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  • If you are on one of the Yahoo Group & you delete a message on the group web?

    & it went into some of the peoples mailboxes on the web

    would it delete it out of their mailbox also.

    The web message said after I deleted it that the message was

    not found & did not exist. Would it still exist in someones

    mailbox or would it be gone or blank?

    2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • Two offers on my house same price don't know what to do?

    i just want to say thanks to all. the first offer called and said

    she wanted the inspector to come on day 10 and then

    see what he said and then review the contracts. i called the

    second buyer and the contracts are on his lawyers table and

    the inspector is comming in two days and they will sign

    contracts. done deal. thanks again.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • two offers the same on house and one is stalling?

    i had a real estate agent and they had no people. only

    people who came from an open house and the agent did

    not screen them and had no clue about anything about them

    expect what the people told them so no deals worked out and that is why we are on our own.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • two offers on house first one is stalling what do i do?

    the first buyer is supposed to be a cash deal but we dont

    know anything about her. the second buyer is a normal

    deal but we dont know if they are preapproved. the second

    buyer needs to know an answer by wed. the first buyer is

    supposed to have her lawyer contact mine on mon and

    we are supposed to have an engineer report i dont know

    when. the first buyer said the engineer was her friends and

    maybe mon or tues. my guess is wed or thrus. and the

    second buyer needs to know by wed this is really messed up

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • two offers the same on house and one is stalling what do i do?

    there was no contract for the first offer. it was verbal and

    part of the deal was to go into contract within ten days.

    its 7 days and still have not heard from their lawyer

    there is no real estate. we are selling on our own. the second

    person is willing to go to contact right away. if i cant get the

    second one up in price then what do i do. also the first

    person has been making us feel sorry for them by telling

    us this is all the money they have and they need to live on

    it forever because they dont want to work. how they had to

    sell their home etc. the second is more stable but has to

    get a mortage which should not be a problem. so what do i

    do. i will feel really bad for the first one who made the offer

    because we feel bad for them Help

    14 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Two offers on my house at the same price don't know what to do.?

    We accepted an offer from one person a week ago.

    they knew they would have to move quickly for the price we

    accepted and are stalling around. i also had an open house

    today and someone else made the same offer with just

    as good terms. now we dont know what to do if we cant

    get anyone to offer more. we have two houses and need

    to sell one so we are looking for a quick deal and we

    have explained that to them. dont want to loose both of them

    we dont know how to choose. any advice?

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • does the bank appraiser include all your upgrades that you have put in and outside your home in his price.?

    someone who wanted to buy my house sent a

    bank apprasier. he told me he was not allowed to appraise any of the extras inside and outside my home.

    now the people are saying that he did include all the

    stuff in my house and outside. is this allowed?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • real estate agent tells people the house across the street for sale is carrying two mortgages and needs out?

    the two houses are from the same real estate but different

    agents. the agent has the house for less money and the one

    across the street is more money and bigger. when people

    ask him about the bigger house he tells them that house is

    an ego trip and the people are carrying two mortages and

    need to get out. it is not his house. it is another agents house.

    my agent brings me a low offer but the people looked at the

    smaller house and now want mine. i have accepted the offer before i knew about this

    but now im thinking that maybe thats why all offers have been

    so low and is he allowed to tell my business. do you think my broker knew knew about this because she knew the agent

    and is this legal? why would an agent say that when the house is not even his? what do you think if that happened to you.?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • is it better to sell a house on your own or with a real estate broker in this slow market?

    my house has been on the market since aug./06

    the first broker was not doing anything and my house sat.

    then i went on my own and got a great response but

    nobody bought it they just drove me crazy. now im with

    another real estate and its over a month and i have had

    only three showings. we have lowered the price twice.

    which way do you think is better to sell in a slow market?

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • can hoa force you to pay for a class action against the builder if you dint want to sue?

    i live in a new community and the builder didnt finish everything

    he was supposed to. he has offered us money but the board

    still wants to sue. i dont wish to sue the builder i think with his

    money we can fix what he didnt do. can they make me join

    the class action. im also moving in june

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can hoa force you to pay for a class action against the builder if you dint want to sue?

    i live in a new community and the builder didnt finish everything

    he was supposed to. he has offered us money but the board

    still wants to sue. i dont wish to sue the builder i think with his

    money we can fix what he didnt do. can they make me join

    the class action. im also moving in june

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • daughter in law hating mother in law?

    your answers were great. my son does know but i think he

    dosnt want to fight with her and i dont want that either.i cant

    back off because im not around. my son had asked me to bring

    her a sandwich one day because she was having another bad

    day and he couldnt leave work to bring it to her so he asked me

    i bought the sandwitch left my work got in my car and my son

    stopped and and said forget it he had just spoken to her.

    i didnt say a word another time i did bring her a sandwich which

    she asked my son again for and she did not open the door and i

    left in on the bench. my son said she was breatfeeding.

    if i talk to her about it she will get mad and then her and my son

    might fight and i really dont want that. i luv them both she is like

    my daughter and i have told her that. i really miss my granddaughter alot. i just want to be part of her life. i dont want

    to be there all the time just once in awhile. my granddaughter

    willl not know im her grandma this really hurts.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • why do daughter in laws hate mother in laws?

    i dont get it. i have know my daughter in law since she was a

    teenager going with my son. i love her and i thought she loved

    me. i have been nothing but nice. now they are married and have

    a baby and she hates me. i offer to help when my son says she

    is having a bad day if she needs anything i would bring it to her

    she says i can come over but she dosnt answer the door. she says she is in the shower etc. she says to call and she dosnt

    answer the phone. i only get to see the baby every two weeks

    maybe for a couple of hour inbetween baby eating and napping.

    her mom and family see the baby all the time and our family

    saw the baby once. i am so hurt this is our first grandchild

    and i thought it would be different. i bought the baby an outfit

    and my son told me how cute the baby looked on thanksgiving

    at her mothers house and i have never seen the outfit on her.

    i also didnt see the baby on thanksgiving. i buy the baby a toy

    and i never see the toy again. what should i do?

    18 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • grandma and grandpa not seeing grandchild enough?

    my son cannot leave work eveytime she needs a sandwich. i know she is tired but i had twins and took care of them and didnt

    sleep and cleaned the house and cooked and shopped. she now has a family and a home. if she is with her mother all the time then

    why doesnt she go shopping with her mother. i told her i would help but she wont let me. its like her only job now is to feed the

    baby and sleep. my son does everything. he works all day

    and cooks or has to take out food to eat cleans the house

    helps with baby and fixes stuff that breaks around the house

    cuts the lawn and then tries to find time to be with the baby.

    seems to me she just wants to use the baby as a excuse to

    hang with her mother all day and not do anything. she goes over

    her mothers house everyday and tells my son she is eating with

    her mother and if he wants she will bring him some food or he

    could go over her moms house to eat with them. my son usualy

    eats alone. its like she is visting her home and my son.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • what do you think of grandma and grandpa only seeing grandchild once a week for maybe 1 and 1/2 hrs?

    our first grandchild and we hardly see her. daughter in law is

    with mom everyday all day and mother in law gets a time limit to

    see baby. when we get there she is either breast feeding or putting

    baby to sleep. we always got along until she had a baby. if she

    needs something she wont let me help her only her mother. if my

    son says call her and see if you can go over there she does not

    answer the phone or the door. one day she wanted a sandwich

    and asked my son to stop working and bring it to her and my son

    could not go so he asked me and i said i would but she told him

    no he had to bring it. she told me she was just out of the shower

    and had to feed the baby. how come she couldnt let me in for a

    minute. we have never had any problems before them. i tell her all the time if you need anything or

    want anything call me if i call there she does not

    pick up the phone she used to. does breatfeeding make you crazy.

    she also does not clean or cook anymore. my son does everything.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • breast- feeding and pumping bottles?

    if you are breast feeding and were able to pump bottles

    why would you notz/

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • if you can pump why would you not?

    if you are breast-feeding and you are able to pump why would

    you not.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • breast-feeding and father feeling left out?

    excuse me but i had twin boys and my husband loved to come

    home and feed them he would have felt left out. did any of you ask

    your husbands if they would like to share in the experience of

    bonding when they feed the baby or you just give them the

    dirty work of changing the diapers? playing is fine but like all of you said you like to feed the baby because you are bonding the father has not had that chance if he wanted it.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • did any of you think of the father when you breast-feed? and why would you not pump?

    all of you talk about bonding with the babies when you breast-feed

    but how does the father bond if he wanted to. you have total control

    over the babie. if you could pump why would you not? if you dont

    pump then the father will feel left out and never ever get that

    chance of bonding like you do. is that fair?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago