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Foxy Lady & Baby Oliver 24.10.09

Favorite Answers11%
  • breast milk V formula?

    I don't want to start a heated debate about the pros and cons regarding either method of feeding, I'm just curious for peoples opinions.

    I was determined to breast feed my son, but couldn't due to the fact that he was born with a tongue tie which made it impossible for him to latch on, it has been snipped but he still wouldn't breastfeed, so I express my milk and give it to him by bottle, as I was still determined that he was gonna get it one way or another.

    Everyone knows that human milk is best for human babies, but is formula really that 'bad'? I know plenty of people who were given formula as babies, and who are now formula feeding their own babies, and they are all perfectly healthy.

    My son is nearly 20 weeks old now, and I will continue to express for as long as possible, I just wondered what other peoples opinions were x

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Eastenders - have I missed something?

    Is Stacey's baby really Archie's? Only I don't remember her being with him, either forced or consensual - but I have been falling asleep in front of the telly recently, so miss quite a bit!

    12 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • New mummies - do you miss being pregnant?

    Although I had an easy pregnancy, with no problems, I can't say that I enjoyed being pregnant and couldn't wait for my baby to be born. Now that he's actually here, I quite miss being pregnant, and feel a bit jealous if I see ladies with baby bumps! There's no pleasing me lol x

    Does anyone else feel like this?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Expressing breast milk?

    Hi all. My son is 11 weeks old now, and since before he was born I was determined to breast feed. However, he was born with a tongue tie and could not latch on at all, his tongue tie was snipped when he was a week old, but he was used to the bottle by then. Despite persevering with breast feeding and seeing breast feeding councellors, he still wasn't happy with breast feeding at all.

    Ever determined that he was going to get breast milk one way or another, I express my milk to give to him, and from him being born, has had breast milk exclusively, with only the occasional bottle of formula at night.

    My question is, has anyone else done this? And for how long? I plan to exress for as long as I planned to breast feed for [6 months ish]

    thanks girls x

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone else want to give Heidi from CBB some lip balm?

    those dreadful lips of hers look like they've spent a week in the desert!

    15 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Not been on for a while, but my baby is finally here?

    Hiya all, my baby was due on 15.10.09, but he finally made an appearance on 24.10.09 by C section.

    He is a gorgeous, happy and lovely little boy, who we have named Oliver, he weighed 7lbs 15oz when he was born, and now at 4 weeks old weighs 9lbs 15 1/2oz.

    We love him to bits!

    Hope you are all OK x x x x

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone know of a good shampoo to get rid of residue build up?

    Neutrogena used to make a shampoo that you could use every so often that got rid of any residue left by styling products such as mousse or hairspray etc. Pantene also used to do something similar, but I can't seem to get hold of either anymore.

    Anyone one know of a shampoo that does get rid of residue build up [I'm in the UK]

    Thanks girls

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Eastenders - Daniella Westbrook?

    Is it just me, or does she look waaaaay older than her 35 odd years, and she's more wooden than Mrs Wood from Woodville.

    Anyone agree?

    27 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks increase in CM [again]?

    Hi all

    I'm 36w&1d pregnant and have had an increase in CM right from the start of my pregnancy, which I know is normal. However, for the past few days, it's increased even more - it's white and creamy and doesn't smell or anything - is this normal, and if so, why the increase?

    [thank God for my friend Polly Pantyliner, that's all I can say!]

    Cheers M'Dears x

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with me, or am I over reacting?

    Hiya all - break from training my maternity leave cover [she's rung in sick!] so thought I'd ask a few questions on YA whilst I have a chance.

    Yesterday my friend adopted a cat from the Cat's Protection League. He is approximately 6 months old and was a stray. He has been with the CPL for about 1 week and the CPL have named him Oliver.

    Now, for as long as I can remember I knew that if I ever had a little boy I would call him Oliver, I love it, so I asked her if she was going to change the cats name [Oliver is not a good name for a cat anyway, I don't think] but she has refused. She has 3 other cats, all from the CPL, all of which she changed their names once she got them home. She says the cat knows it's name now. Now owning 3 cats myself I know that a 6 month old cat will learn any name you call it and would not have learnt 'Oliver' in the week that he has been at the CPL. She admitted that if she had got him as a tiny kitten she would even of thought of calling him Oliver.

    She has known all along that if I have a boy he would be called Oliver. I feel a bit funny now, if my baby is a boy, I feel like I'm naming him after a cat!

    [This may all be hypothetical, as my baby could just as easily be a girl - we didn't find out the sex at the scan]

    Would you feel a bit miffed like I do, or do you think I'm going a bit over the top?

    thanks girls x

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Colostrum - I'm getting a bit worried now, should I be?

    Just reading a few questions about leaking colostrum on here over the past few days, and I'm wondering if mine is normal or not. My left nipple starting leaking colostrum at about 29 weeks - some days it leaks and some days it doesn't but when it does it's never in huge amounts [although it soaked through my bra on onto my t shirt at work the other day!]. Also, my right nipple does not seem to be leaking at all - OK, when I check it, it sometimes has a tiny bit dried on [sorry if tmi] but it's certainly not doing as much as the left one, and neither of them are leaving me saturated like some people are.

    Is this OK - what's wrong with the right nipple, why isn't it keeping up with the left?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I want the ground to open up and swallow me! How embarrassing?

    I'm 32w4d pregnant, and at work, I've just gone into our workshop, where my friend Dean, said "your tit's leaking" to which I replied, "no it isn't", so he pulled at my t shirt, and sure enough - wet patch on the front of my shirt! OMG how embarrassing, he was wetting his pant laughing at me, and I went bright red!

    Breast pads, here I come!

    Any other embarrassing stories you'd like to share?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Isn't it a bugger when your dog gets more holidays than you?

    My parents are going on holiday this weekend and taking our dog with them. Next week, I'll be sat in a stuffy office, and my lovely dog will be frolicking around on the beach! God love her x

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are you surprised about how far your skin will stretch?

    I mean, I know it has to to accomodate the baby, but wow, I never knew skin could be so elastic! My tum looks like it can't get any bigger but at 32w1d pregnant, I know it will!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who's favourite to leave BB tonight?

    I'm hoping against all hope that that evil cow Bea goes! Can't wait to hear the boos when she leaves.

    In fact, if she doesn't go tonight, I'll eat my hat!

    23 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What's the daftest thing you've done that you can blame on 'pregnancy brain'?

    last night I filled the dish washer, took the box of dishwasher tablets out of the cupboard, and took one tablet out of the box. I then put the whole box of tablets in the dishwasher, and the single tablet back in the cupboard! Duh.

    I've also put bread in the fridge and milk in the bread bin, thrown away an important letter, and kept an empty crisp packet! It's like if I have something in each hand, I forget where they are supposed to go.

    Can we really blame it on pregnancy brain, or are we just daft? lol

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • UK mums to be - do you think we should get more scans?

    Hiya all.

    In a straight forward pregnancy, we only get 2 scans at approximately 12 and 20 weeks. Do you think we should have more? I don't mean to be greedy and have them every couple of weeks or anything, but I think it would be better to have a scan at 10 weeks [dating], 20 weeks [anomaly] and say, 30 weeks [progression] what do you think?

    Hope you are all blooming well! x x

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what do braxton hick feel like?

    I'm 30w6d pregnant and sometimes feel a kind of tightness in my tummy - it's quite low down, around my belly button at both sides. It comes then it goes, then comes back again. It usually happens in the evening. It's not painful at all, but a little uncomfortable. Is this braxton hicks do you think?

    Hope you are all ok x

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many times can Witch Bea say?

    the words 'I'm really upset' and 'negativity/negative' oh, and another one 'duplicitous' in a one hour BB programme? For an alledgedly 'intelligent' [hmmm] person, she uses the same tried and tested phrases time and time again!

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago