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Lv 55,620 points

Larry A

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We all have a good story to tell about life and history you tell me yours I'll tell you mine as we travel through the great mystery...

  • Why do we glorify the mentally deficient?

    Over the past decade the media has kept the names of the whacko's on the front page.Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, et al. These people don't have a clue as to what's going on, are lead by their emotional fears, rumors and superstitions yet the media loves them. As a result people have followed them as they have led this country into bankruptcy, divided itself against each other and backed real wars for no purpose.

    Is it because this country has become so powerful os fast that nobody is prepared to handle al that power? Is it too much mercury in the water supply? While 9/11 definitely made this country crazy, the idiocy was going on long before. George W Bush, Ronald Reagan (invented bottomless debt spending - a Republican no less!) and Lyndon Johnson with his Vietnam war adn how about Nixon with his paranoia?

    Why do we put these people in positions of power when we need folks who can think, and act responsibly?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are you ready to do your part to get America back on track?

    We are living through a great time in history and more important, we have a chance to be a part of making our own history. Whether we are President of the United States or volunteering time in our communities or even communicating our best ideas and hopes here or in other places on the internet, we all have a chance to make the USA a country of, for and by the people once again. Are you ready for that?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Has Wall St become one big scam after another?

    It was on Yahoo news since disappeared but will be on the evening news, that yet another Wall St brokerage firm, this one specializing in hedge funds has been one giant ponzi scheme and is now going broke. Of course, the guy was not arrested or his business shut down because you can do these things it appears on Wall st and it's OK. Buyer beware etc. Add this to the multitude of schemes that precipitated the mess we're in economically with the investment houses bundling debt into financial products they unloaded around the world and it appears that there are one set of rules for you and me and another for Washington D.C. and yet another for Wall St.

    On top of this the Wall St banks have received the lion's share of the bailout money (Berneke is an ex-Wall Streeter) with no strings atattachedhile our auto makers have had to jump through hoops and beg. Latest reports indicate that the Wall st bankers have given etthemselvesuge bonuses with this bailout money.

    Has this allowance of creating their own rules and making Wall St "untouchable" been the reason that the greedy went wild, ovoversoldlenty of nothing and sent thousands into financial dedevastation

    (P.S. Yahoo deleted my last qquestionlike this. Apparently questioning Wall St is a censorable topic.)

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Legislation to end BCS! Will it pass?? ?

    The collages weren't going to change the system that everyone wanted changed so it looks like our government is going to do the job. I say yippee-ti-yo!

    Lawmaker proposing bill to end BCS system

    By HOWARD FENDRICH, AP Sports Writer

    4 hours, 29 minutes ago

    Buzz up! PrintWASHINGTON (AP)—Taking aim at a BCS system he said “consistently misfires,” a member of Congress planned to introduce legislation Wednesday that would force college football to adopt a playoff to determine the national champion.

    Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, didn’t specify what sort of playoff he wants—only that the BCS should go.

    “In some years the sport’s national championship winner was left unsettled, and at least one school was left out of the many millions of dollars in revenue that accompany the title,” Barton said in a statement released ahead of the bill’s introduction. “Despite repeated efforts to improve the system, the controversy rages on.”

    He said the bill—being co-sponsored by Reps. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat, and Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican—“will prohibit the marketing, promotion, and advertising of a postseason game as a ‘national championship’ football game, unless it is the result of a playoff system. Violations of the prohibition will be treated as violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act as an unfair or deceptive act or practice.”

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will Obama "Change" the way we deal with Isreal/Palistine?

    All our negotiating with Israel and Palestine has favored Israel and left Palestine suffering. THis has been a big reason why we were attacked on 9/11 and a huge recruiting tool for the radical militant Muslim groups.

    There are more and more Israeli's who want peace, who even want the USA to negotiate with Hamas which is the legally elected government of Palestine. But we have chosen to snub them because they stand up for themselves against tremendous odds. We ignore Israeli's building armed settlements in Palestinian land and the deadly attacks these "settlers" make on unarmed Palestinians going to work or kids going to school below. (These settlements are always built on top of hills for military advantage and are heavily fortified.)

    If Obama truly wants "CHANGE" then he must CHANGE the way we negotiate with Israel and Palestine. We must treat both equally - fairly but firmly. We must enforce UN treaties, remove Israeli settlements and create a 2 nation state based on 1967 borders. (Israel has been steadily encroaching on Palestinian land since and will attempt to continue to do so until it has all of it - but that will only insure continual war for Israel and for us.)

    If we treat both sides equally, respect fairly elected Palestinian leaders as we do Israeli leaders we can achieve peace in the area and honor around the world for ourselves. That would be REAL CHANGE.

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is the government funding the investment banks that made the mess, but not the auto makers?

    Seems like there may be some "Good ol buddy boy" going on here. All the investment banks that created this packaging of bad mortgage debt and sold it throughout the world are getting the lion's share of the bail out with not many restrictions or oversight. But the USA auto makers are getting the cold shoulder until they come up with a plan that's suitable. Has anyone asked Citi Group to show them a plan? I think not. Didn't they just finish up an international meeting on this problem? We bail the internationals and leave our own manufactures to spin in the wind.

    There's tons of credit out there. People just can't afford to pay it - THAT'S the problem NOT the investment banks. If people had money they could pay their debts and the banks would get their cash - but instead of funding jobs this administration is shoveling cash into the good ol boy's pockets and telling us, every time, "If they go down it will be a catastrophe." Sound familiar? "If we leave Iraq, it will be a catastrophe." Oh no, it's an Orange day! Panic! They're pretty good at stampeding the heard when they want to. Get everybody panicked and not thinking and they can do what they want "or else it will be a catastrophe."

    They're sucking our treasury dry folks and guess who'se going to pay for it? We are - and our kids and their kids and their kids on down a few more generations until they get jobs and wages down to where people will do anything for work. It's just more "government legalizing stealing" We funded Cheney's corporation and others in Iraq and now we're giving the investment banks our cash. Talk about a redistribution of wealth. This has become so common we think this is the way it's supposed to be. The new game in town I guess is "How many billions can we get from the government?"

    Oh yeah, they're going to give "the people" a little unemployment. Gee, thanks dad. Can I shine your shoes Mr Banker or rake your leaves Senator?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Is it time for the USA to let Cat Stephens play here again?

    Is it time for the USA to let Cat Stephens play here again?

    The Bush administration, freaked out as usual, wouldmn't allow Cat Stephans perform int th eUSA because he chose to be a Moslim. But he's been performing aorund the world, singing his songs of peace and love.

    I hope President Obama will take a more enlightened view than the freaked out, paranoid insanity we and the world has had to live with the past 8 years and allow the American people to hear this marvelous, magick artist at a time when the world really needs to hear his voice.

    Check it out here:

    4 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Doesn't it feel good to have intelligence in government again?

    After 8 years of celibrating the lack of intelligence, I think it feels great to have someone who works with his brain and leaves his personal idiologies on the doorstep to be picked up when he goes home

    I don't know if Obama can solve all our problems overnight, but now we can expect he will think things through and have a staff of people who will discuss the pros and the cons of any given situation rather than the faux cowboy mentality that might work well herding cattle, but not running a government of a diverse country. THey say that Obama thrives on hearing thought out opposing views where Bush allowed only one view - his and sometimes CHeney's. The whole wolrd is hopeful and excited!

    This is going to be great to be an American again.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you willing to work for America?

    We have made history. We have a new President elct who has promised to bring aobut Change. Who has promised to strengthen the Middle Class. Who is ocncerned with the major problems this nation faces. And most importantly, has aske for the help of ALL Americans to lend their ideas and their hands to make America great again.

    John McCain, after runnintg what many thought was an acrimonious campaign has, in the best American tradition, in what I thought was his return to his true self, sincerely thrown his support behind President Obama.

    Will you join them and work to make America a better place for ALL Americans again?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • If Obama wins, are ou prepared to support him and put "Country First" over political party?

    I beleive even McCain will support Obama as will most moderate conservatives at least for the first year to see what he can and will do.. But I'm not sure about the right wing. They seem to stay on the fringe

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has the McCain campaign turned into a cartoon?

    Sarah Palin as Betty Boop, Joe the Plumber as his own joke, and John McCain as Elmer Fudd ranting about that waskily wabbit Obama or Nikita Kruschev when he pounds the podium.

    Tha,tha,tha,tha,tha, that's all folks!

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How weird can the McCainites get?

    It's getting pretty rediculous. First it was Obama is a Muslim. Then he was a socialist, then a communist, Marxist and a terrorist. And now they're trying to say he's a Nazi! Ha! This is getting beyond bizarre. But it goes further because I can't tell if these people are trying to convince others , or themselves or if they really beleive Obama could be a Maxist, terrorist Nazi. HA! I mean, can these poeple tie their own shoes? I hope they aren't allowed sharp objects.

    I mean these are some really twisted minds.

    But no depth is too deep for a twisted christian maniac.

    What do you think they might dredge up next?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you see Obama's 30 minute infomercial?

    WOW! This is a guy who knows the REAL AMERICA. This is REAL LEADER. Not a fear monger or a guy who sells his integrity to sling mud. Obama enobles us all. He's going to restore this nation's honor and bring back many of the lost jobs and we WIL HAVE affordable health care.

    I understand some of you are afraid of him because he's half African. He's not the type of person you grew up with so he seems strange to you. but I believe that his so-called "star power" doens't come from flash and glitz, but because what he believes, his actions come from his heart. Because he's never sold out. Because he's not changed policies to attract a segment of voters. He's the real McCoy, solid through and through.

    If you cna't get past your fears, then try to keep an open mind when he's President for the 1st 6 months. then judge him. I think you will be pleasantly amazed and best of all - you're going ot loose those feawrs and life will get better for you and all of us and the world too.

    Just you wait and see.

    OBAMA-BIDEN 2008 for the change we've all been waiting for!

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are more and more republicans supporting Obama?

    Read this story about Republicans becoming disgusted with McCain adn Bush and finally breaking out of the mold like real honest-to-gosh mavericks that McCain was before he sold out to the right wing.

    Unlike McCain, it seems some Republicans still have integrity.

    It's not too long:

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of socialism?

    I've been hearing some pretty far out statements here lately about the subject. Now even Libertarians are being called Socialists which is about as wrong as can be. Please, no name calling. I just want your definition of the term and maybe where you got it from.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can McCain Distance himself from Bush when he supported Bush 90% of the time?

    McCain is saying things like the last 8years in Washington have been terrible. But he's been on Bush's side 90% of the time. So isn't he saying in effect, "I was a big problem in Washington so I'm distancing myself form myself."?

    How can he do that without sounding a little schitzophrenic?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • McCain: Opportunist or man of integrity?

    We've all heard how McCain suffered in the Vietnam war, but how many know the McCain who came home from the war, ran around on his wife who had suffered terribly herself in an auto accident, found a rich younger woman, got engaged and then divorced his wife? Ross Perot had to support McCain's wife. Ronald Reagan withdrew his support of McCain for these actions. But read the story yourself and let us know if you still think McCain is a man of integrity or an opportunist.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What animals would Obama and McCain be?

    I see Obama as either a Cheetah or a Greyhound. Sleek, focused, fast. McCain with his big jowls and short jumpy movements would be a squirrel, always chattering away.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Racism, Fear and Hatred McCain's only allies?

    And if they are, what does that say about John McCain?

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago