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  • how do u let go of sumone u felt as if there u other half?

    i meet sumone throu my bestfriend and thought there were my other half down the line in the relatioship.. now were broken up for God knows wht.. to complicated.. n I'm heart broken n shattered inside.. I wanna move on n im tryin but it only hurts more.. i feel like sumone contasly kickin me in my stomach n im just dying inside.. pls HELP .. ADVICE...i feel so lonely n unwanted

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Risk of being pregant even if u get ur period?

    I got my period its only lil lighter than usual i have been feeling sick while on my period which i usually am not nausea or anything when im on my period.. cramps.... arent this all signs of a normal period cycle?...I had sex on the 11th of december and got my period the 20th. unprotected sex birthcontrol still hasnt been activcted (pills) i kno stupid!!please dont be rude

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did u ever want to or did?

    Date one of the most popular cutest jocks.... or would?.. do u belive they r all players, jerks..

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have you ever fell in love and afraid to tell the person u love them?

    I fell in love with my bf n im afraid to let him kno.. i think he knows .. he says smart comments like i kno luv me.. its obvious thru my actions i do anything for this man.. but i dont think he loves me back .. n i also may b afraid his cheating..the thoughtof it feels like my heart jumped out my chest.. n i just want it to stop beating so fast... wht do u do in this situation..

    34 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Face book is just drama drama drama.. do uown one and wht would u do if?

    I'm afraid facebook is going reuin my relationship..wht to do?

    my bf is like "the JOCK" unfortunately at his school ..his on the basketball team and very well known on his campus and he just got a facebook last night and he asked me to help him and i realy didnt want him to have one even thou i have one i am not as popular as him and the females go crzy for this man like no other and im usually calm about it but one more drama thing goes down i do not think i may b able to handle it and end the relationship even thou my feelings are riduclous strong more than he is aware of.. n he knows i dont like him havin a facebook and his been teasing me about it since last night he had his status as married now its complicated.. he supposbely did this to tease me.... bu im taking i seriously.. i dont like like it.. i have his password but i do not want to invade his space n privacy im not that type .. what ami suppose to do

    42 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    32 minutes ago

    obivously i am not 14 nor am i acting 14. we both r in college.. and i am a very understanding gurl but facebook is known to stir up drama n he seems to attract drama... and anywhere he is he is th center of attention.. and come on now why wouldu put "it's complicated" of u have a gf!!! no excuses!! i drawn the line at some places.. some females aleady start sending him messages on there becuz he tod me and they are all tryin to get at him

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone knows how Pagents work?

    I may particpate in miss maryland i got accpted as a contestant now i must turn i the application n 95 dollars but my pgs this semster was terrible and i do not want to get embrassed.. i had a lot going on when the semster was going on and could not focus well.. my gpa b 4 that was a 3.0 and i just declared my major as undecide from international business.... so do i have a chance should i go ffor it i alwys get this oppurtunites and let them slide... thank for your answers

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago

    Okay so me n my bf have ad sex about only 4 times and i asked him if he was tested he said yea and he was good but i guess he really wasnt good and gave me goherra.... i had some symtomns n the doctor diagoned me with Bacterica vaginal (BV)... Then i get a phone call from my docotrs sayin it ws really gonherra!!!! SO wht happens when?

    When your parnter has gonherra unaware affects you with it and u both are now unaware... and contiune to have vaginal or oral sex.. wht haens?... and also once aware n stops n gets treated... wht is the treatment?

    5 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Can sex reuin a realtionship?

    this may sound weird but my bf has a super size penius and honeslty it hurts since its so big to the point i may not perform well.... n i go dry for sumreason all the time.. n he is use to gr8 sex i guess... i guess I'm askin is this possible to rein the relationship since i cant keep up with him im askin

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago

    I shave my pubic hai and now i got red bumps with a lil puss i guess..eww hate even talking about it.. and now its peeling a lil is this normal.. i just wen to the doctor and she diagonsed me with Bacterial Vaginal could that also have any effect on it... ? PLEASE HELP IM ONE PARANOID PERSON...

    5 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Tryin to stay wet during sex?

    I have arecemnt problem that occured tryin to stay wet.... dont kno y i go dry so quick .. embrassing feelin bad.. may u tell me why this is happening

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Answer My qustion pls... Sex Sex Sex?

    Me n my partner jus started having sex and it starts out well but I become dry really quick in it like 10min in it i become dry and its emrabrassing.. never happen to me before.. it has been awhile since i have i had sex...... and also his penis is above average size... n it usually hurts beginning.. and i kno if my body stay lubricated it can be so great and i feel bad..well not bad but embrassed... I dont wanna use oil's and all I feel stupid bcuz i feel like im not putting my part into it.. and i just get turned off... HELP PLLEASEE if you understand wh im saying and why is this happeing...

    Is thee an explantion why this is happening ..... I also feel selfconsious cuz i kno he is use to gr8 exitcing sex and i, afraid if i don meet up to his requirements he may leave me.. sex is not all but it is a part of a relaiosnhip that can ruin it.. n he may go sumwehre else :(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Stayin wet during sex...Help pls?

    Me n my partner jus started having sex and it starts out well but I become dry really quick in it like 10min in it i become dry and its emrabrassing.. never happen to me before.. it has been awhile since i have i had sex...... and also his penis is above average size... n it usually hurts beginning.. and i kno if my body stay lubricated it can be so great and i feel bad..well not bad but embrassed... I dont wanna use oil's and all I feel stupid bcuz i feel like im not putting my part into it.. and i just get turned off... HELP PLLEASEE if you understand wh im saying and why is this happeing...

    Is thee an explantion why this is happening ..... I also feel selfconsious cuz i kno he is use to gr8 exitcing sex and i, afraid if i don meet up to his requirements he may leave me.. sex is not all but it is a part of a relaiosnhip that can ruin it.. n he may go sumwehre else :(

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sex Issue.PLLZZ HELP..... 10pt...?

    Me n my partner jus started having sex and it starts out well but I become dry really quick in it like 10min in it i become dry and its emrabrassing.. never happen to me before.. it has been awhile since i have i had sex...... and also his penis is above average size... n it usually hurts beginning.. and i kno if my body stay lubricated it can be so great and i feel bad..well not bad but embrassed... I dont wanna use oil's and all I feel stupid bcuz i feel like im not putting my part into it.. and i just get turned off... HELP PLLEASEE if you understand wh im saying and why is this happeing...

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Text Message says..... How would u respond?

    Our chemisty is great the ti me we spend with each other is wonderful... we r both well known and well wanted by others but we just wnt each other.. We have been thru some problems n we got thru it.. I kno ur afraid to get close to me but i think u should u risk it.. if you hold back we can never grow and i belive that we can have a great longlasting realtionship.. ur the only gurl i realy ever trusted.. ur gorgeous from head to toe in n out. i dont want u to b afraid anymore n i want u to trust me n take that wall down. I have taken mines down and it feel good n i dont think we should slow this down and just enjoy each other and c where it leds us .. I promise i will not f**k u over.. i honestly am going to make u my gurl soon ............... All of these was texed to me by the guy im dating.. I asked to slow it down becuz its too good to b true n im afraid sumthin may go wrong... or am i pushing him away by askin him to slow i down ??? Adive n yes i do like him a lot

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • wht would u say if u recived a tex that says?

    Our chemisty is great the ti me we spend with each other is wonderful... we r both well known and well wanted by others but we just wnt each other.. We have been thru some problems n we got thru it.. I kno ur afraid to get close to me but i think u should u risk it.. if you hold back we can never grow and i belive that we can have a great longlasting realtionship.. ur the only gurl i realy ever trusted.. ur gorgeous from head to toe in n out. i dont want u to b afraid anymore n i want u to trust me n take that wall down. I have taken mines down and it feel good n i dont think we should slow this down and just enjoy each other and c where it leds us .. I promise i will not f**k u over.. i honestly am going to make u my gurl soon ............... All of these was texed to me by the guy im dating.. I asked to slow it down becuz its too good to b true n im afraid sumthin may go wrong... or am i pushing him away by askin him to slow i down ??? Adive pls

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Men, Women....Wht would think if....?

    You have been dating someone for about 3 months and your feelings for them is more like you been toghtere for a year.. and the stuff you've been throu is more like a year worth of ****..... and when u 2 r togthere its no worries in the world and you never want to leave the person side .. u help them in any way in ur power... the down fall in all this, the male has a female from his past that wont give up.. found u on facebook contacted u on there.. very respectfully just askin for info..u left tht alone did not reply.... i guess wht im askin is... is all this stuff worth it..? i say if he is being totally honest about everything then 100 percent its worth it.. but u would never really kno... his bestfriends are your best friends...and your just really afraid of getting hurt and think @ the end he may choose her.. but to everyone eyes he seems like his all about u .... I'm just all confused :(

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it possible?

    to fall in love with sumbody in less than 2 months.. i ask anyone else and they say infuation or lust.. idk..

    24 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would u reply to a tex that says.??

    Heres the story.. I like this male and he liked me but he had a gurl that he use to talk to and she was a bit crzy.. n yestarday he texed me n says I wanna b wit her n we r tryin to work things out. Im pissed off course wish them best n leave them alone but today he texs sayin he hopes that im not mad at him and understand that he had to do wht he had to do n that he kep it 100% wit me the whole time n hopes we can talk bout it.. wht would u do... this situation really brused my heart I really like this guy

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago