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Rachel C

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  • Friends after FWB?

    This guy and I have amazing chemistry; we agreed not to act on it because I was in an abusive marriage at the time. After I separated, we began talking about things between us. We were both unsure because we didn't want to ruin our friendship, but our attraction won over. He said that a relationship would be "impossible" but didn't elaborate, but certain things were boyfriend/girlfriendy between us. He even got upset when I compared myself to his last drunken hookup, with him saying that he had always been sober with me and what we did was special. After a month, he suddenly pulled away and our conversations changed. We had agreed that if anything changed in our relationship that we would be upfront. I had to bring up the change in our relationship and he said he learned something about himself. I told him that I respected that and we agreed to still be friends. I gave him some space, but our conversations were short and minimal. A month after he ended things, we found ourselves drunk and alone at a party and he kissed me a couple times, then apologized, and left the room. We never talked about it. I should also mention that I have 2 kids, which he knew about from the beginning, but have never been involved. We were really good friends prior to this and I don t understand why he has been shutting me out; possible ideas? And why it went from hot to cold seemingly overnight? I am torn between giving him more space and just slowly phasing myself out of his life.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Kinship through potential dad's granddaughter?

    So my grandfather is potentially the father of someone who contacted me. There have been rumors and speculation, but nothing is known for sure.

    Could my DNA be used to find out if her dad is my grandfather?

    Getting the potential father to submit to a DNA test is out of the question and it would be unlikely that his siblings or either of his children would do a DNA test.

    3 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • How to bring up discipline to another parent, I babysit her child?

    I have been babysitting a little girl for about 14 months now and we keep having recurring problems of her behavior ONLY when her mom is here(to pick her up and drop her off). At first, it wasn't so bad, but now that she is almost three she has figured out that she can do whatever she wants while still at MY house when her mom comes because if I say anything she will get the crocodile tears going and her mom coddles her and picks her up and tells her that it's OK!! No discipline or anything!

    She knows she won't get in trouble so she has hit my girls, bit one of them, pushed, gotten into things she knows she can't have, has screaming fits(my husband works night, so he sleeps during the day and she has woken him up countless times) I have a 1 year old and she has woken her up with her screaming fits too.

    None of this happens while it's just us, the second her mom is here...BAM, she is completely disrespectful. Last night everything was fine, the second I turned my back to go answer the door for her mom, she runs into the office and gets into something she KNOWS she can't have. She isn't even allowed in the office. Two rules she knows and she didn't care. Then the crocodile tears come out the second I ask her if she is supposed to have that. She told me no, she knew she wasn't supposed to have it, she just didn't care.

    I don't let my girls or her get away with whatever they want. I'm not overly strict, but we have rules that are to be followed. I give a warning or two and then time out. This has worked pretty well UNTIL her mom shows up.

    I don't want to tell her how to raise her kid, but while she is at my house she needs to respect my rules, whether her mom is here or not.

    How should I bring this up respectfully? I don't want to be offensive or anything, but something needs done. I am tired of her letting her daughter do whatever she wants while at my house with no consequences, especially since it has been waking my husband up, my baby up and hurting my children.

    11 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Taking a couple college classes online?

    I am looking into a bachelors degree for psychology(eventually leading to a PhD to become a criminal psychologist) however all the college's I have talked to said I need 11 credits to even get into the program(along with other requirements). I have 6 college credits and a few hours of CEs. Would it be more cost/time effective to just take 2 college classes rather than getting an associates then a bachelors?

    A lot of the online programs I am looking into don't offer associates degrees for psychology and I have to take courses online, my husband is military and our area doesn't have the degree I want.

  • Oonline criminal psychology degree?

    I really want to become a criminal psychologist, I started researching colleges in my area, but none of them offer degrees in that except for Univ of Phoenix, Strayer and Walden....doing research on them has been very confusing because there are so many mixed reviews. I am married with 2 toddlers, my husband is in the military so moving isn't an option for me.

    Do I have any good options for following my career dream now or do I just have to wait? or choose another career?

    With this career I need Ph.D so I don't want to waste a bunch of time and money on something that won't hold its weight when it comes time to get a job in this career.

  • Etiquette for babysitting and dealing with parents?

    I babysit for a 2 year old girl, her mom is my husband's friend's wife, we are acquaintances. I agreed to watch her daughter after their first babysitter couldn't do it anymore. At the time, I agreed, she just said it was part-time. Then I get the schedule and she works 3 days a week, but it's 9 hour shift. First day of babysitting she drops her off an hour early. She works 15-20 minutes from my house, depending on traffic. So I watch this little girl 10.5 hours, 3 days a week (half an hour approximately added for the time to drive here after she leaves work). I am only getting paid $40 a week, a little over a dollar an hour. The cheapest daycare in the area is $4 an hour, but that one has a waiting list. It's not that they can't afford to pay more for daycare, they just don't want to (understandably). On the other hand, she works long hours and that should be taken into account. The $40 is a flat rate, whether I watch her for 15 hours or 40 hours.

    I don't even get paid on time generally, because they "forget." I have always been paid, sometimes it's just not until the next week.

    The girl has pushed my 3 year old several times, pushed my 12 month old a few times and just last week bit my 12 month old on the foot right in front of her mom. Normally, she does it in front of her mom because her mom doesn't usually do anything about it other than tell her not to. One time she actually pushed my daughter and I told her to go sit in time out, she starts whining and her mom picks her up and comforts her. She didn't reprimand her or say a word about it.

    Her schedule is always changing and it's very frustrating that I'm always having to change my plans or take her daughter along. She runs around in stores and isn't as well behaved as my girls are. I was understanding at first, but the changes seem to be more frequent and more and more last minute. I did agree to watch her, but I feel like there should be some thought considered about my schedule too, I am doing this as a favor to her, I'm not a daycare and I do have other things to do.

    A couple weeks ago she brought her daughter over with a fever, then both my girls got it. Yesterday the mom wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home, then changed her schedule for the next day so she could get in more hours.

    I do this as a favor to her, but I know I am being taken advantage of. I want to bring it up in a nice way and not sound rude about it. How is the best way to bring up my thoughts on this? I have seriously considered quitting, because we don't need the money, it's just nice to have a little extra to put more into savings. However, I'm getting quite fed up with everything.

    I don't want to just up and quit without at least mentioning what my situation is, just the type of person I am.

    How should I bring this up without causing anyone to be offended or angry?

    Serious answers only, please.

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • SAHM with lazy husband, help!?

    I am a SAHM to 2 little girls a 3 year old and an 8 month old. My husband works 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week and is on call all the time. I really do appreciate that he works and I get to stay at home with out daughters, however, I feel like my hubby thinks that working is the only thing he has to do. He plays games whenever he wants, takes a nap whenever, he does whatever he wants and I don't feel there is any compromise from him. He comes home and just watches t.v. all night while I am running around doing laundry, cleaning, dishes, getting our girls to bed.

    I do everything- all the cleaning, cooking (from scratch), taking care of both girls (getting up in the night several times with our baby), dishes, picking up,laundry, shopping, I've started doing yard work too. I realize my husband works long hours and I really am appreciative that he works, but am I wrong in thinking he should help me out a little? I don't mind doing the cleaning and cooking since I'm home all day, but I think he should help with OUR children. They aren't just my kids, but I feel like they are. All I ask of him is that he picks up after himself and helps with our kids, is that too much? He leaves dirty socks all over the house, which our baby has tried to eat :( of course, I cleaned them up before she was able to touch them. I have tried just leaving his stuff in a pile and it sat there five months before I just got tired of it and cleaned it. He even leaves his used q-tips and used floss on the counter, when we have a trash can in the bathroom. I don't want our daughters picking up these nasty habits and I'm tired of picking up after my husband like I'm his maid.

    How can I get him to clean up after himself? I think laziness is unacceptable. He also goes out with friends whenever he wants (with his job it's not too often), meanwhile I never go out without both kids and unless both girls are asleep I don't have a single second to myself. I don't get a single day off and I don't sleep in either, he gets both.

    I just want him to clean up after himself and help with our girls. How can I get my point across without nagging him? I am so frustrated with this, it's just been getting worse. We have been together 5 years and it's taking a serious toll on our marriage. I don't even feel like anything but a mom anymore. I watched my mom do the same thing I am doing now and I always told myself I would never be that person, I don't want to leave my husband, I just want him to take on some responsibility.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How can I help my hubby be a better dad?

    I have two little girls and my husband has not been very involved in either of their lives. He seems more concerned with himself than any of us. I am not trying to bash him at all, I do love him, but I'm tired of doing everything for our girls. My oldest is almost 3 and its to the point where she won't let him do anything for her. She doesn't respect him as her father, if he tells her to do something she pretty much ignores him or throws a tantrum. My 8 month old normally cries when he holds her, which isn't often.

    He does have moments when he spends time with them, but I want more of that. He plays video games and watches t.v. more than he spends time with them. I want him to think of them above himself and he's not doing that.

    How can I help him be a better dad?

    I want help with this, so please, no rude comments. Those won't be helpful.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Debating on another baby?

    I have 2 little girls, but I'm really torn about having any more kids. I want to have more, but then again I don't. I just want to know how you decided to have more kids or why you decided not to have more kids.

    I will list my reasons for having more and not having more. I want more kids, I really love the whole experience of being a mom. But if I have one more, I would have to have two more. I have this OCD thing with even numbers and I was a child out of 3 and it's easy to gang up on one child. I figured it would be less likely to happen if there are 4 kids. I have two little girls and I want a little boy too. We have room in our house for more kids, so that is not an issue.

    Reasons against having more:

    I want my girls to be involved in a lot of activities, I never got to try anything as a child, so I want my girls to try everything possible. Financially, it would cost more to have more children and I want to have some sort of college fund for my kids. My husband doesn't help much at all, so I know I would just be making more work for myself. I would have to put college off longer, I am a stay at home mom and won't change that.

    How did you decide whether to have another baby or not?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Painful intercourse months after delivery?

    My second child is 6 months old and it's still painful to have intercourse. I had a pretty easy labor, no tearing or anything. I had my 6 week postpartum visit at 10 weeks and the pain was soooo horrible that I was trying to scoot up the exam table to get away, the doctor had to try three times to check my stuff out. Since my daughter was born my hubby and I have tried several times, but it just burns so badly, that we haven't been able to. It's frustrating for both of us.

    I had an episiotomy with my first daughter and I wasn't in as much pain then as I am in now when we attempt to have intercourse.

    I also had a lot of pain during intercourse the last couple months of my pregnancy, afterwards my entire perinial area burned for hours afterwards. Not sure if that has anything to do with this.

    Any ideas at all about what this could be?

    I am terrified to go back to the doctor, I am afraid it will really hurt again.

    I was checked for STDs during my pregnancy, so I know that I don't have any. No UTI and I have not had a menstral cycle since my daughter was born.

    1 week ago - 1 day left to answer.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Likelihood of post partum depression returning after another baby?

    My daughter is 18 months old and my husband and I want to have another baby. I do have some concerns about getting pregnant though. After my daughter was born I had post partum depression for about 6-8 weeks. This was in part due to my MIL, which my husband and I both agreed would not be invited for any more births, but I still worry about any visit she makes, especially being so emotional after pregnancy due to crazy hormones. I was never diagnosed and never got professional help, I was able to conquer it myself. I just am worried that I would have PPD with another baby. What are the chances of this happening? Anyone ever experienced this sort of thing? Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Weird periods, lighter and making me sick.?

    I have had 7 periods since my daughter was born, the first two were completely normal(like the ones prior to being pregnant) then my husband and I started trying to have another baby and now my periods are late every month 3-14 days! For the past 4 months I have also been getting physically sick with fevers and sore throats.

    I was late again this month, but for the past two months my period has been lighter. I have taken a hpt which was negative. What could cause this? I have a pretty good diet, have been working out the same amount and don't have much stress in my life.

    The only lighter periods were this month and last, the others have just been late.

    I am going to make a Dr. appointment Monday, just wanted some ideas of what could cause this.


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • TTC, ovulation times? Help please!?

    We have been ttc for about 3 months now. I have been having periods since my daughter was 10 months(7 months ago) , but the first 2 were on schedule and after that we started trying and now my periods are anywhere from 4-16 days late. I have been having CM more frequently, at least half the month now, which is not normal for me. With my last period (Nov. 9-15th) I had some blood in my CM and now that my period is over, I am still having some blood in my CM. I have never experienced this before.

    When would I ovulate, lately I always seem to have an abundance of CM? Now my periods aren't always on time either. I am getting frustrated because last time we planned to have a baby and got pregnant right away.

    When do you ovulate with a period that is so unpredictable?

    What is up with the bloody CM and the abundance?

    Please help,

    serious answers only!


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Possibly pregnant, when to test, first period after baby?

    My daughter is 10 months and I just got my first period after having her. I have heard that for a few months your periods can be irregular after getting your periods back, so I'm not sure when to test because I have no idea when my next period will be. I think I might be pregnant, I am having all the symptoms I did with my first pregnancy: lower back pain, stomachaches, VERY emotional, tired, and now feeling nauseous. I also had spotting about 2 weeks after having my period.

    How were your periods after having a baby? And when should I test?


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Sites from CA to GA? Moving!?

    We are getting ready to move from Monterey, CA to Augusta, GA and wanted to know what some cool sites would be along the way. We will be going through Flagstaff, AZ Albuquerque, NM, Amarillo, TX Oklahoma City, OK Little Rock, AR Memphis, TN Birmingham, AL..........any cool sites along the way or in these big cities? Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Charitable write off?

    I am big into donating to charities, but since things are little tight this year I was going to use them as a write off so I can pay off bills and thus be able to donate a larger chunk this year. I have all the slips to places I donated, but I can't find where I need to go or call to get the financial report to be able to claim them. Any help? Would I call the "pledge questions" number or can I request a copy online?

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Three days without a dirty diaper...?

    My 3 month old daughter hasn't had a dirty diaper in three days! I am breastfeeding her exclusively. I haven't had any problems with my own bm. She hasn't been really fussy like I would expect if she were constipated, but then again she hasn't had a dirty diaper in three days. The pediatric office is closed today and they don't give numbers of pediatricians to us. Being that she is only three months old I'm not sure what to try. We gave her a little bit of watered down apple juice, but that hasn't done anything. I eat a lot of fiber in my daily diet so I'm not sure what could be the problem. Any suggestions would be great!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Newborn eating trouble...HELP!?

    My daughter is five weeks old, breast and bottle fed. Sometimes she is hungry but pushes away me or the bottle and refuses to eat. Sometimes she naps for a few minutes, but always will wake up shortly after I lay her down. Try feeding her again but she won't eat, she will purse her lips or swallow a few gulps and then spit out the nipple. Last night it took me five hours to get her to sleep, she would just fuss and we tried everything! Finally she decided to eat and fell asleep, but is there anyway to stop this from happening. I can barely eat myself when she is waking up every ten minutes to eat. Are there any tips, I am waiting for the pediatric nurse to call me back, but she has been up off and on for the past five hours not sleeping more than about ten minutes. Why won't she just eat until she's full?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • New mom, feeding help..?

    My daughter is one month old and I have the hardest time feeding her. I breast and bottle feed her, but with both she spits the nipples out numerous times, cries while the nipple is in her mouth, and when I breastfeed her it takes forever; half the time I spend is fighting with her to even take the nipple. She pushes me away and fusses. To calm her down I set her upright and she is just fine until I go to lay her on her side to breastfeed, I have tried several positions with her and she seems to just fuss. When I finally am able to feed her she eats for anywhere from 30 seconds to twenty minutes. Usually she eats for about five minutes before fussing or falling asleep. When I lay her down to sleep she wakes up a few minutes later wanting more food, doesn't matter bottle or breast feeding, she does the same thing. I try waking her up and feeding, but she purses her lips shut and acts like she isn't hungry. She also seems to eat twice the amount she usually does before bed, but does't sleep much longer, is this normal? Does anyone have any tips to help? I spend way too long trying to feed her and nothing I have done seems to help any. Thanks in advance.

    I won't stop bottle feeding, there are times when she won't take the breast at all and when I am stubborn and refuse to use a bottle I sit there for 2+ hours trying to get her to feed.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Labor? End of pregnancy!?

    I am due in 3 days and I am a little worried if this is normal. I have hardly had any contractions at all. I first actually felt them about 8 days ago and had them all day and a few the next day. Then nothing for a couple days. I got a bad stomach and backache a couple days ago with contractions, but it's hard to time them because most of the time I don't feel them unless I actually touch my stomach. Even then it can be hard to tell because my baby likes to be right on the surface of my belly making my belly feel kind of hard. I'm afraid I won't know I'm in labor unless my water actually this normal to not feel contractions much this far along? I have had no spotting at all, just stomachache, backache, and a few contractions here and there.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago