start a second play through correct? How do you do that if you and friend/s beat the game together?

    Does it give you an option at the end? Do you have to do it from the title scren?

    Also how far in the second play through were you when you hit lvl 50 and/or 61?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Who has borderlands DLC... can you answer a few questions?

    Ok i was wondering which was is the best in your opionon and why? Which one has the new level cap? And when you have the new level cap, do you just add more points to your skill tree? Or how does that work?

    Just so you know, i'll give best answer for most help and/or best descriptions!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Battlefield Bad Company 2 parachute? Confused?

    I play on the 360 and i've seen people jump off of buildings and open up a parachute. Now some one told me when you jump off just to double tap A. But it doesnt seem to work all the time. I can hear the parachute open, but this is only after spamming the A button wish usually closes it and causes me to die.

    Lol so can someone tell me how EXACTLY to open it up and safely get to the ground? It could have saved my life numerous times, but because i failed its done nothing but kill me lol Then the message EPIC FAIL comes up... haha

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Girls i need some help... me and my girlfriend cant have sex?

    Ok were having some issues having sex. Recently, its been very hard to get it in her. She's been really tight and she says its hurting her. W

    We've tried diff positions, getting her "warmed" up, we havent used lube only because its messy right now lol.

    Idk why this happens. If we go a week without doing it she'll tighten up real good, but never this bad. And recently we cant even do it, even if we try for a half hour or so to ease it in.

    Why does she always tighten up to the point where it hurts?

    Is there anything that causes this?

    What can we do about this?

    Any help will be greatfull... she really likes her sex, but lately has been impossible for her.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need help/info on buying a laptop?

    Ok well I havent had a laptop since I was 14... been 6 years lol But recently I used my friends laptop... now this thing is anywere between 5-10 years old! Its a Vaio pcg-k13... well thats what it says.

    Anyway I was using it to surf the web and man this thing CANNOT handle half the pages I go too! Especially youtube.

    Now I was wondering 2 things.

    1- Im pretty sure, but laptops ( within 09 and 10 ) are much faster/better at surfing the web right? I mean they can handle a 10 min download on youtube or something right?

    2- Would someone be able to help me pick out a laptop? I prefer to have a CD/DVD drive. I don't care about blueray. But Im looking for one that can surf the web no problems. No slow down ( or at a minimal ) and to be able to stream HD.. 720 or 1080p.

    I dont need it for gaming or anything.. mainly just the web.

    I tried using my friends and you tube videos were slow and laggy, even on low settings, and going to was almost impossible. Took 10 min to load the main page... ya...

    So any help will be usefull, preferably the lowest price I can get, but I do WANT HD and not have a problem with the web.

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Need some info/help on getting a laptop?

    Ok well I havent had a laptop since I was 14... been 6 years lol But recently I used my friends laptop... now this thing is anywere between 5-10 years old! Its a Vaio pcg-k13... well thats what it says.

    Anyway I was using it to surf the web and man this thing CANNOT handle half the pages I go too! Especially youtube.

    Now I was wondering 2 things.

    1- Im pretty sure, but laptops ( within 09 and 10 ) are much faster/better at surfing the web right? I mean they can handle a 10 min download on youtube or something right?

    2- Would someone be able to help me pick out a laptop? I prefer to have a CD/DVD drive. I don't care about blueray. But Im looking for one that can surf the web no problems. No slow down ( or at a minimal ) and to be able to stream HD.. 720 or 1080p.

    I dont need it for gaming or anything.. mainly just the web.

    I tried using my friends and you tube videos were slow and laggy, even on low settings, and going to was almost impossible. Took 10 min to load the main page... ya...

    So any help will be usefull, preferably the lowest price I can get, but I do WANT HD and not have a problem with the web.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago