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Lv 55,303 points


Favorite Answers63%

Using Computers for a while; First Computer was a Tandy, grew up on DOS. I've used Windows (MS-DOS/9x & NT-Vista) Linux, and a bit of Mac OS. I've programmed in Basic, C, C++, VB.Net, Visual C, DOS, VHDL, Python, and I'm sure a few others. I've used Microsoft Products and other Big Names, but I'm a big fan of Open Source. I hold a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, do free lance programming of Virus/Trojan/Worm stingers. I spend hours doing Reverse Code Engineering and Research projects involving advanced virus and spyware removal, as well as advanced data recovery. I've used Engineering, Math, and Multimedia Software Applications. I've done Computer System Building and Modding. For those of you who 'wear hats', I've changed mine a few times. I've been in and out of scenes, and have had a few handles. "If it's gotta do with computers, I probably know something about it or could point you towards someone who does."