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Amanda D

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  • 2 year old Aspergers symptoms?

    Hi there,

    My son is 2 years old and I think has quite a few symptoms of Aspergers. When he sits on the couch he has to rock back and forth and makes a humming sound. He's been doing this since he could sit up. He has very obsessive habits. He says things over and over and will ask me to "say it" If I don't repeat what he said he gets upset. Example, if he sees my car outside he'll say "that's mommy's car mommy? That's Mommy's car. Say it! Say it mommy"

    He has tantrums A LOT. If he can't put the milk back in the fridge, or close the car door he screeches and takes a fit. He talks VERY loud all the time. Last week we were in the doctor's office and he basically screams when he talks.

    He's not really interested in other kids (besides his brother) he kind of does his own thing. If someone in the supermarket looks at him or touches him he hits them.

    I've brought it up with his doctor, she didn't seem too concerned about it but said she would see him again in 6 months. His speech is fine, he talks alot! I'd like some advice maybe from parents or anyone who has experience with aspergers.


    Mental Health9 years ago
  • 18 month old autism symptoms? ?

    My son is 18 months old and whenever he is in a sitting position he rocks back and forth and makes a humming sound. He's been doing this pretty much since he could sit up. He's very aware of his surroundings, he responds to his name, makes eye contact, points, waves bye bye. He does use a few words, maybe 5 or 6. The thing that worries me a little is he does have some strange habits besides the rocking, If he's sitting on the couch rocking, you have to be a certain distance from him. He doesn't like anything or anyone to touch him. If his socks aren't both on the same way he gets upset until I fix them. If his blanket isn't perfectly placed over him he gets upset. Just some strange obsessive things he does. He's started breaking out in random screaming tantrums. (but that could be normal I guess) he repeats himself (again, could be normal since he's learning to talk) he plays with his hair.

    Does it sound like he may have autism? Or be on the autism spectrum. Not to be rude but Please don't google information for me. Ive already done that and I'd like to hear from people who have experience with autistic children.

    He has a doctor appointment this month so I will bring my concern up with his doctor. Just wanted some advice in the mean time.

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • 18 month old signs of autism? ?

    My son is 18 months old and whenever he is in a sitting position he rocks back and forth and makes a humming sound. He's been doing this pretty much since he could sit up. He's very aware of his surroundings, he responds to his name, makes eye contact, points, waves bye bye. He does use a few words, maybe 5 or 6. The thing that worries me a little is he does have some strange habits besides the rocking, If he's sitting on the couch rocking, you have to be a certain distance from him. He doesn't like anything or anyone to touch him. If his socks aren't both on the same way he gets upset until I fix them. If his blanket isn't perfectly placed over him he gets upset. Just some strange obsessive things he does. He's started breaking out in random screaming tantrums. (but that could be normal I guess) he repeats himself (again, could be normal since he's learning to talk) he plays with his hair.

    Does it sound like he may have autism? Or be on the autism spectrum. Not to be rude but Please don't google information for me. Ive already done that and I'd like to hear from people who have experience with autistic children.

    He has a doctor appointment this month so I will bring my concern up with his doctor. Just wanted some advice in the mean time.

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Raising kids in a small town vs large city? ?

    I was born and raised in a pretty large city (population about 4 million now) I still happily live here. My husband has been in the army reserve for quite some time now and wants to join the army full time. He also has a full time job but says he doesn't want to be doing it for much longer. He loves being in the army and wants to make it a full time career. I think it's the only thing that he'll be happy doing. The only problem is, for him to join full time we would have to move to a small town. Population about 14,000 (that's small considering the city I'm coming from) 

    I'm so so happy and excited and proud that he found something he loves and wants to do for the rest of his life. My Dilemma is, we have two boys, ages 3 and 1 1/2. I'm not so sure if I want them to grow up in a small town. I loved growing up in the city, there was always something to do, lots of people. I don't want them to miss out on things. All of our family is here. Im afraid im gonna be bored. Afraid theres going to be nothing there for me. The town is almost 4 hours away from where we live now. The closest city is 2 hours away. Obviously my husband and I are going to talk more about it and go visit before any decisions are made. I just wanted some advice from people who have moved to small towns from large urban areas. How did you like it? If you have kids, do you find raising them in a small town better than the city?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Advice about moving to a small town from large city? ?

    I was born and raised in a pretty large city (population about 4 million now) I still happily live here. My husband has been in the army reserve for quite some time now and wants to join the army full time. He also has a full time job but says he doesn't want to be doing it for much longer. He loves being in the army and wants to make it a full time career. I think it's the only thing that he'll be happy doing. The only problem is, for him to join full time we would have to move to a small town. Population about 14,000 (that's small considering the city I'm coming from) 

    I'm so so happy and excited and proud that he found something he loves and wants to do for the rest of his life. My Dilemma is, we have two boys, ages 3 and 1 1/2. I'm not so sure if I want them to grow up in a small town. I loved growing up in the city, there was always something to do, lots of people. I don't want them to miss out on things. All of our family is here. Im afraid im gonna be bored. Afraid theres going to be nothing there for me. The town is almost 4 hours away from where we live now. The closest city is 2 hours away. Obviously my husband and I are going to talk more about it and go visit before any decisions are made. I just wanted some advice from people who have moved to small towns from large urban areas. How did you like it? If you have kids, do you find raising them in a small town better than the city?

    1 AnswerOther - United States9 years ago
  • Moms who work outside of the home full time?

    I have two boys, age 3 years and 10 months. On Monday I will be starting a new job after having a year and a half off. (I live in Canada we have amazing parental leave!) When my first was born I had a year and a half off but only returned to work 3 days a week. I don't have the option to do that with this job. I'm soooo nervous about working Monday-friday all day and not seeing my kids as much. I'm really nervous about losing that bond I have with them. Especially with my 10 month old. I feel like I'm cheating him because I got to spend so much time at home with my 3 year old. My husband has a really amazing schedule where he works two days, then off for two, works three days then off for three, so they'll be at home with him for the days he's off and the days we're both working they'll be with my mother in law. So I know they're going to be well taken care of. I guess in a way I'm kind of jealous that they're going to get that time with the kids when I've had them all to myself. I know I'm lucky to have had all that time off to spend with them but I still hate that I have to leave them.

    Anyways my question is, moms who work full time, do you feel like you're really missing out on a lot of things? How did you get over not spending as much time with your kids? Did you find you became closer with them?

    Thanks for any advice.

    6 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Adding HTML article in wordpress?

    Hello, I'm trying to add a news article to my website. They give me an html code to add because they want their adds to appear on the article. My question is, where in wordpress would i put it? Do I have to add a widget somewhere? If so, where? I see the text widget that says Arbitrary text or HTML just dont know where to add it?

    Im still kind of new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated!


    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me? Adding HTML to a website?

    Hello, I have a website Im trying to figure out. kinda a newbie figuring things out as i go along.

    I have an article I want to put on my website but I cant just copy and paste. They give me an html code for it. Im trying to figure out if i can just go into my php directory and put it there ? Do I go in wordpress? Or do I have to save it then upload it?

    Any help would be great, thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Had a baby three months ago...period still messed up or pregnant?

    Ok so I gave birth to my second baby three months ago. I had my first regular period last month. Started October 8th. Today is day 37 and still no period? I haven't breastfed so thats obviously not the issue. Me and my husband have been using condoms while waiting for my period so I can start the pill although one of the condoms broke. I took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative. I have been feeling sick but Im not sure if its all in my head. So my question is, is it normal for my period to still be out of whack or is there a good chance I'm pregnant again? Should I re-test or just wait it out a little longer. I dont really remember how my period was after i had my first, thats why Im asking.

    Thanks for any advice!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Possible that Im pregnant 8 weeks PP?

    I gave birth to my second child 8 weeks ago. I stopped bleeding about 4 weeks after delivery for around 2 days, then started again on september 20th. I'm pretty sure that was my period. Anyways since I've finished bleeding my husband and I have had sex a few times with condoms. The past few days I've been feeling a little nausea and some brown spotting. I had the spotting when I got pregnant with our first thats why I'm worried. Could it be my period starting again because my body is still messed up or do you think its implantation bleeding? I know its probably way too soon to test. Im really worried as we wanted to wait at least two years before having another baby. No rude comments please...

    Oh and Im not breast feeding.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is it ok to switch between Good start Omega 3 & 6 and Similac Omega 3 & 6?

    My son is 2 months old. He's been on Good start omega 3 & 6 since birth. I have a couple sample cans of similac omega 3 & 6 just sitting there and was wondering if it would be ok to use up those and then continue with the good start. He's doing fine on good start just curious if it would upset his tummy or not. Anyone ever do this and did your baby tolerate it well?

    Thanks a lot! :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried? Toddler tried to pick up one month old?

    Ok so my toddler came into my room last night without me or my husband hearing him The baby was sleeping in his bassinet. When I woke up my two year old was standing over the bassinet trying to get in. He wanted to turn on the light switch which is just up over the baby. When I looked in the bassinet the baby was moved down and squished up against the side. His head was in a weird position. I'm really worried that maybe he tried to pick up the baby and maybe his head flopped around. Could that cause shaken baby syndrome? The baby seems fine. He's eating, he's alert but now Im going to be paranoid worrying about every little thing that he does!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Powder formula for newborn?

    My son is just a little over two weeks old. We've been using nestle good start ready to feed formula. Well it's actually the concentrate one...equal amount formula + water. At the hospital they told me not to use the powder formula until at least 6 weeks old because it is not sterile and it can be dangerous. Anyone ever heard of this? I know I should listen to what the doctors say but I find that a little strange? I would like to try him on the powder, we used it for our first son and he did great on it but only started it around two months old. So just wondering, anyone use powder formula for a newborn?


    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me if this is a cockroach??? Please!?

    Ok so I've found quite a few of these lately around my house (about 5 or 6 in 3 weeks)

    I have no idea if its a roach or not. To me it looks like it is.

    They are all brownish with black at the tip (bum) of their body. They dont really scurry that fast...

    Today I tried to pick one up with a piece of paper and it started flying around the house. Right now its staying near my ceiling lights and flies around them. This is the first one i see fly the others all just crawled. I live in Canada if that helps any...

    Here are the photos (Sorry they're not that clear)

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Going to a concert 34 weeks pregnant?

    My friends want me to go to a lady gaga concert with them in June. (dont judge I will be 34 weeks pregnant at that time. Is it safe for the baby? Im more worried about the noise because we have seats, so no worries about standing or people bumping into me. Is it too loud for the baby? I'm pretty sure it'll be ok just wanted to hear other mommies opinions. Im for sure gonna ask my doctor about it at my next visit.

    Thanks for any advice!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 20 weeks pregnant...bad cold or pneumonia?

    I'm 20 weeks pregnant and about a week and a half ago I had what I thought was a little cold. I thought it went away but then yesterday I woke up with a very bad cough and it feels like my chest is congested. Here are some of the symptoms i have..

    Stuffy nose (but that could be just from being pregnant)

    When I take a deep breath I cough and if I don't cough I feel my throat hurting.

    My throat is itchy

    My chest feels heavy and my throat feels like its closing up.

    I have a bit of phlegm when I cough.

    Feels hard to breath

    I would really appreciate any advice. I will most likely go to the clinic today just right now its 4am so not open yet and would like some input.

    I'm more worried because Im pregnant.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 20 weeks pregnant...bad cold or pneumonia?

    I'm 20 weeks pregnant and about a week and a half ago I had what I thought was a little cold. I thought it went away but then yesterday I woke up with a very bad cough and it feels like my chest is congested. Here are some of the symptoms i have..

    Stuffy nose (but that could be just from being pregnant)

    When I take a deep breath I cough and if I dont cough I feel my throat hurting.

    My throat is itchy

    My chest feels heavy and my throat feels like its closing up.

    I have a bit of phlem when I cough.

    Feels hard to breath

    I would really appreciate any advice. I will most likely go to the clinic today just right now its 4am so not open yet and would like some input.

    I'm more worried because Im pregnant.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • 21 month old son not really talking yet?

    My 21 month old son babbles all day long but he doesn't say too many "real" words. He can say about 6 words that we can understand. Is this normal? I know not every baby is the same but in general is it normal? I'm a stay at home mom so I'm with him all day. I try and read to him as much as I can and I explain things to him. He makes himself understood a lot of times by showing us what he wants and when I ask him to say it he gets frustrated! It makes me sad sometimes because I feel like I'm not teaching him good enough. If I ask him to go get something for me he understands and when I ask him where each body part is he points to it so I know he understands.

    I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for me? Is your child the same way?


    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Help!!!! Need baby boy names!! What do you think of these?

    So we're expecting our second baby in August. We have 21 month old son named Landon and cant decide on another boy name!! (We have a bunch of girl names!)

    The only names that we have agreed that we both like are Noah and Cameron but we're not sure that one of those is the right one. Any ideas for us? What do you think of those two names?

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Any ideas would boy names!?

    I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby..not sure if its a boy or girl yet. We have a 20 month old son named Landon. We have a bunch of girls names picked out but cannot agree on another boys name!

    Any ideas of names that aren't too common? I kinda like Colton..not sure yet!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! =))

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago