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I'm 21 and I have a one year old daughter with a magnetic personality!

  • How to find out what cemetery a friend has been laid to rest at?

    I recently found out an old friend of mine died in 2004, we had lost contact for a while... I am still not sure how he died, he was 19 that year. How can I find out what cemetery he is buried in? He lived in a city 1/2 an hour away from mine. Is there any way to find out how he died? Thanks for any helpful information you can give, I hope I can figure this all out soon.

    3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Help, think crazy husband has gone AWOL?

    I had to leave him this month because he's a crazy drunk and we have a one year old daughter. I am in Iowa with family and he was in Washington where we were stationed. He is supposed to deploy in april and I think he has gone AWOL and is headed here to Iowa right now. I am very afraid, what do I do if he shows up and I know he's AWOL? I don't want to let him in my parents' house, and he sure as hell can't take my daughter anwhere. Can I call the police? His NCO? What the hell do I do?!

    19 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I think my future X husband may have gone awol?

    I left him not too long ago because he's an alcoholic. We have a one year old daughter. He is set to deploy in a month and a half. The last time I talked to him, he said his friend in his unit had gone awol. Looking at his cell phone history online, I noticed that his phone was roaming ever since yesterday morning, and he has been recieving a lot of calls from some shady family that may try to help him hide out. I also think he has been communicating with his awol friend. What consequences does he face if this is what he has done, or if he does do it? I wouldn't put it past him, so any info you can give me will help. Should I contact his NCO tomorrow if his cell phone is still roaming, since that would mean he wasn't at work?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • A question about divoce/legal separation/custody issues?

    I have a meeting with an attorney on March 7th. I left my husband, who is in the army, Feb 10th because he has a drinking problem. I'm going to tell you about the kinds of things he has done since he joined the army in July '06(we were married June '06) and I was wondering if you could tell me which pieces of information can help my case in getting sole custody and just plain prove how bad his problems are. Okay, first, in AIT (his second part of training) every time he got a pass to go out on the weekend, he would spend up to $500 and have nothing to show for it. He couldn't seem to tell me exactly what he spent it on besides alcohol and a hotel room. Once we moved to our first duty station, the drinking started pretty bad. He is not even 21 yet, and we have a one year old daughter. He had a habit a few times of putting things like loose change and cigarettes under the couch when he was drunk. One morning I had to dig a penny out of our daughter's mouth and discovered she....

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • When can I change my name back?

    my husband and i are not divorced or legally separated yet, but hopefully will be as soon as possible(we are not living together anymore)! I have an appt. with an attorney on March 7th. Anyway, I want MY last name back, and I was just wondering when I can do that, what office in the courthouse takes care of that stuff, how much it will cost, and how long it will take before my name can be changed? Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need to get legally separated or divorced...?

    My husband is chemically dependent and I had to leave him. We have only been married since June '06. He is in the army & we have a one year old daughter. He is set to deploy April 15th, right now he is in Washington and my daughter and I are in Iowa. He will only be in Iowa for a week of leave in March, if any paperwork needs to be taken care of. I want sole custody of our daughter, he has made very poor choices and does not know how to care for her basic needs, even. How hard will it be to get a separation or divorce finalized if he will not agree to me having sole custody (I will never budge on that, he has only been in her life since she was 4 months old because he was too busy doing drugs and partying during my pregnancy and first months of her life)? I want to go speak with an attourney as early as next week about all this, but any info you can give me will be helpful.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • About legal separation?

    How does it work as far as child support and spousal support goes? How long does it take after the papers are filed for the legal separation to take effect? We will be getting a divorce in the future, but since he is going to Iraq in april, I need to get this separation asap, so I can get my own life going again with my daughter. Any extra info you can give me about legal separation would be helpful, I live in the state of Iowa... also wondering how much it might cost?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bad relationships and sex?

    Have any of you been in a marriage with someone who already made you feel bad about yourself, but then when it came to sex, it felt like that's all it was : sex? You never felt like they were making love to you, that it had nothing to do with their love for you?

    I'm just curious, I just left my emotionally abusive husband, and I only slept with him once in the past three months because of how he treated me. But it always seemed that sex was nothing special for me, it was just about him getting what he wanted from me? Any personal experience with this?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can I bring powdered baby formula on a plane?

    I wasn't sure if I should make the bottles ahead of time and keep them cold or not? I was just going to put the formula in one of those plastic dispensers and bring the empty bottles so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping them cold, but can I do that? What's the best way to go? None of the security guidelines say anything about bringing just the powdered formula on board?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Tips for flying with my 1 year old?

    I'm flying from seattle to omaha, ne. we only have one connection in salt lake city, and the layover is only 35 minutes so we got lucky there! But both planes are about a 2 hr trip. I know it probably won't be all that bad since it's not a super long trip, but do you have any advice or suggestions on foods or toys or anything to bring for her to keep her entertained? My mother will be with us, so I'm sure having her there will help a lot. Also, should I even bother with the umbrella stroller? Or should I just take my soft carrier and put her in there when we are in the airport? It would make it a lot easier to carry my bags, also! Thanks for any advice! :)

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • about restraining orders?

    I'm from iowa... I am fearful of my husband I am leaving, he has anger and drinking issues. The only time he has physically harmed me was in November 06, he was drunk and we were in bed and he wouldn't leave me alone and was getting really mean, i rolled over and turned my back to him and then he started saying really mean things to me, so i reached back and smacked him on the shoulder with the back of my hand. Then he pushed and kicked me off of the bed onto the floor, I was so scared I thought he was going to beat the crap out of me. He has been emotionally abusive for a long time and drinks a lot. I'm leaving him this weekend. Do you think I might be able to get one to protect my 1 year old daughter and I?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I'm leaving my husband on the 10th.. BUT?

    Okay, so he's emotionally abusive and I'm afraid for my one year old daughter and I, etc. etc. etc. If you want more info look at the other question's I've asked because I'm sick of typing out all the details.

    Anyway, so he's in the army, right now he's doing field training for two weeks and will not get back to the apartment until the 15th. My mother is flying out wednesday the 7th to help me and my daughter get our things shipped back home and take care of last minute things and then we're all flying back to Iowa together. He doesn't know I'm leaving. He has sent me two text messages wanting to know how my daughter and I are doing, telling me he loves me, blah blah blah. I really don't want to respond, and I definately don't want to tell him what I'm doing. Should I respond with a simple "we're fine"? I don't want to piss him off because I'm afraid of him. I'm leaving him the car, furniture, and EVERYTHING that does not exclusively belong to my daughter and I. read on...

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have you been married to someone that was emotionally/verbally abusive?

    What kinds of things did they do and say to you? How did they make you feel? What did you finally do about it?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • To anyone who has been a CNA or is one..?

    Whether you worked at a hospital or a nursing home, did/do you enjoy being a CNA? I don't plan on staying a CNA for too long before I go back to school to be an LPN, but I will be taking the CNA classes in the fall and was just wondering what your experience was like. I have a one year old daughter, so you could imagine the things I've done to take care of her! I would prefer to work at a hospital, only because in the town I'm from the hospital has awesome health benefits, while the three nursing homes aren't super-great places to work and I have a daughter to take care of!

    So anyway, what kinds of things did you do on a day-to-day basis? What were your responsibilities? How much money did you make at first(minimum wage in your state?). Thanks to any answers you can give me! :)

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Can my husband keep me from using our bank account?

    If I file for a separation, can he do something so I won't have access to the bank account we share? (I'm only worried because we have a one year old daughter!). Same question for if I filed for divorce? Any info you can give me or advice would be helpful. I'm leaving him next weekend.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Which one first: separation or divorce?

    I want to know what will be the best option for my one year old daughter and I. I'm living in Washington right now because he is in the Army, but I've decided to get out while I can and move back home to my family in Iowa. I plan to contact a lawyer soon after I get home to discuss these things, but I'm just looking for some advice to calm my mind in the meantime. As far as finances and stuff like that, which is better? Will he be required to pay child support right away if we get a legal separation? How long does it take to get child support when you file for divorce? I'm only asking questions about money because I don't have any of my own (thanks to him) and I know he will do anything he can to keep me down. Help?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What to do?

    My husband and I have been having serious problems and I'm afraid. He's in the army, this morning just left for 2 weeks of field training and he will not be home at all for two weeks. He said he is going to get out of the army before he is set to deploy April 15th. My mother knows what has been happening. This morning she called me from her boss's office (who is a therapist and family friend) and they were telling me how worried they are for me and my 1 year old daughter. They said they will help me out in any way they can if I want to come back home to Iowa (I'm in Washington state right now). I feel like these two weeks while my husband is gone is the only chance I'm going to have to get out without worry of him beating me or doing something else stupid like that. I don't want to be married to him anymore. He has drinking and anger issues and won't get help. We have only been married since June '06. Should I go home before he gets back?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What am I supposed to do?!?

    If you read other questions I have asked in Marriage & Divorce, you will understand my situation better. There isn't enough space in the world to explain all the things that are going wrong in my marriage right now. SO if you really want to help you can read my other questions, otherwise here goes: My husband is in the army, had to leave this morning for two weeks of field training (will not be home at all). Last night told me he wanted to get out of the army before he is set to deploy April 15th. Which is something we cannot afford to do financially or any other way, we have a one year old daughter. We have been married less than a year. I suspect he has been using drugs. I found cleansing pills in our bedroom, a swisher sweet plastic case for a blunt, some plastic balled up in a store reciept.. He was using drugs before we got married but claimed to have quit before he joined the army. He has a drinking and anger problem as well, and treats me like crap. Read on...

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How many teeth did your baby have around 1 year??

    My daughter got her first two teeth at 8 months.. She will be a year old Feb 20th and has finally started teething again! I can see that her top two are coming in, but I'm not sure what it should look like to tell if any others are coming as well. How many teeth did your children have by this age, and how many teeth do babies normally get before they are 18 months or 2 years old? Thanks :)

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago